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Multiple sclerosis (MS) and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), are inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by localized areas with demyelination. Disease is believed to be an autoimmune disorder mediated by activated immune cells such as T- and B-lymphocytes and macrophages/microglia. Lymphocytes are primed in the peripheral tissues by antigens, and clonally expanded cells infiltrate the CNS. They produce large amounts of inflammatory cytokines, nitric oxide (NO) that lead to demyelination and axonal degeneration. Although several studies have shown that oligodendrocytes (OLGs), the myelin-forming glial cells in the CNS, are sensitive to cell death stimuli, such as cytotoxic cytokines, anti-myelin antibodies, NO, and oxidative stress, in vitro, the mechanisms underlying injury to the OLGs in MS/EAE remain unclear. The central role of glutamate receptors in mediating excitotoxic neuronal death in stroke, epilepsy, trauma and MS has been well established. Glutamate is the major excitatory amino acid transmitter within the CNS and it's signaling is mediated by a number of postsynaptic ionotropic and metabotropic receptors. Inflammation can be blocked with anti-cell adhesion molecules MAb, simultaneously protected oligodendrocytes and neurons against glutamate-mediated damage with the AMPA/kainate antagonist NBQX, and the NMDA receptor antagonist GPE, could thus be effective therapies for multiple sclerosis.


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Individuals infected with mycobacteria are likely to experience episodes of concurrent infections with unrelated respiratory pathogens, including the seasonal or pandemic circulating influenza A virus strains. We analyzed the impact of influenza A virus and mycobacterial respiratory coinfection on the development of CD8 T cell responses to each pathogen. Coinfected mice exhibited reduced frequency and numbers of CD8 T cells specific to Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in the lungs, and the IFN-γ CD8 T cell response to BCG-encoded OVA was decreased in the lungs of coinfected mice, when compared with mice infected with BCG alone. Moreover, after 2 wk of infection, mice coinfected with both pathogens showed a significant increase in the number of mycobacteria present in the lung compared with mice infected with BCG only. Following adoptive transfer into coinfected mice, transgenic CD8 T cells specific for OVA257–264 failed to proliferate as extensively in the mediastinal lymph nodes as in mice infected only with BCG-OVA. Also noted was a reduction in the proliferation of BCG-specific CD4 transgenic T cells in mice coinfected with influenza compared with mice infected with BCG alone. Furthermore, phenotypic analysis of CD11c+ dendritic cells from mediastinal lymph nodes of the infected mice showed that coinfection was associated with decreased surface expression of MHC class II and class I. Thus, concurrent pulmonary infection with influenza A virus is associated with decreased MHC expression on dendritic cells, reduced activation of BCG-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells, and impaired clearance of mycobacteria.


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In order to assess the immunotherapeutic potential on canine visceral leishmaniasis of the Leishmune (R) vaccine, formulated with an increased adjuvant concentration (1 mg of saponin rather than 0.5 mg), 24 mongrel dogs were infected with Leishmania (L.) chagasi. The enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine was injected on month 6, 7 and 8 after infection, when animals were seropositive and symptomatic. The control group were injected with a saline solution. Leishmune (R)-treated dogs showed significantly higher levels of anti-FML IgG antibodies (ANOVA; p < 0.0001), a higher and stable IgG2 and a decreasing IgG I response, pointing to a TH1 T cell mediated response. The vaccine had the following effects: it led to more positive delayed type hypersensitivity reactions against Leishmania lysate in vaccinated dogs (75%) than in controls (50%), to a decreased average of CD4+ Leishmania-specific lymphocytes in saline controls (32.13%) that fell outside the 95% confidence interval of the vaccinees (41.62%, CI95% 43.93-49.80) and an increased average of the clinical scores from the saline controls (17.83) that falls outside the 95% confidence interval for the Leishmune (R) immumotherapy-treated dogs (15.75, CI95% 13.97-17.53). All dogs that received the vaccine were clustered, and showed lower clinical scores and normal CD4+ counts, whereas 42% of the untreated dogs showed very diminished CD4+ and higher clinical score. The increase in clinical signs of the saline treated group was correlated with an increase in anti-FML antibodies (p < 0.0001), the parasitological evidence (p = 0.038) and a decrease in Leishinania-specific CD4+ lymphocyte proportions (p = 0.035). These results confirm the immunotherapeutic potential of the enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine. The vaccine reduced the clinical symptoms and evidence of parasite, modulating the outcome of the infection and the dog's potential infectiosity to phlebotomines. The enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine was subjected to a safety analysis and found to be well tolerated and safe. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The fucose mannose ligand (Leishmania donovani FML)-saponin vaccine has earlier shown its immunoprophylactic potential against visceral leishmaniasis in the CB hamster (87.7% of parasite load reduction), Balb/c (84.4%) and Swiss albino mouse (85-93%) models. In this investigation its specific immunotherapeutic efficacy against L. donovani infection in Balb/c mice was studied. The effects of vaccine treatment on the Immoral response, delayed type of hypersensitivity to promastigote lysate (DTH), cytokine levels in sera and reduction of the liver parasitic load of L. donovani infected mice, were examined. The types and subtypes of anti-FML antibodies increased significantly in the vaccinees over the saline and saponin controls. As expected for a saponin vaccine, the highest ratios were found in relation to IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b (4.4, 5 and 2.5, respectively). The DTH response and the in vitro ganglion cell proliferative response against FML antigen were also significantly higher than controls (P < 0.005). Concomitantly, an impressive and specific decrease of liver parasitic burden was detected only in vaccine-treated animals (94.7%). Our results indicate that the therapeutic FML-vaccine has a potent effect on modulation of the murine infection leading to the reduction of parasitic load and signs of disease, being a new potential tool in the therapy and control of visceral leishmaniasis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Given that cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide, many efforts have been directed toward discovering new treatments and approaches to cure or control this group of diseases. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for cancer; however, a conventional schedule based on maximum tolerated dose (MTD) shows several side effects and frequently allows the development of drug resistance. On the other side, low dose chemotherapy involves antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory processes that help host to fight against tumor cells, with lower grade of side effects. In this review, we present evidence that metronomic chemotherapy, based on the frequent administration of low or intermediate doses of chemotherapeutics, can be better than or as efficient as MTD. Finally, we present some data indicating that noncytotoxic concentrations of antineoplastic agents are able to both up-regulate the immune system and increase the susceptibility of tumor cells to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Taken together, data from the literature provides us with sufficient evidence that low concentrations of selected chemotherapeutic agents, rather than conventional high doses, should be evaluated in combination with immunotherapy. Copyright © 2012 UICC.


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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) constitutes a microenvironment that could modulate the antitumor immune response. Also, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are believed to play complex regulatory roles in antitumor immunity against SCC. The presence of regulatory T cells (Tregs) has been associated with the suppression of tumor-reactive T cells. However, the underlying mechanism for this T cell dysfunction is not clear. We used a multistage model of SCC to examine the role of Treg cells during tumor development. 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]-anthracene/phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate treatment and systemic depletion of Treg cells using an anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody (PC61) resulted in a decrease in the number and incidence of papilloma. Furthermore, CD25 depletion increased the proportion of CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells that were isolated from tumor lesions. The levels of interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, interferon-gamma, transforming growth factor-beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, but not IL-17, were increased in the tumor microenvironment after Treg depletion. Therefore, our results indicated involvement of CD25(+) T cells in SCC development and in the suppression of the inflammatory immune response.


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Background Tumor markers are genes or their products expressed exclusively or preferentially in tumor cells and cancer-testis antigens (CTAs) form a group of genes with a typical expression pattern expressed in a variety of malignant neoplasms. CTAs are considered potential targets for cancer vaccines. It is possible that the CTA MAGE-A4 (melanoma antigen) and MAGE-C1 are expressed in carcinoma of the oral cavity and are related with survival. Methods This study involved immunohistochemical analysis of 23 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and was carried out using antibodies for MAGE-A4 and MAGE-C1. Fisher's exact test and log-rank test were used to evaluate the results. Results The expression of the MAGE-A4 and MAGE-C1 were 56.5% and 47.8% without statistical difference in studied variables and survival. Conclusion The expression of at least 1 CTA was present in 78.3% of the patients, however, without correlation with clinicopathologic variables and survival. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2012


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CNPq, FAPESP (2009/54599-5 and 2012/10939-0).


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Ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a family of plant proteins that depurinate the major rRNA, inhibiting the protein synthesis. RIPs are divided into type 1, single chain proteins with enzymatic activity, and type 2 RIPs (toxic and non-toxic), with the enzymatic chain linked to a binding chain. RIPs have been used alone or as toxic component of immunotoxins for experimental therapy of many diseases. The knowledge of cell death pathway(s) induced by RIPs could be useful for clarifying the mechanisms induced by RIPs and for designing specific immunotherapy. The topic of the current study was (i) the determination of the amino acid sequence of the type 2 RIP stenodactylin. The comparison with other RIPs showed that the A chain is related to other toxic type 2 RIPs. whereas the B chain is more related to the non-toxic type 2 RIPs. This latter result is surprising because stenodactylin is actually the most toxic type 2 RIP known; (ii) the study of the cell death mechanisms induced by stenodactylin in human neuroblastoma cells (NB100). High doses of stenodactylin can activate the effector caspases (perhaps through the DNA damage and/or intrinsic/extrinsic pathways) and also cause ROS generation. Low doses cause a caspase-dependent apoptosis, mainly via extrinsic pathway. Moreover, the activation of caspases precedes the inhibition of protein synthesis; (iii) the investigation of the cell death pathway induced by the non-toxic type 2 RIPs ebulin l and nigrin b. These RIPs demonstrated high enzymatic activity in a cell-free system, but they lack high cytotoxicity. These preliminary studies demonstrate that the cell death mechanism induced by the two non-toxic RIPs is partially caspase-dependent apoptosis, but other mechanisms seem to be involved


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Der Transplantat-gegen-Leukämie (GVL) Effekt als immuntherapeutisches Mittel bei der allogenen hämatopoetischen Stammzell Transplantation (HSZT) ist hauptsächlich durch Spender Lymphozyten vermittelt, welche hämatopoetische Minor-Histokompatibilitäts Antigene bzw. Leukämie-assoziierte Antigene (z. B.: PRAME, p53) erkennen. Der adoptive Transfer von Leukämie-spezifischen T-Zellen kann den GVL-Effekt, ohne ein Auftreten einer Transplantat-gegen-Wirt Erkrankung (GVHD), steigern. Unter Verwendung von HLA-A2 und human CD8 transgenen Mäusen (CD8yCyA2Kb) konnten in dieser Arbeit PRAME spezifische CD8+ zytotoxischen T-Zellen generiert werden. Diese zytotoxischen CD8+ T-Zellen zeigten in Chromfreisetzungsuntersuchungen lytische Aktivität gegen eine Vielzahl von Zelllinien, die PRAME endogen prozessieren sowie gegen das spezifische PRAME-Peptid. Des Weiteren wurden die hier generierten T-Zellen auf ihre zytotoxische Aktivität gegen akute myeloische Leukämie Blasten hin untersucht, und diese Untersuchungen zeigten AML-Reaktivität der PRAME-spezifischen sowie der als Vergleich genutzten p53- und HLA-A2-spezifischen T-Zellen. Das Potenzial der PRAME-spezifischen ZTL die GVL-Immunität in vivo zu erhöhen ohne das Vorkommen einer GVHD wurde in einem Tumor-Protektions-Model unter der Nutzung von NOD/SCIDgcnull Mäusen untersucht. Die PRA100- bzw. p53-ZTL wurden adoptiv in NOD/SCIDgcnull Rezipienten transferiert und gleichzeitig wurden die Tiere mit PRAME-, oder p53-exprimierende Tumorzelllinien inokuliert. Die Reduktion des Tumorwachstums bestätigte die Spezifität der T-Zellen auch in vivo. In weiteren in vivo Experimenten wurden NOD/SCIDgcnull Mäuse mit AML-Blasten rekonstituiert. Durch die Applikation von nur CD34 positiven Zellen aus einer AML-Probe, oder einer CD56 depletierten Probe, konnten Rekonstitutionen in 95 % aller Versuche erfolgreich beendet werden. Wurde eine Rekonstitution mittels PCR- und FACS-Analysen diagnostiziert, so folgten mehrere Applikationen der PRAME- oder p53-spezifischen ZTL. In diesen Untersuchungen konnten wir in einem therapeutischen AML-in vivo-Modell zeigen, dass die in diesen Untersuchungen generierten/verwandten ZTL in der Lage sind AML-Blasten in vivo zu bekämpfen und so die leukämische Last der Tiere im Blut sowie in der Milz auf unter 1 % zu regulieren. Der prozentuale Anteil humaner AML Zellen im Knochenmark konnte deutlich gesenkt werden (< 10 %). Zusammenfassend sind die von uns generierten PRAME-spezifischen T-Zellen in der Lage, in vitro und auch in vivo, endogen prozessiertes Protein auf Zelllinien und AML-Blasten zu erkennen und zu lysieren. Auch die p53-ZTL, welche als eine weitere Antigen-spezifische ZTL-Population in vivo getestet wurden, zeigten GVL-Effekte. Die Kenntnis von Tumor- bzw. Leukämie assoziierten Antigenen und die daraus erwachsene Möglichkeit der Generierung krankheitsspezifischer ZTL bietet die Grundlage für eine spezifische Immuntherapie maligner Erkrankungen.


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Approximately 25% of acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs) carry internal tandem duplications (ITD) of various lengths within the gene encoding the FMS-like tyrosine kinase receptor 3 (FLT3). Although varying duplication sites exist, most of these length mutations affect the protein´s juxtamembrane domain. FLT3-ITDs support leukemic transformation by constitutive phosphorylation resulting in uncontrolled activation, and their presence is associated with worse prognosis. As known form previous work, they represent leukemia- and patient-specific neoantigens that can be recognized by autologous AML-reactive CD8+ T cells (Graf et al., 2007; Graf et al., unpublished). Herein, in patient FL, diagnosed with FLT3-ITD+ AML and in first complete remission after induction chemotherapy, T cells against her leukemia´s individual FLT3-ITD were detected at a frequency up to 1.7x10-3 among peripheral blood CD8+ T lymphocytes. This rather high frequency suggested, that FLT3-ITD-reactive T cells had been expanded in vivo due to the induction of an anti-leukemia response.rnrnCell material from AML patients is limited, and the patients´ anti-leukemia T-cell repertoire might be skewed, e.g. due to complex previous leukemia-host interactions and chemotherapy. Therefore, allogeneic sources, i.e. buffy coats (BCs) from health donors and umbilical cord blood (UCB) donations, were exploited for the presence and the expansion of FLT3-ITD-reactive T-cell populations. BC- and UCB-derived CD8+ T cells, were distributed at 105 cells per well on microtiter plates and, were stimulated with antigen-presenting cells (APCs) transfected with in vitro-transcribed mRNA (IVT-mRNA) encoding selected FTL3-ITDs. APCs were autologous CD8- blood mononuclear cells, monocytes or FastDCs.rnrnBuffy coat lymphocytes from 19 healthy individuals were analyzed for CD8+ T-cell reactivity against three immunogenic FLT3-ITDs previously identified in patients VE, IN and QQ and designated as VE_, IN_ and QQ_FLT3-ITD, respectively. These healthy donors carried at least one of the HLA I alleles known to present an ITD-derived peptide from one of these FLT3-ITDs. Reactivities against single ITDs were observed in 8/19 donors. In 4 donors the frequencies of ITD-reactive T cells were determined and were estimated to be in the range of 1.25x10-6 to 2.83x10-7 CD8+ T cells. These frequencies were 1,000- to 10,000-fold lower than the frequency of autologous FLT3-ITD-reactive T cells observed in patient FL. Restricting HLA I molecules were identified in two donors. In one of them, the recognition of VE_FLT3-ITD was found to be restricted by HLA-C*07:02, which is different from the HLA allele restricting the anti-ITD T cells of patient VE. In another donor, the recognition of IN_FLT3-ITD was restricted by HLA-B*35:01, which also had been observed in patient IN (Graf et al., unpublished). By gradual 3´-fragmentation of the IN_FLT3-ITD cDNA, the 10-mer peptide CPSDNEYFYV was identified as the target of allogeneic T cells against IN_FLT3-ITD. rnLymphocytes in umbilical cord blood predominantly exhibit a naïve phenotype. Seven UCB donations were analyzed for T-cell responses against the FLT3-ITDs of patients VE, IN, QQ, JC and FL irrespective of their HLA phenotype. ITD-reactive responses against all stimulatory FLT3-ITDs were observed in 5/7 UCB donations. The frequencies of T cells against single FLT3-ITDs in CD8+ lymphocytes were estimated to be in the range of 1.8x10-5 to 3.6x10-6, which is nearly 15-fold higher than the frequencies observed in BCs. Restricting HLA I molecules were identified in 4 of these 5 positive UCB donations. They were mostly different from those observed in the respective patients. But in one UCB donation T cells against the JC_FLT3-ITD had exactly the same peptide specificity and HLA restriction as seen before in patient JC (Graf et al., 2007). Analyses of UCB responder lymphocytes led to the identification of the 10-mer peptide YESDNEYFYV, encoded by FL_FLT3-ITD, that was recognized in association with the frequent allele HLA-A*02:01. This peptide was able to stimulate and enrich ITD-reactive T cells from UCB lymphocytes in vitro. Peptide responders not only recognized the peptide, but also COS-7 cells co-transfected with FL_FLT3-ITD and HLA-A*02:01.rnrnIn conclusion, T cells against AML- and individual-specific FLT3-ITDs were successfully generated not only from patient-derived blood, but also from allogeneic sources. Thereby, ITD-reactive T cells were detected more readily and at higher frequencies in umbilical cord blood than in buffy coat lymphocytes. It occurred that peptide specificity and HLA restriction of allogeneic, ITD-reactive T cells were identical to autologous patient-derived T cells. As shown herein, allogeneic, FLT3-ITD-reactive T cells can be used for the identification of FLT3-ITD-encoded peptides, e.g. for future therapeutic vaccination studies. In addition, these T cells or their receptors can be applied to adoptive transfer.


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Der Fokus dieser Arbeit lag auf der definierten Synthese multifunktioneller Polymer-Konjugate zur Anwendung in der Krebs-Immunotherapie. Durch gezielte Variation der Kon-jugationsbedingungen wurde Zusammensetzung, Größe und Aggregationsverhalten in Zell-medium sowie in humanem Serum untersucht. Nach definierter physikalisch-chemischer Charakterisierung wurde dann die induzierte Antigen-Präsentation zur Aktivierung der T-Zellproliferation analysiert.rnDafür wurden zwei verschiedene polymere Carrier-Systeme gewählt, lineares Poly-L-lysin und eine Polylysinbürste (PLL-Bürste). Es wird vermutet, dass die PLL-Bürste aufgrund der anisotropen Form eine bessere Verteilung im Körper und eine verlängerte Zirkulationsdauer zeigen wird. Die zu konjugierenden biologisch aktiven Komponenten waren der antiDEC205-Antikörper (aDEC205) für die gezielte Adressierung CD8-positiver dendritischer Zellen (DC), ein Ovalbumin (OVA)-spezifisches Antigen mit der Kernsequenz SIINFEKL für die Spezifität der Immunantwort gegen Krebszellen, die dieses Antigen tragen, und ein immunaktivieren-der TLR9-Ligand, CpG1826. Die Effizienz dieses Konjugates dendritische Zellen zu aktivieren, welche wiederum eine Immunantwort gegen OVA-exprimierende Krebszellen induzieren, wurde durch die Konjugation aller Komponenten am identischen Trägermolekül deutlich höher erwartet.rnLineares Poly-L-lysin diente als Modellsystem um die Konjugationschemie zu etablieren und dann auf die zylindrische Polylysinbürste zu übertragen. Anhand dieser polymeren Träger wurde das Verhalten der verschiedenen Topologien des Knäuels und der Bürste im Hinblick auf den Einfluss struktureller Unterschiede sowohl auf Konjugationsreaktionen als auch auf das in situ und in vitro Verhalten untersucht.rnFluoreszenzmarkiertes Antigen und der CpG Aktivator konnten jeweils aufgrund einer Thiol-Modifizierung an die Thiol-reaktive Maleimidgruppe des heterobifunktionellen Linkers Sulfo-SMCC an PLL-AlexaFluor48 konjugiert werden. Anschließend wurde aDEC205-AlexaFluor647 an PLL gekoppelt, entweder durch Schiff Base-Reaktion des oxidierten Antikörpers mit PLL und anschließender Reduzierung oder durch Click-Reaktion des PEG-Azids modifizierten An-tikörpers mit Dicyclobenzylcyclooctin (DIBO)-funktionalisiertem PLL. Die Konjugation der biologisch aktiven Komponenten wurde mit Durchflusszytometrie (FACS) und konfokaler Laser Scanning Mikroskopie (CLSM) untersucht und die Zusammensetzung des Konjugatesrnmittels UV/Vis-Spektroskopie bestimmt. Die PLL-Bürste alleine zeigte eine hohe Zytotoxizität bei HeLa und JAWS II Zelllinien, wohingegen lineares PLL und PLL-Konjugate sowie die PLL Bürsten-Konjugate keine ausgeprägte Zytotoxizität aufwiesen. Die Polymer-Konjugate wie-sen keine Aggregation in Zellmedium oder humanem Serum auf, was mittels winkelabhängi-ger dynamischer Lichtstreuung bestimmt wurde. CLSM Aufnahmen zeigten Kolokalisation der an die einzelnen Komponenten gebundenen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe in dendritischen Zel-len, was die erfolgreiche Konjugation und Internalisierung der Konjugate in die Zellen bele-gen konnte. FACS Messungen ergaben eine geringfügig erhöhte Aufnahme des adressierten PLL-Antigen-Antikörper-Konjugates verglichen mit dem PLL-Antigen-Konjugat. Experimente mit dem „Specific Hybridization Internalization Sensor“ (SHIP) zeigten jedoch nur Aufnahme der PLL-Konjugate in CD8+ unreife DC, nicht in reife DC, die nicht mehr unspezifisch, sondern nur noch über Rezeptoren internalisieren. Dies bewies die unspezifische Aufnahme des Kon-jugates, da Antikörper-Konjugation keine Rezeptor-vermittelte Endozytose in reife DC indu-zieren konnte. T-Zell-Proliferationsassays ergaben eine Aktivierung von CD8+ T-Zellen indu-ziert durch Antigen-tragende Konjugate, wohingegen Konjugate ohne Antigen als Negativ-kontrollen dienten und keine T-Zell-Proliferation erzielten. Es konnte jedoch kein Unter-schied zwischen adressierten und nicht adressierten Konjugaten aufgrund der unspezifischen Aufnahme durch das Polymer beobachtet werden. Lösliches SIINFEKL alleine bewirkte schon bei geringeren Konzentrationen eine T-Zell-Proliferation.rnEs war somit möglich, drei biologischen Komponenten an einen polymeren Träger zu konju-gieren und diese Konjugate im Hinblick auf Zusammensetzung, Größe, Internalisierung in dendritische Zellen und Aktivierung der T-Zell-Proliferation zu untersuchen. Außerdem wur-de die Konjugationschemie erfolgreich von dem Modellsystem des linearen PLL auf die PLL-Bürste übertragen. Die Polymer-Konjugate werde unspezifisch in DC aufgenommen und in-duzieren T-Zellproliferation, die mit Antigen-Präsentationsassays nachgewiesen wird. Es konnte jedoch durch Konjugation des Antikörpers keine Rezeptor-vermittelte Aufnahme in CD8+ DC erzielt werden.rnDiese Studien stellen einen erfolgsversprechenden ersten Schritt zur Entwicklung neuer Na-nomaterialien für die Anwendung in Krebs-Immuntherapie dar.


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Summary Antibody-based cancer therapies have been successfully introduced into the clinic and have emerged as the most promising therapeutics in oncology. The limiting factor regarding the development of therapeutical antibody vaccines is the identification of tumor-associated antigens. PLAC1, the placenta-specific protein 1, was categorized for the first time by the group of Prof. Sahin as such a tumor-specific antigen. Within this work PLAC1 was characterized using a variety of biochemical methods. The protein expression profile, the cellular localization, the conformational state and especially the interacting partners of PLAC1 and its functionality in cancer were analyzed. Analysis of the protein expression profile of PLAC1 in normal human tissue confirms the published RT-PCR data. Except for placenta no PLAC1 expression was detectable in any other normal human tissue. Beyond, an increased PLAC1 expression was detected in several cancer cell lines derived of trophoblastic, breast and pancreatic lineage emphasizing its properties as tumor-specific antigen. rnThe cellular localization of PLAC1 revealed that PLAC1 contains a functional signal peptide which conducts the propeptide to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and results in the secretion of PLAC1 by the secretory pathway. Although PLAC1 did not exhibit a distinct transmembrane domain, no unbound protein was detectable in the cell culture supernatant of overexpressing cells. But by selective isolation of different cellular compartments PLAC1 was clearly enriched within the membrane fraction. Using size exclusion chromatography PLAC1 was characterized as a highly aggregating protein that forms a network of high molecular multimers, consisting of a mixture of non-covalent as well as covalent interactions. Those interactions were formed by PLAC1 with itself and probably other cellular components and proteins. Consequently, PLAC1 localize outside the cell, where it is associated to the membrane forming a stable extracellular coat-like structure.rnThe first mechanistic hint how PLAC1 promote cancer cell proliferation was achieved identifying the fibroblast growth factor FGF7 as a specific interacting partner of PLAC1. Moreover, it was clearly shown that PLAC1 as well as FGF7 bind to heparin, a glycosaminoglycan of the ECM that is also involved in FGF-signaling. The participation of PLAC1 within this pathway was approved after co-localizing PLAC1, FGF7 and the FGF7 specific receptor (FGFR2IIIb) and identifying the formation of a trimeric complex (PLAC1, FGF7 and the specific receptor FGFR2IIIb). Especially this trimeric complex revealed the role of PLAC1. Binding of PLAC1 together with FGF7 leads to the activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase of the FGFR2IIIb-receptor and mediate the direct phosphorylation of the AKT-kinase. In the absence of PLAC1, no FGF7 mediated phosphorylation of AKT was observed. Consequently the function of PLAC1 was clarified: PLAC1 acts as a co-factor by stimulating proliferation by of the FGF7-FGFR2 signaling pathway.rnAll together, these novel biochemical findings underline that the placenta specific protein PLAC1 could be a new target for cancer immunotherapy, especially considering its potential applicability for antibody therapy in tumor patients.


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Adaptive immune responses are characterized by substantial restructuring of secondary lymphoid organs. The molecular and cellular factors responsible for virus-induced lymphoid remodeling are not well known to date. Here we applied optical projection tomography, a mesoscopic imaging technique, for a global analysis of the entire 3-dimensional structure of mouse peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs), focusing on B-cell areas and high endothelial venule (HEV) networks. Structural homeostasis of PLNs was characterized by a strict correlation between total PLN volume, B-cell volume, B-cell follicle number, and HEV length. After infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, we observed a substantial, lymphotoxin (LT) beta-receptor-dependent reorganization of the PLN microarchitecture, in which an initial B-cell influx was followed by 3-fold increases in PLN volume and HEV network length on day 8 after infection. Adoptive transfer experiments revealed that virus-induced PLN and HEV network remodeling required LTalpha(1)beta(2)-expressing B cells, whereas the inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor-A signaling pathways had no significant effect on PLN expansion. In summary, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-induced PLN growth depends on a vascular endothelial growth factor-A-independent, LT- and B cell-dependent morphogenic pathway, as revealed by an in-depth mesoscopic analysis of the global PLN structure.