298 resultados para Bothrops jaracussu


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The effects of heparin and other polyanions on the myotoxicity of Bothrops jararacussu venom and purified bothropstoxin (BthTX) were investigated. The release rate of creatine kinase (CK) from isolated extensor digitorum longus muscle and the plasma CK activity of mice were used to quantify the results. The myotoxic effects of B. jararacussu venom or BthTX were inhibited by preincubation of these agents with one of the following: a heterogeneous heparin preparation (designated 'heparin'), low mol. wt heparin (H-4500) or dextran sulfates (DS-8000 and DS-500,000). Non-sulfated dextran (D-40,000) and two chondroitin sulfates were ineffective. The antimyotoxic effects of the polyanions are ascribed to their forming inactive acid-base complexes with the basic myotoxins of Bothrops venoms. Gel-filtration experiments in Sephadex provided direct evidence for complex formation between heparin and BthTX. Intravenous (i.v.) administration of H-4500 or DS-8000 opposed the increase in plasma CK activity induced by a subsequent i.m. injection of venom or BthTX. In contrast, pretreatment with i.v. heparin or DS-500,000 enhanced the venom-induced increase in plasma CK activity. This effect was not observed (1) when the animals were treated with a polyvalent antivenom, which inhibits the coagulation and local stasis induced by Bothrops venoms, and (2) when BthTX, which has no thrombotic or hemorrhagic properties, was the myotoxic agent. The potentiation of the venom-induced increase in plasma CK activity by heparin and DS-500,000 is ascribed to improved washout of the CK released from damaged fibers, because of the anticoagulant properties of the drugs.


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Myotoxin II, a myotoxic calcium-independent phospholipase-like protein isolated from the venom of Bothrops asper, possesses no detectable phospholipase activity. The crystal structure has been determined and refined at 2.8 Angstrom to an R factor of 16.5% (F>3 sigma) with excellent stereochemistry. Amino-acid differences between catalytically active phospholipases and myotoxin LI in the Ca2+-binding region, specifically the substitutions Tyr28-->Asn, Gly32-->Leu and Asp49-->Lys, result in an altered local conformation. The key difference is that the epsilon-amino group of Lys49 fills the site normally occupied by the calcium ion in catalytically active phospholipases. In contrast to the homologous monomeric Lys49 variant from Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus, myotoxin II is present as a dimer both in solution and in the crystalline state. The two molecules in the asymmetric unit are related by a nearly perfect twofold axis, yet the dimer is radically different from the dimer formed by the phospholipase from Crotalus atrox. Whereas in C. atrox the dimer interface occludes the active sites, in myotoxin II they are exposed to solvent.


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We describe a previously unreported behavior for water collection in juveniles of a neotropical viperid snake. Bothrops moojeni. When sprayed over, this snake displays a stereotyped coiling, bringing its body loops in close contact with each other, so that water is retained between the loops and over the body surface. This water is continuously ingested during and after its collection. The functional significance of the water collecting behavior is suggested to be related with the acquisition of water from short rainfalls, and with the special climatic and geologic conditions of B. moojeni habitat. Rates of evaporative water loss did not differ between juvenile and adult snakes, but since juveniles have a greater surface-to-volume ratio, they were significantly more sensitive to desiccation than the adults.


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Piratoxins (PrTX) I and III are phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) or PLA(2) homologue myotoxins isolated from Bothrops pirajai snake venom, which also induce myonecrosis, bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli, disruption of artificial membranes, and edema. PrTX-III is a catalytically active hemolytic and anticoagulant Asp49 PLA(2), while PrTX-I is a Lys49 PLA, homologue, which is catalytically inactive on artificial substrates, but promotes blockade of neuromuscular transmission. Chemical modifications of His, Lys, Tyr, and Trp residues of PrTX-I and PrTX-III were performed, together with cleavage of the N-terminal octapeptide by CNBr and inhibition by heparin and EDTA. The lethality, bactericidal activity, myotoxicity, neuromuscular effect, edema inducing effect, catalytic and anticoagulant activities, and the liposome-disruptive activity of the modified toxins were evaluated. A complex pattern of functional differences between the modified and native toxins was observed. However, in general, chemical modifications that significantly affected the diverse pharmacological effects of the toxins did not influence catalytic or membrane disrupting activities. Analysis of structural changes by circular dichroism spectroscopy demonstrated significant changes in the secondary structure only in the case of N-terminal octapeptide cleavage. These data indicate that PrTX-I and PrTX-III possess regions other than the catalytic site, which determine their toxic and pharmacological activities. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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A, M. Soares, V, M, Rodrigues, M. I. Homsi-Brandeburgo, M. H. Toyama, F, R, Lombardi, K. Arni and J. R, Giglio. A rapid procedure for the isolation of the Lys-49 myotoxin II from Bothrops moojeni (caissaca) venom: Biochemical characterization, crystallization, myotoxic and edematogenic activity. Toxicon 36, 503-514, 1998.-Bothrops moojeni snake venom was fractionated on a CM-Sepharose column which was previously equilibrated with 0.05 M ammonium bicarbonate buffer at pH 8.0 and subsequently eluted with an ammonium bicarbonate concentration gradient from 0.05 to 0.5 M at constant pH (8.0) and temperature (25 degrees C). The fraction which eluted last (M-VI) showed, after direct lyophilization, a single band by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and SDS-PAGE, indicating an approximate M,. of 14 000 and 77 000, in the presence and absence of dithiothreitol, respectively. Its amino acid composition revealed a high level of hydrophobic and basic amino acids as well as 13 half-cystine residues. Its isoelectric point and extinction coefficient (E-1.0cm(1.0mg/ml) at 278 nm and pH 7.0) were 8.2 and 1.170, respectively. M-VI was devoid of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity on egg yolk, as well as of hemorrhagic, anticoagulant and coagulant activities, but could induce drastic necrosis on skeletal muscle fibres as well as rapid and transient edema on the rat paw. Its N-terminal sequence: SLFELGKMILQETGKNPAKSYGVYGCNCGVGGRGKPKDATDRCCYVHKCCYK.... revealed high homology with other Lys 49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins from other bothropic venoms. Orthorhombic crystals of M-VI? which diffracted to a maximal resolution of 1.6 Angstrom. were obtained and indicated the presence of a dimer in the asymmetrical unit. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The venom of Bothrops insidaris snake, known in Brazil as jararaca ilhoa, contains a variety of proteolytic enzymes such as a thrombin-like substance that is responsible for various pharmacological effects. B. insularis venom chromatography profile showed an elution of seven main fractions. The thrombin-like activity was detected in fractions I and 111, the latter being subjected to two other chromatographic procedures, so to say DEAE and Hi Trap Benzamidine. The purity degree of this fraction was confirmed by analytical reverse phase HPLC, which displayed only one main fraction confirmed by SDS-PAGE constituting fraction III. About 5 mu g of fraction III protein potentiated the secretion of insulin induced by 2.8mM of glucose in rats isolated pancreatic beta-cells treated; the increase being around 3-fold higher than its respective control. B. insidaris lectin (BiLec; 10 mu g/mL) was also studied as to its effect on the renal function of isolated perfused rat kidneys with the use of six Wistar rats. BiLec increased perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistence (RVR), urinary flow (UF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Sodium (%TNa+) and chloride tubular reabsorption (%TCl-) decreased at 120 min, without alteration in potassium transport. In conclusion, the thrombin-like substance isolated from B. insularis venom induced an increase in insulin secretion, in vitro, and transiently altered vascular, glomerular and tubular parameters in the isolated rat kidney. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two myotoxins isolated from B. asper (myotoxin II) and B. nummifer (myotoxin I) snake venoms have been crystallized and their diffraction properties are described. These myotoxins are phospholipase A2 variants which lack enzymatic activity; B. asper myotoxin II is a lysine-49 phospholipase. Crystals were obtained at room temperature by standard hanging-drop vapour diffusion methods. Crystals diffracted to a resolution of 2.8 and 2.3 angstrom, respectively.


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Bothrops neuwiedi is a lancehead with twelve recognized subspecies and a wide geographic distribution through South America. The relationships among six subspecies of B. neuwiedi were studied by means of plasma electrophoresis. The degrees of similarity among the subspecies were not geographically structured, and two main groups were recognised according to the electrophoregram patterns.


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With the aim of further understanding the structure/function relationships in the membrane-damaging activity of the Lys(49) phospholipase A(2) (Lys(49)-PLA(2)) sub-family, we used PCR (polymerase chain reaction) on total venom gland cDNAs from Bothrops jararacussu with degenerate oligodeoxyribonucleotides encoding the N- and C-termini of myotoxin II, a Lys(49)-PLA(2) from Bothrops asper. A 350-bp cDNA coding for bothropstoxin I (BtxtxI) was amplified. Sequencing of the amplified fragment shows that BtxtxI has a Lys(49), and comparison with the known structure of myotoxin II showed that the amino acids involved in the formation of a novel dimeric structure in this protein were also conserved.


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Fernanda Canduri, Lit C. Mancuso, Andreimar M. Soares, Jose R. Giglio, Richard J. Ward and Raghuvir K. Arni. Crystallization of piratoxin I, a myotoxic Lys49-phospholipase A(2) homologue isolated from the venom of Bothrops pirajai. Toxicon 36, 547-551, 1998.-Large single crystals of piratoxin I, a Lys49-PLA(2) homologue with low enzymatic activity, have been obtained. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic system space group p2(1)2(1)2(1) and diffract X-raps to a resolution of 2.8 Angstrom. Preliminary analysis reveals the presence of two molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Suramin is a highly charged polysulfonated napthylurea that interferes in a number of physiologically relevant processes such as myotoxicity, blood coagulation and several kinds of cancers. This synthetic compound was complexed with a myotoxic Lys49 PLA(2) from Bothrops asper venom and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion method at 18 degreesC. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell parameters a=49.05, b=63.84 and c=85.67 Angstrom, Diffraction data was collected to 1.78 Angstrom. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A thrombin-like serine protease, jararassin-I, was isolated from the venom of Bothrops jararaca. The protein was obtained in high yield and purity by a single chromatographic step using the affinity resin Benzamidine-Sepharose CL-6B. SDS-PAGE and dynamic light scattering analyses indicated that the molecular mass of the enzyme was about 30 kD. The enzyme possessed fibrinogenolytic and coagulant activities. The jararassin-I degraded the Bbeta chain of fibrinogen while the Aalpha chain and gammachain were unchanged. Proteases inhibitors, PMSF and benzamidine inhibited the coagulant activity. These results showed jararassin-I is a serine protease similar to coagulating thrombin-like snake venom proteases, but it specifically cleaves Bbeta chain of bovine fibrinogen. Single crystals of enzyme were obtained (0.2 mmx0.2 mmx0.2 mm) and used for X-ray diffraction experiments.


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Myotoxin-I (MjTX-I) was purified to homogeneity from the venom of Bothrops moojeni by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sepharose. Its molecular weight, estimated by SDS-PAGE, was 13,400 (reduced) or 26,000 (unreduced). The extinction coefficient (E-1.0 cm(1.0 mg/ml)) of MjTX-I was 1.145 at lambda = 278 nm, pH 7.0, and its isoelectric point was 8.2 at ionic strength mu = 0.1. When lyophilized and stored at 4 degrees C, dimeric, trimeric, and pentameric forms of the protein were identified by SDS-PAGE. This heterogeneous sample could be separated into three fractions by gel filtration on Sephadex 6-50. The fractions were analyzed by isoelectric focusing, immunoelectrophoresis, and amino acid composition, which indicated that heterogeneity was the result of different levels of self-association. Protein sequencing indicated that MjTX-I is a Lys49 myotoxin and consists of 121 amino acids (M-r = 13,669), containing a high proportion of basic and hydrophobic residues. It shares a high degree of sequence identity with other Lys49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins, but shows a significantly lower identity with catalytically active Asp49 PLA(2)s. The three-dimensional structure of MjTX-I was modeled based on the crystal structures of three highly homologous Lys49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins. This model showed that the amino acid substitutions are conservative, and mainly the beta-wing region, and the C-terminal extended random coil. MjTX-I displays local myotoxic and edema-inducing activities in mice, and is lethal by intraperitoneal injection, with an LD50 value of 8.5 +/- 0.8 mg/kg, In addition, it is cytotoxic to myoblasts/ myotubes in culture, and disrupts negatively charged liposomes. In comparison with the freshly prepared dimeric sample, the more aggregated forms showed significantly reduced myotoxic activity. However, the edema-inducing activity of MjTX-I was independent of molecular association. Phospholipase A(2) activity on egg yolk, as well as anticoagulant activity, were undetectable both in the native and in the more associated forms. His, Tyr, and Trp residues of the toxin were chemically modified by specific reagents. Although the myotoxic and lethal activities of the modified toxins were reduced by these treatments, neither its edema-inducing or Liposome-disrupting activities were significantly altered. Rabbit antibodies to native MjTX-I cross-reacted with the chemically modified forms, and both the native and modified MjTX-I preparations were recognized by antibodies against the C-terminal region 115-129 of myotoxin II from B. asper, a highly Lys49 PLA(2)-homologue with high sequencial similarity. (C) 2000 Academic Press.