993 resultados para C-60 THIN-FILMS


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Highly luminescent CdSe/CdS core-shell nanocrystals have been assembled on indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates using a wet synthesis route. The physical properties of the quantum dots (QD) have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy techniques. These quantum dots showed a strong enhancement in the near band edge absorption. The in situ luminescence behavior has been interpreted in the light of the quantum confinement effect and induced strain in the core-shell structure.


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A modified method has been developed for the deposition of transparent semiconducting thin films of tin oxide, involving the chemical vapour phase oxidation of tin iodide. These films show sheet resistances greater than 100 Ω/□ and an average optical transmission in the visible range exceeding 80%. The method avoids uncontrolled contamination, resulting in better reproducibility of the films. The films showed direct and indirect transitions and the possibility of an indirect forbidden transition. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that the films are polycrystalline. The low mobility values of the films have been attributed to the grain boundary scattering effect.


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Plasma polymerized c-terpinene (pp2GT) thin films are fabricated using RF plasma polymerization. MIM structures are fabricated and using the capacitive structures dielectric properties of the material is studied. The dielectric constant values are found to be in good agreement with those determined from ellipsometric data. At a frequency of 100 kHz, the dielectric constant varies with RF deposition power, from 3.69 (10 W) to 3.24 (75 W). The current density–voltage (J2V) characteristics of pp–GT thin films are investigated as a function of RF deposition power at room temperature to determine the resistivity and DC conduction mechanism of the films. At higher applied voltage region, Schottky conduction is the dominant DC conduction mechanism. The capacitance and the loss tangent are found to be frequency dependent. The conductivity of the pp2GT thin films is found to decrease from 1.39 3 10212 S/cm (10 W) to 1.02 3 10213 S/cm (75 W) and attributed to the change in the chemical composition and structure of the polymer. The breakdown field for pp–GT thin films increases from 1.48 MV/cm (10 W) to 2 MV/cm (75 W). A single broad relaxation peak is observed indicating the contribution of multiple relaxations to the dielectric response for temperature dependent J2V. The distribution of these relaxation times is determined through regularization methods. VC 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132, 42318.


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Investigations on the wetting, solubility and chemical composition of plasma polymer thin films provide an insight into the feasibility of implementing these polymeric materials in organic electronics, particularly where wet solution processing is involved. In this study, thin films were prepared from 1-isopropyl-4-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene (γ-Terpinene) using radio frequency (RF) plasma polymerization. FTIR showed the polymers to be structurally dissimilar to the original monomer and highly cross-linked, where the loss of original functional groups and the degree of cross-linking increased with deposition power. The polymer surfaces were hydrocarbon-rich, with oxygen present in the form of O–H and C=O functional groups. The oxygen content decreased with deposition power, with films becoming more hydrophobic and, thus, less wettable. The advancing and receding contact angles were investigated, and the water advancing contact angle was found to increase from 63.14° to 73.53° for thin films prepared with an RF power of 10 W to 75 W. The wetting envelopes for the surfaces were constructed to enable the prediction of the surfaces’ wettability for other solvents. The effect of roughness on the wetting behaviour of the films was insignificant. The polymers were determined to resist solubilization in solvents commonly used in the deposition of organic semiconducting layers, including chloroform and chlorobenzene, with higher stability observed in films fabricated at higher RF power.


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The carrier blocking property of polyterpenol thin films derived from non-synthetic precursor is studied using Electric Field Induced Optical Second Harmonic Generation (EFISHG) technique that can directly probe carrier motion in organic materials. A properly biased double-layer MIM device with a structure of indium zinc oxide (IZO)/polyterpenol/C₆₀/Al shows that by incorporating the polyterpenol thin film, the electron transport can be blocked while the hole transport is allowed. The inherent electron blocking hole transport property is verified using Al/C₆₀/Alq3/polyterpenol/IZO and Al/Alq3/polyterpenol/IZO structures. The rectifying property of polyterpenol is very promising and can be utilized in the fabrication of many organic devices.


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Poly(linalool) thin films were fabricated using RF plasma polymerisation. All films were found to be smooth, defect-free surfaces with average roughness of 0.44 nm. The FTIR analysis of the polymer showed a notable reduction in –OH moiety and complete dissociation of C=C unsaturation compared to the monomer, and presence of a ketone band absent from the spectrum of the monomer. Poly(linalool) were characterised by chain branching and a large quantity of short polymer chains. Films were optically transparent, with refractive index and extinction coefficient of 1.55 and 0.001 (at 500 nm) respectively, indicating a potential application as an encapsulating (protective) coating for circuit boards. The optical band gap was calculated to be 2.82 eV, which is in the semiconducting energy gap region.


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After more than twenty years of basic and applied research, the use of nanotechnology in the design and manufacture of nanoscale materials is rapidly increasing, particularly in commercial applications that span from electronics across renewable energy areas, and biomedical devices. Novel polymers are attracting significant attention for they promise to provide a low−cost high−performance alternative to existing materials. Furthermore, these polymers have the potential to overcome limitations imposed by currently available materials thus enabling the development of new technologies and applications that are currently beyond our reach. This work focuses on the development of a range of new low−cost environmentally−friendly polymer materials for applications in areas of organic (flexible) electronics, optics, and biomaterials. The choice of the monomer reflects the environmentally−conscious focus of this project. Terpinen−4−ol is a major constituent of Australian grown Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil, attributed with the oil's antimicrobial and anti−inflammatory properties. Plasma polymerisation was chosen as a deposition technique for it requires minimal use of harmful chemicals and produces no hazardous by−products. Polymer thin films were fabricated under varied process conditions to attain materials with distinct physico−chemical, optoelectrical, biological and degradation characteristics. The resultant materials, named polyterpenol, were extensively characterised using a number of well−accepted and novel techniques, and their fundamental properties were defined. Polyterpenol films were demonstrated to be hydrocarbon rich, with variable content of oxygen moieties, primarily in the form of hydroxyl and carboxyl functionalities. The level of preservation of original monomer functionality was shown to be strongly dependent on the deposition energy, with higher applied power increasing the molecular fragmentation and substrate temperature. Polyterpenol water contact angle contact angle increased from 62.7° for the 10 W samples to 76.3° for the films deposited at 100 W. Polymers were determined to resist solubilisation by water, due to the extensive intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonds present, and other solvents commonly employed in electronics and biomedical processing. Independent of deposition power, the surface topography of the polymers was shown to be smooth (Rq <0.5 nm), uniform and defect free. Hardness of polyterpenol coatings increased from 0.33 GPa for 10 W to 0.51 GPa for 100 W (at 500 μN load). Coatings deposited at higher input RF powers showed less mechanical deformation during nanoscratch testing, with no considerable damage, cracking or delamination observed. Independent of the substrate, the quality of film adhesion improved with RF power, suggesting these coatings are likely to be more stable and less susceptible to wear. Independent of fabrication conditions, polyterpenol thin films were optically transparent, with refractive index approximating that of glass. Refractive index increased slightly with deposition power, from 1.54 (10 W) to 1.56 (100 W) at 500 nm. The optical band gap values declined with increasing power, from 2.95 eV to 2.64 eV, placing the material within the range for semiconductors. Introduction of iodine impurity reduced the band gap of polyterpenol, from 2.8 eV to 1.64 eV, by extending the density of states more into the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Doping decreased the transparency and increased the refractive index from 1.54 to 1.70 (at 500 nm). At optical frequencies, the real part of permittivity (k) was determined to be between 2.34 and 2.65, indicating a potential low-k material. These permittivity values were confirmed at microwave frequencies, where permittivity increased with input RF energy – from 2.32 to 2.53 (at 10 GHz ) and from 2.65 to 2.83 (at 20 GHz). At low frequencies, the dielectric constant was determined from current−voltage characteristics of Al−polyterpenol−Al devices. At frequencies below 100 kHz, the dielectric constant varied with RF power, from 3.86 to 4.42 at 1 kHz. For all samples, the resistivity was in order of 10⁸−10⁹ _m (at 6 V), confirming the insulating nature of polyterpenol material. In situ iodine doping was demonstrated to increase the conductivity of polyterpenol, from 5.05 × 10⁻⁸ S/cm to 1.20 × 10⁻⁶ S/cm (at 20 V). Exposed to ambient conditions over extended period of time, polyterpenol thin films were demonstrated to be optically, physically and chemically stable. The bulk of ageing occurred within first 150 h after deposition and was attributed to oxidation and volumetric relaxation. Thermal ageing studies indicated thermal stability increased for the films manufactured at higher RF powers, with degradation onset temperature associated with weight loss shifting from 150 ºC to 205 ºC for 10 W and 100 W polyterpenol, respectively. Annealing the films to 405 °C resulted in full dissociation of the polymer, with minimal residue. Given the outcomes of the fundamental characterisation, a number of potential applications for polyterpenol have been identified. Flexibility, tunable permittivity and loss tangent properties of polyterpenol suggest the material can be used as an insulating layer in plastic electronics. Implementation of polyterpenol as a surface modification of the gate insulator in pentacene-based Field Effect Transistor resulted in significant improvements, shifting the threshold voltage from + 20 V to –3 V, enhancing the effective mobility from 0.012 to 0.021 cm²/Vs, and improving the switching property of the device from 10⁷ to 10⁴. Polyterpenol was demonstrated to have a hole transport electron blocking property, with potential applications in many organic devices, such as organic light emitting diodes. Encapsulation of biomedical devices is also proposed, given that under favourable conditions, the original chemical and biological functionality of terpinen−4−ol molecule can be preserved. Films deposited at low RF power were shown to successfully prevent adhesion and retention of several important human pathogens, including P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and S. epidermidis, whereas films deposited at higher RF power promoted bacterial cell adhesion and biofilm formation. Preliminary investigations into in vitro biocompatibility of polyterpenol demonstrated the coating to be non−toxic for several types of eukaryotic cells, including Balb/c mice macrophage and human monocyte type (HTP−1 non-adherent) cells. Applied to magnesium substrates, polyterpenol encapsulating layer significantly slowed down in vitro biodegradation of the metal, thus increasing the viability and growth of HTP−1 cells. Recently, applied to varied nanostructured titanium surfaces, polyterpenol thin films successfully reduced attachment, growth, and viability of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus.


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The light emitted by flat panel displays (FPD) can be generated in many different ways, such as for example alternating current thin film electroluminescence (ACTFEL), liquid crystal display (LCD), light emitting diode (LED), or plasma display panel (PDP) technologies. In this work, the focus was on ACTFEL devices and the goal was to develop new thin film processes for light emitting materials in ACTFEL devices. The films were deposited with the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method, which has been utilized in the manufacturing of ACTFEL displays since the mid-1980s. The ALD method is based on surface-controlled self-terminated reactions and a maximum of one layer of the desired material can be prepared during one deposition cycle. Therefore, the film thickness can be controlled simply by adjusting the number of deposition cycles. In addition, both large areas and deep trench structures can be covered uniformly. During this work, new ALD processes were developed for the following thin film materials: BaS, CuxS, MnS, PbS, SrS, SrSe, SrTe, SrS1-xSex, ZnS, and ZnS1-xSex. In addition, several ACTFEL devices were prepared where the light emitting material was BaS, SrS, SrS1-xSex, ZnS, or ZnS1-xSex thin film that was doped with Ce, Cu, Eu, Mn, or Pb. The sulfoselenide films were made by substituting the elemental selenium for sulfur on the substrate surface during film deposition. In this way, it was possible to replace a maximum of 90% of the sulfur with selenium, and the XRD analyses indicated that the films were solid solutions. The polycrystalline BaS, SrS, and ZnS thin films were deposited at 180-400, 120-460, and 280-500 °C, respectively, and the processes had a wide temperature range where the growth rate of the films was independent of the deposition temperature. The electroluminescence studies showed that the doped sulfoselenide films resulted in low emission intensity. However, the emission intensities and emission colors of the doped SrS, BaS, and ZnS films were comparable with those found in earlier studies. It was also shown that the electro-optical properties of the different ZnS:Mn devices were different as a consequence of different ZnS:Mn processes. Finally, it was concluded that because the higher deposition temperature seemed to result in a higher emission intensity, the thermal stability of the reactants has a significant role when the light emitting materials of ACTFEL devices are deposited with the ALD method.


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Thin films of various metal fluorides are suited for optical coatings from infrared (IR) to ultraviolet (UV) range due to their excellent light transmission. In this work, novel metal fluoride processes have been developed for atomic layer deposition (ALD), which is a gas phase thin film deposition method based on alternate saturative surface reactions. Surface controlled self-limiting film growth results in conformal and uniform films. Other strengths of ALD are precise film thickness control, repeatability and dense and pinhole free films. All these make the ALD technique an ideal choice also for depositing metal fluoride thin films. Metal fluoride ALD processes have been largely missing, which is mostly due to a lack of a good fluorine precursor. In this thesis, TiF4 precursor was used for the first time as the fluorine source in ALD for depositing CaF2, MgF2, LaF3 and YF3 thin films. TaF5 was studied as an alternative novel fluorine precursor only for MgF2 thin films. Metal-thd (thd = 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato) compounds were applied as the metal precursors. The films were grown at 175 450 °C and they were characterized by various methods. The metal fluoride films grown at higher temperatures had generally lower impurity contents with higher UV light transmittances, but increased roughness caused more scattering losses. The highest transmittances and low refractive indices below 1.4 (at 580 nm) were obtained with MgF2 samples. MgF2 grown from TaF5 precursor showed even better UV light transmittance than MgF2 grown from TiF4. Thus, TaF5 can be considered as a high quality fluorine precursor for depositing metal fluoride thin films. Finally, MgF2 films were applied in fabrication of high reflecting mirrors together with Ta2O5 films for visible region and with LaF3 films for UV region. Another part of the thesis consists of applying already existing ALD processes for novel optical devices. In addition to the high reflecting mirrors, a thin ALD Al2O3 film on top of a silver coating was proven to protect the silver mirror coating from tarnishing. Iridium grid filter prototype for rejecting IR light and Ir-coated micro channel plates for focusing x-rays were successfully fabricated. Finally, Ir-coated Fresnel zone plates were shown to provide the best spatial resolution up to date in scanning x-ray microscopy.


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Atomic layer deposition was used to obtain TiO2 thin films on Si (100) and fused quartz, using a novel metal organic precursor. The films were grown at 400 degrees C, varying the amount of oxygen used as the reactive gas. X-ray diffraction showed the films to be crystalline, with a mixture of anatase and rutile phases. To investigate their optical properties, ellipsometric measurements were made in the UV-Vis-NIR range (300-1700 nm). Spectral distribution of various optical constants like refractive index (n), absorption index (k), transmittance (T), reflectance (R), absorption (A) were calculated by employing Bruggemann's effective medium approximation (BEMA) and Maxwell-Garnet effective medium approximation, in conjunction with the Cauchy and Forouhi-Bloomer (FB) dispersion relations. A layered optical model has been proposed which gives the thickness, elemental and molecular composition, amorphicity and roughness (morphology) of the TiO2 film surface and and the film/substrate interface, as a function of oxygen flow rate The spectral distribution of the optical band gap (E-g(opt)), complex dielectric constants (epsilon' and epsilon''), and optical conductivity (sigma(opt)), has also been determined.


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Tungsten oxide thin films are of great interest due to their promising applications in various optoelectronic thin film devices. We have investigated the microstructural evolution of tungsten oxide thin films grown by DC magnetron sputtering on silicon substrate. The structural characterization and surface morphology were carried out using X-ray diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The as deposited films were amorphous, where as, thin films annealed above 400 degrees C were crystalline. In order to explain the microstructural changes due to annealing, we have proposed a ``instability wheel'' model for the evolution of the microstructure. This model explains the transformation of mater into various geometries within them selves, followed by external perturbation.


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We report the material and electrical properties of Erbium Oxide (Er2O3) thin films grown on n-Ge (100) by RF sputtering. The properties of the films are correlated with the processing conditions. The structural characterization reveals that the films annealed at 550 degrees C, has densified as compared to the as-grown ones. Fixed oxide charges and interface charges, both of the order of 10(13)/cm(2) is observed.


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Formation of nanocrystalline TiN at low temperatures was demonstrated by combining Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and ion implantation techniques. The Ti films of nominal thickness similar to 250 nm were deposited at a substrate temperature of 200 degrees C by ablating a high pure titanium target in UHV conditions using a nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm. These films were implanted with 100 keV N+ ions with fluence ranging from 1.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2) to 1.0 x 10(17) ions/cm(2). The structural, compositional and morphological evolutions were tracked using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), respectively. TEM analysis revealed that the as-deposited titanium film is an fcc phase. With increasing ion fluence, its structure becomes amorphous phase before precipitation of nanocrystalline fcc TiN phase. Compositional depth profiles obtained from SIMS have shown the extent of nitrogen concentration gradient in the implantation zone. Both as-deposited and ion implanted films showed much higher hardness as compared to the bulk titanium. AFM studies revealed a gradual increase in surface roughness leading to surface patterning with increase in ion fluence.


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Sol-gel route was employed to grow polycrystalline thin films of Li-doped ZnO thin films (Zn1-xLixO, x=0.15). Polycrystalline films were obtained at a growth temperature of 400-500 degrees C. Ferroelectricity in Zn0.85Li0.15O was verified by examining the temperature variation of the real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant, and from the C-V measurements. The phase transition temperature was found to be 330 K. The room-temperature dielectric constant and dissipation factor were 15.5 and 0.09 respectively, at a frequency of 100 kHz. The films exhibited well-defined hysteresis loop, and the values of spontaneous polarization (P-s) and coercive field were 0.15 mu C/cm(2) and 20 kV/cm, respectively, confirming the presence of ferroelectricity.


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The lead based ferroelectric PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT), (Pb0.90La0.10)TiO3 (PLT10) and (Pb0.80La0.20)TiO3 (PLT20) thin films, prepared by pulsed laser ablation technique, were studied for their response to the 70 MeV oxygen ion irradiation. The dielectric analysis, capacitance-voltage (C- V) and DC leakage current measurements were performed before and after the irradiation to high-energy oxygen ions. The irradiation produced considerable changes in the dielectric, C-V, leakage characteristics and induced some amount of amorphization. The PZT films showed partial recrystallization after a thermal annealing at 400 degrees C for 10 min. The phase transition temperature [T-c] of PLT20 increased from 115 degrees C to 120 degrees C. The DC conductivity measurements showed a shift in the onset of non-linear conduction region. The current density decreased by two orders of magnitude after irradiation. After annealing the irradiated films at a temperature of 400 degrees C for 10 min, the films partially regained the dielectric and electrical properties. The results are discussed in terms of the irradiation-induced amorphization, the pinning of the ferroelectric domains by trapped charges and the thermal annealing of the defects generated during the irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.