894 resultados para Branching random walk
Photon migration in a turbid medium has been modeled in many different ways. The motivation for such modeling is based on technology that can be used to probe potentially diagnostic optical properties of biological tissue. Surprisingly, one of the more effective models is also one of the simplest. It is based on statistical properties of a nearest-neighbor lattice random walk. Here we develop a theory allowing one to calculate the number of visits by a photon to a given depth, if it is eventually detected at an absorbing surface. This mimics cw measurements made on biological tissue and is directed towards characterizing the depth reached by photons injected at the surface. Our development of the theory uses formalism based on the theory of a continuous-time random walk (CTRW). Formally exact results are given in the Fourier-Laplace domain, which, in turn, are used to generate approximations for parameters of physical interest.
Connectivity among demes in a metapopulation depends on both the landscape's and the focal organism's properties (including its mobility and cognitive abilities). Using individual-based simulations, we contrast the consequences of three different cognitive strategies on several measures of metapopulation connectivity. Model animals search suitable habitat patches while dispersing through a model landscape made of cells varying in size, shape, attractiveness and friction. In the blind strategy, the next cell is chosen randomly among the adjacent ones. In the near-sighted strategy, the choice depends on the relative attractiveness of these adjacent cells. In the far-sighted strategy, animals may additionally target suitable patches that appear within their perceptual range. Simulations show that the blind strategy provides the best overall connectivity, and results in balanced dispersal. The near-sighted strategy traps animals into corridors that reduce the number of potential targets, thereby fragmenting metapopulations in several local clusters of demes, and inducing sink-source dynamics. This sort of local trapping is somewhat prevented in the far-sighted strategy. The colonization success of strategies depends highly on initial energy reserves: blind does best when energy is high, near-sighted wins at intermediate levels, and far-sighted outcompetes its rivals at low energy reserves. We also expect strong effects in terms of metapopulation genetics: the blind strategy generates a migrant-pool mode of dispersal that should erase local structures. By contrast, near- and far-sighted strategies generate a propagule-pool mode of dispersal and source-sink behavior that should boost structures (high genetic variance among- and low variance within local clusters of demes), particularly if metapopulation dynamics is also affected by extinction-colonization processes. Our results thus point to important effects of the cognitive ability of dispersers on the connectivity, dynamics and genetics of metapopulations.
The main goal of this article is to provide an answer to the question: "Does anything forecast exchange rates, and if so, which variables?". It is well known thatexchange rate fluctuations are very difficult to predict using economic models, andthat a random walk forecasts exchange rates better than any economic model (theMeese and Rogoff puzzle). However, the recent literature has identified a series of fundamentals/methodologies that claim to have resolved the puzzle. This article providesa critical review of the recent literature on exchange rate forecasting and illustratesthe new methodologies and fundamentals that have been recently proposed in an up-to-date, thorough empirical analysis. Overall, our analysis of the literature and thedata suggests that the answer to the question: "Are exchange rates predictable?" is,"It depends" -on the choice of predictor, forecast horizon, sample period, model, andforecast evaluation method. Predictability is most apparent when one or more of thefollowing hold: the predictors are Taylor rule or net foreign assets, the model is linear, and a small number of parameters are estimated. The toughest benchmark is therandom walk without drift.
We introduce a set of sequential integro-difference equations to analyze the dynamics of two interacting species. Firstly, we derive the speed of the fronts when a species invades a space previously occupied by a second species, and check its validity by means of numerical random-walk simulations. As an example, we consider the Neolithic transition: the predictions of the model are consistent with the archaeological data for the front speed, provided that the interaction parameter is low enough. Secondly, an equation for the coexistence time between the invasive and the invaded populations is obtained for the first time. It agrees well with the simulations, is consistent with observations of the Neolithic transition, and makes it possible to estimate the value of the interaction parameter between the incoming and the indigenous populations
One signature of adaptive radiation is a high level of trait change early during the diversification process and a plateau toward the end of the radiation. Although the study of the tempo of evolution has historically been the domain of paleontologists, recently developed phylogenetic tools allow for the rigorous examination of trait evolution in a tremendous diversity of organisms. Enemy-driven adaptive radiation was a key prediction of Ehrlich and Raven's coevolutionary hypothesis [Ehrlich PR, Raven PH (1964) Evolution 18:586-608], yet has remained largely untested. Here we examine patterns of trait evolution in 51 North American milkweed species (Asclepias), using maximum likelihood methods. We study 7 traits of the milkweeds, ranging from seed size and foliar physiological traits to defense traits (cardenolides, latex, and trichomes) previously shown to impact herbivores, including the monarch butterfly. We compare the fit of simple random-walk models of trait evolution to models that incorporate stabilizing selection (Ornstein-Ulenbeck process), as well as time-varying rates of trait evolution. Early bursts of trait evolution were implicated for 2 traits, while stabilizing selection was implicated for several others. We further modeled the relationship between trait change and species diversification while allowing rates of trait evolution to vary during the radiation. Species-rich lineages underwent a proportionately greater decline in latex and cardenolides relative to species-poor lineages, and the rate of trait change was most rapid early in the radiation. An interpretation of this result is that reduced investment in defensive traits accelerated diversification, and disproportionately so, early in the adaptive radiation of milkweeds.
Une fois déposé, un sédiment est affecté au cours de son enfouissement par un ensemble de processus, regroupé sous le terme diagenèse, le transformant parfois légèrement ou bien suffisamment pour le rendre méconnaissable. Ces modifications ont des conséquences sur les propriétés pétrophysiques qui peuvent être positives ou négatives, c'est-à-dire les améliorer ou bien les détériorer. Une voie alternative de représentation numérique des processus, affranchie de l'utilisation des réactions physico-chimiques, a été adoptée et développée en mimant le déplacement du ou des fluides diagénétiques. Cette méthode s'appuie sur le principe d'un automate cellulaire et permet de simplifier les phénomènes sans sacrifier le résultat et permet de représenter les phénomènes diagénétiques à une échelle fine. Les paramètres sont essentiellement numériques ou mathématiques et nécessitent d'être mieux compris et renseignés à partir de données réelles issues d'études d'affleurements et du travail analytique effectué. La représentation des phénomènes de dolomitisation de faible profondeur suivie d'une phase de dédolomitisation a été dans un premier temps effectuée. Le secteur concerne une portion de la série carbonatée de l'Urgonien (Barrémien-Aptien), localisée dans le massif du Vercors en France. Ce travail a été réalisé à l'échelle de la section afin de reproduire les géométries complexes associées aux phénomènes diagénétiques et de respecter les proportions mesurées en dolomite. De plus, la dolomitisation a été simulée selon trois modèles d'écoulement. En effet, la dédolomitisation étant omniprésente, plusieurs hypothèses sur le mécanisme de dolomitisation ont été énoncées et testées. Plusieurs phases de dolomitisation per ascensum ont été également simulées sur des séries du Lias appartenant aux formations du groupe des Calcaire Gris, localisées au nord-est de l'Italie. Ces fluides diagénétiques empruntent le réseau de fracturation comme vecteur et affectent préférentiellement les lithologies les plus micritisées. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence la propagation des phénomènes à l'échelle de l'affleurement. - Once deposited, sediment is affected by diagenetic processes during their burial history. These diagenetic processes are able to affect the petrophysical properties of the sedimentary rocks and also improve as such their reservoir capacity. The modelling of diagenetic processes in carbonate reservoirs is still a challenge as far as neither stochastic nor physicochemical simulations can correctly reproduce the complexity of features and the reservoir heterogeneity generated by these processes. An alternative way to reach this objective deals with process-like methods, which simplify the algorithms while preserving all geological concepts in the modelling process. The aim of the methodology is to conceive a consistent and realistic 3D model of diagenetic overprints on initial facies resulting in petrophysical properties at a reservoir scale. The principle of the method used here is related to a lattice gas automata used to mimic diagenetic fluid flows and to reproduce the diagenetic effects through the evolution of mineralogical composition and petrophysical properties. This method developed in a research group is well adapted to handle dolomite reservoirs through the propagation of dolomitising fluids and has been applied on two case studies. The first study concerns a mid-Cretaceous rudist and granular platform of carbonate succession (Urgonian Fm., Les Gorges du Nan, Vercors, SE France), in which several main diagenetic stages have been identified. The modelling in 2D is focused on dolomitisation followed by a dédolomitisation stage. For the second study, data collected from outcrops on the Venetian platform (Lias, Mont Compomolon NE Italy), in which several diagenetic stages have been identified. The main one is related to per ascensum dolomitisation along fractures. In both examples, the evolution of the effects of the mimetic diagenetic fluid on mineralogical composition can be followed through space and numerical time and help to understand the heterogeneity in reservoir properties. Carbonates, dolomitisation, dédolomitisation, process-like modelling, lattice gas automata, random walk, memory effect.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää Venäjän, Slovakian, Tsekin, Romanian, Bulgarian, Unkarin ja Puolan osakemarkkinoiden heikkojen ehtojen tehokkuutta. Tämä tutkielma on kvantitatiivinen tutkimus ja päiväkohtaiset indeksin sulkemisarvot kerättiin Datastreamin tietokannasta. Data kerättiin pörssien ensimmäisestä kaupankäyntipäivästä aina vuoden 2006 elokuun loppuun saakka. Analysoinnin tehostamiseksi dataa tutkittiin koko aineistolla, sekä kahdella aliperiodilla. Osakemarkkinoiden tehokkuutta on testattu neljällä tilastollisella metodilla, mukaan lukien autokorrelaatiotesti ja epäparametrinen runs-testi. Tavoitteena on myös selvittääesiintyykö kyseisillä markkinoilla viikonpäiväanomalia. Viikonpäiväanomalian esiintymistä tutkitaan käyttämällä pienimmän neliösumman menetelmää (OLS). Viikonpäiväanomalia on löydettävissä kaikilta edellä mainituilta osakemarkkinoilta paitsi Tsekin markkinoilta. Merkittävää, positiivista tai negatiivista autokorrelaatiota, on löydettävissä kaikilta osakemarkkinoilta, myös Ljung-Box testi osoittaa kaikkien markkinoiden tehottomuutta täydellä periodilla. Osakemarkkinoiden satunnaiskulku hylätään runs-testin perusteella kaikilta muilta paitsi Slovakian osakemarkkinoilla, ainakin tarkastellessa koko aineistoa tai ensimmäistä aliperiodia. Aineisto ei myöskään ole normaalijakautunut minkään indeksin tai aikajakson kohdalla. Nämä havainnot osoittavat, että kyseessä olevat markkinat eivät ole heikkojen ehtojen mukaan tehokkaita
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella Kiinan osakemarkkinoiden tehokkuutta ja random walk -hypoteesin voimassaoloa. Tavoitteena on myös selvittää esiintyykö viikonpäiväanomalia Kiinan osakemarkkinoilla. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään Shanghain osakepörssin A-sarjan,B-sarjan ja yhdistelmä-sarjan ja Shenzhenin yhdistelmä-sarjan indeksien päivittäisiä logaritmisoituja tuottoja ajalta 21.2.1992-30.12.2005 sekä Shenzhenin osakepörssin A-sarjan ja B-sarjan indeksien päivittäisiä logaritmisoituja tuottoja ajalta 5.10.1992-30.12.2005. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytetään neljä tilastollista menetelmää, mukaan lukien autokorrelaatiotestiä, epäparametrista runs-testiä, varianssisuhdetestiä sekä Augmented Dickey-Fullerin yksikköjuuritestiä. Viikonpäiväanomalian esiintymistä tutkitaan käyttämällä pienimmän neliösumman menetelmää (OLS). Testejä tehdään sekä koko aineistolla että kolmella erillisellä ajanjaksolla. Tämän tutkielman empiiriset tulokset tukevat aikaisempia tutkimuksia Kiinan osakemarkkinoiden tehottomuudesta. Lukuun ottamatta yksikköjuuritestien saatuja tuloksia, autokorrelaatio-, runs- ja varianssisuhdetestien perusteella random walk-hypoteesi hylättiin molempien Kiinan osakemarkkinoiden kohdalla. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että molemmilla osakepörssillä B-sarjan indeksien käyttäytyminenon ollut huomattavasti enemmän random walk -hypoteesin vastainen kuin A-sarjan indeksit. Paitsi B-sarjan markkinat, molempien Kiinan osakemarkkinoiden tehokkuus näytti myös paranevan vuoden 2001 markkinabuumin jälkeen. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat myös viikonpäiväanomalian esiintyvän Shanghain osakepörssillä, muttei kuitenkaan Shenzhenin osakepörssillä koko tarkasteluajanjaksolla.
T cells move randomly ("random-walk"), a characteristic thought to be integral to their function. Using migration assays and time-lapse microscopy, we found that CD8+ T cells lacking the lymph node homing receptors CCR7 and CD62L migrate more efficiently in transwell assays, and that these same cells are characterized by a high frequency of cells exhibiting random crawling activity under culture conditions mimicking the interstitial/extravascular milieu, but not when examined on endothelial cells. To assess the energy efficiency of cells crawling at a high frequency, we measured mRNA expression of genes key to mitochondrial energy metabolism (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1beta [PGC-1beta], estrogen-related receptor alpha [ERRalpha], cytochrome C, ATP synthase, and the uncoupling proteins [UCPs] UCP-2 and -3), quantified ATP contents, and performed calorimetric analyses. Together these assays indicated a high energy efficiency of the high crawling frequency CD8+ T-cell population, and identified differentially regulated heat production among nonlymphoid versus lymphoid homing CD8+ T cells.
In this paper we will develop a methodology for obtaining pricing expressions for financial instruments whose underlying asset can be described through a simple continuous-time random walk (CTRW) market model. Our approach is very natural to the issue because it is based in the use of renewal equations, and therefore it enhances the potential use of CTRW techniques in finance. We solve these equations for typical contract specifications, in a particular but exemplifying case. We also show how a formal general solution can be found for more exotic derivatives, and we compare prices for alternative models of the underlying. Finally, we recover the celebrated results for the Wiener process under certain limits.
Social, technological, and economic time series are divided by events which are usually assumed to be random, albeit with some hierarchical structure. It is well known that the interevent statistics observed in these contexts differs from the Poissonian profile by being long-tailed distributed with resting and active periods interwoven. Understanding mechanisms generating consistent statistics has therefore become a central issue. The approach we present is taken from the continuous-time random-walk formalism and represents an analytical alternative to models of nontrivial priority that have been recently proposed. Our analysis also goes one step further by looking at the multifractal structure of the interevent times of human decisions. We here analyze the intertransaction time intervals of several financial markets. We observe that empirical data describe a subtle multifractal behavior. Our model explains this structure by taking the pausing-time density in the form of a superstatistics where the integral kernel quantifies the heterogeneous nature of the executed tasks. A stretched exponential kernel provides a multifractal profile valid for a certain limited range. A suggested heuristic analytical profile is capable of covering a broader region.
For predicting future volatility, empirical studies find mixed results regarding two issues: (1) whether model free implied volatility has more information content than Black-Scholes model-based implied volatility; (2) whether implied volatility outperforms historical volatilities. In this thesis, we address these two issues using the Canadian financial data. First, we examine the information content and forecasting power between VIXC - a model free implied volatility, and MVX - a model-based implied volatility. The GARCH in-sample test indicates that VIXC subsumes all information that is reflected in MVX. The out-of-sample examination indicates that VIXC is superior to MVX for predicting the next 1-, 5-, 10-, and 22-trading days' realized volatility. Second, we investigate the predictive power between VIXC and alternative volatility forecasts derived from historical index prices. We find that for time horizons lesser than 10-trading days, VIXC provides more accurate forecasts. However, for longer time horizons, the historical volatilities, particularly the random walk, provide better forecasts. We conclude that VIXC cannot incorporate all information contained in historical index prices for predicting future volatility.
This paper considers various asymptotic approximations in the near-integrated firstorder autoregressive model with a non-zero initial condition. We first extend the work of Knight and Satchell (1993), who considered the random walk case with a zero initial condition, to derive the expansion of the relevant joint moment generating function in this more general framework. We also consider, as alternative approximations, the stochastic expansion of Phillips (1987c) and the continuous time approximation of Perron (1991). We assess how these alternative methods provide or not an adequate approximation to the finite-sample distribution of the least-squares estimator in a first-order autoregressive model. The results show that, when the initial condition is non-zero, Perron's (1991) continuous time approximation performs very well while the others only offer improvements when the initial condition is zero.
Dans le cadre de la recherche d’appui à la phase III du projet huile de palme rouge (HPR) au Burkina Faso, une étude de base a porté sur 150 femmes de la zone de production échantillonnées par la méthode aléatoire géographique. Leur statut en vitamine A (VA) a été évalué par HPLC et leurs apports alimentaires par un questionnaire de fréquence de consommation. Les connaissances, les perceptions, les habitudes d’utilisation et de consommation de l’HPR ont été explorées par un questionnaire pré-testé administré au domicile des participantes. Une étude comparative sur la qualité nutritionnelle, physico-chimique, microbiologique et sensorielle de 13 échantillons d’HPR de différentes provenances a été également réalisée. La prévalence de faibles rétinolémies était de 10,7% et les apports en VA provenaient à 90% des aliments d’origine végétale. Seules 5,9% des femmes productrices présentaient une faible rétinolémie, comparativement à 20,8% des femmes non-productrices d’HPR. Les échantillons d’HPR présentaient un profil satisfaisant mais quelques-uns étaient limites au plan microbiologique. En outre, aucun échantillon ne se distinguait nettement selon tous les paramètres de qualité étudiés. Cette étude démontre que les aliments d’origine végétale riches en caroténoïdes provitaminiques A, dont l’HPR qui en est la meilleure source, peuvent permettre d’avoir un statut adéquat en VA. Les risques de contamination de l’HPR au stade de la vente au détail impliquent une sensibilisation et une formation aux pratiques exemplaires de manipulation. Mots clés : Huile de palme rouge, vitamine A, diversification alimentaire, qualité, Burkina Faso.
Le sujet principal de ce mémoire est l'étude de la distribution asymptotique de la fonction f_m qui compte le nombre de diviseurs premiers distincts parmi les nombres premiers $p_1,...,p_m$. Au premier chapitre, nous présentons les sept résultats qui seront démontrés au chapitre 4. Parmi ceux-ci figurent l'analogue du théorème d'Erdos-Kac et un résultat sur les grandes déviations. Au second chapitre, nous définissons les espaces de probabilités qui serviront à calculer les probabilités asymptotiques des événements considérés, et éventuellement à calculer les densités qui leur correspondent. Le troisième chapitre est la partie centrale du mémoire. On y définit la promenade aléatoire qui, une fois normalisée, convergera vers le mouvement brownien. De là, découleront les résultats qui formeront la base des démonstrations de ceux chapitre 1.