977 resultados para Bending test


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Production of back contact solar cells requires holes generations on the wafers to keep both positive and negative contacts on the back side of the cell. This drilling process weakens the wafer mechanically due to the presence of the holes and the damage introduced during the process as microcracks. In this study, several chemical processes have been applied to drilled wafers in order to eliminate or reduce the damage generated during this fabrication step. The treatments analyzed are the followings: alkaline etching during 1, 3 and 5 minutes, acid etching for 2 and 4 minutes and texturisation. To determine mechanical strength of the samples a common mechanical study has been carried out testing the samples by the Ring on Ring bending test and obtaining the stress state in the moment of failure by FE simulation. Finally the results obtained for each treatment were fitted to a three parameter Weibull distribution


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In order to reduce cost and make up for the rising price of silicon, silicon wafers are sliced thinner and wider,eading to weaker wafers and increased breakage rates during fabrication process. In this work we have analysed different cracks origins and their effect on wafer’s mechanical strength. To enhance wafer’s strength some etching methods have been tested. Also, we have analysed wafers from different points of an entire standard production process. Mechanical strength of the wafers has been obtained via the four line bending test and detection of cracks has been tested with Resonance Ultrasonic Vibration (RUV) system, developed by the University of South Florida.


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The objective of the present study is the estimation of the depth to which the wire sawing process causes damage to the wafer surfaces. Previous analyses were carried out by means of the four line bending test. The characteristic of this test implied that the failure could be due to surface cracks located in the central zone of the wafer or near the edges. In order to evaluate the influence of the edge or surface cracks a new study has been carried out using the ball/ring on ring test. Description and results of the tests are presented. The preliminary analysis of the failure stress using analytical methods confirms the expected results. A Finite Element model developed to get more information of the test results is also presented.


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El refuerzo de estructuras existentes mediante el encolado exterior de láminas de polímeros reforzados con fibras (FRP) se ha convertido en la aplicación más común de los materiales compuestos avanzados en construcción. Estos materiales presentan muchas ventajas frente a los materiales convencionales (sin corrosión, ligeros, de fácil aplicación, etc.). Pero a pesar de las numerosas investigaciones realizadas, aún persisten ciertas dudas sobre algunos aspectos de su comportamiento y las aplicaciones prácticas se llevan a cabo sólo con la ayuda de guías, sin que haya una normativa oficial. El objetivo de este trabajo es incrementar el conocimiento sobre esta técnica de refuerzo, y más concretamente, sobre el refuerzo a flexión de estructuras de fábrica. Con frecuencia el elemento reforzado es de hormigón armado y las láminas de FRP encoladas al exterior sirven para mejorar su resistencia a flexión, cortante o compresión (encamisados). Sin embargo su empleo en otros materiales como las estructuras de fábrica resulta muy prometedor. Las fábricas se caracterizan por soportar muy bien los esfuerzos de compresión pero bastante mal los de tracción. Adherir láminas de materiales compuestos puede servir para mejorar la capacidad resistente de elementos de fábrica sometidos a esfuerzos de flexión. Pero para ello, debe quedar garantizada una correcta adherencia entre el FRP y la fábrica, especialmente en edificios antiguos cuya superficie puede estar deteriorada por encontrarse a la intemperie o por el propio paso del tiempo. En el capítulo II se describen los objetivos fundamentales del trabajo y el método seguido. En el capítulo III se hace una amplia revisión del estado de conocimiento sobre el tema. En el apartado III.1 se detallan las principales características y propiedades mecánicas de fibras, matrices y materiales compuestos así como sus principales aplicaciones, haciendo especial hincapié en aspectos relativos a su durabilidad. En el apartado III.2 se incluye una revisión histórica de las líneas de investigación, tanto teóricas como empíricas, publicadas sobre estructuras de hormigón reforzadas a flexión encolando materiales compuestos. El apartado III.3 se centra en el aspecto fundamental de la adherencia refuerzo-soporte. Se hace un repaso a distintos modelos propuestos para prevenir el despegue distinguiendo si éste se inicia en la zona de anclaje o si está inducido por fisuras en la zona interior del elemento. Se observa falta de consenso en las propuestas. Además en este punto se relatan las campañas experimentales publicadas acerca de la adherencia entre materiales compuestos y fábricas. En el apartado III.4 se analizan las particularidades de las estructuras de fábrica. Además, se revisan algunas de las investigaciones relativas a la mejora de su comportamiento a flexión mediante láminas de FRP. El comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexión pura (sin compresión) ha sido documentado por varios autores, si bien es una situación poco frecuente en fábricas reales. Ni el comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexocompresión ni la incidencia que el nivel de compresión soportado por la fábrica tiene sobre la capacidad resistente del elemento reforzado han sido suficientemente tratados. En cuanto a los trabajos teóricos, las diferentes propuestas se basan en los métodos utilizados para hormigón armado y comparten los principios habituales de cálculo. Sin embargo, presentan diferencias relativas, sobre todo, a tres aspectos: 1) la forma de modelar el comportamiento de la fábrica, 2) el valor de deformación de cálculo del refuerzo, y 3) el modo de fallo que se considera recomendable buscar con el diseño. A pesar de ello, el ajuste con la parte experimental de cada trabajo suele ser bueno debido a una enorme disparidad en las variables consideradas. Cada campaña presenta un modo de fallo característico y la formulación que se propone resulta apropiada para él. Parece necesario desarrollar un método de cálculo para fábricas flexocomprimidas reforzadas con FRP que pueda ser utilizado para todos los posibles fallos, tanto atribuibles a la lámina como a la fábrica. En el apartado III.4 se repasan algunas lesiones habituales en fábricas solicitadas a flexión y se recogen ejemplos de refuerzos con FRP para reparar o prevenir estos daños. Para mejorar el conocimiento sobre el tema, se llevan a cabo dos pequeñas campañas experimentales realizadas en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. La primera acerca de la adherencia de materiales compuestos encolados a fábricas deterioradas (apartado IV.1) y la segunda sobre el comportamiento estructural a flexocompresión de probetas de fábrica reforzadas con estos materiales (apartado IV.2). En el capítulo V se analizan algunos de los modelos de adherencia propuestos para prevenir el despegue del extremo del refuerzo. Se confirma que las predicciones obtenidas con ellos resultan muy dispares. Se recopila una base de datos con los resultados experimentales de campañas sobre adherencia de FRP a fábricas extraídas de la literatura y de los resultados propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.1. Esta base de datos permite conocer cual de los métodos analizados resulta más adecuado para dimensionar el anclaje de láminas de FRP adheridas a fábricas. En el capítulo VI se propone un método para la comprobación en agotamiento de secciones de fábrica reforzadas con materiales compuestos sometidas a esfuerzos combinados de flexión y compresión. Está basado en el procedimiento de cálculo de la capacidad resistente de secciones de hormigón armado pero adaptado a las fábricas reforzadas. Para ello, se utiliza un diagrama de cálculo tensión deformación de la fábrica de tipo bilineal (acorde con el CTE DB SE-F) cuya simplicidad facilita el desarrollo de toda la formulación al tiempo que resulta adecuado para predecir la capacidad resistente a flexión tanto para fallos debidos al refuerzo como a la fábrica. Además se limita la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo teniendo en consideración ciertos aspectos que provocan que la lámina adherida no pueda desarrollar toda su resistencia, como el desprendimiento inducido por fisuras en el interior del elemento o el deterioro medioambiental. En concreto, se propone un “coeficiente reductor por adherencia” que se determina a partir de una base de datos con 68 resultados experimentales procedentes de publicaciones de varios autores y de los ensayos propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.2. También se revisa la formulación propuesta con ayuda de la base de datos. En el capítulo VII se estudia la incidencia de las principales variables, como el axil, la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo o su rigidez, en la capacidad final del elemento. Las conclusiones del trabajo realizado y las posibles líneas futuras de investigación se exponen en el capítulo VIII. ABSTRACT Strengthening of existing structures with externally bonded fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) has become the most common application of advanced composite materials in construction. These materials exhibit many advantages in comparison with traditional ones (corrosion resistance, light weight, easy to apply, etc.). But despite countless researches have been done, there are still doubts about some aspects of their behaviour and applications are carried out only with the help of guidelines, without official regulations. The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge on this retrofitting technique, particularly in regard to flexural strengthening of masonry structures. Reinforced concrete is often the strengthened material and external glued FRP plates are used to improve its flexural, shear or compressive (by wrapping) capacity. However the use of this technique on other materials like masonry structures looks promising. Unreinforced masonry is characterized for being a good material to support compressive stresses but really bad to withstand tensile ones. Glue composite plates can improve the flexural capacity of masonry elements subject to bending. But a proper bond between FRP sheet and masonry must be ensured to do that, especially in old buildings whose surface can be damaged due to being outside or ageing. The main objectives of the work and the methodology carried out are described In Chapter II. An extensive overview of the state of art is done in Chapter III. In Section III.1 physical and mechanical properties of fibers, matrix and composites and their main applications are related. Durability aspects are especially emphasized. Section III.2 includes an historical overview of theoretical and empirical researches on concrete structures strengthened gluing FRP plates to improve their flexural behaviour. Section III.3 focuses on the critical point of bonding between FRP and substrate. Some theoretical models to prevent debonding of FRP laminate are reviewed, it has made a distinction between models for detachment at the end of the plate or debonding in the intermediate zones due to the effects of cracks. It is observed a lack of agreement in the proposals. Some experimental studies on bonding between masonry and FRP are also related in this chapter. The particular characteristics of masonry structures are analyzed in Section III.4. Besides some empirical and theoretical investigations relative to improve their flexural capacity with FRP sheets are reviewed. The mechanical behaviour of strengthened walls subject to pure bending (without compression) has been established by several authors, but this is an unusual situation for real masonry. Neither mechanical behaviour of walls subject to bending and compression nor influence of axial load in the final capacity of the strengthened element are adequately studied. In regard to theoretical studies, the different proposals are based on reinforced concrete analytical methods and share common design principles. However, they present differences, especially, about three aspects: 1) the constitutive law of masonry, 2) the value of ultimate FRP strain and 3) the desirable failure mode that must be looked for. In spite of them, a good agreement between each experimental program and its theoretical study is often exhibited due to enormous disparity in considered test parameters. Each experimental program usually presents a characteristic failure mode and the proposed formulation results appropriate for this one. It seems necessary to develop a method for FRP strengthened walls subject to bending and compression enable for all failure modes (due to FRP or masonry). Some common damages in masonry subject to bending are explained in Section III.4. Examples of FRP strengthening to repair or prevent these damages are also written. Two small experimental programs are carried out in Eduardo Torroja Institute to improve the knowledge on this topic. The first one is concerned about the bond between FRP plates and damaged masonry (section IV.1) and the second one is related to the mechanical behaviour of the strengthened masonry specimens subject to out of plane bending combined with axial force (section IV.2). In the Chapter V some bond models to prevent the debonding at the FRP plate end are checked. It is confirmed that their predictions are so different. A pure-shear test database is compiled with results from the existing literature and others from the experimental program described in section IV.1. This database lets know which of the considered model is more suitable to design anchorage lengths of glued FRP to masonry. In the Chapter VI a method to check unreinforced masonry sections with external FRP strengthening subject to bending and compression to the ultimate limit state is proposed. This method is based on concrete reinforced one, but it is adapted to strengthened masonry. A bilinear constitutive law is used for masonry (according to CTE DB SE-F). Its simplicity helps to develop the model formulation and it has proven to be suitable to predict bending capacity either for FRP failures or masonry crushing. With regard to FRP, the design strain is limited. It is taken into account different aspects which cause the plate can’t reach its ultimate strength, like intermediate FRP debonding induced by opening cracking or environmental damage. A “bond factor” is proposed. It is obtained by means of an experimental bending test database that includes 68 results from the existing literature and from the experimental program described in section IV.2. The proposed formulation has also been checked with the help of bending database. The effects of the main parameters, like axial load, FRP design effective strain or FRP stiffness, on the bending capacity of the strengthened element are studied in Chapter VII. Finally, the main conclusions from the work carried out are summarized in Chapter VIII. Future lines of research to be explored are suggested as well.


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Los accidentes con implicación de autocares en los que se producen vuelcos ponen de manifiesto la especial agresividad de los mismos, como lo confirman las estadísticas. Como medida para mejorar la seguridad de los Vehículos de Grandes Dimensiones para el Transporte de Pasajeros (V.G.D.T.P.) frente a vuelco fue aprobado por las Naciones Unidas el Reglamento Nº 66 de Ginebra. Este reglamento establece los requisitos mínimos que las estructuras de los vehículos de grandes dimensiones deben cumplir con respecto a vuelco. El reglamento 66 ha supuesto un paso adelante muy importante en relación con la seguridad de los autocares, puesto que especifica por primera vez requerimientos estructurales a este tipo de vehículos, y en general ha supuesto una mejora del vehículo . Por otro lado, a consecuencia de la obligatoriedad de instalación de cinturones de seguridad, existe una unión entre pasajeros y vehículo, pero como no se trata de una unión rígida, hay que contemplar el porcentaje de la masa de los ocupantes que influye en la absorción de energía de la estructura. Además la retención de los ocupantes con cinturones de seguridad influye en la energía a absorber por la estructura del vehículo en dos aspectos, por un lado aumenta la masa del vehículo y en el otro se incrementa la altura el centro de gravedad. Esta situación a conducido a elaborar por parte de las Naciones Unidas la revisión 01 del Reglamento 66, en el que se considera que el 50 % de la masa total de los pasajeros posee una unión rígida con la estructura del vehículo, y por lo tanto debe ser tenida en cuenta si el vehículo posee sistemas de retención. En la situación actual, con limitaciones de peso del vehículo y peso por eje, los elementos de confort, seguridad y espacio para maleteros contribuyen a aumentar el peso del vehículo. Esto unido a la dificultad de introducción de cambios radicales en la concepción actual de fabricación de este tipo de vehículos por suponer unas pérdidas importantes para los fabricantes existentes, tanto en su conocimiento del producto como en su metodología de proceso, conlleva la necesidad cada vez más agobiante de analizar y evaluar otras alternativas estructurales que sin suponer grandes revoluciones a los productos actualmente en fabricación los complementen permitiendo adaptarse a los nuevos requerimientos en seguridad. Recientes desarrollos en la relación costo-beneficio de los procesos para la producción de materiales celulares metálicos de baja densidad, tales como las espumas metálicas, los posiciona como una alternativa de especial interés para la aplicación como elementos de absorción de energía para reforzar estructuras. El relleno con espumas metálicas puede ser más eficiente en términos de optimización de peso comparado con el aumento de espesor de los perfiles estructurales, dado que la absorción de energía se produce en una fracción relativamente pequeña de los perfiles, en las denominadas rótulas plásticas. La aplicación de espumas de relleno metálicas en estructuras de vehículos se está empezando a emplear en determinadas zonas de los vehículos de turismo, siendo totalmente novedosa cualquier intento de aplicación en estructuras de autobuses y autocares. Conforme a lo expuesto, y con el objeto de resolver estos problemas, se ha elaborado el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral, cuyos objetivos son: -Desarrollar un modelo matemático, que permita simular el ensayo de vuelco, considerando la influencia de los ocupantes retenidos con cinturones de seguridad para evaluar su influencia en la absorción de energía de la estructura. -Validar el modelo matemático de vuelco de la estructura mediante ensayos de secciones representativas de la estructura del vehículo y mediante el ensayo de un vehículo completo. -Realizar un estudio de las propiedades de las espumas metálicas que permitan incorporarlas como elemento de absorción de energía en el relleno de componentes de la superestructura de autobuses y autocares. -Desarrollar un modelo matemático para evaluar el aporte del relleno de espuma metálica en la absorción de energía ante solicitaciones por flexión estática y dinámica en componentes de la superestructura de autobuses o autocares. -Realizar un programa de ensayos a flexión estáticos y dinámicos para validar el modelo matemático del aporte del relleno de espuma metálica sobre componentes de la superestructura de autobuses y autocares. . -Incorporar al modelo matemático de vuelco de la estructura, los resultados obtenidos sobre componentes con relleno de espuma metálica, para evaluar el aporte en la absorción de energía. -Validar el modelo de vuelco de la estructura del autobús o autocar con relleno de espuma metálica, mediante ensayos de secciones de carrocería. ABSTRACT Accidents involving buses in which rollovers occur reveal the special aggressiveness thereof, as the statistics prove. As a measure to improve the safety of large vehicles for the transport of passengers to rollover, Regulation 66 of Geneva was approved by the United Nations. This regulation establishes the minimum requirements that structures of large vehicles must comply with respect to rollovers. The regulation 66 has been a major step forward in relation to the safety of coaches, since it specifies structural requirements to such vehicles and has been an improvement for the vehicle. In turn, as a result of compulsory installation of safety belts, there is contact between passengers and vehicle, but as it is not a rigid connection we must contemplate the percentage of the mass of the occupants that impacts on the energy absorption of the structure. Thus, the passengers’ restraining modifies the energy to absorb by the vehicle in two different aspects: On the one hand, it increases the vehicle weight and on the other the height of the center of gravity. This circumstance has taken the United Nations to elaborate Revision 01 of Regulation 66, in which it is considered that the 50 percent of passengers’ mass has a rigid joint together with the vehicle structure and, therefore, the passengers’ mass mentioned above should be highly considered if the vehicle has seat belts. In the present situation, in which limitations in vehicle weight and weight in axles are stricter, elements of comfort, safety and space for baggage are contributing to increase the weight of the vehicle. This coupled with the difficulty of introducing radical changes in the current conception of manufacturing such vehicles pose significant losses for existing manufacturers, both in product knowledge and process methodology, entails the overwhelming need to analyze and evaluate other structural alternatives without assuming relevant modifications on the products manufactured currently allowing them to adapt to the new safety requirements. Recent developments in cost-benefit processes for the production of metallic foams of low density, such as metal foams, place them as an alternative of special interest to be used as energy absorbers to strengthen structures. The filling with metal foams can be more efficient in terms of weight optimization compared with increasing thickness of the structural beams, since the energy absorption occurs in a relatively small fraction of the beams, called plastic hinges. The application of metal filling foams in vehicle structures is beginning to be used in certain areas of passenger cars, being an innovative opportunity in structures for application in buses and coaches. According to the mentioned before, and in order to come forward with a solution, this doctoral thesis has been prepared and its objectives are: - Develop a mathematical model to simulate the rollover test, considering the influence of the occupants held with seat belts to assess their influence on energy absorption structure. - Validate the mathematical model of the structure rollover by testing representative sections of the vehicle structure and by testing a complete vehicle. - Conduct a study of the properties of metal foams as possible incorporation of energy absorbing element in the filler component of the superstructure of buses and coaches. - Elaborate a mathematical model to assess the contribution of the metal foam filling in absorbing energy for static and dynamic bending loads on the components of buses or coaches superstructure. - Conduct a static and dynamic bending test program to validate the mathematical model of contribution of metal foam filling on components of the superstructure of buses and coaches bending. - To incorporate into the mathematical model of structure rollover, the results obtained on components filled with metal foam, to evaluate the contribution to the energy absorption. - Validate the rollover model structure of the bus or coach filled with metal foam through tests of bay sections. The objectives in this thesis have been achieved successfully. The contribution calculation model with metal foam filling in the vehicle structure has revealed that the filling with metal foam is more efficient than increasing thickness of the beams, as demonstrated in the experimental validation of bay sections.


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Diante da evolução da composição das resinas compostas e do lançamento de compósitos do tipo bulk fill, faz-se necessário o estudo do desempenho dessa nova classe de materiais. Para isso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar propriedades como grau de conversão (GC) , dureza Knoop (KHN), resistência à flexão (RF) e tenacidade à fratura (KIC) de sete compósitos bulk fill (EverX Posterior, EXP; Filtek Bulk Fill Flow, FBFF; Fill-Up!, FU; SonicFill, SF; Surefil SDR, SDR; Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill, TECBF; Venus Bulk Fill, VBF) e um compósito nanohíbrido convencional (Charisma Diamond, CD). De forma complementar, foi realizado tratamento térmico a 170 °C por 10 minutos para melhor compreensão do comportamento desses materiais quanto ao potencial de conversão e à indução de tensões na interface carga/matriz. A avaliação do GC (n=3) foi realizada através de espectroscopia FTIR, a leitura da dureza Knoop foi realizada nas superfícies do topo e da base (n=3), e os ensaios de RF de três pontos (n=10) e KIC (n=10) em máquina de ensaios universais. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à analise de variância (complementados pelo teste de Tukey) ou teste Kruskal-Wallis, com nível de significância de 5%. A análise do GC (%) revelou diferença entre os materiais testados, sendo que todas as resinas bulk fill apresentaram valores maiores que a resina convencional: SF (75,7) > VBF (66,7) = EXP (66,4) = SDR (62,8), sendo esta também semelhante a FU (60,0); FU, TECBF (56,6), FBFF (56,6) e CD (54,5) apresentaram conversão semelhante. Os valores de KHN variaram de acordo com o material e com a superfície: apenas SF apresentou KHN semelhante (na superfície do topo) a CD, entretanto não foi possível realizar a leitura da superfície da base deste último material; SF, TECBF e FBFF apresentaram valores de KHN diferentes nas superfícies topo e base; EXP, FU, SDR e VBF mantiveram os valores de dureza do topo semelhantes à superfície da base. Para a RF (MPa), os resultados variaram de acordo com o material: EXP (122,54) = SF (101,09) = CD (99,15), sendo estes dois últimos semelhantes a FU (83,86) e TECBF (82,71), os quais não diferiram da resina SDR (65,18); esta última também mostrou comportamento semelhante a FBFF (60,85) e VBF (59,90). Quanto ao KIC (MPa.mm0,5), EXP (3,35) apresentou o maior valor, semelhante a SF (2,42), que por sua vez também foi igual ao compósito convencional CD (2,01); CD apresentou KIC semelhante a SDR (1,74); SDR = VBF (1,59) = TECBF (1,57); TECBF, FU (1,54) e FBFF (1,37) apresentaram valores semelhantes. Na dependência do material, o tratamento térmico aumentou os valores dos parâmetros estudados, apontando limitações da reação de polimerização dos compósitos estudados. Com base nos resultados obtidos, podese concluir que: resinas bulk fill apresentam elevado GC, superior à resina convencional estudada; a nova classe de materiais restauradores é capaz de polimerizar em profundidade e alguns materiais apresentam KHN semelhantes no topo e na base de espécimes de 4 mm de profundidade; RF e KIC variaram de acordo com o material, e o compósito EXP apresentou os maiores valores para ambos os testes.


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O objetivo principal do estudo é comparar o teste em 3 pontos com braquetes com o teste de resistência ao deslizamento utilizando um novo dispositivo que realiza a mensuração simultânea do coeficiente de atrito, das forças e dos momentos nos braquetes de ancoragem e da força de desativação no braquete desalinhado, exercidos por fios ortodônticos. Os objetivos secundários foram desenvolver o dispositivo e comparar, no teste em 3 pontos: (i) a influência, nas grandezas e no coeficiente de atrito cinético, da variação da simetria nas distâncias inter-braquetes, do tipo de braquete de ancoragem (canino ou 2º pré-molar), do deslocamento (3 ou 5mm) do braquete central, do sentido do desalinhamento (vestibular ou lingual) do braquete central e da marca de fio-braquete; (ii) as 3 formas de cálculo do coeficiente de atrito cinético; (iii) os 10 ciclos, para vestibular ou lingual, para verificar se eles são semelhantes ou não entre si. Foram utilizados braquetes autoligáveis (dentes 13, 14 e 15) e fios 0.014\'\' NiTi e CuNiTi das marcas Aditek e Ormco. O teste de resistência ao deslizamento foi realizado no desalinhamento lingual, nos dois deslocamentos e na configuração simétrica. O teste em 3 pontos com braquetes foi realizado no desalinhamento lingual e vestibular, nos dois deslocamentos e na configuração simétrica e assimétrica. Por meio da ANOVA, foram comparados, entre os dois tipos de teste: (A) as grandezas e o coeficiente de atrito e (B) o coeficiente de atrito gerado apenas no braquete de 2º pré-molar. Utilizando-se do mesmo teste estatístico foram comparados, no teste em 3 pontos com braquetes: (A) na configuração simétrica, algumas grandezas e o coeficiente de atrito advindos da variação da marca de fio-braquete, do deslocamento, do desalinhamento e do tipo de braquete; (B) algumas grandezas e o coeficiente de atrito gerados na configuração simétrica e assimétrica; (C) os valores das 3 formas de cálculo do coeficiente de atrito na configuração simétrica; e (D) algumas grandezas e o coeficiente de atrito encontrados nos 10 ciclos. Resultados: (A) a maioria dos valores das grandezas e do coeficiente de atrito gerados pelos dois tipos de teste foram diferentes estatisticamente; (B) o braquete de 2º pré-molar apresentou valores de coeficiente de atrito diferentes entre os dois tipos de teste; (C) na configuração simétrica, as variáveis foram estatisticamente significantes na maioria dos casos para as grandezas analisadas e para o coeficiente de atrito; (D) houve diferença entre a configuração simétrica e assimétrica; (E) o coeficiente de atrito baseado nas duas normais e na força de atrito se aproximou mais da realidade clínica e foi sensível à variação da geometria da relação fio-braquete; e (F) os 10 ciclos para lingual foram semelhantes entre si em 70% dos casos e os 10 ciclos para vestibular foram diferentes em 57% dos casos. Conclusões: o teste em 3 pontos com braquetes é diferente do teste de resistência ao deslizamento; a variação das configurações geométricas e da marca de fio-braquete pode influenciar nos valores das grandezas e do coeficiente de atrito cinético; os 10 ciclos para lingual foram mais semelhantes entre si que os 10 ciclos para vestibular.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a topografia de superfície dos fios estéticos, antes e após teste de deflexão. A amostra foi composta por 70 corpos de prova de fios 0,014 redondos, sendo 10 de cada uma das marcas comerciais avaliadas: Orthocosmetic Elastinol (Masel), Flexy Super Elastic Esthetic (Orthometric), InVu (TP Orthodontics) e ProForm Nitanium (Ortho Organizers) fios de NiTi revestidos por Teflon®; Optis (TP Orthodontics) fio de resina reforçado por fibra de vidro ou FRP; Niticosmetic (Tecnident) fio de NiTi revestido por resina epoxídica; e Nitinol SE (3M Unitek) fio de NiTi superelástico, usado para controle. A topografia de superfície de cada fio foi avaliada por rugosímetro e por microscópio óptico, antes e após ser submetido a ensaio de deflexão, no lado em que a força foi aplicada e no lado oposto a este. Cada fio foi defletido em 3,1mm, a uma velocidade de 1mm/min, com célula de carga de 5N a 36⁰C + 1⁰C. A análise de variância a três critérios (p<0,05) mostrou diferença significante entre os fios e o teste de Tukey mostrou que o fio Optis (TP Orthodontics) apresentou aumento nos parâmetros de rugosidade Ra, Rt e Rz, após a deflexão. O fio Niticosmetic (Tecnident) apresentou aumento na rugosidade média (Ra). O fio InVu (TP Orthodontics) foi o único que mostrou aumento na rugosidade no lado em que a força foi aplicada. A análise visual por meio de microscopia óptica revelou alterações na superfície em todos os fios estéticos após o teste de deflexão, desde delaminações do revestimento, observadas nos fios Orthocosmetic Elastinol e InVu, riscos permanentes na superfície, como visto nos fios Flexy Super Elastic Esthetic, Niticosmetic e ProForm Nitanium, e até mesmo fratura incompleta, no fio Optis. Concluiu-se que o fio Niticosmetic apresentou topografia de superfície similar ao fio metálico, e os demais fios estéticos apresentaram maior rugosidade e alterações visuaisna superfície.


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Nel presente elaborato è stato studiato l'effetto prodotto dall'inserimento di interstrati di rinforzo tra strati legati di una pavimentazione. Si è realizzato un confronto tra due pavimentazioni, una rinforzata e l'altra di controllo, mediante il software di calcolo OLCRACK, aventi le medesime caratteristiche geometriche e gli stessi materiali. In questo modo è stato possibile osservare l'effetto della griglia di rinforzo nel contrastare e ritardare il fenomeno del reflective cracking. Parallelamente è stata effettuata un'indagine sperimentale in laboratorio su travetti bi-strato rinforzati con due tipologie differenti di griglie. I risultati hanno evidenziato l'importanza del ricoprimento sulla griglia, poiché i travetti più spessi hanno dato una risposta migliore alla vita a fatica. In più è stata osservata l'importanza della resistenza a trazione della griglia nell'incremento dei cicli a rottura dei provini.


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With the continued miniaturization and increasing performance of electronic devices, new technical challenges have arisen. One such issue is delamination occurring at critical interfaces inside the device. This major reliability issue can occur during the manufacturing process or during normal use of the device. Proper evaluation of the adhesion strength of critical interfaces early in the product development cycle can help reduce reliability issues and time-to-market of the product. However, conventional adhesion strength testing is inherently limited in the face of package miniaturization, which brings about further technical challenges to quantify design integrity and reliability. Although there are many different interfaces in today's advanced electronic packages, they can be generalized into two main categories: 1) rigid to rigid connections with a thin flexible polymeric layer in between, or 2) a thin film membrane on a rigid structure. Knowing that every technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, multiple testing methods must be enhanced and developed to be able to accommodate all the interfaces encountered for emerging electronic packaging technologies. For evaluating the adhesion strength of high adhesion strength interfaces in thin multilayer structures a novel adhesion test configuration called “single cantilever adhesion test (SCAT)” is proposed and implemented for an epoxy molding compound (EMC) and photo solder resist (PSR) interface. The test method is then shown to be capable of comparing and selecting the stronger of two potential EMC/PSR material sets. Additionally, a theoretical approach for establishing the applicable testing domain for a four-point bending test method was presented. For evaluating polymeric films on rigid substrates, major testing challenges are encountered for reducing testing scatter and for factoring in the potentially degrading effect of environmental conditioning on the material properties of the film. An advanced blister test with predefined area test method was developed that considers an elasto-plastic analytical solution and implemented for a conformal coating used to prevent tin whisker growth. The advanced blister testing with predefined area test method was then extended by employing a numerical method for evaluating the adhesion strength when the polymer’s film properties are unknown.


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Despite significant advances in building technologies with the use of conventional construction materials (as concrete and steel), which significantly have driven the construction industry, earth construction have demonstrated its importance and relevance, as well as it has matched in an efficient and eco-friendly manner the social housing concerns. The diversity of earth construction techniques allowed this material to adapt to different climatic, cultural and social contexts until the present time. However, in Angola, the construction with earth is still associated with population fringes of weak economic resources, for which, given the impossibility of being able to acquire modern construction materials (steel, cement, brick, among others), they resort to the use of available natural materials. Furthermore, the lack of scientific and technical knowledge justifies the negative appreciation of traditional building techniques, and the derogatory way how are considered the earth constructions in Angolan territory. Given the country's current development status, and taking into account the environmental requirements and the real socio-economic sustainability of Angola, it is considered that one of the viable and adequate options, could be the recovering and upgrading of the ancestral techniques of earth construction. The purpose of this research is to develop the technical and scientific knowledge in order to improve and optimize these construction solutions, responding to the real problems of housing quality as well as to the current social, economic and environmental sustainability requirements. In this paper, a description of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the adobes typically used in the construction of traditional houses in some localities of Huambo, province in Angola, is carried out. The methodology was based on mechanical in-situ testing in adobe blocks manufactured with traditional procedures: i) tensile strength evaluated with the bending test and compressive strength test on earth blocks specimens; and, ii) durability and erodibility test by Geelong method adopting the New Zealand standard (NZS) procedures (4297: 1998; 4297: 1998 and 4297: 1999). The results allow the characterization of the materials used in the construction of raw earth in the Huambo region, contributing to the development of knowledge of these sustainable and traditional housing constructive solutions with a strong presence in Angola [1, 2]. This study is part of a larger project in the area of Earth Construction [3], which aims to produce knowledge which can stimulate the use of environmental friendly construction materials and contribute to develop constructive solutions with improved performance, durability, comfort, safety and sustainability.


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Shape memory NiTi alloys have been used extensively for medical device applications such as orthopedic, dental, vascular and cardiovascular devices on account of their unique shape memory effect (SME) and super-elasticity (SE). Laser welding is found to be the most suitable method used to fabricate NiTi-based medical components. However, the performance of laser-welded NiTi alloys under corrosive environments is not fully understood and a specific focus on understanding the corrosion fatigue behaviour is not evident in the literature. This study reveals a comparison of corrosion fatigue behaviour of laser-welded and bare NiTi alloys using bending rotation fatigue (BRF) test which was integrated with a specifically designed corrosion cell. The testing environment was Hanks’ solution (simulated body fluid) at 37.5oC. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) measurement was carried out to monitor the change of corrosion resistance at different periods during the BRF test. Experiments indicate that the laser-welded NiTi alloy would be more susceptible to the corrosion fatigue attack than the bare NiTi alloy. This finding can serve as a benchmark for the product designers and engineers to determine the factor of safety of NiTi medical devices fabricated using laser welding.


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Recently developed cold-formed LiteSteel beam (LSB) sections have found increasing popularity in residential, industrial and commercial buildings due to their light weight and cost-effectiveness. Currently, there is significant interest in the use of LSB sections as flexural members in floor joist systems, although they can be used as flexural and compression members in a range of building systems. The plastic bending behaviour and section moment capacity of LSB sections with web holes can be assumed to differ from those without, but have yet to be investigated. Hence, no appropriate design rules for determining the section moment capacity of LSB sections with web holes are yet available. This paper presents the results of an investigation of the plastic bending behaviour and section moment capacity of LSB sections with circular web holes. LSB sections with varying circular hole diameters and degrees of spacing were considered. The paper also describes the simplified finite element (FE) modelling technique employed in this study, which incorporates all of the significant behavioural effects that influence the plastic bending behaviour and section moment capacity of these sections. The numerical and experimental test results and associated findings are also presented.


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Australian manufacturers recently developed a new mono-symmetric cold-formed steel hollow flange channel section known as LiteSteel Beam. The innovative LSB sections with rectangular flanges are currently being used as floor joists and bearers in buildings. In order to assess their behaviour and section moment capacity including the presence of any inelastic reserve bending capacity, 20 section moment capacity tests were conducted in this study. Test results were compared with the section moment capacities predicted by the steel design codes. Although the current cold-formed steel design rules generally limit the section moment capacities to their first yield moments, test results showed that inelastic reserve bending capacity was present in the compact and non-compact LSB sections. The results have shown that suitable modifications to the current design rules are needed to allow the inclusion of available inelastic bending capacities of LSBs in design.


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This paper presents the details of an experimental study of a cold-formed steel beam known as LiteSteel Beam (LSB) subject to combined shear and bending actions. The LSBs have the beneficial characteristics of torsionally rigid rectangular hollow flanges combined with economical fabrication processes from a single strip of high strength steel. They combine the stability of hot-rolled steel sections with the high strength to weight ratio of conventional cold-formed steel sections. The LSB sections are commonly used as flexural members in residential, industrial and commercial buildings. In order to ensure safe and efficient designs of LSBs, many research studies have been undertaken on the flexural and shear strengths of LSBs. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the strength of LSB sections under combined shear and bending actions. Hence a detailed experimental study involving 18 tests was undertaken to investigate the behaviour and strength of LSBs under combined shear and bending actions. Test results showed that AS/NZS 4600 design rules for unstiffened webs grossly underestimated the capacity of LSBs. Therefore improved design equations were proposed for the combined shear and bending capacities of LSBs based on experimental results.