975 resultados para Bearing capacity


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Nos diversos segmentos da Geotecnia e em especial na área de fundações, o engenheiro se depara com uma série de incertezas. Algumas destas incertezas são inerentes à variabilidade local do solo, às condições de carregamento, aos efeitos do tempo, às diferenças nos processos executivos, erros de sondagens, que influenciam diretamente a estimativa da capacidade de carga da fundação, seja por ocasião de seu carregamento estático, seja durante ou logo após a cravação. O objetivo desta dissertação é a adaptação, a estacas em terra (onshore), de um procedimento concebido originalmente para emprego em estacas offshore, que trata da atualização da estimativa da resistência durante a cravação, com base em registros documentados durante a execução. Neste procedimento a atualização é feita através da aplicação dos conceitos da análise Bayesiana, assumindo que os parâmetros da distribuição probabilística utilizada sejam variáveis randômicas. A incerteza dos parâmetros é modelada por distribuições a priori e a posteriori. A distribuição a posteriori é calculada pela atualização da distribuição a priori, utilizando uma função de máxima verossimilhança, que contém a observação obtida dos registros de cravação. O procedimento é aplicado a um conjunto de estacas de um extenso estaqueamento executado na Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro. As estimativas atualizadas são posteriormente comparadas aos resultados dos ensaios de carregamento dinâmico. Várias aplicações podem surgir com o emprego deste procedimento, como a seleção das estacas que, por apresentarem reduzido valor de estimativa atualizada de resistência, ou uma maior incerteza desta estimativa, devam ser submetidas a provas de carga. A extensão deste estudo a diferentes tipos de estacas em perfis de solo de natureza distintos poderá levar ao desenvolvimento de sistemas mais adequados de controle de execução, capazes de identificar as principais incertezas presentes nos diferentes tipos de execução de estacas, contribuindo assim para a otimização de futuros projetos de fundações.


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Uma das tarefas mais desafiadoras do engenheiro na área da Geotecnia é a escolha dos valores de parâmetros geotécnicos obtidos de ensaios de campo ou laboratório e que serão utilizados nos modelos analíticos ou numéricos na fase de projeto de fundações. Diante das incertezas inerentes aos ensaios de SPT e da heterogeneidade de abordagens para a utilização dos valores de NSPT, é proposta neste estudo, a aplicação de um critério estatístico para obtenção de valores de NSPT, a partir da construção de intervalos de confiança de 95% de probabilidade em torno da reta ajustada de regressão linear simples entre a variável aleatória NSPT e a profundidade. Os valores obtidos de NSPT pelo critério aplicado foram utilizados na previsão da capacidade de carga de 19 estacas isoladas a partir da utilização de três métodos semi-empíricos: Aoki-Velloso (1975) com coeficientes alterados por Monteiro (1997), Décourt & Quaresma (1978) alterado pelo método de Décourt (1996) e Método de Alonso (1996). As cargas de ruptura dessas 19 estacas ensaiadas através de Provas de Carga Estática foram obtidas pelos métodos de extrapolação de Van Der Veen (1953) e Décourt (1996) e serviram para comparação e consequente validação do critério estatístico. Adicionalmente, com fulcro no item da ABNT NBR 6122:2010 Resistência calculada por método semi-empírico, foram avaliados os fatores de segurança em relação às cargas de projeto, inclusive, também se utilizando da premissa de reconhecimento de regiões representativas, levando em conta o número de ensaios de SPT executados, fato que promove uma diminuição da incerteza dos parâmetros, apontando a um menor fator de segurança. A dissertação enfatiza as vantagens de um adequado tratamento estatístico dos parâmetros geotécnicos, a exemplo da recomendação já existente nas normas internacionais como Eurocódigo e outras. O critério construído permite e encoraja análises e decisões racionais no universo das partes interessadas consumidores, projetistas, fiscais de obras, contratantes e comunidade científica promovendo as discussões de forma mais objetiva e harmoniosa sobre o tema.


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As tensões residuais de cravação ocorrem quando a estaca e o solo não são totalmente descomprimidos após dissipação completa da energia transferida à estaca durante sua instalação. Este assunto tem merecido a atenção de vários pesquisadores, uma vez que a presença das tensões residuais na estaca causa uma alteração no seu comportamento quando carregada. A presente dissertação reuniu estudos anteriores que estabeleceram os principais fatores que influenciam as tensões residuais de cravação. Procurou-se executar uma série de simulações objetivando melhor entender o desenvolvimento das tensões residuais com a porcentagem de resistência de ponta, em continuidade aos estudos de Costa (1994). Costa (1994) observou que a porcentagem de carga na ponta é um fator relevante na avaliação das tensões residuais de cravação. Uma análise paramétrica efetuada confirmou estudos anteriores, verificando que a razão entre a carga residual na ponta em relação à capacidade de carga global cresce, a medida que a porcentagem de carga na ponta aumenta, chegando a um valor máximo para, em seguida, diminuir. Este comportamento é similar ao da curva de compactação do solo, quando, ao aumentar a umidade, o peso específico seco aumenta, até um valor máximo, correspondente à umidade ótima, para em seguida reduzir. Verificouse, ainda, semelhantemente ao aumento da energia de compactação, que vai transladando a curva para cima e para à esquerda do gráfico umidade x peso específico seco, que o aumento do comprimento da estaca apresenta um comportamento similar. O aumento do comprimento leva a curva para cima e para a esquerda. Finalmente, selecionou-se um caso de obra com condições propícias para o desenvolvimento de altas tensões residuais de cravação. Trata-se de um caso de estacas metálicas longas, embutidas em solo residual jovem, de elevada resistência, bem documentado com extensa instrumentação, por ocasião da instalação. A retroanálise de cinco estacas do banco de dados mostrou que as cargas residuais previstas, num programa de simulação de cravação, se aproximaram muito dos valores experimentais. Foi observado também que a profundidade do ponto neutro previsto e medido apresentou uma excelente concordância. O resultado mais relevante desta pesquisa foi quando os valores de porcentagem de ponta foram introduzidos no eixo das abscissas e os valores da razão entre a carga residual na ponta e a capacidade de carga global, no eixo das ordenadas, e se observou o aspecto da curva semelhante à de compactação. A dissertação ilustra ser possível e simples a previsão das tensões residuais de cravação através de uma análise pela equação da onda.


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The potential use of YBa2j as an active component in a magnetic bearing is being investigated. Although the load bearing capacity is high and increases with the square of the magnetic field trapped, the stiffness is low. Both the stiffness and the lévitation height are a function of the loading history of the bearing. At Cambridge we have been investigating the effects of dynamic loading such as single large excursions from steady state loads and cyclically applied loads such as vibrations. Since a superconducting bearing has little inherent damping cyclic loads applied at or near its natural frequency can have catastrophic effects. The information being gathered at Cambridge will be used to enable these effects to be mitigated in the bearing design process. © 1997 IEEE.


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This paper examines the settlement of instrumented 2 × 2 model pile groups in liquefiable soil based on the results of dynamic centrifuge tests. The piles are end-bearing in dense sand, and are instrumented such that base, shaft and total pile load components can be measured. The data suggest that the overall co-seismic group settlement is accrued from incremental settlements of the individual piles as the group rocks under the action of the kinematic and inertial lateral loads. A Newmarkian framework for describing this behaviour is presented in which permanent settlement is incremented whenever the load in any of the piles exceeds the capacity of the soil to support the pile. This bearing capacity of the piles in liquefied soil is estimated based on measured dynamic soil properties during shaking and observations of the changes in load carried by the piles. The contribution of the pile cap in reducing settlement is also discussed. © 2008 ASCE.


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Manual inspection is required to determine the condition of damaged buildings after an earthquake. The lack of available inspectors, when combined with the large volume of inspection work, makes such inspection subjective and time-consuming. Completing the required inspection takes weeks to complete, which has adverse economic and societal impacts on the affected population. This paper proposes an automated framework for rapid post-earthquake building evaluation. Under the framework, the visible damage (cracks and buckling) inflicted on concrete columns is first detected. The damage properties are then measured in relation to the column's dimensions and orientation, so that the column's load bearing capacity can be approximated as a damage index. The column damage index supplemented with other building information (e.g. structural type and columns arrangement) is then used to query fragility curves of similar buildings, constructed from the analyses of existing and on-going experimental data. The query estimates the probability of the building being in different damage states. The framework is expected to automate the collection of building damage data, to provide a quantitative assessment of the building damage state, and to estimate the vulnerability of the building to collapse in the event of an aftershock. Videos and manual assessments of structures after the 2009 earthquake in Haiti are used to test the parts of the framework.


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Plate anchors are increasingly being used to moor large floating offshore structures in deep and ultradeep water. These facilities impart substantial vertical uplift loading to plate anchors. However, extreme operating conditions such as hurricane loading often result in partial system failures, with significant change in the orientation of the remaining intact mooring lines. The purpose of this study is to investigate the undrained pure translational (parallel to plate) and torsional bearing capacity of anchor plates idealized as square and rectangular shaped plates. Moreover, the interaction response of plate anchors under combined translational and torsional loading is studied using a modified plastic limit analysis (PLA) approach. The previous PLA formulation which did not account for shear-normal force interaction on the vertical end faces of the plate provides an exact solution to the idealized problem of an infinitely thin plate but only an approximate solution to the problem of a plate of finite thickness. This is also confirmed by the three-dimensional finite element (FE) results, since the PLA values exceed FE results as the thickness of the plate increases. By incorporating the shear-normal interaction relationship in the modified solution, the torsional bearing capacity factors, as well as the plate interaction responses are enhanced as they show satisfactory agreement with the FE results. The interaction relationship is then obtained for square and rectangular plates of different aspect ratios and thicknesses. The new interaction relationships could also be used as an associated plastic failure locus for combined shear and torsional loading to predict plastic displacements and rotations in translational and torsional loading modes as well. Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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Foundations of subsea infrastructure in deep water subjected to asymmetric environmental loads have underscored the importance of combined torsional and horizontal loading effects on the bearing capacity of rectangular shallow foundations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the undrained sliding and torsional bearing capacity of rectangular and square shallow foundations together with the interaction response under combined loading using three-dimensional finite element (3D-FE) analysis. Upper bound plastic limit analysis is employed to establish a reference value for horizontal and torsional bearing capacity, and an interaction relationship for the combined loading condition. Satisfactory agreement of plastic limit analysis (PLA) and 3D-FE results for ultimate capacity and interaction curves ensures that simple PLA solution could be used to evaluate the bearing capacity problem of foundation under combined sliding and torsion.


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Shallow foundations built on saturated deposits of granular soils in seismically active areas are, regardless of their static bearing capacity, critical structures during seismic events. A single centrifuge experiment involving shallow foundations situated atop a liquefiable soil deposit has been performed to identify the mechanisms involved in the interaction between liquefaction-induced effects on neighboring shallow foundations. Centrifuge test results indicate that liquefaction causes significant settlements of footings, which are affected by the presence of neighboring foundations and can be extremely damaging to the superstructure. The understanding of these interaction effects is very important, mainly in densely populated urban areas. The development of high excess pore-pressures, localized drainage in response to the high transient hydraulic gradients, and earthquake-induced vertical motions to the footings are also important effects that are discussed to assist in enhancing current understanding and ability to predict liquefaction effects on shallow foundations. © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group.


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This paper deals with the case history of a damaged one-span prestressed concrete bridge on a crucial artery near the city of Cagliari (Sardinia), along the sea-side. After being involved in a disastrous flood, attention has arisen on the worrying safety state of the deck, submitted to an intense daily traffic load. Evident signs of this severe condition were the deterioration of the beams concrete and the corrosion, the lack of tension and even the rupture of the prestressing cables. After performing a limited in situ test campaign, consisting of sclerometer, pull out and carbonation depth tests, a first evaluation of the safety of the structure was performed. After collecting the data of dynamic and static load tests as well, a comprehensive analysis have been carried out, also by means of a properly calibrated F.E. model. Finally the retrofitting design is presented, consisting of the reparation and thickening of the concrete cover, providing flexural and shear FRP external reinforcements and an external prestressing system, capable of restoring a satisfactory bearing capacity, according to the current national codes. The intervention has been calibrated by the former F.E. model with respect to transversal effects and influence of local and overall deformation of reinforced elements. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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We demonstrate autonomous construction of structures using a robot arm that can fabricate threads of TPA (Thermoplastic Adhesive) in free space on the fly. TPA has many important material properties that help to greatly simplify the otherwise complex task of building structures in complex environments. We present a model for the formation of TPA strings based on plastic deformation which also includes the temperature dependent material properties which change significantly as the thread is formed and cools. Experiments of drawing TPA show that drawing forces due to the viscosity of the TPA are more dominated by the speed of drawing than the changes in viscosity due to temperature. The load bearing capacity of individual strings is also modelled and measured and structures are built using the TPA strings which due to the adhesiveness can be anchored to a wide range surfaces as well as to other strings. © 2013 IEEE.


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在对黄土区坡耕地资源、坡面水肥资源分布和植被现状分析的基础上 ,指出在坡面上进行植被建设应根据水分和养分的植物承载能力来确定适宜的植物种类和植被建设方案时建议采取综合技术措施进行植树种草 ,最后初步提出了黄土区坡面进行植被建设的技术模式。


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The effect of Cl- on the corrosive wear behaviour of AISI 321 stainless steel in H2SO4 solution was studied via the corrosive wear rate, the load bearing capacity of passive film and the relationship between pitting and corrosive wear. There is a critical load at natural potential, below which the corrosive wear rate is slightly lowered by Cl-, while above which is increased. At natural potential there are more pits at low load than that at a higher one in the wear tracks and the pits are also deeper. The load bearing capacity is lowered by Cl- at passive region and then the corrosive wear rate increased.


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Dam is the key main works in the construction of water power. The success or failure of the construction of the dam mainly depends on the stability of the dam foundation. The double curvature arch dam-XiaoWan Dam is the highest one among the dams with the same type in the world, and the water thrust acted on it reaches ton, so the rock bearing capacity of dam foundation becomes more important. Because of the high and steep valley-side slope, the large scale of excavation and the complex body type of excavation, it is prominent that the problem of stress release of the rock mass in dam foundation. More great attentions should be paid for the stability and the degraded of rock properties of rock mass induced by the stress release. In this paper, the phenomena of stress release of rock mass in XiaoWan Dam foundation and its mechanisms were analyzed based on the collection of data, the detailed field engineering investigations, measurement of the rock mass and the 2D numerical calculations. The rock mass under the foundation is weak-weathered to intact, the quality of which is good. After excavation of the foundation, the rock mass near the slope surface occurred extend, stretch and stick-slip along original textures till the new fracture surface formed. Then platy structure of the rock mass takes on. The rock mass in the dam foundation occur resilience due to stress release towards free faces with the characteristics of time effect and localized deformation. In-situ measurements show that the rock mass near the surface are degraded. The stress release induced by excavation is a process of the interaction between engineering structures and geologic body. The stress release of rock mass in dam foundation is related to the changed degree of geometrical conditions. The rock near excavation surface failed nearly under uniaxial stresses. The bending-breaking mechanism of plate girder can interpret the failure model of the rock mass with platy structure in dam foundation slope. In essence, the stress release is the change of stress field including the change of directions and magnitudes of stress induced by excavation, which can induce the comedown of the safety margin. In this paper, the inducing conditions of stress release were calculated by numerical analyses. Moreover, from the point of view that the change of stress field, the coefficient of K, i.e. the variable load coefficient was proposed. Then the law of the change of it is interpreted. The distributional characteristics of fracture zone were expressed by the coefficient. The stress release of hard rock has the characteristic of localization. The measuring technique of sound wave can not reflect the small cracks in this kind of rock mass due to stress release. So, the spectral analysis method was proposed. At the same time, the application foreground in engineering of the Stockwell Time-Frequency- Spectrum method was discussed with a view to the limitation of it.