994 resultados para BCR-ABL ONCOGENE


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Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) can be treated successfully with allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) leading to long-term disease-free survival. Leukemia relapse, however, remains a significant clinical problem. Relapse following BMT presumably results from the expansion of small numbers of recipient leukaemic cells which have survived the conditioning therapy. In order to define patients who are at a high risk of leukaemia relapse, a variety of techniques have been employed to detect persistence of host haemopoiesis (mixed chimaerism, MC) or residual leukaemia (minimal residual disease, MRD). However, the precise relationship between the detection of MC and MRD post-BMT is unknown. We have investigated chimaerism and MRD status in 22 patients who were in clinical and haematological remission post-allogeneic BMT for chronic phase CML. Chimaerism was assessed using short tandem repeat PCR (STR-PCR) while BCR-ABL mRNA detection using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to detect the presence of MRD. Seventeen patients received unmanipulated marrow (non-TCD) while in five patients a T cell-depleted transplant (TCD) was performed as additional GVHD prophylaxis. Chimaerism was evaluated in 18 patients (14 non-TCD, four TCD). Mixed chimaerism was an uncommon finding in recipients of unmanipulated BMT (21%) when compared to TCD BMT (100%). No evidence of MRD, as identified using the BCR-ABL mRNA RT-PCR assay, was detected in those patients who were donor chimaeras. Early and transient MC and MRD was detected in four patients (two non-TCD, two TCD) who have subsequently converted to a donor profile. One patient has stable low-level MC but remains MRD negative 4 years post-BMT. Late MC and MRD was observed in two patients who relapsed >6 years after TCD BMT for CML. We conclude that mixed chimaerism is a rare event in recipients of unmanipulated BMT and that donor chimaerism as detected by STR-PCR assay is consistent with disease-free survival and identifies patients with a low risk of leukaemic relapse post-BMT for CML.


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Although Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) can be treated successfully with allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), leukaemia relapse remains a significant clinical problem. Molecular monitoring of the post transplant marrow can be useful in predicting relapse particularly in CML patients where the Philadelphia chromosome or its molecular counterpart, the BCR-ABL fusion messenger RNA can be used as a leukaemia specific marker of minimal residual disease (MRD). We have investigated chimaerism (using polymerase chain reaction of short tandem repeat sequences (STR-PCR)) and MRD status (using reverse transcriptase PCR of the BCR-ABL fusion mRNA) in a serial fashion in 18 patients who were in clinical and haematological remission post allogeneic BMT for chronic phase CML. Eleven patients exhibited complete donor chimaerism with no evidence of minimal residual disease. Five patients had transient or low level stable MC. Late MC and MRD was observed in two patients who relapsed > 6 years after T cell depleted BMT for CML. Thus STR-PCR is an appropriate screening test in the post transplant setting for CML patients, but those patients exhibiting mixed haemopoietic chimaerism should also be monitored using a leukaemia specific sensitive molecular assay.


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Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation has been shown to be a very effective therapy for Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia with long term disease free survivals in excess of 60%. Relapse rates remain low at 15% following histocompatible sibling transplants and lower rates following matched unrelated donor grafts. Relapse rates however, are higher if BMT is carried out in transformation or blast crisis. Leukemic relapse in donor cells following transplantation for CGL is a rare event. The occurrence of donor leukemia however, may be under reported as accurate and sensitive investigation of the origin of relapsed leukemia following BMT requires DNA based technologies. A possible mechanism of donor leukemia in CGL is transfection of donor cells with the chimeric gene which is unique to this disease. It is possible that the malignant cells found in transformed or blast crisis of CGL may have a greater potential to transfect donor haematopoietic material. Careful evaluation of the incidence of donor leukemia using molecular biology methods may elucidate the frequency of this event following BMT for CGL.


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A 3-year old child with juvenile chronic myeloid leukaemia received a T cell-depleted BMT from a male unrelated donor. There was early graft failure associated with increasing splenomegaly and hypersplenism. Splenectomy was performed 53 days post-transplant and was followed by autologous marrow recovery with return of leukaemia. A second unrelated donor BMT was performed 9 months later using T cell-replete marrow from a similarly matched female donor. Grade 2 GVHD involving the skin and gut responded to treatment with steroids. Chimaerism was assessed using Y-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and microsatellites. Samples taken at the time of splenectomy showed no donor marrow engraftment but there was significant engraftment in the spleen. Following the second transplant, donor-type haematopoiesis was documented using a panel of microsatellite probes. The patient remains well 6 months after transplant. Splenectomy should be considered prior to transplant in patients with significant splenomegaly and hypersplenism. Partial chimaerism in the spleen, but not bone marrow, post-BMT, has not previously been documented. PCR technology is a useful and highly sensitive way to assess chimaerism post-BMT and is informative in sex-matched cases, whilst the small amount of material required is advantageous in paediatric patients.


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The recent discovery of oncogenic drivers and subsequent development of novel targeted strategies has significantly added to the therapeutic armamentarium of anti-cancer therapies. Targeting BCR-ABL in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) or HER2 in breast cancer has led to practice-changing clinical benefits, while promising therapeutic responses have been achieved by precision medicine approaches in EGFR mutant lung cancer, colorectal cancer and BRAF mutant melanoma. However, although initial therapeutic responses to targeted therapies can be substantial, many patients will develop disease progression within 6-12 months. An increasing application of powerful omics-based approaches and improving preclinical models have enabled the rapid identification of secondary resistance mechanisms. Herein, we discuss how this knowledge has translated into rational, novel treatment strategies for relapsed patients in genomically selected cancer populations.


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La vigueur de la réponse immunitaire générée par les cellules dendritiques (DC) a positionné ces cellules comme médiatrices centrales dans l’activation des lymphocytes T. La vulnérabilité des cellules cancéreuses de leucémie myéloïde chronique (LMC) à l’intervention immunitaire résulte apparemment de la capacité des cellules leucémiques de se différencier en DC. Ces DC ont alors la capacité de présenter des peptides provenant des cellules souches leucémiques aux lymphocytes T. Dans ce travail, nous démontrons que la plupart des patients atteints d’une LMC présentent un déficit important en DC au niveau du sang et de la moelle osseuse avant la greffe de cellules souches allogéniques. Les faibles niveaux de DC circulantes résultent en grande partie d’une perte de la diversité au niveau des cellules progénitrices CD34+ leucémiques au niveau de la moelle osseuse. Ces cellules progénitrices CD34+ présentent d’ailleurs une capacité réduite à se différencier en DC in vitro. Nous avons trouvé qu’un décompte faible de DC avant une greffe allogénique était associé à une diminution significative de la survie et une augmentation considérable du risque de développer une des complications mortelles. Puisque la reconstitution des DC suite à la greffe est absente, notre étude appuie aussi la thèse que ce sont les cellules DC pré greffe qui sont primordiales dans l'effet du greffon contre leucémie (GVL). Dans ce contexte, notre étude suggère que le compte des DC avant la greffe allogénique pourrait servir de marqueur pronostique pour identifier les patients LMC à risque de développer certaines complications suite à une greffe allogénique.


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CD95 (Fas/Apo-1)-mediated apoptosis was shown to occur through two distinct pathways. One involves a direct activation of caspase-3 by large amounts of caspase-8 generated at the DISC (Type I cells). The other is related to the cleavage of Bid by low concentration of caspase-8, leading to the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria and the activation of caspase-3 by the cytochrome c/APAF-1/caspase-9 apoptosome (Type 11 cells). It is also known that the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX) sensitizes Type I cells to CD95-mediated apoptosis, but it remains contradictory whether this effect also occurs in Type II cells. Here, we show that sub-lethal doses of CHX render both Type I and Type II cells sensitive to the apoptogenic effect of anti-CD95 antibodies but not to chemotherapeutic drugs. Moreover, Bcl-2-positive Type II cells become strongly sensitive to CD95-mediated apoptosis by the addition of CHX to the cell culture. This is not the result of a restraint of the anti-apoptotic effect of Bcl-2 at the mitochondrial level since CHX-treated Type II cells still retain their resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. Therefore, CHX treatment is granting the CD95-mediated pathway the ability to bypass the mitochondria requirement to apoptosis, much alike to what is observed in Type I cells. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Over the past 20 y, the hormone melatonin was found to be produced in extrapineal sites, including cells of the immune system. Despite the increasing data regarding the biological effects of melatonin on the regulation of the immune system, the effect of this molecule on T cell survival remains largely unknown. Activation-induced cell death plays a critical role in the maintenance of the homeostasis of the immune system by eliminating self-reactive or chronically stimulated T cells. Because activated T cells not only synthesize melatonin but also respond to it, we investigated whether melatonin could modulate activation-induced cell death. We found that melatonin protects human and murine CD4(+) T cells from apoptosis by inhibiting CD95 ligand mRNA and protein upregulation in response to TCR/CD3 stimulation. This inhibition is a result of the interference with calmodulin/calcineurin activation of NFAT that prevents the translocation of NFAT to the nucleus. Accordingly, melatonin has no effect on T cells transfected with a constitutively active form of NFAT capable of migrating to the nucleus and transactivating target genes in the absence of calcineurin activity. Our results revealed a novel biochemical pathway that regulates the expression of CD95 ligand and potentially other downstream targets of NFAT activation. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 184: 3487-3494.


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Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) control T-cell responses by multiple mechanisms, including the expression of co-stimulatory molecules and the production of cytokines and other mediators that control T-cell proliferation, survival and differentiation. Here, we demonstrate that soluble factor(s) produced by Toll-like receptor (TLR)-activated APCs suppress activation-induced cell death (AICD). This effect was observed in non-stimulated APCs, but it was significantly increased after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment. Using different KO mice, we found that the LPS-induced protective factor is dependent on TLR4/MyD88. We identified the protective factor as prostaglandin E-2(PGE(2)) and showed that both APC-derived supernatants and PGE(2) prevented CD95L upregulation in T cells in response to TCR/CD3 stimulation, thereby avoiding both AICD and activated T cell killing of target macrophages. The PGE(2) receptors, EP2 and EP4, appear to be involved since pharmacological stimulation of these receptors mimics the protective effect on T cells and their respective antagonists interfere with the protection induced by either APCs derived or synthetic PGE(2). Finally, the engagement of EP2 and EP4 synergistically activates protein kinase A (PKA) and exchange protein directly activated by cAMP pathways to prevent AICD. Taken together, these results indicate that APCs can regulate T-cell levels of CD95L by releasing PGE2 in response to LPS through a TLR4/MyD88-dependent pathway, with consequences for both T cell and their own survival.


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As leucemias são neoplasias que afetam o sistema hematopoiético e compreendem 2,53% dos casos de câncer relatados. Entre as leucemias, 27,95% correspondem a casos de leucemia mielóide crônica (LMC), que apresenta como marcador genético o cromossomo Philadelphia (Ph). Presente em mais de 80% dos casos, o cromossomo Ph é derivado da translocação t(9;22) (q34;q11), que origina um gene híbrido entre a região 5´ do gene bcr e 3´do gene abl. O produto deste gene é uma proteína Bcr-Abl na qual a atividade reguladora e nuclear do domínio tirosina quinase, originado da proteína Abl, torna-se constitutiva e citoplasmática. Estas mudanças na atividade tirosina quinase afetam diferentes vias de sinalização, com consequências em vários processos celulares como adesão, proliferação e apoptose. Em nível fisiológico, foi mostrado tanto in vitro quanto in vivo que as células hematopoiéticas precursoras Ph+ se diferenciam principalmente em células eritróides. Entretanto, quase 70% dos pacientes com LMC sofrem anemia, mostrando que, as células Ph+ diferenciadas em células eritróides não conseguem amadurecer até hemácias funcionais. Isto faz da LMC um bom modelo para o estudo da diferenciação de células eritróides e suas características, como os fatores que afetam a sintese de hemoglobina (Hb). A linhagem K562 é uma linhagem celular eritroleucêmica Ph+, amplamente utilizada como modelo para estudar drogas com capacidade anti-proliferativa e/ou indutoras da síntese de hemoglobina fetal. Entre estas drogas encontram-se a aclarrubicina (ACLA) e doxorrubicina (DOX) que, embora sejam análogos químicos pertencentes à família das antraciclinas, possuem mecanismos de ação diferentes e ainda não completamente esclarecidos. Neste trabalho, foram investigados vários aspectos da biologia das células K562 durante o tratamento com estas drogas. Foi observado que o tratamento com DOX produz um aumento de tamanho nas células e bloqueio do ciclo celular na fase G2/M, afetando também grandemente a viabilidade celular, com 70% de células mortas no sétimo dia de tratamento. Já durante o tratamento com ACLA a viabilidade, tamanho e ciclo celular foram menos afetados, com aproximadamente 15% de células mortas no sétimo dia de tratamento e um bloqueio transitório do ciclo na fase G1. No entanto, as duas drogas causaram um aumento significativo da síntese de hemoglobina, principalmente DOX que induziu um aumento quase duas vezes maior que o induzido por ACLA. A análise da expressão gênica realizada através da técnica de differential display mostrou várias bandas diferencialmente representadas e com diversas cinéticas de expressão, apresentando semelhanças e diferenças quando são comparados os dois tratamentos ou células tratadas e controle. Destas bandas, 26 estão sequenciadas mostrando genes envolvidos em vários processos celulares como dano do DNA, resistência a drogas, processamento do RNA e codificação de proteinas relacionadas com ferro. Das bandas sequenciadas, 7 foram validadas por RT-PCR (ndrg1, erk2, nf2l2, atp6ap1, rfc1, phf20 e zkscan) sendo observado um aumento na sua expressão durante o tratamento, com exceção de ndrg1 para o qual a expressão foi induzida em vez de aumentada e nf2l2 onde a diferença com o controle foi pequena e não permitiu validar este gene como diferencialmente expresso. Com o objetivo de procurar por mecanismos comuns entre os vários indutores da síntese de hemoglobina em células K562, estes genes foram também analisados durante o tratamento destas células com os indutores hidroxiuréia e dGTP. Além de induzirem a expressão de hemoglobina, os dois tratamentos provocaram um aumento no tamanho das células tratadas e um bloqueio no ciclo celular na fase S. Visando futuros trabalhos envolvendo os genes diferencialmente expressos, foi ainda otimizado um sistema de transferência gênica por eletroporação. Para isto foram testados varios parâmetros como campo elétrico, resistência, capacitância, meios de eletroporação, manipulação das células e uso de inibidores de DNAses. Como resultado, foi alcançado com o eletroporador padrão uma eficiência de transfecção de 81%, similar àquela alcançada pelo nucleoporator (eletroporador de última geração). As condições estabelecidas foram 750 V/cm, resistência infinita, 500 μF, meio RPMI1640, centrifugação e sulfato de zinco pós-pulso. A relação das antraciclinas e a hidroxiuréia, assim como de outros indutores da síntese de hemoglobina, com o ferro intracelular, juntamente com a diferença na expressão, durante o tratamento, de genes afetados direta ou potencialmente pela não disponibilidade de ferro intracelular, nos permitiu gerar uma hipótese para a via de sinalização que leva à síntese de hemoglobina. Nesta, sinais de falta ou não disponibilidade de ferro nas células ativariam a maquinaria celular para a captação e internalização do ferro extra-celular, simultaneamente com síntese de proteínas que utilizam o ferro para realizar as suas funções biológicas, entre elas a hemoglobina. Do mesmo modo, propomos a via de sinalização do ferro como um alvo potencialmente afetado por drogas indutoras da síntese de hemoglobina, como as antraciclinas, cujos alvos são ainda pouco conhecidos. Contudo, mais genes desta via de sinalização, bem como outros indutores, deveram ser estudados para saber se a síntese de hemoglobina pode ser induzida por drogas mais específicas e com menos efeitos colaterais que aquelas usadas atualmente para o tratamento de câncer e outras doenças.


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In this study, a BCR-ABL expressing human chronic myelogenous leukaemia cell line (K562) was used to investigate the antitumoral potential of a novel lectin (CvL) purified from the marine sponge Cliona varians. CvL inhibited the growth of K562 cells with an IC50 value of 70 g/ml, but was ineffective to normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes in the same range of concentrations tested (180 g/ml). Cell death occurred after 72 h of exposure to the lectin and with sign of apoptosis as analysed by DAPI staining. Investigation of the possible effectors of this process showed that cell death occurred in the presence of Bcl-2 and Bax expression, and involved a caspase-independent pathway. Confocal fluorescence microscopy indicated a major role for the lysosomal protease cathepsin B in mediating cell death. Accordingly, pre-incubation of K562 cells with the cathepsin inhibitor L-trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane (E-64) abolished the cytotoxic effect of CvL. Furthermore, we found upregulation of tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and down-modulation of p65 subunit of nuclear factor kappa B (NFB) expression in CvL-treated cells. These effects were accompanied by increased levels of p21 and downmodulation of pRb, suggesting that CvL is capable of cell cycle arrest. Collectively, these findings suggest that cathepsin B acts as death mediator in CvL-induced cytotoxicity possibly in a still uncharacterized connection with the membrane death receptor pathway


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Investigation of the efficacy of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) in chronic myeloid leukemia patients is essential to predict prognosis and survival. In 20 patients treated at the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit of São José do Rio Preto (São Paulo, Brazil), we used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to investigate the frequency of cells with BCR/ABL rearrangement at diagnosis and at distinct intervals after allo-HSCT until complete cytogenetic remission (CCR). We investigated the disease-free survival, overall survival in 3 years and transplant-related mortality rates, too. Bone marrow samples were collected at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, and 24 months after transplantation and additional intervals as necessary. Success rate of the FISH analyses was 100%. CCR was achieved in 75% of the patients, within on average of 3.9 months; 45% patients showed CCR within 60 days after HSCT. After 3 years of the allo-HSCT, overall survival rate was 60%, disease-free survival was 50% and the transplant-related mortality rate was 40%. The study demonstrated that the BCR-ABL FISH assay is useful for follow-up of chronic myeloid leukemia patients after HSCT and that the clinical outcome parameters in our patient cohort were similar to those described for other bone marrow transplantation units. ©FUNPEC-RP.