940 resultados para Buracos negros (Astronomia) - Termodinâmica


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Apresenta as equações fundamentais da termodinâmica, considerando escoamento unidirecional, onde se conhecem as propriedades cinéticas e dinâmicas do fluido. Apresenta a lei da conservação de massa, expressa pela equação da continuidade e a equação de conservação de energia. Demonstra a aplicação das equações de balanço de massa e energia para bocais, processos de estrangulamento, turbinas, compressores e ejetores. Apresenta equações de eficiência para turbinas e compressores.


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O item não apresenta o texto completo, pois está passando por revisão editorial


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Apresenta a definição e revisão de alguns conceitos básicos sobre termodinâmica aplicada: sistema termodinâmico e volume de controle, exemplo de sistemas abertos, fechados, isolados e volume de controle; estado e propriedades de uma substância – fases (sólida, líquida ou gasosa), propriedades termodinâmicas extensivas e intensivas com apresentação de exemplos, definição de propriedade específica; Equilíbrio termodinâmico, processos e ciclos; energia potencial, cinética e interna; definições de calor e trabalho; lei da conservação da energia; definição e exemplo de cálculo de pressão; pressão manométrica, pressão absoluta, pressão manométrica; temperatura, lei zero da termodinâmica, equilíbrio térmico; descrição das unidades das grandezas físicas envolvidas nos processos – Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI).


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Apresenta a definição e aplicação dos principais conceitos relacionados aos balanços de energia (Primeira Lei da Termodinâmica) para sistemas fechados e abertos, discutindo todos os tipos de energia que neles são incluídos. Descreve o experimento de Joule. Demonstra como estes sistemas interagem com as vizinhanças, trocando energia nas formas de calor e trabalho. Discute simplificações dos balanços de energia para processos com uma variável termodinâmica constante (p, v ou T) e processos que ocorrem com gases ideais. Posteriormente, apresenta correlações para o cálculo de capacidades caloríficas e calores latentes de vaporização, e também como usá-las nos cálculos de variação de entalpia.


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Apresenta algumas observações experimentais que fornecem embasamento para a segunda lei da termodinâmica, os enunciados de Clausius e Kelvin-Planck. Demonstra através de esquemas o princípio de funcionamento das máquinas térmicas e dos refrigeradores, das máquinas ideais (descrição do ciclo de Carnot) e a representação dos ciclos de potência e de refrigeração num diagrama p-v. Avalia o rendimento de máquinas térmicas ideais. Posteriormente, define o conceito de entropia e suas aplicações, como calcular variações desta propriedade termodinâmica em diferentes processos, em líquidos, sólidos e gases ideais.


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Este relatório foi escrito no âmbito da disciplina de Prática de Ensino Supervisionado, unidade curricular pertencente ao Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, durante o ano letivo de 2012/2013. Neste relatório, de forma resumida, descrevo todo o trabalho desenvolvido por mim e pelo grupo de estágio aquando da nossa formação numa escola básica e secundária da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Apresento também um enquadramento teórico que, de forma breve, corrobora as minhas ideias sobre o ensino da Matemática e o conhecimento da Ciência. Acredito que esta disciplina pode ser ensinada e aprendida com recurso a estratégias que englobam outras Ciências. O propósito está em, não só aprender Matemática, mas também desenvolver o raciocínio, pensamento crítico e interesse pelas Ciências de um modo geral nos alunos. Desta forma, neste relatório poder-se-á encontrar três métodos de ensino-aprendizagem (visitas de estudo, atividades investigativas e resolução de problemas) que utilizei nas aulas de Matemática, com o intuito de os alunos aprenderem Trigonometria com a Astronomia. O gosto e interesse pela Matemática e pelas Ciências desvanecem a cada dia que passa em grande parte dos alunos e caso os professores não encontrem estratégias para inverter esta tendência, corremos o sério risco de estar a criar gerações cientificamente iliteradas. Assim, neste relatório procurei verificar como é que a Astronomia poderá contribuir para a aprendizagem da Matemática e como é que, no ensino desta disciplina, a Astronomia poderá contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do mundo por parte dos alunos.


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With more or less 213.000 habitants, Mossoró is the second more developed city from the Rio Grande do Norte. The town is proclamated like the land of freedom. To so far, exist four moments in your history related with the defence of freedom that is point like truthful from so proclamation. Suchlike happenings are the first female vote on Brazil, the resistance against the Lampião s band, the worman s mutiny and the slave release in 1883, five year before the Áurea law sanction. These happenings are commemorate yearly on setember with one big theatrical event called by the freedom high. Inside this contexto of exaltation to freedom, there is one black movement by name black and beautiful. Is the present dissertation, talked about the building of black identities between the black militants of Mossoró and the dwellers from the Santo Antônio district. With such approach, we intend to think about possibles differences or likeness, how the militants and dwellers from the refered district self-calleds like blacks or not. We are understanding black identity like one process to self-affirmation done by specificities of the social context and the individual particularity. This way, the identity change into one dynamic and contextual reality, gone always by one business process against the interaction of the social actors. So we search to discuss the specificities that involve the process to building of black identities in the city of freedom


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Las políticas de salud destinadas a las mulheres de la comunidad quilombola de Boa Vista son, de manera general, las mismas políticas destinadas al resto de las mujeres de la región rural del Seridó norterriograndense y también las que se corresponden con regiones marginales del Brasil entero. Aquí, el cuerpo femenino es concebido bajo parámetros universalizantes que lo toman como una entidad homogénea y comparable con otros cuerpos femeninos a partir de su traducción en índices, tasas y estadísticas. En este sentido, decimos que son cuerpos desnudos, cuya intervención no considera los rasgos exteriores, aquellos llamados de culturales, como marcadores de identidad. Por otro lado, la noción de Salud de la Mujer Negra propuesta por recientes políticas de Estado a nivel nacional, se muestra inexistente en la comunidad. El cuerpo que se se exalta hoy a partir de los parámetros de reivindicación étnica es un cuerpo negro, pero también bello, jovem e sobre todo, fuerte; donde la noción de salud no penetra. De esta forma, las dos políticas conciben sujetos sociales diferentes. Sin embargo, existe otro espacio, que es el espacio de las prácticas vernáculas, en el que las mujeres experimentan la articulación entre feminilidad y negritud, pero a partir de otros parámetros local e históricamente delineados. Aquí, tanto las trayectorias de las mujeres como las redes de parentesco y cuidado locales se muestran especialmente significativas, ayudando a comprender las concepciones particulares sobre el cuerpo que imaginan y practican las mujeres de esta comunidad, y revelando la importancia de la maternidad como principio ordenador de identidades sociales. Para eso, hemos realizado un trabajo de observación participante, una serie de 30 entrevista com mujeres de Boa Vista y un estudio de las redes de parentesco organizadas alrededor del término mãe. Con esto, demostramos que existe un espacio cargado de significados sobre el cuerpo femenino y la feminilidad que es construido a partir de una interpretación local de la triple condición de mulher, de mãe y de negra


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Portraits de la Dignité: Noirs du Riacho (2005-2006) analyse le Projet Dignité, comme un produit publicitaire du gouverne du Rio Grande do Norte, à travers de trois voie: l éducation; l identité; la propagande publicitaire. Notre regard a été dirigé vers les images écrites, parlés et photografiées pour meilleur comprendre comme la communauté des Noirs du Riacho, a été incorporer a polítique d égalité de races proposé par les gouvernes Municipal, de l État, et Fédéral, tout em transformant la communauté en produit publicitaire du gouverne. Entre une partie et l outre on a enregistrés des questions sur l identité, plus particulierment la (des)constrution identitaire tout en s appuyant dans le rôle de la langage publicitaire, que em utilisand les richeses de ses techniques, montre le Riacho et le peuple dans la exposition etno-photogaphique Portraits de la Dignité. Ainsi, c est important comprendre la divulgation du Projet Dignité, appuyer dans la propragande de l image des personnages du Riacho divulguées dans la presse locale. Cette problematique, nos conduit a controverser des questions três anciennes par rapports aux discriminations contre les négres, ainsi comme la façon que le gouvernement en la période analysé, s engage en la problematique des communautés restantes de quilombolas dans l État du Rio Grande do Norte. Au choisir la communauté du Riacho pour développer sa politique d action affirmative l État place le Riacho comme laboratoire sociale , en cette contexte nous cherchons à travers des analyses des documents officiels, thèses, recherches bibliografiques et de champs, bien comme de matériel journalistique et publicitaire, révéler les messages véhiculés dans la presse locale sur des questions proposés par cette étude. Pour développer l étude nous appuyons metodologicament en la recherche qualitative, sans perdre de vue l analyse critique des contenus, vu que les sujets en étude ne doive pas être analyser basé en un unique point de vue. Ainsi, nous pensons ne pas fermer la question, mas ouvrir l outres pour permettre meilleur débattre la liason chaque jour plus fort entre la publicité e l action gouvernamentale, en ce qui est relatif aux usages de l image photografique


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Situated at the intersection of Continuing Formation, Science Teaching and content of astronomy, the research aims to discuss this problematic : What are the challenges encountered in a continuous formation in service of science teachers of the early years of elementary school with contents of astronomy? Aiming to answer this question, we carried out a collaborative action research in a school of Natal / RN, with 6 teachers who teach or lectured Natural Sciences in the early years of elementary school. The study involved 14 encounters of continuos formation in service, to enable a better understanding criticism and propositive concerning the teaching science, especially some content of astronomy for the initial years, through a shared discussion. To this end, we consider that more profound understanding of astronomical knowledge allows the establishment of relationships and connections between theoretical knowledge and the daily teaching practice. All discussions were recorded on audio and transcripts. This research was realized using questionnaires and diary, however, the audio recording was its principal working instrument. About the data collected, several issues emerged as the little field of conceptual content, several misconceptions among teachers about the content of astronomy, lack of adequate space in the school environment to study and the need for collective reflection on the practice. Finally, is indicated that the contents of astronomy should be used in classrooms of Sciences, provided that teaching plan of action consider the existence of diverse alternative conceptions about the subject, among both teachers and students, and the need of permanente continuing education in the teaching


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In this research study, in which I discuss the discursive constitution of ethnic-racial identity of black male and female teachers, I understand that the process of identity formation of the subject covers both personal/family and social/professional areas. In it, I propose, in general terms, to analyze the discursive practices present in narratives of black male and female teachers when they look for their social insertion into different social contexts, identifying outbreaks of resistance that are present in their process of ethnicracial identities. The fundamental issue that permeates the survey investigates: how can black male and female teachers behave discursively in the construction of ethnicracial identities in multiple distinct contexts? The theoretical foundations that support this research work come from theoretical fields that complement each other; among them, French Discourse Analysis, Foucault s Theory and cultural studies. These, even with their singularities, are being interlaced by the conception that conceives language as social practice. Methodologically, I adopt an interpretative and qualitative paradigm to examine not only the linguistic repertoires that compose these teachers written narratives written but also the data that were generated by semi-structured interviews. The results show that the subjects, realizing contrary forces that interfere in their process of social inclusion, make use of acetic techniques to (re)signify the history of their lives


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The nonionic surfactants are composed of substances whose molecules in solution, does not ionize. The solubility of these surfactants in water due to the presence of functional groups that have strong affinity for water. When these surfactants are heated is the formation of two liquid phases, evidenced by the phenomenon of turbidity. This study was aimed to determine the experimental temperature and turbidity nonilfenolpoliethoxyled subsequently perform a thermodynamic modeling, considering the models of Flory-Huggins and the empirical solid-liquid equilibrium (SLE). The method used for determining the turbidity point was the visual method (Inoue et al., 2008). The experimental methodology consisted of preparing synthetic solutions of 0,25%, 0,5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%, 12,5%, 15%, 17% and 20% by weight of surfactant. The nonionic surfactants used according to their degree of ethoxylation (9.5, 10, 11, 12 and 13). During the experiments the solutions were homogenized and the bath temperature was gradually increased while the turbidity of the solution temperature was checked visually Inoue et al. (2003). These temperature data of turbidity were used to feed the models evaluated and obtain thermodynamic parameters for systems of surfactants nonilfenolpoliethoxyled. Then the models can be used in phase separation processes, facilitating the extraction of organic solvents, therefore serve as quantitative and qualitative parameters. It was observed that the solidliquid equilibrium model (ESL) was best represented the experimental data.


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This work proposes a transdisciplinary approach that integrates transpersonal psychology exercises with astronomy teaching, seeking to allow one to reintegrate the sky in his/her daily life, expand his/her environmental awareness and eventually experiment the unity between human and cosmos. This proposal intends to collaborate with the supplying of education, which lacks initiatives of this kind, with the promotion of an integration of the scientific knowledge with the human experience that transcends the materialistic and fragmentary objectives of the current educational system. As a result of that lack, the teachers formation is also poor as for an integral and transdisciplinary approach. Besides, we also approached in this research the necessity to propose alternatives so that the educators may work in a more assertive way with the environmental and anthropological crisis in which we are living. Our working hypothesis is that the contents of astronomy, when they are dealt in a holisticanthropological focus and are related with transpersonal psychology practices, can come to be an efficient cultural-academic vehicle, capable of propitiating an expansion of consciousness and changes in the way one conceives the world. Such changes are necessary so that a more solidary, fair and ecologically balanced life may come to exist and prevail in the planet. Part of the collection of data was done through the ethnographic method, once an anthropological interpretation is inextricably associated with this kind of educational intervention, which will naturally include ethno-visions of the universe as well as specific cultural elements. In the beginning the scope of this research was a group of students attending the Astronomy assignment in an undergraduate Geography course (UFRN), in which we accomplished participant observation, half-open interviews and the first experimental practices mentioned. After the evaluation of the first data collected from that initial group, we elaborated an academic extension course, Laboratory in Cosmoeducation, and we offered it to teachers of the 1st and 2nd cycles of the fundamental level of the Alceu Amoroso Lima State School, located in the North Zone of Natal. We prized self-experimentation in that course, so that the teachers could enrich their repertoire of personal experiences, stimulating meditative reflections and eventual changes in the ways of conceiving the world and in their pedagogical practice. The transdisciplinary attitude permeated all our educational action, because this approach transcends the boundaries of disciplines, seeking essentially the integral development of the human being. The process has made us realize that the practice of looking at the sky , as a way of reintegrating it into daily life, provokes a process of expansion of the consciousness and of reintegration of the self in a wider level of environmental interrelation. According to the results, the occurrence of conceptual and existential changes of the world vision of the participant teachers was evident, reassuring ourselves of the idea that the interface between astronomy teaching and the practices of transpersonal psychology can contribute to the recovery of a holistic relationship between the human being and the cosmos and to inspire the arising of a more wide-ranging ethics, based on universal, impartial and sustainable values


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The interdisciplinary nature of Astronomy makes it a field of great potential to explore various scientific concepts. However, studies show a great lack of understanding of fundamental subjects, including models that explain phenomena that mark everyday life, like the phases of the moon. Particularly in the context of distance education, learning of such models can be favored by the use of technologies of information and communication. Among other possibilities, we highlight the importance of digital materials that motivate and expand the forms of representation available about phenomena and models. It is also important, however, that these materials promote the explicitation of student's conceptions, as well as interaction with the most central aspects of the astronomical model for the phenomenon. In this dissertation we present a hypermedia module aimed at learning about the phases of the moon, drawn from an investigation on the difficulties with the subject during an Astronomy course for teaching training at undergraduate level at UFRN. The tests of three semesters of course were analyzed, taking into account also the alternative conceptions reported in the literature in astronomy education. The product makes use of small texts, questions, images and interactive animations. Emphasizes questions about the illumination of the Moon and other bodies, and their relationship to the sun, the perception from different angles of objects illuminated by a single source, the cause of the alternation between day and night, the identification of Moon's orbit around the Earth and the occurrence of the phases as a result of the position of observing it, and the perception of time involved in the phenomenon. The module incorporated considerations obtained from interviews with students in two poles where its given presential support for students of the course, and subjects from different pedagogical contexts. The final form of the material was used in a real situation of learning, as supplementary material for the final test of the discipline. The material was analyzed by 7 students and 4 tutors, among 56 users, in the period in question. Most students considered that the so called "Lunar Module" made a difference in their learning, the animations were considered the most prominent aspect, the images were indicated as stimulating and enlightening, and the text informative and enjoyable. The analysis of learning of these students, observing their responses to issues raised at the last evaluation, suggested gains in key aspects relating to the understanding of the phases, but also indicates more persistent difficulties. The work leads us to conclude that it is important to seek contributions for the training of science teachers making use of new technologies, with attention to the treatment of computer as a complementary resource. The interviews that preceded the use of the module, and the way student has sought the module if with questions and/or previous conflicts - established great difference in the effective contribution of the material, indicating that it should be used with the mediation of teacher or tutor, or via strategies that cause interactions between students. It is desirable that these interactions are associated with the recovery of memories of the subjects about previous observations and models, as well as the stimulus to new observations of phenomena


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This work suggests a discussion about methodologies and didactic-pedagogical activities for the teaching of Astronomy in first and second cycles of the primary school, in a perspective of literacy and inclusion. The presented proposals have been developed in a group of the Public School Alceu Amoroso Lima, North of Natal city, with children since six years old, amongst which two considered as being with special needs . This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to develop with those children the contents of Astronomy, while they participate of the process of literacy and inclusion. From this, we are searching a theoretical-practical contribution so that the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian Nacional Curricular Guideness) include the referred contents in first cycle of primary school. For the accomplishment of this research, Experiential Astronomy was initially proposed. Later on, many workshops had been carried through (clay, ripping , crepon paper, plasticine, cardboard and gastro-lunar ). All the proposed activities were based on the conjunction of contents, which characterized the interdisciplinarity. Through the approach we adopted and the practices we proposed, we could evidence that not only children considered as being normal , but also that ones who carries special needs could appropriate themselves of our writing code, develop and incorporate a daily relationship close to the stuffs of the sky, learn many information about all of this, besides constructing attitudinal, procedural and conceptual contents