117 resultados para Automaton


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Complex systems have stimulated much interest in the scientific community in the last twenty years. Examples this area are the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton and Contact Process that are studied in the first chapter this tesis. We determine the critical behavior of these systems using the spontaneous-search method and short-time dynamics (STD). Ours results confirm that the DKCA e CP belong to universality class of Directed Percolation. In the second chapter, we study the particle difusion in two models of stochastic sandpiles. We characterize the difusion through diffusion constant D, definite through in the relation h(x)2i = 2Dt. The results of our simulations, using finite size scalling and STD, show that the diffusion constant can be used to study critical properties. Both models belong to universality class of Conserved Directed Percolation. We also study that the mean-square particle displacement in time, and characterize its dependence on the initial configuration and particle density. In the third chapter, we introduce a computacional model, called Geographic Percolation, to study watersheds, fractals with aplications in various areas of science. In this model, sites of a network are assigned values between 0 and 1 following a given probability distribution, we order this values, keeping always its localization, and search pk site that percolate network. Once we find this site, we remove it from the network, and search for the next that has the network to percole newly. We repeat these steps until the complete occupation of the network. We study the model in 2 and 3 dimension, and compare the bidimensional case with networks form at start real data (Alps e Himalayas)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper, we consider a tiling generated by a Pisot unit number of degree d >= 3 which has a finite expansible property. We compute the states of a finite automaton which recognizes the boundary of the central tile. We also prove in the case d = 3 that the interior of each tile is simply connected.


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We study the boundary of the 3-dimensional Rauzy fractal ε ⊂ ℝ×ℂ generated by the polynomial P(x) Dx 4-x 3-x 2-x-1. The finite automaton characterizing the boundary of ε is given explicitly. As a consequence we prove that the set ε has 18 neighboors where 6 of them intersect the central tile ε in a point. Our construction shows that the boundary is generated by an iterated function system starting with 2 compact sets.


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This study focused on representing spatio-temporal patterns of fungal dispersal using cellular automata. Square lattices were used, with each site representing a host for a hypothetical fungus population. Four possible host states were allowed: resistant, permissive, latent or infectious. In this model, the probability of infection for each of the healthy states (permissive or resistant) in a time step was determined as a function of the host's susceptibility, seasonality, and the number of infectious sites and the distance between them. It was also assumed that infected sites become infectious after a pre-specified latency period, and that recovery is not possible. Several scenarios were simulated to understand the contribution of the model's parameters and the spatial structure on the dynamic behaviour of the modelling system. The model showed good capability for representing the spatio-temporal pattern of fungus dispersal over planar surfaces. With a specific problem in mind, the model can be easily modified and used to describe field behaviour, which can contribute to the conservation and development of management strategies for both natural and agricultural systems. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In epidemiology, the basic reproduction number R-0 is usually defined as the average number of new infections caused by a single infective individual introduced into a completely susceptible population. According to this definition. R-0 is related to the initial stage of the spreading of a contagious disease. However, from epidemiological models based on ordinary differential equations (ODE), R-0 is commonly derived from a linear stability analysis and interpreted as a bifurcation parameter: typically, when R-0 >1, the contagious disease tends to persist in the population because the endemic stationary solution is asymptotically stable: when R-0 <1, the corresponding pathogen tends to naturally disappear because the disease-free stationary solution is asymptotically stable. Here we intend to answer the following question: Do these two different approaches for calculating R-0 give the same numerical values? In other words, is the number of secondary infections caused by a unique sick individual equal to the threshold obtained from stability analysis of steady states of ODE? For finding the answer, we use a susceptibleinfective-recovered (SIR) model described in terms of ODE and also in terms of a probabilistic cellular automaton (PCA), where each individual (corresponding to a cell of the PCA lattice) is connected to others by a random network favoring local contacts. The values of R-0 obtained from both approaches are compared, showing good agreement. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the firing rate properties of a cellular automaton model for a neuronal network with chemical synapses. We propose a simple mechanism in which the nonlocal connections are included, through electrical and chemical synapses. In the latter case, we introduce a time delay which produces self-sustained activity. Nonlocal connections, or shortcuts, are randomly introduced according to a specified connection probability. There is a range of connection probabilities for which neuron firing occurs, as well as a critical probability for which the firing ceases in the absence of time delay. The critical probability for nonlocal shortcuts depends on the network size according to a power-law. We also compute the firing rate amplification factor by varying both the connection probability and the time delay for different network sizes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The extension of Boltzmann-Gibbs thermostatistics, proposed by Tsallis, introduces an additional parameter q to the inverse temperature beta. Here, we show that a previously introduced generalized Metropolis dynamics to evolve spin models is not local and does not obey the detailed energy balance. In this dynamics, locality is only retrieved for q = 1, which corresponds to the standard Metropolis algorithm. Nonlocality implies very time-consuming computer calculations, since the energy of the whole system must be reevaluated when a single spin is flipped. To circumvent this costly calculation, we propose a generalized master equation, which gives rise to a local generalized Metropolis dynamics that obeys the detailed energy balance. To compare the different critical values obtained with other generalized dynamics, we perform Monte Carlo simulations in equilibrium for the Ising model. By using short-time nonequilibrium numerical simulations, we also calculate for this model the critical temperature and the static and dynamical critical exponents as functions of q. Even for q not equal 1, we show that suitable time-evolving power laws can be found for each initial condition. Our numerical experiments corroborate the literature results when we use nonlocal dynamics, showing that short-time parameter determination works also in this case. However, the dynamics governed by the new master equation leads to different results for critical temperatures and also the critical exponents affecting universality classes. We further propose a simple algorithm to optimize modeling the time evolution with a power law, considering in a log-log plot two successive refinements.


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We analyze long-range time correlations and self-similar characteristics of the electrostatic turbulence at the plasma edge and scrape-off layer in the Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresillien (TCABR), with low and high Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) activity. We find evidence of self-organized criticality (SOC), mainly in the region near the tokamak limiter. Comparative analyses of data before and during the MHD activity reveals that during the high mHD activity the Hurst parameter decreases. Finally, we present a cellular automaton whose parameters are adjusted to simulate the analyzed turbulence SOC change with the MHD activity variation. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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[EN] Programming software for controlling robotic systems in order to built working systems that perform adequately according to their design requirements remains being a task that requires an important development effort. Currently, there are no clear programming paradigms for programming robotic systems, and the programming techniques which are of common use today are not adequate to deal with the complexity associated with these systems. The work presented in this document describes a programming tool, concretely a framework, that must be considered as a first step to devise a tool for dealing with the complexity present in robotics systems. In this framework the software that controls a system is viewed as a dynamic network of units of execution inter-connected by means of data paths. Each one of these units of execution, called a component, is a port automaton which provides a given functionality, hidden behind an external interface specifying clearly which data it needs and which data it produces. Components, once defined and built, may be instantiated, integrated and used as many times as needed in other systems. The framework provides the infrastructure necessary to support this concept for components and the inter communication between them by means of data paths (port connections) which can be established and de-established dynamically. Moreover, and considering that the more robust components that conform a system are, the more robust the system is, the framework provides the necessary infrastructure to control and monitor the components than integrate a system at any given instant of time.


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[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado, Monitor Web de Expresiones Regulares (MWRegEx), es una herramienta basada en tecnologías web, desarrollada usando el entorno Visual Studio. El objetivo principal de la aplicación es dar apoyo a la docencia de expresiones regulares, en el marco de la enseñanza del manejo de ristras de caracteres en las asignaturas de programación del Grado en Ingeniería Informática.  La aplicación permite obtener el dibujo de un autómata de una expresión regular, facilitando su comprensión; además, permite aplicar la expresión a diferentes ristras de caracteres, mostrando las coincidencias encontradas, y ofrece una versión de la expresión adaptada a su uso en literales string de lenguajes como Java y otros. La herramienta se ha implementado en dos partes: un servicio web, escrito en C#, donde se realizan todos los análisis de las expresiones regulares y las ristras a contrastar; y un cliente web, implementado usando tecnología asp.net, con JavaScript y JQuery, que gestiona la interfaz de usuario y muestra los resultados. Esta separación permite que el servicio web pueda ser reutilizado con otras aplicaciones cliente. El autómata que representa una expresión regular esta dibujado usando la librería Raphaël JavaScript que permite manejar los elementos SVG. Cada elemento de la expresión regular tiene un dibujo diferente y único para así diferenciarlo. Toda la interfaz gráfica de usuario está internacionalizada de manera tal que pueda adaptarse a diferentes idiomas y regiones sin la necesidad de realizar cambios de ingeniería ni en el código. Tanto el servicio web como la parte cliente están estructurados para que se puedan agregar nuevas modificaciones sin que esto genere una onda expansiva a lo largo de las diversas clases existentes.


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Services in smart environments pursue to increase the quality of people?s lives. The most important issues when developing this kind of environments is testing and validating such services. These tasks usually imply high costs and annoying or unfeasible real-world testing. In such cases, artificial societies may be used to simulate the smart environment (i.e. physical environment, equipment and humans). With this aim, the CHROMUBE methodology guides test engineers when modeling human beings. Such models reproduce behaviors which are highly similar to the real ones. Originally, these models are based on automata whose transitions are governed by random variables. Automaton?s structure and the probability distribution functions of each random variable are determined by a manual test and error process. In this paper, it is presented an alternative extension of this methodology which avoids the said manual process. It is based on learning human behavior patterns automatically from sensor data by using machine learning techniques. The presented approach has been tested on a real scenario, where this extension has given highly accurate human behavior models,