309 resultados para BMS-354825
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common tumour type in both sexes combined in Western countries. Although screening programmes including the implementation of faecal occult blood test and colonoscopy might be able to reduce mortality by removing precursor lesions and by making diagnosis at an earlier stage, the burden of disease and mortality is still high. Improvement of diagnostic and treatment options increased staging accuracy, functional outcome for early stages as well as survival. Although high quality surgery is still the mainstay of curative treatment, the management of CRC must be a multi-modal approach performed by an experienced multi-disciplinary expert team. Optimal choice of the individual treatment modality according to disease localization and extent, tumour biology and patient factors is able to maintain quality of life, enables long-term survival and even cure in selected patients by a combination of chemotherapy and surgery. Treatment decisions must be based on the available evidence, which has been the basis for this consensus conference-based guideline delivering a clear proposal for diagnostic and treatment measures in each stage of rectal and colon cancer and the individual clinical situations. This ESMO guideline is recommended to be used as the basis for treatment and management decisions.
In dieser Dissertation wurden die Daten von Patienten ausgewertet, die im Zeitraum vom 01. April 2004 bis zum 31. Mai 2005 an der Universitätsklinik Mainz eine Koronarintervention am Hauptstamm erhielten. Insgesamt wurde in dieser Zeit bei 73 Patienten (53 Männer und 20 Frauen) eine Hauptstammintervention durchgeführt. Das sind 6 % aller in diesem Zeitraum durchgeführten Interventionen. Es wurden sowohl Akutinterventionen als auch elektive Interventionen untersucht. Das Altersspektrum der Patienten reichte von 39- 87 Jahren. Die linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion betrug im Mittel 55%. Es lag bei zwei Patienten eine 1- Gefäß-, bei 16 Patienten eine 2-Gefäß- und bei 55 Patienten eine 3-Gefäßerkrankung vor. Zehn Patienten hatten einen geschützten Hauptstamm. Bei 38 Patienten (52%) lag eine Hauptstammbifurkationsstenose vor. In der Regel bekamen alle Patienten ASS und Clopidogrel zu Weiterführung der Antikoagulation nach dem Krankenhausaufenthalt verordnet. Nur bei drei Patienten wurde von diesem Schema abgewichen, da sie aufgrund von mechanischen Herzklappenprothesen Marcumar erhielten. Bei 72 von 73 behandelten Patienten konnte die LCA-Stenose mittels der Hauptstammintervention auf einen Stenosegrad unter 30% reduziert werden. Die Intervention war also in 99% der Patienten primär erfolgreich. Ein Follow-up liegt von 69 der 73 Patienten vor. Bei 52 Patienten liegt eine Kontrollangiographie vor und bei 21 Patienten liegt keine vor (zehn verstorbene Patienten, sieben Patienten mit nicht invasiver Kontrolle, vier Patienten ohne Follow-up). Im Kontrollzeitraum wurde bei 38 Patienten (52% des Gesamtkollektivs) keine erneute Intervention notwendig, sie erlitten keine Komplikationen und zeigten ein gutes Langzeitergebnis. Bei 29 der 66 Patienten, die das Krankenhaus lebend verließen, traten Spätkomplikationen auf und/oder es wurde eine Reintervention am Zielgefäß oder Nichtzielgefäß notwendig. Der durchschnittliche Restenosegrad des Zielgefäßes bei den Patienten, die eine invasive Kontrolle hatten, belief sich auf 24%. Eine Rezidivstenose, definitionsgemäß eine Restenose >50%, lag bei elf Patienten vor. Zu den frühen Komplikationen, die während der Intervention oder des Krankenhausaufenthaltes auftraten, zählten sieben Todesfälle, eine SAT und zehn Blutungsereignisse. Zu den Komplikationen, die während der Langzeitbeobachtung auftraten, gehörten fünf weitere Todesfälle (vier nicht kardial bedingt, einer kardial bedingt), ein Apoplex, eine SAT, vier Bypass-Operationen, drei NSTEMI und vier instabile AP. Insgesamt traten an Komplikationen Tod (12 Patienten), Apoplex (1 Patient), SAT (2 Patienten), Bypass-Operationen (4 Patienten), NSTEMI (3 Patienten), Blutungen (10 Patienten) und instabile Angina pectoris (4 Patienten) auf. Eine Reintervention des Zielgefäßes wurde bei 19 % und eine des Nichtzielgefäßes bei 18 % der Patienten durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Primärerfolg der Hauptstammstentimplantation insbesondere bei elektiven Patienten, die eine gute Intermediärprognose haben, groß ist und die Intervention mit geringen Komplikationen verbunden ist.
Agriculture is still important for socio-economic development in rural areas of Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia (BMS). However, for sustainable rural development rural economies should be diversified so attention should be paid also to off-farm and non-farm income-generating activities. Agricultural and rural development (ARD) processes and farm activity diversification initiatives should be well governed. The ultimate objective of this work is to explore linkages between ARD governance and rural livelihoods diversification in BMS. The thesis is based on an extended secondary data analysis and surveys. Questionnaires for ARD governance and coordination were sent via email to public, civil society and international organizations. Concerning rural livelihood diversification, the field questionnaire surveys were carried out in three rural regions of BMS. Results show that local rural livelihoods are increasingly diversified but a significant share of households are still engaged in agriculture. Diversification strategies have a chance to succeed taking into consideration the three rural regions’ assets. However, rural households have to tackle many problems for developing new income-generating activities such as the lack of financial resources. Weak business skills are also a limiting factor. Fully exploiting rural economy diversification potential in BMS requires many interventions including improving rural governance, enhancing service delivery in rural areas, upgrading rural people’s human capital, strengthening rural social capital and improving physical capital, access of the rural population to finance as well as creating a favourable and enabling legal and legislative environment fostering diversification. Governance and coordination of ARD policy design, implementation and evaluation is still challenging in the three Balkan countries and this has repercussions also on the pace of rural livelihoods diversification. Therefore, there is a strong and urgent need for mobilization of all rural stakeholders and actors through appropriate governance arrangements in order to foster rural livelihoods diversification and quality of life improvement.
Die akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) ist eine heterogene Erkrankung der hämatopoetischen Vorläuferzelle, die durch unkontrollierte Vermehrung und ein reduziertes Differenzierungsverhalten gekennzeichnet ist. Aufgrund von Therapieresistenzen und häufig vorkommenden Rückfällen ist die AML mit einer schlechten Langzeitprognose verbunden. Neue Studienergebnisse zeigen, dass leukämische Zellen einer hierarchischen Ordnung unterliegen, an deren Spitze die leukämische Stammzelle (LSC) steht, welche den Tumor speist und ähnliche Charakteristika besitzt wie die hämatopoetische Stammzelle. Die LSC nutzt den Kontakt zu Zellen der hämatopoetischen Nische des Knochenmarks, um die erste Therapie zu überdauern und Resistenzen zu erwerben. Neue Therapieansätze versuchen diese Interaktion zwischen leukämischen Zellen und supportiv wirkenden Stromazellen anzugreifen. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit sollte die Bedeutung des CXC-Motiv Chemokinrezeptors Typ 4 (CXCR4) und des Connective Tissue Growth Factors (CTGF) innerhalb der AML-Stroma-Interaktion untersucht werden. CXCR4, der in vivo dafür sorgt, dass AML-Zellen in der Nische gehalten und geschützt werden, wurde durch den neuwertigen humanen CXCR4-spezifischen Antikörper BMS-936564/MDX-1338 in AML-Zelllinien und Patientenzellen in Zellkulturversuchen blockiert. Dies induzierte Apoptose sowie Differenzierung und führte in Kokulturversuchen zu einer Aufhebung des Stroma-vermittelten Schutzes gegenüber der Chemotherapie. Für diese Effekte musste teilweise ein sekundärer Antikörper verwendet werden, der die CXCR4-Moleküle miteinander kreuzvernetzt.rnDie Auswertung eines quantitativen Real time PCR (qPCR)-Arrays ergab, dass CTGF in der AML-Zelllinie Molm-14 nach Kontakt zu Stromazellen hochreguliert wird. Diese Hochregulation konnte in insgesamt drei AML-Zelllinien sowie in drei Patientenproben in qPCR- und Western Blot-Versuchen bestätigt werden. Weitere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass diese Hochregulation (i) unabhängig von der Stromazelllinie ist, (ii) den direkten Kontakt zum Stroma benötigt und (iii) auch unter hypoxischen Bedingungen, wie sie innerhalb des Knochenmarks vorherrschen, stattfindet. Der durch Zell-Zell- oder Zell-Matrix-Kontakt gesteuerte Hippo-Signalweg konnte aus folgenden Gründen als möglicher upstream-Regulationsmechanismus identifiziert werden: (i) Dessen zentraler Transkriptions-Kofaktor TAZ wurde in kokultivierten Molm-14-Zellen stabilisiert, (ii) der shRNA-gesteuerte Knockdown von TAZ führte zu einer reduzierten CTGF-Hochregulation, (iii) CTGF wurde in Abhängigkeit von der Zelldichte reguliert, (iv) Cysteine-rich angiogenic inducer 61 (Cyr61), ein weiteres Zielgen von TAZ, wurde in kokultivierten AML-Zellen ebenfalls verstärkt exprimiert. Der Knockdown von CTGF führte in vitro zu einer partiellen Aufhebung der Stroma-vermittelten Resistenz und die Blockierung von CTGF durch den Antikörper FG-3019 wirkte im AML-Mausmodell lebensverlängernd. rn rnDie Rolle von CTGF in der AML ist bisher nicht untersucht. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, dass CTGF ein interessantes Therapieziel in der AML darstellt. Es bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen, um die Bedeutung von CTGF in der Tumor-Stroma-Interaktion näher zu charakterisieren und nachgeschaltete Signalwege zu identifizieren.
Compared with bare metal stents (BMS), early generation drug-eluting stents (DES) reduce the risk of revascularisation in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) at the expense of an increased risk of very late stent thrombosis (ST). Durable polymer coatings for controlled drug release have been identified as a potential trigger for these late adverse events and this has led to the development of newer generation DES with durable and biodegradable polymer surface coatings with improved biocompatibility. In a recent all-comers trial, biolimus-eluting stents with a biodegradable polymer surface coating were found to reduce the risk of very late ST by 80% compared with sirolimus-eluting stents with durable polymer, which also translated into a lower risk of cardiac death and myocardial infarction (MI) beyond one year.
To evaluate safety and effectiveness of early generation drug-eluting stents (DES) compared with bare-metal stents (BMS) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and to determine whether benefits and risks vary over time.
Background: Microfluidics system are novel tools to study cell-cell interactions in vitro. This project focuses on the development of a new microfluidic device to co-culture alveolar epithelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells to study cellular interactions involved in healing the injured alveolar epithelium. Methods: Microfluidic systems in polydimethylsiloxane were fabricated by soft lithography. The alveolar A549 epithelial cells were seeded and injury tests were made on the cells by perfusion with media containing H2O2 or bleomycin during 6 or 18hrs. Rat Bone marrow derived stromal cells (BMSC) were then introduced into the system and cell-cell interaction was studied over 24 hrs. Results: A successful co-culture of A549 alveolar epithelial cells and BMS was achieved in the microfluidic system. The seeded alveolar epithelial cells and BMSC adhered to the bottom surface of the microfluidic device and proliferated under constant perfusion. Epithelial injury to mimic mechanisms seen in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis was induced in the microchannels by perfusing with H2O2 or bleomycin. Migration of BMSC towards the injured epithelium was observed as well as cell-cell interaction between the two cell types was also seen. Conclusion: We demonstrate a novel microfluidic device aimed at showing interactions between different cell types on the basis of a changing microenvironment. Also we were able to confirm interaction between injured alvolar epithelium and BMSC, and showed that BMSC try to heal the injured epitelium.
Late acquired incomplete stent apposition (ISA) is more common after drug-eluting stent (DES) than bare metal stent (BMS) implantation and has been associated with vascular hypersensitivity and stent thrombosis (ST). We investigated the impact of incidentally discovered ISA as assessed by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) 8 months after DES implantation on the long-term clinical outcome.
Brain edema is the main cause of death from brain infarction. The polarized expression of the water channel protein aquaporin-4 (AQP4) on astroglial endfeet surrounding brain microvessels suggests a role in brain water balance. Loss of astrocyte foot process anchoring to the basement membrane (BM) accompanied by the loss of polarized localization of AQP4 to astrocytic endfeet has been shown to be associated with vasogenic/extracellular edema in neuroinflammation. Here, we asked if loss of astrocyte polarity is also observed in cytotoxic/intracellular edema following focal brain ischemia after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO). Upon mild focal brain ischemia, we observed diminished immunostaining for the BM components laminin α4, laminin α2, and the proteoglycan agrin, in the core of the lesion, but not in BMs in the surrounding penumbra. Staining for the astrocyte endfoot anchorage protein β-dystroglycan (DG) was dramatically reduced in both the lesion core and the penumbra, and AQP4 and Kir4.1 showed a loss of polarized localization to astrocytic endfeet. Interestingly, we observed that mice deficient for agrin expression in the brain lack polarized localization of β-DG and AQP4 at astrocytic endfeet and do not develop early cytotoxic/intracellular edema following tMCAO. Taken together, these data indicate that the binding of DG to agrin embedded in the subjacent BM promotes polarized localization of AQP4 to astrocyte endfeet. Reduced DG protein levels and redistribution of AQP4 as observed upon tMCAO might therefore counteract early edema formation and reflect a beneficial mechanism operating in the brain to minimize damage upon ischemia.
OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare coronary collateral function in patients after bare-metal stent (BMS) or drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation. BACKGROUND: Drug-eluting stents have an inhibitory effect on the production of cytokines, chemotactic proteins, and growth factors, and may therefore negatively affect coronary collateral growth. METHODS: A total of 120 patients with long-term stable coronary artery disease (CAD) after stent implantation were included. Both the BMS group and the DES group comprised 60 patients matched for in-stent stenosis severity of the vessel undergoing collateral flow index (CFI) measurement at follow-up and for the duration of follow-up. The primary end point of the investigation was invasively determined coronary collateral function 6 months after stent implantation. Collateral function was assessed by simultaneous aortic, coronary wedge, and central venous pressure measurements (yielding CFI) and by intracoronary electrocardiogram during balloon occlusion. RESULTS: There were no differences between the groups regarding age, gender, body mass index, frequency of cardiovascular risk factors, use of cardiovascular drugs, severity of CAD, or site of coronary artery stenoses. Despite equal in-stent stenosis severity (46 +/- 34% and 45 +/- 36%) and equal follow-up duration (6.2 +/- 10 months and 6.5 +/- 5.4 months), CFI was diminished in the DES versus BMS group (0.154 +/- 0.097 vs. 0.224 +/- 0.142; p = 0.0049), and the rate of collaterals insufficient to prevent ischemia during occlusion (intracoronary electrocardiographic ST-segment elevation > or =0.1 mV) was higher with 50 of 60 patients in the DES group and 33 of 60 patients in the BMS group (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Collateral function long after coronary stenting is impaired with DES (sirolimus and paclitaxel) when compared with BMS. Considering the protective nature of collateral vessels, this could lead to more serious cardiac events in the presence of an abrupt coronary occlusion.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this research was to determine the relative safety and efficacy of multiple (> or =2) overlapping Cypher sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) (Johnson ; Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey). BACKGROUND: Overlapping coronary stents are common. The periprocedural and late clinical and angiographic consequences of overlapped coronary stents are not clearly defined, particularly for drug-eluting stents. METHODS: All patients enrolled into five clinical trials of the SES were analyzed. Three of these trials were prospective randomized comparisons of the SES to the bare-metal stent (BMS), and two were prospective non-randomized trials of SES-treated patients with historical controls. All clinical and angiographic outcomes in overlap-stent-treated patients were compared by stent type and with single-stent-treated patients for the same stent device. RESULTS: In all, 575 patients with stent overlap (337 SES, 238 BMS) and 1,162 patients with single stents (697 SES, 465 BMS) were analyzed. Stent overlap was associated with a greater late lumen loss in stent and more frequent angiographic restenosis regardless of stent type. Among overlap-stent-treated patients, the SES provided similar magnitude of restenosis benefit as observed for single-stent-treated patients. Overlapped SES was not associated with an increase in myocardial infarction. CONCLUSIONS: The strategy of SES overlap, when required, is both safe and efficacious in reducing restenosis with no increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction or major adverse cardiovascular events, when compared with a bare metal coronary stent prosthesis.
Stent thrombosis (ST) after percutaneous coronary intervention has been the focus of intense interest because of its attendant morbidity and mortality. There is controversy about several facets of the problem. These include the frequency of ST with drug-eluting stents (DES) versus bare-metal stents (BMS), the timing of the event, clinical consequences, risk factors, adjunctive therapy, and new preventive approaches. Information has accrued rapidly from several sources, including randomized controlled clinical trials of DES versus BMS in carefully selected subsets of patients and registry experiences in larger patient groups, which provide a more universal real-world picture. The results from these different data sets are not completely concordant. However, several general conclusions can be made: 1) ST is an infrequent but very severe complication of both BMS and DES; 2) at the present time, during 4 years of follow-up from randomized controlled trials that compared DES and BMS, there is no apparent difference in overall ST frequency, although the time course for occurrence appears to differ, with a relative numeric excess of ST late after DES implant; 3) despite this relative imbalance, no differences in the end points of death or death and infarction between DES and BMS are observed; 4) longer-term follow-up of these patients as well as larger angiographic and clinical subsets of patients who receive this technology outside of randomized trials are required to fully study this issue; and 5) advances in stent platforms for drug elution as well as adjunctive pharmacologic therapy are being evaluated to enhance long-term safety.
BACKGROUND: Vascular healing of intracoronary stents has been shown to be delayed in drug-eluting stents (DES) due to the cytotoxic compounds on the stent surface that prevent stent ingrowth and endothelialization. The lack of endothelialization explains the occurrence of late and very late stent thrombosis in DES. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 11 house swines (body weight 38-45 kg), 3 stents were implanted randomly into the 3 large epicardial coronary arteries, namely a bare-metal stent (BMS), a sirolimus-eluting stent with slow-release (SES) and a SES with extended-release (SESXR). Stent length was 18 mm, and stent diameter 3 mm. All stents were of identical design. Animals were followed for 3 (n = 3), 7 (n = 4) and 14 (n = 4) days, respectively. One animal died before implantation due to hyperthermia. On the day of explantation, the animals were euthanized and endothelialization was tested by scanning electron microscopy after drying and sputtering the samples. Endothelial coverage was determined semiquantitatively by 2 observers. RESULTS: Endothelialization was more rapid with BMS and SESXR than SES at 3 and 14 days. At 7 days there were no significant differences between the 2 SES. CONCLUSIONS: Endothelialization of intracoronary stents is faster with BMS and SESXR at 3 days than with SES. These differences persist at 14 days, suggesting delayed vascular healing with the slow-release SES.
BACKGROUND: Polymer as carrier substance for drugeluting stents (DES) has been accused of inducing inflammation and hypersensitivity reactions leading to restenosis and stent thrombosis. Thus, a new paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) with aminoparylene as a carrier substance is tested in the present study. METHODS: In 10 pigs, stents were implanted in the epicardial coronary arteries: 1) bare-metal stents (BMS, control stent); 2) cobalt-chromium stents (CCS); and 3) PES. Stent length was 15 mm, and diameter was 3 mm. The animals were restudied after 6 weeks. Quantitative coronary angiography was performed at baseline and follow up. Minimum luminal diameter (MLD) and late loss were calculated in all animals. Histologic vessel lumen, intimal proliferation and restenosis were determined by morphometry. Disruption of the lamina elastica interna (LEI) and inflammatory reactions were assessed by histology. RESULTS: The MLD at baseline was 2.83 +/- 0.28 mm, and at follow up it was 2.29 +/- 0.44 (p < 0.05; n = 30). Late loss and angiographic restenosis were smallest in the CCS and largest in the PES (ns). Neointimal proliferation was similar for all 3 stents, ranging between 1.38 and 1.64 mm(2) (ns). There was a significant correlation between disruption of the LEI and inflammatory reactions. CONCLUSIONS: PTs with aminoparylene as a carrier substance show similar late loss and angiographic restenosis to that of BM and CCS. The incidence of inflammatory reactions (35% of all histologic sections) is similar in all stents, but highest in PES. The mechanism of this reaction is unclear, but may be either due to the drug itself, the disruption of the LEI or to a hypersensitivity reaction.
Advances in spinal cord injury (SCI) research are dependent on quality animal models, which in turn rely on sensitive outcome measures able to detect functional differences in animals following injury. To date, most measurements of dysfunction following SCI rely either on the subjective rating of observers or the slow throughput of manual gait assessment. The present study compares the gait of normal and contusion-injured mice using the TreadScan system. TreadScan utilizes a transparent treadmill belt and a high-speed camera to capture the footprints of animals and automatically analyze gait characteristics. Adult female C57Bl/6 mice were introduced to the treadmill prior to receiving either a standardized mild, moderate, or sham contusion spinal cord injury. TreadScan gait analyses were performed weekly for 10 weeks and compared with scores on the Basso Mouse Scale (BMS). Results indicate that this software successfully differentiates sham animals from injured animals on a number of gait characteristics, including hindlimb swing time, stride length, toe spread, and track width. Differences were found between mild and moderate contusion injuries, indicating a high degree of sensitivity within the system. Rear track width, a measure of the animal's hindlimb base of support, correlated strongly both with spared white matter percentage and with terminal BMS. TreadScan allows for an objective and rapid behavioral assessment of locomotor function following mild-moderate contusive SCI, where the majority of mice still exhibit hindlimb weight support and plantar paw placement during stepping.