184 resultados para Bombes explosives


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The pentaerythritol-tetranitrate (PETN) is a nitroether used in explosives and propellant formulations. Due to its suitable properties, PETN is used in booster manufacture. Knowing the thermal decomposition behavior of an energetic material is very important for storage and manipulation, and the purpose of this work is to study the kinetic parameters of the decomposition of PETN, compare the results with literature data and to study the decomposition activation energy differences between two crystalline forms of PETN (tetragonal and needle) by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) is used to study the two crystalline forms.


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Asymmetristen uhkien noustessa varteenotettaviksi turvallisuusriskeiksi 9/11 terrori-iskujen jälkeen ovat turvallisuusviranomaiset maailmanlaajuisesti tiivistäneet yhteistyötään erityisesti ns. CBRNE ja kaksikäyttötuotteiden terrorikäytön ennaltaehkäisemiseksi. CBRNE-lyhenne tulee englannin kielen sanoista chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, explosives. Uhkassa ei sinänsä ole mitään uutta - ihminen on läpi historian käyttänyt innovatiivisuuttaan yhä tuhoisampien sodankäyntikeinojen kehittämiseen. Yhteiskunnan ja kansalaisten suojelu asymmetrisilta uhkilta on noussut tärkeälle sijalle terroristien valitessa maalinsa yhä useammin ”pehmeistä” kohteista. Uuden terrorismin modus operandi ovat iskut siviilikohteita vastaan. Näiden uhkien ennaltaehkäisy ja torjunta edellyttää kaikkien viranomaisten yhteistoimintaa kansallisella ja kansainvälisellä tasolla. Vaikka maailmanlaajuisesti esim. biologisten aseiden vastaisten rokotteiden kehittämisohjelmiin käytetään miljardeja dollareja, on aukotonta suojaa asymmetristä uhkaa vastaan mahdotonta luoda. Jokaista maahantuotavaa ruokakonttia tai laivakuljetusten hedelmä- ja vihanneslavaa ei voida tarkastaa.


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Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.


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The study envisaged herein contains the numerical investigations on Perforated Plate (PP) as well as numerical and experimental investigations on Perforated Plate with Lining (PPL) which has a variety of applications in underwater engineering especially related to defence applications. Finite element method has been adopted as the tool for analysis of PP and PPL. The commercial software ANSYS has been used for static and free vibration response evaluation, whereas ANSYS LS-DYNA has been used for shock analysis. SHELL63, SHELL93, SOLID45, SOLSH190, BEAM188 and FLUID30 finite elements available in the ANSYS library as well as SHELL193 and SOLID194 available in the ANSYS LS-DYNA library have been made use of. Unit cell of the PP and PPL which is a miniature of the original plate with 16 perforations have been used. Based upon the convergence characteristics, the utility of SHELL63 element for the analysis of PP and PPL, and the required mesh density are brought out. The effect of perforation, geometry and orientation of perforation, boundary conditions and lining plate are investigated for various configurations. Stress concentration and deflection factor are also studied. Based on these investigations, stadium geometry perforation with horizontal orientation is recommended for further analysis.Linear and nonlinear static analysis of PP and PPL subjected to unit normal pressure has been carried out besides the free vibration analysis. Shock analysis has also been carried out on these structural components. The analytical model measures 0.9m x 0.9m with stiffener of 0.3m interval. The influence of finite element, boundary conditions, and lining plate on linear static response has been estimated and presented. Comparison of behavior of PP and PPL in the nonlinear strain regime has been made using geometric nonlinear analysis. Free vibration analysis of the PP and PPL has been carried out ‘in vacuum’ condition and in water backed condition, and the influence of water backed condition and effect of perforation on natural frequency have been investigated.Based upon the studies on the vibration characteristics of NPP, PP and PPL in water backed condition and ‘in vacuum’ condition, the reduction in the natural frequency of the plate in immersed condition has been rightly brought out. The necessity to introduce the effect of water medium in the analysis of water backed underwater structure has been highlighted.Shock analysis of PP and PPL for three explosives viz., PEK, TNT and C4 has been carried out and deflection and stresses on plate as well as free field pressure have been estimated using ANSYS LS-DYNA. The effect of perforations and the effect of lining plate have been predicted. Experimental investigations of the measurement of free field pressure using PPL have been conducted in a shock tank. Free field pressure has been measured and has been validated with finite element analysis results. Besides, an experiment has been carried out on PPL, for the comparison of the static deflection predicted by finite element analysis.The distribution of the free field pressure and the estimation of differential pressure from experimentation and the provision for treating the differential pressure as the resistance, as a part of the design load for PPL, has been brought out.


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ESPA és la marca comercial del grup especialitzada en la fabricació de bombes elèctriques que en els darrers anys ha diversificat la seva oferta cap a sistemes i equips al servei de l’aigua. Els comercialitza a tot el món i alguns dels seus productes són líders en diversos mercats. La vinculació amb la Universitat ve de lluny, a través de la col•laboració en projectes de recerca i amb la participació activa en el Patronat de l’EPS. Ara, ESPA ha entrat al Parc Científic i Tecnològic, i els llaços entre l’empresa i la Universitat s’estrenyen encara més


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Habitem un territori en què l’aigua és un bé escàs i cal aprofitar la poca que hi ha. Bombes ESPA i el grup LEQUIA de la UdG han posat en marxa una planta pilot que permet recuperar les aigües grises d’una instal·lació esportiva i fer-les servir per regar


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O processo de gestão de risco consiste, no estudo estruturado de todos os aspetos inerentes ao trabalho e é composto pela análise de risco, avaliação de risco e controlo de risco. Na análise de risco, é efetuada a identificação de todos os perigos presentes e a estimação da probabilidade e da gravidade, de acordo com o método de avaliação de risco escolhido. Este estudo centra-se na primeira etapa do processo de avaliação de risco, mais especificamente na análise de risco e nos marcadores de informação necessários para se efetuar a estimação de risco na industria extrativa a céu aberto (atividade de risco elevado). Considerando que o nível de risco obtido, depende fundamentalmente da estimação da probabilidade e da gravidade, ajustada a cada situação de risco, procurou-se identificar os marcadores e compreender a sua influência nos resultados da avaliação de risco (magnitude). O plano de trabalhos de investigação foi sustentado por uma metodologia qualitativa de recolha, registo e análise dos dados. Neste estudo, a recolha de informação foi feita com recurso às seguintes técnicas de investigação: - Observação estruturada e planeada do desmonte da rocha com recurso a explosivos; - Entrevista individual de formadores e gestores de risco (amostragem de casos típicos); Na análise e discussão qualitativa dos dados das entrevistas recorreu-se às seguintes técnicas: - Triangulação de analistas e tratamento de dados cognitiva (técnicas complementares); - Aposição dos marcadores de informação, versus, três métodos de avaliação de risco validados. Os resultados obtidos apontam no sentido das hipóteses de investigação formuladas, ou seja, o tipo de risco influi da seleção da informação e, existem diferenças significativas no nível de risco obtido, quando na estimação da probabilidade e da gravidade são utilizados marcadores de informação distintos.


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Various methods of assessment have been applied to the One Dimensional Time to Explosion (ODTX) apparatus and experiments with the aim of allowing an estimate of the comparative violence of the explosion event to be made. Non-mechanical methods used were a simple visual inspection, measuring the increase in the void volume of the anvils following an explosion and measuring the velocity of the sound produced by the explosion over 1 metre. Mechanical methods used included monitoring piezo-electric devices inserted in the frame of the machine and measuring the rotational velocity of a rotating bar placed on the top of the anvils after it had been displaced by the shock wave. This last method, which resembles original Hopkinson Bar experiments, seemed the easiest to apply and analyse, giving relative rankings of violence and the possibility of the calculation of a “detonation” pressure.


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A One-Dimensional Time to Explosion (ODTX) apparatus has been used to study the times to explosion of a number of compositions based on RDX and HMX over a range of contact temperatures. The times to explosion at any given temperature tend to increase from RDX to HMX and with the proportion of HMX in the composition. Thermal ignition theory has been applied to time to explosion data to calculate kinetic parameters. The apparent activation energy for all of the compositions lay between 127 kJ mol−1 and 146 kJ mol−1. There were big differences in the pre-exponential factor and this controlled the time to explosion rather than the activation energy for the process.


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The chemical specificity of terahertz spectroscopy, when combined with techniques for sub-wavelength sensing, is giving new understanding of processes occurring at the nanometre scale in biological systems and offers the potential for single molecule detection of chemical and biological agents and explosives. In addition, terahertz techniques are enabling the exploration of the fundamental behaviour of light when it interacts with nanoscale optical structures, and are being used to measure ultrafast carrier dynamics, transport and localisation in nanostructures. This chapter will explain how terahertz scale modelling can be used to explore the fundamental physics of nano-optics, it will discuss the terahertz spectroscopy of nanomaterials, terahertz near-field microscopy and other sub-wavelength techniques, and summarise recent developments in the terahertz spectroscopy and imaging of biological systems at the nanoscale. The potential of using these techniques for security applications will be considered.


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High explosives are highly sensitive to accidental detonation by impact, fire, shrapnel and small arms fire. This sensitivity can be reduced by storing the energetic material within a rubbery polymer matrix and are known as plastic bonded explosives (PBX). The current procedure used to manufacture PBX involves mixing the energetic material with a hydroxy-functionalised aliphatic polymer. Upon the addition of an isocyanate crosslinker an immediate polymerisation occurs and thus the rapidly curing mixture must be used to fill the missile or shells, referred to as ‘stores’. This process can lead to poor distribution of the crosslinker resulting in the formation of an inhomogeneously crosslinked matrix and the formation of voids. One solution to this problem involves containing the crosslinker within polyurethane microcapsules that are uniformly dispersed in the explosive-polymer mixture. Upon the application of a stimulus the crosslinker can be released from the microcapsules and the formation of a uniformly crosslinked PBX achieved. Herein is reported the design and synthesis of polyurethane microcapsules that release isocyanate crosslinkers when desired using a thermal stimulus. This has been achieved by exploiting the thermally-reversible nature of oxime-urethane and Diels-Alder adducts that have been incorporated into the shell wall of the microcapsules. An alternative approach to controlling the polymerisation of PBX materials has also been achieved using thermally-reversible blocked isocyanates that regenerate the isocyanate crosslinker when exposed to heat.


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There has been increasing interest in the gas-phase reactivity of alkyl nitrates because of their well-known applications as explosives and because of then role in atmospheric and in marine processes This manuscript describes an experimental study by FT-ICR techniques of the gas-phase reactions of OH(-) and F(-) with methyl and ethyl Innate For methyl nitrate, the main reaction channel is found to be an elimination process promoted by abstraction of an a proton from the methyl group. Nucleophilic displacement of nitrate anion through an S(N)2 process at the carbon center Is also found to he an important reaction channel with methyl nitrate In ethyl nitrate, Ruination of NO(3)(-) is greatly enhanced and this is attributed to the ease of an E2-type elimination process promoted by proton abstraction at the beta position of the ethyl group. Theoretical calculations at the MP2/6-311+G(3df,2p)//MP2/6-31+G(d) level of theory ale consistent with the relative importance of the reaction channels and suggest that these reactions proceed through a double well potential The calculations also predict that nucleophilic attack by OH(-) at the nitrogen center (Sn2@N) is energetically the rueful ad pathway but experiments with (18)OH(-) showed no evidence for this channel. Single-point calculations reveal a strong preference for approach to the emboli center and may explain the lack of reactivity at the nitrogen center. Calculations were also carried out or NH(2)(-) and SH(-) to establish the reactivity pattern to provide a better understanding of environmentally relevant nitrate esters.


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Esta pesquisa objetiva verificar de que forma, no Brasil, as políticas públicas relacionadas às ameaças químicas, biológicas, radiológicas, nucleares e explosivas (QBRNE) contribuem para o preparo de resposta a um incidente de tal natureza. No mundo contemporâneo há uma concentração das populações nos centros urbanos, tornando-as vulneráveis a desastres químicos, biológicos, radiológicos e nucleares, os quais podem ser desencadeados por eventos adversos, intencionais ou não, resultando em grandes impactos humanos, ambientais, materiais, sociais e econômicos à nação. O terrorismo é uma das possibilidades de ocorrência de um grande desastre, utilizando-se principalmente de atentados com explosivos e podendo se valer dos efeitos dos agentes contaminantes. Então, foram pesquisadas e apresentadas políticas públicas e ações do governo federal norte-americano para o trato de ameaças QBRNE, as quais são comparadas à situação prospectada no território brasileiro, por meio da legislação, políticas públicas, orçamento, documentos e bibliografia. Diversas instituições foram avaliadas quanto ao papel a ser desempenhado em uma situação emergencial, sendo os dados tratados por análise de conteúdo e historiografia. A literatura sobre política pública é ampla, com rica discussão sobre as boas práticas de gestão pública, a evolução do papel dos servidores públicos para um ser técnico e político simultaneamente e de que maneira é influenciada a concepção de uma política pública. O Modelo de Fluxos Múltiplos e a Teoria de Equilíbrio Pontuado são usados para compreender o processo dinâmico de construção da agenda decisória no governo federal para o tema estudado. Concluiu-se que as políticas públicas de resposta para ameaças QBRNE surgem dispersas em diversas instituições, promovidas pelas equipes técnicas, de maneira descentralizada e sem uma orientação do governo central, o que acarreta sobreposição de atividades, havendo casos de problemas não tratados, desprezando-se a complementação de recursos e efetivos.


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Industrial companies in developing countries are facing rapid growths, and this requires having in place the best organizational processes to cope with the market demand. Sales forecasting, as a tool aligned with the general strategy of the company, needs to be as much accurate as possible, in order to achieve the sales targets by making available the right information for purchasing, planning and control of production areas, and finally attending in time and form the demand generated. The present dissertation uses a single case study from the subsidiary of an international explosives company based in Brazil, Maxam, experiencing high growth in sales, and therefore facing the challenge to adequate its structure and processes properly for the rapid growth expected. Diverse sales forecast techniques have been analyzed to compare the actual monthly sales forecast, based on the sales force representatives’ market knowledge, with forecasts based on the analysis of historical sales data. The dissertation findings show how the combination of both qualitative and quantitative forecasts, by the creation of a combined forecast that considers both client´s demand knowledge from the sales workforce with time series analysis, leads to the improvement on the accuracy of the company´s sales forecast.


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The concrete for centuries constituted an essential structural element in the construction industry due to its relative ease of forming, before the weather durability, low cost, its lower maintenance compared to other materials such as steel. However, when the concrete is exposed to high temperatures tends to lose its mechanical characteristics, and may even result in loss of section, which undermines the stability and mechanical strength of structural elements. The pathologies resulting from exposure to elevated temperatures ranging from cracks, pops up chipping explosives (spalling). Recently, the technology of concrete is closely related to the study of its microstructure. The use of fibers added to concrete has been revealed as a solution to increase the mechanical strength of the concrete, it acts directly on the distribution of efforts to act in the play within the microstructure. In this work we used recycled PET fibers embedded in concrete with 15x2mm fck = 30MPa, water/cement ratio of 0.46, in works made for verification of mechanical strength of this mixture submitted to high temperature. The specimens of concrete with addition of PET fibers were tested after exposure to temperatures: ambient (30ºC), 100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C, 600°C and 900°C. It was found that the concrete loses significant strength when exposed to temperatures above 300°C, however the use of fiber PET may delay the risk of collapse of structures for the formation of a network of channels that facilitate the escape of vapor 'water, reducing the pore pressure inside the structural element