985 resultados para Assistências a menores - Proteção
Strong and sometimes extreme responses in runoff and soil erosion following wildfires have been reported worldwide. However, in the case of North-Central Portugal, little research had been carried out regarding the hydrologic and erosive impacts of several land management activities in recently burnt areas (such as ground preparation, post-fire logging or post-fire mitigation treatments). This study aims to assess post-fire runoff and soil erosion response on Eucalypt and Maritime pine plantations during the first, second and third years following wildfires. The effect of several pre-fire ground preparation operations (ploughed down-slope, contour ploughed and inclined terraces), post-fire logging activities (on both the eucalypt and pine plantations), as well as the application of hydromulch (a post-fire emergency treatment) on overland flow and soil erosion were compared to burnt but undisturbed and untreated areas. The intensive monitoring of runoff, soil erosion and selected soil properties served to determine the main factors involved in post-fire runoff and soil erosion and their spatial and temporal variation. Soil water repellency deserved special attention, due to its supposed important role for overland flow generation. Repeated rainfall simulation experiments (RSE’s), micro-scale runoff plots and bounded sediment fences were carried out and/or installed immediately after the wildfire on seven burnt slopes. Micro-scale runoff plots results under natural rainfall conditions were also compared to the RSE’s results, which was useful for assessing the representativeness of the data obtained with artificial rainfall. The results showed comparable runoff coefficient (20-60%) but lower sediment losses (125-1000 g m-2) than prior studies in Portugal, but especially outside Portugal. Lower sediment losses were related with the historic intensive land use in the area. In evaluating these losses, however, the shallowness and stoniness of the soils, as well as the high organic matter fraction of the eroded sediments (50%) must not be overlooked. Sediment limited erosion was measured in all the ploughed sites, probably due to the time since ploughing (several years). The disturbance of the soil surface cover due to post-fire logging and wood extraction substantially increased sediment losses at both the pine and eucalypt sites. Hydromulch effectiveness in reducing the runoff (70%) and sediment losses (83%) was attributed to the protective high coverage provided by hydromulch. The hydromulch significantly affected the soil cover and other soil properties and these changes also reduced the soil erosion risk. The rainfall amount was the main factor explaining the variance in runoff. However, a shift from rainfall amount to rainfall intensity was detected when either the surface cover or the infiltration capacity (hydrophilic conditions) increased. Sediment losses were controlled by rainfall intensity and surface cover. The role of soil water repellency on runoff generation was not consistent; the overall repellency levels alone were not enough to assess its hydrological impact. Soil water repellency explained runoff generation in the specific-sites model better than in the overall model. Additionally, soil moisture content was a better predictor for soil water repellency than antecedent rainfall. The natural rainfall results confirmed that RSE’s were able to capture the specific sediment losses and its organic matter content as well as the differences between the ploughed and unploughed sites. Repeated RSE’s also captured the seasonal variations in runoff and sediment losses attributed to soil water repellency. These results have implications for post-fire soil erosion modelling and soil conservation practices in the region, or areas with the same land use, climate and soil characteristics. The measured sediment loss, as well as the increasing frequency of ploughing in recently burnt and unburnt eucalypt stands, suggests ploughing is not an effective as a soil conservation measure. Logging activities with less impact are recommended in order to maintain the forest litter protecting the soil surface. Due to its high effectiveness in reducing runoff and soil erosion, hydromulch is recommended for highly sensitive and vulnerable areas.
Habitat conversion and environmental degradation have reached alarming levels in the Pantanal, endangering all its biodiversity. This scenario is complicated by the fact that the biome relies on only a few protected areas, which combined do not exceed 10% of the territory. Felids, as predators, play a vital role in the maintenance of this ecosystem, but require large areas, have low population densities and, typically, are very sensitive to environmental disturbances. Amolar Mountain Ridge is considered an area of extreme importance and high priority for conservation within the biome. There are four species of felids in this region: the jaguar (Panthera onca), the puma (Puma concolor), the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), and jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi). However, little is known about the ecology of these species in this region or the magnitude of interaction between the communities living around the protected areas and the animals. The goal of this study was to increase our knowledge about these felids and understand how people interact with them in order to contribute to their conservation in the network of parks within Amolar. Camera trapping surveys were carried out in two areas of the network, covering approximately 83,000 hectares, in order to identify the species of mammals occurring in the region, those that may be potential prey for the felids, and to obtain basic ecological data about both felids and prey. In addition, we conducted surveys in three riverside schools in order to assess the knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of schoolchildren regarding the four focal felids, and surveys among the adult population to assess their perceptions and attitudes towards the jaguar. We recorded a total of 33 species of mammals from both study areas. The large cats were cathemeral, reflecting the temporal activity of larger prey, whereas the ocelot was nocturnal, mirroring the activity of smaller prey. Jaguar occupancy was influenced by prey abundance, while puma occupancy was influenced by patch density in drier dense forest. Jaguars and pumas may be competitors over temporal and spatial scales, while no resource overlap was found for ocelots. Overall, both adults and children tended to have negative perceptions about the cats, which were related to the fear of being attacked. To increase awareness about the species and to maximize the effectiveness of protective measures in the network of reserves, it is recommended to develop and implement an Environmental Educational Program in the medium- to long-term in order to minimize the fear of these felids and to counsel locals on the role of felids in the maintenance of the Pantanal’s biodiversity.
The present work reports the study of the bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements (cadmium, lead and mercury) by marine macroalgae (Ulva lactuca, Fucus vesiculosus and Gracilaria gracilis), abundant in the coast and estuarine systems worldwide. These organisms proved to be capable of withstanding moderate multi-metallic contamination (environmentally relevant concentrations), incorporating high amounts of metal in their tissues. The high removal percentages achieved, in particular for mercury (99%), demonstrate the potential of these algae as a basis for a new biotechnological treatment of saline waters contaminated with metals (more efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly than conventional methods). U. lactuca was considered the most promising due to the better performance presented. The comparison between the bioaccumulation and biosorption processes suggested that in some cases the use of the living organism will have advantages over the application of biomass, due to the simplicity of the overall process, and the lower residual concentration of metal achieved in the solution (especially for Cd). The transfer and accumulation of Hg by terrestrial plants (Brassica juncea and Lolium perenne) in agricultural fields near a contaminated industrial area was also studied. Despite the low bioaccumulation factors found (<1), there were high Hg content in plants (up to 84 mg kg-1 in roots and up 6.9 mg kg-1 in shoots, dry weight). Daily intake estimates for grazing animals (cows and sheep) pointed to the potential risk to human health derived from consumption of their meat. The results highlighted the important role that plants and algae may have in protection, risk assessment and remediation of environmental systems contaminated with metals.
As famílias com menores em risco psicossocial têm que enfrentar várias adversidades que comprometem a sua capacidade para exercer uma parentalidade adequada e frequentemente adotam práticas com efeitos negativos para o desenvolvimento dos seus filhos. As competências parentais percebidas e a capacidade dos cônjuges para comunicar, colaborar e resolver desacordos desempenham um papel crucial para exercer uma parentalidade eficaz. No presente estudo analisamos as relações entre a satisfação marital e as competências parentais percebidas. A amostra é constituída por 112 pais (80 mães e 32 pais), com uma idade média de 36,18 anos, residentes no Algarve. Foram aplicados, através de uma entrevista individual, o Parental Sense of Competence (Johnston & Mash, 1989), a ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale (Fowers & Olson, 1993) e um questionário de dados sócio-demográficos e familiares (Nunes, Lemos, Costa, Nunes, & Almeida, 2011). A maioria dos participantes são casados ou vivem em união de facto, integram lares biparentais e estáveis, possuem um baixo nível educativo, estão desempregados e vivem na pobreza. Estas três últimas condições são preocupantes, uma vez que podem comprometer não só o seu bem-estar psicológico, como o desenvolvimento dos seus filhos. Os resultados encontrados sugerem ainda que os pais com uma maior satisfação marital são aqueles que se percebem como mais eficazes e mais satisfeitos com o seu papel de pais. Não observámos diferenças entre pais e mães nas dimensões estudadas. São discutidas as principais necessidades de apoio e de intervenção nestas famílias para serem tomadas em consideração pelos profissionais que trabalham com elas.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrónica, Especialização em Sistemas de Energia e Controlo, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Civis), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2014
Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Microbiologia Aplicada). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nesta dissertação procurou-se comparar os desempenhos de três produtos de proteção da madeira quando expostos a várias condições de degradação. Tendo em consideração a grande quantidade de variáveis quando se faz este tipo de estudos, tentou-se controlar o maior número possível destas, de modo a permitir a comparação com outros estudos que venham a ser feitos futuramente. O objetivo a longo prazo é a contribuição desta dissertação para um conjunto de resultados cada vez mais abrangente, facilitando a escolha do utilizador, quando pretender proteger a madeira das agressões exteriores com este tipo de produtos. A principal conclusão nesta dissertação é que a agressividade do meio tem um papel determinante para os resultados obtidos, bem como as condições de inclinação e orientação da madeira. Situações de má selagem de topos ou não consideração da presença agentes biológicos são outros dois fatores que influenciam a durabilidade da construção. Finalmente, concluiu-se que não existem soluções únicas, tendo que se estudar caso a caso, quais as condições exatas de exposição, de forma a escolher o produto, ou produtos, mais adequados.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrónica Industrial
A investigação acerca das pessoas deslocadas internamente (isto é, no interior dos seus países, mas fora dos seus espaços de vida habituais) se mostra um desafio, em virtude dos volumes de pessoas atualmente envolvidas e das condições com que se confrontam, da incapacidade (ou desinteresse) dos Estados nacionais em garantir proteção aos seus cidadãos, e do princípio de neutralidade internacional, que dificilmente permite intervenções externas no sentido da salvaguarda dos direitos humanos. Discutimos as categorizações adotadas, as normas jurídicas existentes e o quadro institucional vigente no que se refere à proteção das Pessoas Deslocadas Internamente, da mesma forma que destacamos grupos minoritários de deslocados internos que sofrem maiores constrangimentos, como as mulheres. Fizemos um paralelo com os refugiados, assim como com os retidos nas zonas de conflito, os deslocados por razões ambientais e econômicas. Analisamos o conceito de cidadania, Estado soberano e a noção do não intervencionismo, assim como problematizamos os desafios colocados pela globalização, pela amplitude dos fenômenos migratórios e desrespeitos aos direitos humanos. Argumentamos a possibilidade de uma esfera pública transnacional como possível mediadora entre Estado e cidadãos, fazendo-se necessário uma análise do conceito de esfera pública, bem como da atuação dos movimentos sociais transnacionais. Realizamos um estudo comparativo entre Angola (desalojamento de pessoas e destruição de casas) e Brasil (perda de terra dos agricultores familiares ou populações nativas), atentos ao fato de que muitas vezes, nestes contextos, as vítimas destes processos não são consideradas como Pessoas Deslocadas Internamente. Acreditamos que as aproximações e diferenciações entre os dois casos podem trazer respostas comuns e sua análise pode servir a um maior entendimento sobre os fenômenos migratórios, fragilidade institucional, atuação da Sociedade Civil Organizada (SCO), além da revisão de conceitos. Pode ainda servir para uma revisão crítica da legislação e da possibilidade de institucionalização de órgãos transnacionais de proteção.
This work aims to stress the concept of a security culture in the sense that each one of us is an emergency responder, the first one to respond, and the more prepared we are, with better training and awareness, the better we will perform, this applies even to the relationship between us and the Emergency Responders. All this will lead to a better probability of surviving an accident. If there is an accident, anywhere at any time, each one of us is alone. And the bigger the accident is the longer we stay alone. There is no firefighter, no policeman, no doctor, so it is very important to be competent, in other words, knowing how to react, wanting to react and being able to react. This is a basic requirement to understand the phenomenon, to know the consequences arising from the way we act and that we have to perform according to the situation: before, during and after it occurred. In brief, let’s not make resilience be just a word, let’s make it a concept that belongs to the higher definition of the Security Culture.