1000 resultados para Art amateur -- Japó


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Este texto sintetiza o último capítulo da investigação de doutoramento – Objetos feitos de cancro: a cultura material como pedaço de doença em histórias de mulheres contadas pela arte. Através de uma reflexão em torno dos objetos e materialidades que ganham forma e relevo em projetos artísticos referentes à experiência feminina do cancro, esta tese propõe conceitos alternativos de cultura material e de doença oncológica. Rejeita-se uma separação ou diferenciação entre dimensões materiais e intangíveis na doença, entendendo-se os objetos de cultura material como pedaços de cancro, ou seja, enquanto partes constitutivas das ideias, sensações, emoções e gestos que fazem a experiência do corpo doente. Objetos hospitalares, domésticos e pessoais, de uso coletivo ou individual, onde se incluem materialidades descartáveis, vestuário, mobiliário, equipamento e máquinas, compõem uma lista de realidades que se encastram nas experiências do corpo em diagnóstico, internamento, tratamento, reconstrução, remissão, recorrência, metastização e morte. Dando nome a esta continuidade indivisa, propus os conceitos “objeto nosoencastrável” e “doença modular”, pretendendo, na forma como defino as coisas, os mesmos encaixes que existem na realidade vivida. Para compreender a ação, os usos e os sentidos dos objetos que fazem e são pedaços de cancro(s), o campo de trabalho desta investigação abrangeu as imagens e os textos explicativos de cento e cinquenta projetos artísticos produzidos por ou com mulheres que viveram a experiência desta doença. Expostos na Internet, os exercícios criativos, amadores ou profissionais, de fotografia comercial e artística, pintura, desenho, colagem, modelagem, escultura, costura e tricô serviram de terreno narrativo e visual, permitindo-me encontrar a versão émica dos encaixes entre cultura material e doença. Tocar a continuidade entre objetos e cancros, juntando os saberes do corpo, da arte e da antropologia, assentou numa abordagem teórica e metodológica onde ensaiei o potencial heurístico daquilo a que chamo a “terceira metade das coisas e do conhecimento”.


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Ballet gestures are highly non-anatomical and physiological, leading to compensatory behaviors. The knee joint is most affected by this behavior, leading to an increase risk of injury. Our purpose is to describe the knee angular displacement in amateur dancers, during a demi-plié exercise, with emphasis on valgus mechanisms frequency. Methods: 192 demi-pliés collected in six amateur female dancers (mean age = 15.33 ± 1.37 years), were analyzed regarding sagittal and frontal plane angular displacement, with an electrogoniometer connected to a signal acquisition unit at 1000 Hz. Results: all subjects presented valgus peaks along the trials, despite the global varus tendency of the knee frontal plane behavior. A significant positive correlation between the frequency of valgus and practice time was noted. Discussion: A variable angular frontal displacement was observed, with some trials comprehending a high incidence of valgus peaks along the ascending or descending phase of the demi-plié exercise. Conclusion: the frontal knee angle behavior is variable. It may present fast peaks of valgus or an initial trend of varus/valgus that is different from the global varus trend. The analysis of the activity should be considered in the training. The practice time may be related to the observed behavior.


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In the early 21st Century, with the phenomenon of digital convergence, the consecration of Web 2.0, the decrease of the cost of cameras and video recorders, the proliferation of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technologies, we witness the arising of a new wave of media, of an informal, personal and at times “minority” nature, facilitating social networks, a culture of fans, of sharing and remix. As digital networks become fully and deeply intricate in our experience, the idea of “participation” arises as one of the most complex and controversial themes of the contemporary critical discourse, namely in what concerns contemporary art and new media art. However, the idea of “participation” as a practice or postulate traverses the 20th century art playing an essential role in its auto-critic, in questioning the concept of author, and in the dilution of the frontiers between art, “life” and society, emphasizing the process, the everyday and a community sense. As such, questioning the new media art in light of a “participatory art” (Frieling, 2008) invokes a double gaze simultaneously attentive to the emerging figures of a “participatory aesthetics” in digital arts and of the genealogy in which it is included. In fact, relating the new media art with the complex and paradoxical phenomenon of “participation” allows us to, on the one hand, avoid “digital formalism” (Lovink, 2008) and analyse the relations between digital art and contemporary social movements; on the other hand, this angle of analysis contributes to reinforce the dialogue and the links between digital art and contemporary art, questioning the alleged frontiers that separate them.


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Transdermal biotechnologies are an ever increasing field of interest, due to the medical and pharmaceutical applications that they underlie. There are several mathematical models at use that permit a more inclusive vision of pure experimental data and even allow practical extrapolation for new dermal diffusion methodologies. However, they grasp a complex variety of theories and assumptions that allocate their use for specific situations. Models based on Fick's First Law found better use in contexts where scaled particle theory Models would be extensive in time-span but the reciprocal is also true, as context of transdermal diffusion of particular active compounds changes. This article reviews extensively the various theoretical methodologies for studying dermic diffusion in the rate limiting dermic barrier, the stratum corneum, and systematizes its characteristics, their proper context of application, advantages and limitations, as well as future perspectives.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of today’s most prominent instantiations of the ubiquituous computing paradigm. In order to achieve high levels of integration, WSNs need to be conceived considering requirements beyond the mere system’s functionality. While Quality-of-Service (QoS) is traditionally associated with bit/data rate, network throughput, message delay and bit/packet error rate, we believe that this concept is too strict, in the sense that these properties alone do not reflect the overall quality-ofservice provided to the user/application. Other non-functional properties such as scalability, security or energy sustainability must also be considered in the system design. This paper identifies the most important non-functional properties that affect the overall quality of the service provided to the users, outlining their relevance, state-of-the-art and future research directions.


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The ART-WiSe (Architecture for Real-Time communications in Wireless Sensor Networks) framework aims at the design of new communication architectures and mechanisms for time-sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We adopted a two-tiered architecture where an overlay Wireless Local Area Network (Tier 2) serves as a backbone for a WSN (Tier 1), relying on existing standard communication protocols and commercial-off-the-shell (COTS) technologies – IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee for Tier 1 and IEEE 802.11 for Tier 2. In this line, a test-bed application is being developed for assessing, validating and demonstrating the ART-WiSe architecture. A pursuit-evasion application was chosen since it fulfils a number of requirements, namely it is feasible and appealing and imposes some stress to the architecture in terms of timeliness. To develop the testbed based on the previously referred technologies, an implementation of the IEEE 8021.5.4/ZigBee protocols is being carried out, since there is no open source available to the community. This paper highlights some relevant aspects of the ART-WiSe architecture, provides some intuition on the protocol stack implementation and presents a general view over the envisaged test-bed application.


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This report describes the development of a Test-bed Application for the ART-WiSe Framework with the aim of providing a means of access, validate and demonstrate that architecture. The chosen application is a kind of pursuit-evasion game where a remote controlled robot, navigating through an area covered by wireless sensor network (WSN), is detected and continuously tracked by the WSN. Then a centralized control station takes the appropriate actions for a pursuit robot to chase and “capture” the intruder one. This kind of application imposes stringent timing requirements to the underlying communication infrastructure. It also involves interesting research problems in WSNs like tracking, localization, cooperation between nodes, energy concerns and mobility. Additionally, it can be easily ported into a real-world application. Surveillance or search and rescue operations are two examples where this kind of functionality can be applied. This is still a first approach on the test-bed application and this development effort will be continuously pushed forward until all the envisaged objectives for the Art-WiSe architecture become accomplished.


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Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Encenação.


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Quinoxaline derivatives are an important class of heterocycle compounds, where N replaces some carbon atoms in the ring of naphthalene. Its molecular formula is C8H6N2, formed by the fusion of two aromatic rings, benzene and pyrazine. It is rare in natural state, but their synthesis is easy to perform. In this review the State of the Art will be presented, which includes a summary of the progress made over the past years in the knowledge of the structure and mechanism of the quinoxaline and quinoxaline derivatives, associated medical and biomedical value as well as industrial value. Modifying quinoxaline structure it is possible to obtain a wide variety of biomedical applications, namely antimicrobial activities and chronic and metabolic diseases treatment.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro, especialidade de Ciências da Conservação, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Museologia