937 resultados para C., Ch. O.,
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of control of carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) by addition of low cost carbohydrate to the water column on water quality and pond ecology in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae nursing system. In this experiment, two level of dietary protein 20% and 35% without carbohydrate addition (‘P20' and ‘P35') and with carbohydrate addition (‘P20+CH' and ‘P35+CH') were compared in small ponds of 40 m² area stocked with 20 post-larvae (0.021 ± 0.001g) per m² . Maize flour was used as low cost carbohydrate and applied to the water column followed by the first feeding during the day. The addition of carbohydrate significantly reduced (p< 0.05) ammonia-nitrogen (NH sub(3)-N) and nitrite-nitrogen (NO sub(2) - N) of water in P20 + CH and P35 + CH treatments. It significantly increased (p< 0.05) the total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) population both in water and sediment. Fifty nine genera of plankton were identified belonging to the Bacillariophyceae (11), Chlorophyceae (21), Cyanophyceae (7), Dinophyceae (1), Rotifera (7) and Crustacea (9) without any significant difference (p>0.05) of total phytoplankton and zooplankton among the treatments. Survival rate of prawn was significantly lowest (p<0.05) in P20 and no significant difference (p>0.05) was observed between P20+CH and P35 treatments. Control of C/N ratio by the addition of low-cost carbohydrate to the pond water column benefited the freshwater prawn nursing practices in three ways (1) increased heterotrophic bacterial growth supplying bacterial protein augment the prawn post-larvae growth performances, (2) reduced demand for supplemental feed protein and subsequent reduction in feed cost and (3) reduced toxic NH sub(3)-N and NO sub(2)-N levels in pond nursing system.
In one of our recent studies, two HCV genotype 6 variants were identified in patients from Hong Kong and Guangxi in southern China, with injection drug use and HIV-1 co-infection. We report the complete genomic sequences for these two variants: GX004 and
The growth direction of ZnO thin films grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) is modulated by pretreatment of (001) SMO3 (STO) substrates. ZnO films show a-oriented smooth surface with epitaxial relationship of < 001 > ZnO//< 110 > STO on as-received SfO, and c-axis columnar growth with < 010 > ZnO//< 110 > STO on etched STO, respectively. The orientation alteration of ZnO films is supposed to be caused by the change of STO surface polarity. In addition, the c-ZnO films exhibit an enhanced photoluminescence (PL) intensity due to the improved crystal quality, while the blueshift of PL peak is attributed to the smaller tensile strain. These results show that high quality c-ZnO, which is essential for electronic and optoelectronic device applications, can be grown on (001) SfO by MOCVD. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
采用Cr/Al催化体系,成功地合成了全同1,2-聚丁二烯(PBD),并用DSC方法、X-射线衍射、红外光谱及~(13)C-NMR的方法进行结构与物性测定,得如下结果:全同1,2-PBD的熔点为124.3℃;三角晶系中,分子链成了螺旋,晶胞参数为a=17.3A,c= 6.5A;在红外光谱中,其特征谱带出现在694.4 cm~(-1)处;在~(13)C-NMR谱中仅出现四条谱峰,其化学位移分别为142.51、111.56、39.26、37.43 ppm。全同1,2-PBD的~(13)C-NMR谱提供的实验数据表明,在~(13)C-NMR谱中1,2-PBD-CH碳十个五元组谱峰的归属是有别于Elgert、Kumar已有的归属。它属于一种新的归属,与半经验方法所推演的结果相符。它恰巧同聚丙烯侧甲基五元组谱峰的归属一致。采用半经验方法研究了1,2-PBD的~(13)C-NMR增中CH碳五元组、CH_2-碳四元组及六元组共振谱峰,同时讨论了模型链的链长、温度以及立构序列的排列对各立构序列键概率的影响,求得了相应的r值。同时采用经验方法对1,2-PBD的~(13)C-NMR谱中CH_2=碳、CH碳五元组及CH_2-碳四元组谱峰做了归属。两种方法对CH_2-碳谱峰的归属得到了一致的结果。
在糖化学合成中,1,6-脱水吡喃糖不仅是合成具有生物活性低聚糖、糖共体、抗原、抗体以及天然产物等化合物重要原料,而且还是许多具有生物活性的天然产物的结构单元。同时,它还具有[3,2,1]的双环缩醛结构,使其在糖化学合成中具有高的立体选择性和区域选择性,同时减少了C-1 和C-6 位的保护和去保护的优点。此外,环内的缩醛开环后,又可以相应地在C-1 和C-6 位进行官能团转化以及糖苷化反应。 本文报道了一种新的1,6-脱水吡喃糖的合成方法,并设计合成了2-C-支链-1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖1-195、1-197、1-198 以及2-C-支链-6-硫代1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖1-225。到目前为止,1,6-脱水糖开环并进行糖苷化反应,存在选择性较差、产率低的缺点。我们发现,在乙腈做溶剂的条件下,NiCl5 能高立体选择性高产率地催化化合物1-195、1-197、1-198 开环并与ROH、RSH 发生糖苷化反应。在NiCl5-乙腈条件下,合成了一系列2-C-支链-α-糖苷和2-C-支链-β-硫代糖苷,并对2-C-支链1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖的生成机理以及开环机理进行了探讨。 烯糖在糖化学合成中是重要的起始原料,从Fischer 首次合成烯糖至今,一直不断地有新的合成方法出现。但目前文献报道的方法存在所用试剂有毒、价格贵和操作繁琐等缺点。我们对Fischer-Zach 方法进行了改进, 发现Zn-NaH2PO4-H2O 和Zn-PEG600-H2O 体系都能很好地合成烯糖。该方法具有条件温和、绿色环保、操作简单的优点。在Zn-NaH2PO4 溶液或Zn-PEG600 条件下,以溴代糖为原料,高产率地合成一系列的烯糖。 The 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses are crucial subunits of myriad bioactive nature products, as well as important syntons of carbohydrate chemistry which have been extensively used to prepare the biologically potential oligosaccharides, glycoconjugates, antibiotics, and structurally varied nature products. Their particular [3.2.1] bicyclic skeleton makes them have high regio- and stereo-control in a variety of reactions, and such structure avoids protecting hydroxyl groups at C1 and C6.Additionally, the cleavage of the internal acetal under acidic conditions could be beneficial for further transformations of functional group and glycosylation of the corresponding pyranosyl sugar at the C6 or C1 site. Herein we developed a novel approach to prepare the 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose, and synthesized the 2-C-branched-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose 1-195, 1-197, 1-198 and 2-C-branched-6-thio-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose 1-225. Until now, glycosylation of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses has been limited because of the low yields and low stereoselectivity. In this paper, we found that NiCl5-MeCN system could selectively cleave the ring of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses with alcohols and thiols at room temperature in high yields. A series of 2-C-branched-α-glycosides and 2-C-branched-β-thioglycosides have been synthesized via NiCl5-catalyzed. Furthermore, we investigated the formation and ring-opening mechanism of 2-C-acetylmethyl-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose. Glycals are significant starting material in carbohydrate chemistry. After the Fischer-Zach method for forming glucal was reported for the first time, the numerous synthetic methods for glycals have been explored. However, there are several drawbacks in the existing methods, such as the usage of very expensive and toxic reagents, intricate operation, and the influence of acid-sensitive and base-sensitive functional group. We improved the Fischer-Zach method and developed a facile, mild and environmentally benign methodology towards the synthesis of the glycals in Zn-NaH2PO4-H2O or Zn-PEG600-H2O system. Our method involves the treatment of glycosyl bromides with Zn in NaH2PO4 aqueous solution or PEG600-H2O at room temperature, affording various glycals in excellent yields.
从新几内亚核桃木的树皮中分离得到的吲哚类喹诺里西定生物碱10-Desbromoarborescidine A,因发现其具有阻滞钙离子通道的活性而倍受关注。10-Desbromoarborescidine A由A、B、C、D四个环组成,只有一个手性中心,是吲哚生物碱中结构较简单的一种,常作为此类生物碱全合成方法的模型化合物。但迄今为止,能高效而简便的实现手性10-Desbromoarborescidine A不对称全合成方法线路不多,大多数以不对称诱导的方式建立其手性中心,手性催化的方式仅有一例金属催化。从逆合成分析可知,Desbromoarborescidine A的全合成可以通过亚胺不对称催化还原进行关键的手性中心构建,而本课题组在之前的研究中通过手性有机小分子催化剂的发展,已将三氯硅烷氢转移还原亚胺发展成了一类简便实用、高效、高对映选择性并具有优良底物适应范围的不对称催化反应,我们希望以这一反应作为关键手段,发展一条Desbromoarborescidine A及其类似物不对称合成新路线。 根据我们设计的新路线,首先成功合成了其关键中间体,然后我们进行了关键的不对称催化尝试。用本实验室已有的高性能有机小分子催化剂虽得到了较好的对应选择性,但是产率很低。同时,为了验证整条线路的可行性,我们也用消旋的中间体进行拉通线路的尝试。但不幸的是,在脱除保护基时遇到了很大困难。尝试换不同的保护基,或改变脱保护基的顺序,都未能成功合成目标产物。究其原因可能是由于吲哚的特殊性造成的,吲哚类亚胺与常规的芳香亚胺有较大的差异,其NH基团无论保护还是不保护,对与其2位相联接的C=N双键均有很大的影响,导致其不对称催化还原难以进行。另外,由于所设计的还原产物含有处在吲哚苄位的胺基,稳定性较差,造成保护基脱除困难。 烯胺C-亚磺酰化反应是本课题组最近发现的一个新反应,之前未见文献报道。本研究对该反应进行了反应条件优化和底物扩展,发现带Cbz,Ac,COt-Bu,CO2Et,Bz等保护基的一系列环状和非环状烯胺在亚磺酸钠、DMAc和MeSiCl3的共同作用下能高效高产率生成β-胺基烯基亚砜类新化合物,为合成多官能团化的烯基亚砜新化合物提供了一条简便实用的途径。 The main constituent of Dracontomelum mangiferum B1, indoloquinolizidine alkaloid 10-Desbromoarborescidine A, has drawn great attention due to its calcium channel blocking activity. Its molecular structure is relatively simple compared with the other alkaloids of the same type, which has only one chiral center, albeit with four cycles A, B, C, and D. This compound is often used as a model target for exploring different strategies for the total synthesis of indole alkaloids. Nevertheless, so far there still lack practical and highly efficient methods for the asymmetric total synthesis of 10-Desbromoarborescidine A. Most of the current available methods rely on stoichiometric asymmetric synthesis for the construction of the chiral center. There is only one example reporting utilization of asymmetric catalysis, but with transition metal complex as the catalyst. Our retrosynthetic analysis shows that catalytic asymmetric reduction of imine could be used as the key step for the construction of the chiral center of Desbromoarborescidine A. Since in the previous studies our group has developed the asymmetric reduction of imines by trichlorosilane into a practical and highly efficient and enantioselective method using newly designed chiral organocatalysts, we hope to apply this method to develop a novel synthetic route for the total synthesis of Desbromoarborescidine A and its analogues in this study. According to the newly designed synthetic route, we first accomplished the synthesis of the key intermediates which was then examined for the critical asymmetric catalysis. The asymmetric reduction using the highly efficient organocatalysts, developed in our lab afforded high ee but poor yield. We tried different reaction conditions to improve the yield, but failed to get any good results. Simultaneously, to vertify the feasibility of the synthetic route we designed, we also tired to go through the route toward the racemic synthesis of Desbromoarborescidine A. But unfortunately, protection and deprotection proved to be big hurdles. All the different protection groups and different sequences of protection and deprotection we tried failed to get us through the designed synthetic sequence and furnish the final product. Most likely, the indole part is the culprit behind the failures.The NH group of the indole, no matter protected or not, may impact the catalytic asymmetric reduction of C-N double bond connected with 2-C. Additionally, the reduction product we designed contains an amino group in the β-position of the indole, which may cause problems due to its instability. C-sulfenylation of enamines is a novel reaction discovered recently by our group, which has not been seen before in the literature. In this study, optimization of the reaction conditions and exploration of the substrate scope were further undertaken for this reaction, which reveal that a series of enamines with N-Cbz, Ac, COt-Bu, CO2Et protection groups could all undergo smooth C-sulfinylations with the comined use of sodium benzene sulphinate, DAMc and MeSiCl3, efficiently furnishing the β-amino vinylsulfoxide products in high yield, affording a practical and highly efficient methods for synthesis of functional vinylsulfoxides.
研究背景与目的:近二十年来,抗生素的广泛使用以及一些不当应用导致临床上出现大量的耐药性病原菌,所以不易产生耐药性的抗菌肽就成为目前研究的热点。本课题组此前的研究表明无指盘臭蛙(Odorrana grahami)皮肤抗菌肽具有广谱抗菌活性,但对真核细胞没有毒性,因此有成为新型药物的潜力。本研究采用毕赤酵母真核表达系统来生物合成抗菌肽Odorgrin A和Odorgrin C,为大量获取抗菌肽资源提供技术支撑。 方法:依照Odorgrin A和C的氨基酸序列、采用酵母偏爱密码子分别设计并化学合成了相应的目的基因序列。目的片段从合成质粒上用Xho Ι和EcoR Ι双酶切下后,与经同样限制酶完全酶切pPIC9K载体所获得的两个大片段直接连接,并转化至大肠杆菌DH5α。用PCR扩增、酶切及测序检测,鉴定正确的重组质粒。提取大量表达载体pPIC9K - Odo A和C并使之线性化后经电击法分别转化毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)GS115宿主菌,用营养缺陷型筛选、遗传霉素抗性筛选、PCR扩增和测序检测,鉴定并筛选出对G418具高抗性的Odorgrin A和C重组酵母菌。用甲醇对之进行诱导表达,SDS - PAGE电泳及反相层析检测表达产物,并做抑菌活性检测。 成果:PCR扩增、酶切及测序等结果表明表达载体pPIC9K - Odo A和C构建成功。营养缺陷型筛选、遗传霉素抗性筛选、PCR扩增和测序等证实pPIC9K - Odo A和C已整合入酵母基因组中。SDS - PAGE电泳及反相层析结果表明抗菌肽Odorgrin A和C成功地获得了分泌表达。而抑菌活性实验则检测到部分阳性克隆菌诱导分泌表达的抗菌肽Odorgrin A和C都对测试菌的生长具有较高(>94%)的抑制率。 结论:无指盘臭蛙皮肤抗菌肽Odorgrin A和Odorgrin C基因的表达载体都构建成功,并且都在毕赤酵母系统中获得了成功表达。 Background & Objective: In the recent twenty years, a lot of pathogenic bacteria have come forth in clinic with durable trait derived from making use of and abusing the traditional antibiotics. Therefore, studying antimicrobial peptides, not be easy to be invalidated by durable bacteria, are becomimg popular and important. The skin antimicrobial peptides of Odorrana grahami with broad spectrum antibacterial activity and no toxicity to eukaryotic cell, discovered by previous research work of our workgroup, are looked forward to being potential medication. Pichia pastoris expressional system was used for biosynthesis antimicrobial peptides Odorgrin A and Odorgrin C in this study, for producing abundant antimicrobial peptides. Methods: The foreign fragments which included Odorgrin A or Odorgrin C gene according to their amino acid sequence respectively were synthesized based on the biased codon usage of yeast. The DNA fragments, obtained from the plasmids containing them by digested with Xho Ι and EcoR Ι, were directly ligated with the two bigger fragments obtained from the vector pPIC9K by digested with the same restriction enzymes. And then they were transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α to be selected and amplified positive colonies. The recombinants were testified by using PCR amplification, enzymes digestion and sequencing of the foreign fragment. After the expressional vector pPIC9K - Odo A and pPIC9K - Odo C were linearized, they were transformed into Pichia pastoris GS115 strain by the electroporation. Then the positive colonies which were of the highest geneticin resistant were selected through auxotrophic screening, genetic resistant screening, PCR amplification and sequencing of the inserted fragment. Methanol was used to induce the recombinant yeasts to express the foreign gene. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, reversed phase chromatography and antibacterial activity experiment were used to testify the expressional products. Results: The evidences of PCR, enzymes digestion and sequence analysis confirmed that the expressional vector pPIC9K - Odo A and pPIC9K - Odo C have been constructed correctly. The results of auxotrophic screening, of genetic resistant screening, of PCR and sequencing of the foreign fragment showed that Odorgrin A and Odorgrin C gene have been homologous integrated with the Pichia pastoris genome. And it was also testified that antimicrobial peptides Odorgrin A and Odorgrin C have been expressed successfully by using SDS - PAGE electrophoresis, reversed phase chromatography and antibacterial activity experiment. Conclusion: The expressional vector of the skin antimicrobial peptides Odorgrin A and Odorgrin C gene of Odorrana grahami have been constructed correctly and both of the genes have been expressed successfully in Pichia pastoris system in this study.
本文旨在分别研究重离子束及MMC在诱导细胞的DNA损伤效应中一些具体的分子机制,为治疗的进行以及相关辅助药物的开发提供理论依据。本文探索的重点有两个,第一个是重离子束辐射诱导的DNA损伤效应及p53在其中的激活,第二个是MMC诱导的DNA损伤效应及p53和BRCA1、H2AX等分子在其中的角色。 1. 12C6+离子束诱导HeLa细胞DNA损伤效应为了研究HeLa细胞经过12C6+ 束辐照之后的DNA损伤效应,及这个过程中p53激活的分子机制。我们运用中性单细胞电泳技术,检测了HeLa细胞经过4Gy 12C6+ 束辐照0h、3h、6h和12h之后DNA的损伤情况,以及0.5Gy、1Gy、2Gy和4Gy 12C6+ 束辐照0h后的DNA损伤情况。同时运用细胞生长实时监测仪监测了HeLa细胞在经过0Gy、0.5Gy和1Gy 12C6+ 束辐照之后的生长变化,并运用AO/EB双染检测了辐照24小时后的凋亡情况。另外,利用8mmol/L的caffeine(抑制ATM和ATR)和20μmol/L的wortmannin(抑制ATM和DNA-PK)处理HeLa细胞后再进行1Gy 12C6+ 束辐照,通过western blot检测p53的表达。结果显示,12C6+ 束辐照可造成HeLa细胞的DNA损伤,损伤随剂量升高而升高但随时间降低;并诱导HeLa细胞发生凋亡;而且辐照后p53表达升高,但经过caffeine或者wortmannin预先处理的细胞p53均没有显著升高。我们的结论是:12C6+ 束辐照可造成HeLa细胞的DNA损伤并诱导损伤修复及凋亡等效应,损伤效应相关的分子p53被激活,并且激活依赖于ATM。 2. MMC诱导的DNA损伤效应在这一部分研究中,首先,我们利用与上面相同的研究方法,探讨了p53在MMC诱导的DNA损伤效应中的激活情况,结果显示,MMC诱导的DNA损伤效应并不依赖于p53。另外,我们还探讨了, BRCA1在FANCD2的γ-H2AX依赖性转移中的作用。MMC可造成DNA的ICL(interstrand cross-link)损伤,ICL可通过FA(Fanconi Anemia)通路进行修复。FANCD2是FA通路的核心分子,在DNA产生ICL时被各种分子修饰然后转移到损伤部分,这个过程的涉及到ATR、γ-H2AX及BRCA1等,本文试图探讨BRCA1在其中的作用方式。研究中,我们监测了不同处理(包括对照、caffeine(可抑制ATR)、MMC及MMC +caffeine)的HCC1937(BRCA1缺陷型)和MCF7(BRCA1野生型)细胞的生长;并用Western blot检测MMC处理之后HCC1937细胞γ-H2AX的表达情况。结果表明,MMC和caffeine均可以抑制HCC1937的生长,但caffeine和MMC+caffeine的抑制效果是一样的;MMC和caffeine均可以抑制MCF7的生长,且MMC+caffeine处理比仅进行caffeine处理的抑制作用强;MMC处理之后,HCC1937的γ-H2AX表达显著升高。我们的结论是,在FANCD2的γ-H2AX依赖性转移中,H2AX的磷酸化并不依赖于BRCA1,不过,BRCA1和ATR应该参与一个相同的分子事件,可能是FANCD2的磷酸化。这个有待进一步的实验验证
The hydrodehalogenation of aromatic halides, catalyzed by Pd/C in aqueous solutions, yields arenes in short reaction times at room temperature under normal pressure. The nature of the solvents has an important influence on the reaction rates and the activity of the catalyst. The catalyst shows the highest activity in water. In the hydrodechlorination of 4-chlorohypnone, it was in water that C-Cl bond was easier to be hydrogenated, and in isopropanol that C=O was easier to be hydrogenated. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Formation and stabilities of four 14-mer intermolecular DNA triplexes, consisting of third strands with repeating sequence CTCT, CCTT, CTT, or TTT, were studied by electrospray ionization Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS) in the gas phase. The gas-phase stabilities of the triplexes were compared with their CD spectra and melting behaviors in solution, and parallel correlation between two phases were obtained. In the presence of 20 mm NH4+ (pH 5.5), the formation of the TTT triplex was not detected in both solution and the gas phase.
Penaeidins, members of a new family of antimicrobial peptides constitutively produced and stored in the haemocytes of penaeid shrimp, display antimicrobial activity against bacteria, and fungi. Here, a DNA sequence encoding the mature Ch-penaeidin peptide was cloned into the pPIC9K vector and transformed into Pichia pastoris. The transformed cells were screened for multi-copy plasmids using increasing concentrations of G418. Positive colonies carrying chromosomal integrations of the Chp gene were identified by phenotype and PCR. When transformed cells were induced with methanol, SDS-PAGE and Western blotting revealed the production of a similar to6100 Da recombinant CHP (rCHP) expression product. Large scale expression revealed that rCHP was produced at 108 mg/L under optimal conditions in the highest Chp-producing P. pastoris clone. The antimicrobial activities of rCHP were studied by liquid phase analysis, which revealed that rCHP exhibited activities against some Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, but had a relatively low activity against some fungi. Purification of rCHP by cation exchange chromatography and subsequent automated amino acid sequencing revealed the presence of four additional amino acids (YVEF) at the N-terminus that belonged to the cleaved fusion signal peptide; these residues may account for the observed decrease in antifungal activity. Together, these observations indicate that rCHP is an effective antimicrobial peptide that can be successfully produced at high levels in the yeast, and therefore may be a potential antimicrobial candidate for practical use. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A new member of antimicrobial peptide genes of the penaeidin family, Ch-penaeidin, has been cloned from the haemocytes of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis, by reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA end (3'-RACE) and smart cDNA methods. The Ch-penaeidin cDNA was 655 bp and the open reading frame of the cDNA encoded a 71 amino acid peptide. Ch-penaeidin contained a putative NH2-terminal signal Sequence (1-19) followed by a mature peptide (20-71). The sequence identify with other penaeidins from Litopenaeus vannamei and Litopenaeus setiferus is between 48% and 71%. The signal sequence of Ch-penaeidin is almost completely identical to that of other penaeidins, while differing relatively in the N-terminal domain of the mature peptide. Ch-penaeidin was designated as a novel member of class penaeidin 3 according to phylogenetic analysis. The Mature peptide. with a predicted molecular weight of 5589.32 Da, and a pI of 9.77, has eight positively charged amino acids and no negatively charged amino acids. The expression and distribution of Ch-penaeidin in Unchallenged shrimps were studied by RT-PCR, Northern blot and in situ hybridisation. The results showed that the Ch-penaeidin transcripts were detected in haemocytes (granular haemocytes), heart, gill, intestine, and subcuticular epithelia of the shrimp. and that Ch-penaeidin was constitutively expressed mainly in haemocytes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ammonia synthesis over ruthenium catalysts supported on different carbon materials using Ba or K compounds as promoters has been investigated. Ba(NO3)(2), KOH, and KNO3 are used as the promoter or promoter precursor, and activated carbon (AC), activated carbon fiber (ACF). and carbon molecular sieve (CMS) are used as the support. The activity measurement for ammonia synthesis was carried out in a flow micro-reactor under mild conditions: 350-450 degreesC and 3.0 MPa. Results show that KOH promoter was more effective than KNO3. and that Ba(NO3)(2) was the most effective promoter among the three. The roles of promoters can be divided into the electronic modification of ruthenium, the neutralization of surface functional groups on the carbon support and the ruthenium precursor. The catalyst with AC as the support gave the highest ammonia concentration in the effluent among the supports used, while the catalyst with ACF as the support showed the highest turnover-frequency (TOF) value. It seems that the larger particles of Ru on the carbon supports are more active for ammonia synthesis in terms of TOF value. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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