906 resultados para Bet Surface Area
The aim of catalysis research is to apply the catalyst successfully in economically important reactions in an environmentally friendly way. The present work focuses on the modification of structural and surface properties of ceria and ceria-zirconia catalysts by the incorporation of transition metals. The applications of these catalysts in industrially important reactions like ethylbenzene oxidation, alkylation of aromatics are also investigated.Sol-gel method is effective for the preparation of transition metal modified ceria and ceria-zirconia mixed oxide since it produces catalyst with highly dispersed incorporated metal. Unlike that of impregnation method plugging of pores is not prominent for sol-gel derived catalyst materials. This prevents loss of surface area on metal modification as evident for BET surface area measurements.The powder X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the cubic structure of transition metal modified ceria and ceria-zirconia catalysts. The thermal stability is evident from TGA/DTA analysis. DR UV-vis spectra provide information on the coordination environment of the incorporated metal. EPR analysis ofCr, Mn and Cu modified ceria and a ceria-zirconia catalyst reveals the presence of different oxidation states of incorporated metal.Temperature programmed desorption of ammonia and thermogravimetric desorption of 2,6-dimethyl pyridine confirms the enhancement of acidity on metal incorporation. High a-methyl styrene selectivity in cumene cracking reaction implies the presence of comparatively more number of Lewis acid sites with some amount of Bronsted acid sites. The formation of cyclohexanone during cyclohexanol decomposition confirms the presence of basic sites on the catalyst surface.Mn and Cr modified catalysts show better activity towards ethylbenzene oxidation. A redox mechanism through oxometal pathway is suggested.All the catalysts were found to be active towards benzylation of toluene and a-xylene. The selectivity towards monoalkylated products remains almost 100%. The catalytic activity is correlated with the Lewis acidity of the prepared systems.The activity of the catalysts towards methylation of phenols depends on the strength acid sites as well as the redox properties of the catalysts. A strong dependence of methylation activity on the total acidity is illustrated.
The present thesis develops from the point of view of titania sol-gel chemistry and an attempt is made to address the modification of the process for better photoactive titania by selective doping and also demonstration of utilization of the process for the preparation of supported membranes and self cleaning films.A general introduction to nanomaterials, nanocrystalline titania and sol-gel chemistry are presented in the first chapter. A brief and updated literature review on sol-gel titania, with special emphasis on catalytic and photocatalytic properties and anatase to rutile transformation are covered. Based on critical assessment of the reported information the present research problem has been defined.The second chapter describes a new aqueous sol-gel method for the preparation of nanocrystalline titania using titanyl sulphate as precursor. This approach is novel since no earlier work has been reported in the same lines proposed here. The sol-gel process has been followed at each step using particle size, zeta potential measurements on the sol and thermal analysis of the resultant gel. The prepared powders were then characterized using X-ray diffraction, FTIR, BET surface area analysis and transmission electron microscopy.The third chapter presents a detailed discussion on the physico-chemical characterization of the aqueous sol-gel derived doped titania. The effect of dopants such as tantalum, gadolinium and ytterbium on the anatase to rutile phase transformation, surface area as well as their influence on photoactivity is also included. The fourth chapter demonstrates application of the aqueous sol-gel method in developing titania coatings on porous alumina substrates for controlling the poresize for use as membrane elements in ultrafiltration. Thin coatings having ~50 nm thickness and transparency of ~90% developed on glass surface were tested successfully for self cleaning applications.
Semiconductor photocatalysis has received much attention during last three decades as a promising solution for both energy generation and environmental problems. Heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation allows the degradation of organic compounds into carbon dioxide and water in the presence of a semiconductor catalyst and UV light source. The •OH radicals formed during the photocatalytic processes are powerful oxidizing agents and can mineralise a number of organic contaminants. Titanium dioxide (TiO2), due to its chemical stability, non-toxicity and low cost represents one of the most efficient photocatalyst. However, only the ultraviolet fraction of the solar radiation is active in the photoexcitation processes using pure TiO2 and although, TiO2 can treat a wide range of organic pollutants the effectiveness of the process for pollution abatement is still low. A more effective and efficient catalyst therefore must be formulated. Doping of TiO2 was considered with the aim of improving photocatalytic properties. In this study TiO2 catalyst was prepared using the sol-gel method. Metal and nonmetal doped TiO2 catalysts were prepared. The photoactivity of the catalyst was evaluated by the photodegradation of different dyes and pesticides in aqueous solution. High photocatalytic degradation of all the pollutants was observed with doped TiO2. Structural and optical properties of the catalysts were characterized using XRD, BET surface area, UV-Vis. DRS, CHNS analysis, SEM, EDX, TEM, XPS, FTIR and TG. All the catalysts showed the anatase phase. The presence of dopants shifts the absorption of TiO2 into the visible region indicating the possibility of using visible light for photocatalytic processes.
Zinc ferrite belongs to the class of normal spinels where it is assumed to have a cation distribution of Zn2`(Fe3`)2(O2~)4, and it is purported to be showing zero net magnetisation. However, there have been recent reports suggesting that zinc ferrite exhibits anomaly in its magnetisation. Zinc ferrite samples have been prepared by two di¤erent routes and have been analysed using low energy ion scattering, Mo¬ ssbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. The results indicate that zinc occupies octahedral sites, contrary to the earlier belief that zinc occupies only the tetrahedral sites in a normal spinel. The amount of zinc on the B site increases with decrease in particle size. The LEIS results together with the Mo¬ ssbauer results and the magnetic measurements lead to the conclusion that zinc occupies the B site and the magnetisation exhibited by ultraÞne particles of zinc is due to short range ordering
This thesis is divided in to 9 chapters and deals with the modification of TiO2 for various applications include photocatalysis, thermal reaction, photovoltaics and non-linear optics. Chapter 1 involves a brief introduction of the topic of study. An introduction to the applications of modified titania systems in various fields are discussed concisely. Scope and objectives of the present work are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 explains the strategy adopted for the synthesis of metal, nonmetal co-doped TiO2 systems. Hydrothermal technique was employed for the preparation of the co-doped TiO2 system, where Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4, urea and metal nitrates were used as the sources for TiO2, N and metals respectively. In all the co-doped systems, urea to Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 was taken in a 1:1 molar ratio and varied the concentration of metals. Five different co-doped catalytic systems and for each catalysts, three versions were prepared by varying the concentration of metals. A brief explanation of physico-chemical techniques used for the characterization of the material was also presented in this chapter. This includes X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, FTIR analysis, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis, Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX), Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM), UV-Visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET Surface Area Measurements and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Chapter 3 contains the results and discussion of characterization techniques used for analyzing the prepared systems. Characterization is an inevitable part of materials research. Determination of physico-chemical properties of the prepared materials using suitable characterization techniques is very crucial to find its exact field of application. It is clear from the XRD pattern that photocatalytically active anatase phase dominates in the calcined samples with peaks at 2θ values around 25.4°, 38°, 48.1°, 55.2° and 62.7° corresponding to (101), (004), (200), (211) and (204) crystal planes (JCPDS 21-1272) respectively. But in the case of Pr-N-Ti sample, a new peak was observed at 2θ = 30.8° corresponding to the (121) plane of the polymorph brookite. There are no visible peaks corresponding to dopants, which may be due to their low concentration or it is an indication of the better dispersion of impurities in the TiO2. Crystallite size of the sample was calculated from Scherrer equation byusing full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the (101) peak of the anatase phase. Crystallite size of all the co-doped TiO2 was found to be lower than that of bare TiO2 which indicates that the doping of metal ions having higher ionic radius into the lattice of TiO2 causes some lattice distortion which suppress the growth of TiO2 nanoparticles. The structural identity of the prepared system obtained from XRD pattern is further confirmed by Raman spectra measurements. Anatase has six Raman active modes. Band gap of the co-doped system was calculated using Kubelka-Munk equation and that was found to be lower than pure TiO2. Stability of the prepared systems was understood from thermo gravimetric analysis. FT-IR was performed to understand the functional groups as well as to study the surface changes occurred during modification. EDX was used to determine the impurities present in the system. The EDX spectra of all the co-doped samples show signals directly related to the dopants. Spectra of all the co-doped systems contain O and Ti as the main components with low concentrations of doped elements. Morphologies of the prepared systems were obtained from SEM and TEM analysis. Average particle size of the systems was drawn from histogram data. Electronic structures of the samples were identified perfectly from XPS measurements. Chapter 4 describes the photocatalytic degradation of herbicides Atrazine and Metolachlor using metal, non-metal co-doped titania systems. The percentage of degradation was analyzed by HPLC technique. Parameters such as effect of different catalysts, effect of time, effect of catalysts amount and reusability studies were discussed. Chapter 5 deals with the photo-oxidation of some anthracene derivatives by co-doped catalytic systems. These anthracene derivatives come underthe category of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Due to the presence of stable benzene rings, most of the PAH show strong inhibition towards biological degradation and the common methods employed for their removal. According to environmental protection agency, most of the PAH are highly toxic in nature. TiO2 photochemistry has been extensively investigated as a method for the catalytic conversion of such organic compounds, highlighting the potential of thereof in the green chemistry. There are actually two methods for the removal of pollutants from the ecosystem. Complete mineralization is the one way to remove pollutants. Conversion of toxic compounds to another compound having toxicity less than the initial starting compound is the second way. Here in this chapter, we are concentrating on the second aspect. The catalysts used were Gd(1wt%)-N-Ti, Pd(1wt%)-N-Ti and Ag(1wt%)-N-Ti. Here we were very successfully converted all the PAH to anthraquinone, a compound having diverse applications in industrial as well as medical fields. Substitution of 10th position of desired PAH by phenyl ring reduces the feasibility of photo reaction and produced 9-hydroxy 9-phenyl anthrone (9H9PA) as an intermediate species. The products were separated and purified by column chromatography using 70:30 hexane/DCM mixtures as the mobile phase and the resultant products were characterized thoroughly by 1H NMR, IR spectroscopy and GCMS analysis. Chapter 6 elucidates the heterogeneous Suzuki coupling reaction by Cu/Pd bimetallic supported on TiO2. Sol-Gel followed by impregnation method was adopted for the synthesis of Cu/Pd-TiO2. The prepared system was characterized by XRD, TG-DTG, SEM, EDX, BET Surface area and XPS. The product was separated and purified by column chromatography using hexane as the mobile phase. Maximum isolated yield of biphenyl of around72% was obtained in DMF using Cu(2wt%)-Pd(4wt%)-Ti as the catalyst. In this reaction, effective solvent, base and catalyst were found to be DMF, K2CO3 and Cu(2wt%)-Pd(4wt%)-Ti respectively. Chapter 7 gives an idea about the photovoltaic (PV) applications of TiO2 based thin films. Due to energy crisis, the whole world is looking for a new sustainable energy source. Harnessing solar energy is one of the most promising ways to tackle this issue. The present dominant photovoltaic (PV) technologies are based on inorganic materials. But the high material, low power conversion efficiency and manufacturing cost limits its popularization. A lot of research has been conducted towards the development of low-cost PV technologies, of which organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices are one of the promising. Here two TiO2 thin films having different thickness were prepared by spin coating technique. The prepared films were characterized by XRD, AFM and conductivity measurements. The thickness of the films was measured by Stylus Profiler. This chapter mainly concentrated on the fabrication of an inverted hetero junction solar cell using conducting polymer MEH-PPV as photo active layer. Here TiO2 was used as the electron transport layer. Thin films of MEH-PPV were also prepared using spin coating technique. Two fullerene derivatives such as PCBM and ICBA were introduced into the device in order to improve the power conversion efficiency. Effective charge transfer between the conducting polymer and ICBA were understood from fluorescence quenching studies. The fabricated Inverted hetero junction exhibited maximum power conversion efficiency of 0.22% with ICBA as the acceptor molecule. Chapter 8 narrates the third order order nonlinear optical properties of bare and noble metal modified TiO2 thin films. Thin films were fabricatedby spray pyrolysis technique. Sol-Gel derived Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 in CH3CH2OH/CH3COOH was used as the precursor for TiO2. The precursors used for Au, Ag and Pd were the aqueous solutions of HAuCl4, AgNO3 and Pd(NO3)2 respectively. The prepared films were characterized by XRD, SEM and EDX. The nonlinear optical properties of the prepared materials were investigated by Z-Scan technique comprising of Nd-YAG laser (532 nm,7 ns and10 Hz). The non-linear coefficients were obtained by fitting the experimental Z-Scan plot with the theoretical plots. Nonlinear absorption is a phenomenon defined as a nonlinear change (increase or decrease) in absorption with increasing of intensity. This can be mainly divided into two types: saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA). Depending on the pump intensity and on the absorption cross- section at the excitation wavelength, most molecules show non- linear absorption. With increasing intensity, if the excited states show saturation owing to their long lifetimes, the transmission will show SA characteristics. Here absorption decreases with increase of intensity. If, however, the excited state has strong absorption compared with that of the ground state, the transmission will show RSA characteristics. Here in our work most of the materials show SA behavior and some materials exhibited RSA behavior. Both these properties purely depend on the nature of the materials and alignment of energy states within them. Both these SA and RSA have got immense applications in electronic devices. The important results obtained from various studies are presented in chapter 9.
Surface coatings are very common on mineral grains in soils but most laboratory dissolution experiments are carried out on pristine, uncoated mineral grains. An experiment designed to unambiguously isolate the effect of surface coatings on mineral dissolution from any influence of solution saturation state is reported. Two aliquots of 53 to 63 mum anorthite feldspar powder were used. One was dissolved in pH 2.6 HCl, the other in pH 2.6 FeCl3 solution, both for similar to6000 h in flow-through reactors. An amorphous Fe-rich, Al-, Ca- and Si-free orange precipitate coated the anorthite dissolved in the FeCl3 solution. BET surface area of the anorthite increased from 0.16 to 1.65 m(2) g(-1) in the HCl experiment and to 3.89 m(2) g(-1) in the FeCl3 experiment. The increase in surface area in the HCl experiment was due to the formation of etch pits on the anorthite grain surface whilst the additional increase in the FeCl3 experiment was due to the micro- and meso-porous nature of the orange precipitate. This precipitate did not inhibit or slow the dissolution of the anorthite. Steady state dissolution rates for the anorthite dissolved in the HCl and FeCl3 were similar to2.5 and 3.2 X 10(-10) mol(feldspar) m(-2) s(-1) respectively. These rates are not significantly different after the cumulative uncertainty of 17% in their value due to uncertainty in the inputs parameters used in their calculation is taken into account. Results from this experiment support previous theoretical and inference-based conclusions that porous coatings should not inhibit mineral dissolution. Copyright (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd.
The contribution of individual grain size fractions (2000–500, 500–250, 250–63, 63–2 and < 2 μm) to bulk soil surface area and reactivity is discussed with reference to mineralogical and oxalate and dithionite extractions data. The 63–2 μm fraction contributed up to 56% and 67% of bulk soil volume and BET surface area, respectively. Consideration of these observations and the mineralogy of this fraction suggest that the 63–2 μm fraction may be the most influential for the release of elements via mineral dissolution in the bulk soil.
Earthworms secrete granules of calcium carbonate. These are potentially important in soil biogeochemical cycles and are routinely recorded in archaeological studies of Quaternary soils. Production rates of calcium carbonate granules by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. were determined over 27 days in a range of soils with differing chemical properties (pH, organic matter content, water holding capacity, bulk composition, cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations). Production rate varied between soils, lay in the range 0–0.043 mmolCaCO3 (0–4.3 mg) earthworm−1 d−1 with an average rate of 8 × 10−3 mmolCaCO3 (0.8 mg) earthworm−1 d−1 and was significantly correlated (r = 0.68, P ≤ 0.01) with soil pH. In a second experiment lasting 315 days earthworms repeatedly (over periods of 39–57 days) produced comparable masses of granules. Converting individual earthworm granule production rates into fluxes expressed on per hectare of land per year basis depends heavily on estimates of earthworm numbers. Using values of 10–20 L. terrestris m−2 suggests a rate of 18– 3139 molCaCO3 ha−1 yr−1. Data obtained from flow-through dissolution experiments suggest that at near neutral pH, granule geometric surface areanormalised dissolution rates are similar to those for other biogenic and inorganic calcium carbonate. Fits of the data to the dissolution relationship r = k(1 − ˝)n where r = dissolution rate, k = a rate constant, ˝ = relative saturation and n = the reaction order gave values of k = 1.72 × 10−10 mol cm−2 s−1 and n = 1.8 for the geometric surface area-normalised rates and k = 3.51 × 10−13 mol cm−2 s−1 and n = 1.8 for the BET surface area-normalised rates. In 196 day leaching column experiments trends in granule dissolution rate referenced to soil chemistry corresponded to predictions made by the SLIM model for dissolution of limestone in soil. If soil solution approaches saturation with respect to calcium carbonate granule dissolution will slow or even stop and granules be preserved indefinitely. Granules have the potential to be a small but significant component of the biogeochemical cycling of C and Ca in soil.
Two porous mixed valent diruthenium(II,III)-dicarboxylate compounds have been prepared and characterized by spectroscopic methods, X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetry. Crystalline solids of [Ru(2)(tere)(2)Cl] center dot 3.5H(2)O (tere=terephthalate) and [Ru(2)(adip)(2)Cl] center dot 1.5H(2)O (adip=adipate) consist of extended chains in which polymeric layers of multiply metal-metal bonded [Ru(2)](5+) cores are bridged by dicarboxylate ligands in paddlewheel type geometries. Units of [Ru(2)(dicarboxylate)(2)](n)(+) are linked by axial bridging chloride ions generating three-dimensional networks. The polymers loose non-bonded water molecules at low temperatures but do not undergo thermal decomposition below 280-300 degrees C. Both of compounds exhibit high BET surface areas, [Ru(2)(tere)(2)Cl]: 235 m(2) g(-1) and [Ru(2)(adip)(2)Cl]: 281 m(2) g(-1), and occlude similar numbers of mol of N(2) per mol of metal. The terephthalate ligand generated an organized structure with supermicropores (total pore size of 0.24 cm(3) g(-1)) while the adipate ligand led to a mesoporous structure (total pore sizes of 0.47 cm(3) g(-1)) for the corresponding diruthenium(II,III)-dicarboxylate polymers. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The performance of La(2-x)Ce(x)Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O(4) perovskites as catalysts for the high temperature water-gas shift reaction (H T-W G S R) was investigated. The catalysts were characterized by EDS, XRD, BET surface area, TPR, and XANES. The results showed that all the perovskites exhibited the La(2)CuO(4) orthorhombic structure, so the Pechini method is suitable for the preparation of pure perovskite. However, the La(1.90)Ce(0.10)CuO(4) perovskite alone, when calcined at 350/700 degrees C, also showed a (La(0.935)Ce(0.065))(2)CuO(4) perovskite with tetragonal structure, which produced a surface area higher than the other perovskites. The perovskites that exhibited the best catalytic performance were those calcined at 350/700 degrees C and, among these, La(1.90)Ce(0.10)CuO(4) was outstanding, probably because of the high surface area associated with the presence of the (La(0.935)Ce(0.065))(2)CuO(4) perovskite with tetragonal structure and orthorhombic La(2)CuO(4) phase.
The catalytic performance of Co/Al2O3 catalysts promoted with small amounts noble metals (Pt, Pd, Ru, Ir) for steam reforming of ethanol (SRE) has been investigated. The catalysts were characterized by the energy dispersive X-ray, X-ray diffraction, BET surface area, X-ray absorption fine structure and temperature reduction programmed techniques. The results showed that the promoting effect of noble metals included a marked decrease of the reduction temperatures of both Co3O4 and cobalt surface species interacting with the support due to the hydrogen spillover effect, leading to a significant increase of the reducibilities of the promoted catalysts. The better catalytic performance for the ethanol steam reforming at 400 degrees C was obtained for the CoRu/Al2O3 catalyst, which presented an effluent gaseous mixture with the highest H, selectivity and the reasonable low CO formation. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Natural nanoclays are of great interest particularly for the production of polymer-based nanocomposites. In this work, kaolinite clays from two natural deposits in the State of the Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba were purified with thermal treatment and chemical treatments, and characterized. Front to the gotten data, had been proposals methodologies for elimination or reduction of coarse particle texts, oxide of iron and organic substance. These methodologies had consisted of the combination of operations with thermal treatments, carried through in electric oven, and acid chemical attacks with and hydrogen peroxide. The Analyzers Thermogravimetric was used to examine the thermal stability of the nanoclays. The analysis indicated weight losses at temperatures under 110 ºC and over the temperature range of 350 to 550 ºC. Based on the thermal analysis data, the samples were submitted to a thermal treatment at 500 °C, for 8 h, to remove organic components. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that thermal treatment under 500 °C affect the basic structure of kaolinite. The BET surface area measurements ranged from 32 to 38 m2/g for clay samples with thermal treatment and from 36 to 53 m2/g for chemically treated samples. Thus, although the thermal treatment increased the surface area, through the removal of organic components, the effect was not significant and chemical treatment is more efficient, not affect the basic structure of kaolinite, to improve particle dispersion. SEM analysis confirms that the clay is agglomerated forming micron-size particles
Thin commercial aluminum electrolytic and passed through reactions was obtained with anodic alumina membranes nanopores. These materials have applications in areas recognized electronic, biomedical, chemical and biological weapons, especially in obtaining nanostructures using these membranes as a substrate or template for processing nanowires, nanodots and nanofibers for applications noble. Previous studies showed that the membranes that have undergone heat treatment temperature to 1300° C underwent changes in morphology, crystal structure and optical properties. This aim, this thesis, a study of the heat treatment of porous anodic alumina membranes, in order to obtain and to characterize the behavior changes structures during the crystallization process of the membranes, at temperatures ranging between 300 and 1700° C. It was therefore necessary to mount a system formed by a tubular furnace resistive alumina tube and controlled environment, applying flux with special blend of Ag-87% and 13% N2, in which argon had the role of carrying out the oxygen nitrogen system and induce the closing of the pores during the densification of the membrane. The duration of heat treatment ranged from 60 to 15 minutes, at temperatures from 300 to 1700° C respectively. With the heat treatment occurred: a drastic reduction of porosity, grain growth and increased translucency of the membrane. For the characterization of the membranes were analyzed properties: Physical - thermogravimetric, X-ray diffraction, BET surface area; morphological - SEM, EDS through compositional and, optical absorbance, and transmittance in the UV-VIS, and FTIR. The results using the SEM showed that crystallization has occurred, densification and significant changes in membrane structure, as well as obtaining microtube, the BET analysis showed a decrease in specific surface area of the membranes has to 44.381 m2.g-1 to less than 1.8 m2.g-1 and in the analysis of transmittance and absorbance was found a value of 16.5% in the range of 800 nm, characteristic of the near infrared and FTIR have confirmed the molecular groups of the material. Thus, one can say that the membranes were mixed characteristics and properties which qualify for use in gas filtration system, as well as applications in the range of optical wavelength of the infra-red, and as a substrate of nanomaterials. This requires the continuation and deepening of additional study
The recent interest in obtaining functionalized nanoporous materials for applications such as heterogeneous catalysts and adsorption of CO2 has increased today. In the latter application, the introduction of amino groups such as present in the chitosan (CS), in the nanoporous materials like SBA-15 to generate specific interactions with CO2 has gained importance. In this work were performed to hydrothermal synthesis of SBA-15 and subsequent impregnation of the CS in the support mesoporous by the method of the wet impregnation. The materials were characterized by TG/DTG, DSC, XRD, SEM, FTIR and adsorption / desorption of N2. The XRD showed that the ordered structure of the support SBA-15 was preserved after the impregnation and calculations have shown that the average pore diameter (Dp) and / or the average wall thickness (wt) have been changed due to introduction of the CS in the samples functionalized. The curves of TG and DSC data corroborates the XRD, indicating the presence of CS in the nanoporous structure of SBA-15, as well as micrographs of samples, which allowed the display state of aggregation of the material obtained. The characteristics of bands absorption in the region of the CS in the FTIR were identified and interpreted in the samples functionalized, confirming the further characterization. Measurements showed that the BET surface area decreases in the functionalized samples, indicating the successive incorporation of the polymer in the nanoporous support. The activation energy apparent (Ea) for the process of thermal degradation of CS in the impregnated support was determined by the methods of kinetic freedom Vyazovkin and Ozawa-Flynn-Wall with the results indicating that the sample functionalized CS/SBA-15 2,5 % was decrease of the Ea in their degradation of about 10% compared to 1,0 % CS/SBA-15 sample
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