814 resultados para BERTHOLLETIA-EXCELSA OIL
Performance of different immobilized lipases in palm oil biodiesel synthesis. Optimized conditions for palm oil and ethanol enzymatic biodiesel synthesis were determined with different immobilized lipases SiO(2)-PVA-immobilized lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens and acrylic resin-immobilized lipase, Novozym (R) 435, from Candida antartica, in solvent-free medium. A full factorial design assessed the influence of temperature (42 - 58 degrees C) and ethanol: palm oil (6:1 - 18:1) molar ratio on the transesterification yield. Main effects were adjusted by multiple regression analysis to linear models and the maximum transesterification yield was obtained at 42 degrees C and 18:1 ethanol: palm oil molar ratio. Mathematical models featuring total yield for each immobilized lipase were suitable to describe the experimental results.
Milkfat-soybean oil blends were enzymatically interesterified (EIE) by Aspergillus niger lipase immobilized on SiO(2)-PVA hybrid composite in a solvent free system. An experimental mixture design was used to study the effects of binary blends of milkfat-soybean oil (MF:SBO) at different proportions (0:100; 25:75; 33:67; 50:50; 67:33; 75:25; 100:0) on the compositional and textural properties of the EIE products, considering, as response variables, the interesterification yield (IY), consistency and hardness. Lipase-catalysed interesterification reactions increased the relative proportion of TAGs` C(46)-C(52) and decreased the TAGs` C(40)-C(42) and C(54) concentrations. The highest IY was attained (10.8%) for EIE blend of MF:SBO 67:33 resulting in a more spreadable material at refrigerator temperature in comparison with butter, milkfat or non-interesterified (NIE) blend. In this case, consistency and hardness values were at least 32% lower than values measured for butter. Thus, using A. niger lipase immobilized on SiO(2)-PVA improves the textural properties of milkfat and has potential for development of a product incorporating unsaturated and essential fatty acids from soybean oil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pinus taeda wood chips were treated with the biopulping fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora in soybean-oil-amended cultures The secretion of oxalic acid and the accumulation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were significantly increased in soybean-oil-amended cultures By contrast the secretion of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes was not altered in the cultures Biotreated wood samples were characterized for weight and component losses as well as by in-situ thioacidolysis Residual lignins were also extracted from biotreated wood using a mild-non-razing extraction procedure The lignins were characterized by (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance ((31)P-NMR) spectroscopy Soybean oil amendment in the cultures was found to affect lignin degradation routes however it inhibited depolymerization reactions detectable in the residual lignin that was retained in the biotreated wood As a consequence chemithermomechanical pulping of the biotreated samples was not improved by soybean oil amendment in the cultures Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Milkfat (MF)/soybean oil (SBO) blends ranging from 50% to 100% of milkfat (w/w) were enzymatically interesterified with a sn-1,3 specific lipase from Rhizopus oryzae immobilized on polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol matrix, in a solvent free medium. Interesterification progress was monitored by following the changes in the relative proportions of 50-carbon triacylglycerols (TAGS) to 44-carbon TAGs (50/44 ratio) in the reaction. The starting materials and products were also analyzed in terms of consistency measured in a texturometer. All reactions gave interesterified (IE) products with lower consistency than non-interesterified (NIE) MF:SBO blends and interesterification degree varied from 0.54 to 2.60 in 48 h reaction. The highest interesterification degree was achieved for 65:35 MF:SBO blends, which gave 76% reduction in the consistency. These results showed the potential of the immobilized lipase to change the TAGs profile of the MF:SBO blend allowing to obtain cold-spreadable milkfat. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was the glycerolysis of babassu oil catalyzed by immobilized lipase from Burkholderia cepacia, in a continuous packed-bed reactor. The best reaction conditions were previously established in batchwise via response surface methodology as a function of glycerol-to-oil molar ratio and reaction temperature. The reactor operated continuously for 22 days at 50 A degrees C, and during the first 6 days, no significant decrease on the initial lipase activity was observed. Monoglycerides concentration was in the range from 25 to 33 wt.%. Subsequently, a progressive decrease in the activity was detected, and an inactivation profile described by Arrhenius model estimated values of 50 days and 1.37 x 10(-2) h(-1), for the half-life and deactivation coefficient, respectively.
Hydrous niobium oxide (Nb(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O) nanoparticles had been Successfully prepared by water-in-oil microemulsion. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (TG/DTG), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), BET surface area measurement, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed that the nanoparticle was exactly Nb(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O with spherical shape. Their BET surface area was 60 m(2) g(-1). XRD results showed that Nb(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O nanoparticles with crystallite size in nanometer scale were formed. The crystallinity and crystallity size increased with increasing annealing temperature. TT-phase of Nb(2)O(5) was obtained when the sample is annealed at 550 degrees C. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two screenings of commercial lipases were performed to find a lipase with superior performance for the integrated production of biodiesel and monoglycerides. The first screening was carried out under alcoholysis conditions using ethanol as acyl acceptor to convert triglycerides to their corresponding ethyl esters (biodiesel). The second screening was performed under glycerolysis conditions to yield monoglycerides (MG). All lipases were immobilized on silica-PVA composite by covalent immobilization. The assays were performed using babassu oil and alcohols (ethanol or glycerol) in solvent free systems. For both substrates, lipase from Burkholderia cepacia (lipase PS) was found to be the most suitable enzyme to attain satisfactory yields. To further improve the process, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to determine the optima operating conditions for each biotransformation. For biodiesel production, the highest transesterification yield (>98%) was achieved within 48 h reaction at 39 degrees C using an oil-to-ethanol molar ratio of 1:7. For MG production, optima conditions corresponded to oil-to-glycerol molar ratio of 1: 15 at 55 degrees C, yielding 25 wt.% MG in 6 h reaction. These results show the potential of B. cepacia lipase to catalyze both reactions and the feasibility to consider an integrated approach for biodiesel and MG production. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a novel wire-mesh sensor based on permittivity (capacitance) measurements is applied to generate images of the phase fraction distribution and investigate the flow of viscous oil and water in a horizontal pipe. Phase fraction values were calculated from the raw data delivered by the wire-mesh sensor using different mixture permittivity models. Furthermore, these data were validated against quick-closing valve measurements. Investigated flow patterns were dispersion of oil in water (Do/w) and dispersion of oil in water and water in oil (Do/w&w/o). The Maxwell-Garnett mixing model is better suited for Dw/o and the logarithmic model for Do/w&w/o flow pattern. Images of the time-averaged cross-sectional oil fraction distribution along with axial slice images were used to visualize and disclose some details of the flow.
This work presents a theoretical and experimental study of the biodiesel (ethyl ester from a waste vegetable oil) performance in a flame tube furnace. The heat transfer rate was analysed in several sections along the furnace and the performance of the biodiesel was compared to that of diesel oil. The flow of heat from the burn of each fuel in the direction of the walls of the combustion chamber was evaluated under the same fuel injection pressure. The peak of the heat transfer occurred around 0.45 m far from the fuel injection nozzle in a 0.305 m inner diameter combustion chamber. The diesel oil showed a higher heat transfer rate in most parts exposed to the flame. In the region where the body of the flame is not present, the heat transfer of biodiesel becomes higher. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The paper presents the development of a decision support system for the management of geotechnical and environmental risks in oil pipelines using a geographical information system. The system covers a 48.5 km long section of the So Paulo to Brasilia (OSBRA) oil pipeline, which crosses three municipalities in the northeast region of the So Paulo state (Brazil) and represents an area of 205.8 km(2). The spatial database was created using geo-processing procedures, surface and intrusive investigations and geotechnical reports. The risk assessment was based mainly on qualitative models (relative numeric weights and multicriteria decision analysis) and considered pluvial erosion, slope movements, soil corrosion and third party activities. The maps were produced at a scale of 1:10,000.
Effect of Antioxidants and Corrosion Inhibitor Additives on the Quenching Performance of Soybean Oil
Cooling curve analysis was used to evaluate the effect of corrosion inhibitor additives and antioxidants on the quenching properties of soybean oil. The results showed that addition of corrosion inhibitors provided significant changes in the cooling curve behavior and of the yellow metal corrosion inhibitors evaluated tolyltriazole exhibits the greatest rate acceleration of heat transfer. However, the presence of antioxidants did not exhibit a significant effect on quenching properties of soybean oil. (C)2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.
The compositions of canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of Canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. These data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity although compositional differences would surely affect oxidative stability. Cooling curve analysis showed that similar cooling profiles were obtained for different vegetable oils. Interestingly, no film boiling or transition nucleate boiling was observed with any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by pure nucleate boiling and convection. High-temperature cooling properties of vegetable oils are considerable faster than those observed for petroleum oil-based quenchants. (C)2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.
Five vegetable oils: canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils were characterized with respect to their composition by gas chromatography and viscosity. The compositions of the vegetable oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of: canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. Viscosities at 40 degrees C and 100 degrees C and the viscosity index (VI) values were determined for the vegetable oils and two petroleum oil quenchants: Microtemp 157 (a conventional slow oil) and Microtemp 153B (an accelerated or fast oil). The kinematic viscosities of the different vegetable and petroleum oils at 40 degrees C were similar. The VI values for the different vegetable oils were very close and varied between 209-220 and were all much higher than the VI values obtained for Microtemp 157 (96) and Microtemp 153B (121). These data indicate that the viscosity variations of these vegetable oils are substantially less sensitive to temperature variation than are the parafinic oil based Microtemp 157 and Microtemp 153B. Although these data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity, the oxidative stability would surely be substantially impacted. Cooling curve analysis was performed on these vegetable oils at 60 degrees C under non-agitated conditions. These results were compared with cooling curves obtained for Microtemp 157, a conventional, unaccelerated petroleum oil, and Microtemp 153B, an accelerated petroleum oil under the same conditions. The results showed that cooling profiles of the different vegetable oils were similar as expected from the VI values. However, no boiling was observed wit any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by convection since there is no full-film boiling and nucleate boiling process as typically observed for petroleum oil quenchants, including those of this study. Therefore, high-temperature cooling is considerable faster for vegetable oils as a class. The cooling properties obtained suggest that vegetable oils would be especially suitable fur quenching low-hardenability steels such as carbon steels.
Ternary compatible blends of chitosan, poly(vinyl alcohol), and poly(lactic acid) were prepared by an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion process. Solutions of chitosan in aqueous acetic acid, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in water, and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) in chloroform were blended with a high shear mixer. PVA was used as an emulsifier to stabilize the emulsion and to reduce the interfacial tension between the solid polymers in the blends-produced. It proved to work very well because the emulsions were stable for periods of days or weeks and compatible blends were obtained When PVA was added. This effect was attributed to a synergistic effect of PVA and chitosan because the binary blends PVA/PLA and chitosan/PLA were completely incompatible; The blends were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermal mechanical analysis (TMA), stress strain tests, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results indicated that despite the fact that the system contained distinct phases some degree of molecular miscibility occurred when the three components were present in the blend.
In this article, dispersed flow of viscous oil and water is investigated. The experimental work was performed in a 26.2-mm-i.d. 12-m-long horizontal glass pipe using water and oil (viscosity of 100 mPa s and density of 860 kg/m(3)) as test fluids. High-speed video recording and a new wire-mesh sensor based on capacitance (permittivity) measurements were used to characterize the flow. Furthermore, holdup data were obtained using quick-closing-valves technique (QCV). An interesting finding was the oil-water slip ratio greater than one for dispersed flow at high Reynolds number. Chordal phase fraction distribution diagrams and images of the holdup distribution over the pipe cross-section obtained via wire-mesh sensor indicated a significant amount of water near to the pipe wall for the three different dispersed flow patterns identified in this study: oil-in-water homogeneous dispersion (o/w H), oil-in-water non-homogeneous dispersion (o/w NH) and Dual continuous (Do/w & Dw/o). The phase slip might be explained by the existence of a water film surrounding the homogeneous mixture of oil-in-water in a hidrofilic-oilfobic pipe. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.