962 resultados para Aristote (0384-0322 av. J.-C.) -- Ouvrages avant 1800
Comprend : Relation
The respiratory chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane of higher organisms and in the plasma membrane of many bacteria. It consists of several membrane-spanning enzymes, which conserve the energy that is liberated from the degradation of food molecules as an electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane. The proton gradient can later be utilized by the cell for different energy requiring processes, e.g. ATP production, cellular motion or active transport of ions. The difference in proton concentration between the two sides of the membrane is a result of the translocation of protons by the enzymes of the respiratory chain, from the negatively charged (N-side) to the positively charged side (P-side) of the lipid bilayer, against the proton concentration gradient. The endergonic proton transfer is driven by the flow of electrons through the enzymes of the respiratory chain, from low redox-potential electron donors to acceptors of higher potential, and ultimately to oxygen. Cytochrome c oxidase is the last enzyme in the respiratory chain and catalyzes the reduction of dioxygen to water. The redox reaction is coupled to proton transport across the membrane by a yet unresolved mechanism. Cytochrome c oxidase has two proton-conducting pathways through which protons are taken up to the interior part of the enzyme from the N-side of the membrane. The K-pathway transfers merely substrate protons, which are consumed in the process of water formation at the catalytic site. The D-pathway transfers both substrate protons and protons that are pumped to the P-side of the membrane. This thesis focuses on the role of two conserved amino acids in proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase, glutamate 278 and tryptophan 164. Glu278 is located at the end of the D-pathway and is thought to constitute the branching point for substrate and pumped protons. In this work, it was shown that although Glu278 has an important role in the proton transfer mechanism, its presence is not an obligatory requirement. Alternative structural solutions in the area around Glu278, much like the ones present in some distantly related heme-copper oxidases, could in the absence of Glu278 support the formation of a long hydrogen-bonded water chain through which proton transfer from the D-pathway to the catalytic site is possible. The other studied amino acid, Trp164, is hydrogen bonded to the ∆-propionate of heme a3 of the catalytic site. Mutation of this amino acid showed that it may be involved in regulation of proton access to a proton acceptor, a pump site, from which the proton later is expelled to the P-side of the membrane. The ion pair that is formed by the ∆-propionate of heme a3 and arginine 473 is likely to form a gate-like structure, which regulates proton mobility to the P-side of the membrane. The same gate may also be part of an exit path through which water molecules produced at the catalytically active site are removed towards the external side of the membrane. Time-resolved optical and electrometrical experiments with the Trp164 to phenylalanine mutant revealed a so far undetected step in the proton pumping mechanism. During the A to PR transition of the catalytic cycle, a proton is transferred from Glu278 to the pump site, located somewhere in the vicinity of the ∆-propionate of heme a3. A mechanism for proton pumping by cytochrome c oxidase is proposed on the basis of the presented results and the mechanism is discussed in relation to some relevant experimental data. A common proton pumping mechanism for all members of the heme-copper oxidase family is moreover considered.
Traducido por Iñaki Villoslada Fernández
A presente tese investiga as poéticas do trágico nas obras teatrais de Eurípides (Grécia, c. 484 406 a.C.), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Alemanha, 1749 1832) e Federico García Lorca (Espanha, 1898 1936) e defende que, nos três autores, as concepções estéticas do trágico se constituem principalmente sobre a representação poética do filicídio materno. A antinomia trágica engendrada, metaforicamente, no assassinato da criança pelas mãos daquela que lhe deu a vida é tema de Medeia (431 a.C.), Tragédia de Margarida (1790) e Yerma (1934), obras fundamentais para compreender a visada trágica dos três poetas aqui, em respectivo, estudados. O conflito com o sagrado e com a razão, ao apontar para a afirmação trágica do corpo e do feminino, frequenta as três obras. O paralelismo entre as dimensões política e estética é, por conseguinte, patente nos três dramas, ao mesmo tempo em que cada um dos autores, com contexto e assinatura próprios, configura uma ideia estética acerca do trágico inteiramente singular. O diálogo entre literatura e filosofia, ou entre intuição e conceito, atravessa, nesta tese, a leitura do trágico na metáfora do filicídio. Sob tal perspectiva, a Medeia de Eurípides impõe-se no centro do debate entre socráticos e sofistas, e aborda temas, como o domínio das paixões sobre a razão, que também aliciaram autores como Platão, Aristóteles e Nietzsche. A Gretchentragödie, de Goethe, apresenta-se, por sua vez, como obra poética aonde convergem as mais calorosas discussões estéticas do moderno pensamento alemão, como as questões do sublime (Kant, Schiller) e da vontade (Schopenhauer). Yerma, de García Lorca, será também uma obra de convergência filosófica, expressando a nueva manera espiritualista que marca a última fase da produção lorquiana: a perspectiva trágica de Nietzsche, na afirmação do corpo como grande razão, assim como o diálogo de Lorca com o pensamento de Miguel de Unamuno sobre El sentimiento trágico de la vida, caracteriza uma espécie de tragédia às avessas, que nega o sagrado e afirma o trágico como síntese libertária do eu, do corpo e do feminino
Contient : « Tchun-Tsieou, le Printems et l'Automne, ou Annales de la principauté de Lou, depuis 722 jusqu'en 481 avant l'ère chrétienne, etc., écrites par le célèbre philosophe Confucins, l'an 480 av. J.-C.,... et traduites en François par Le Roux Deshauterayes. 1750 » ; « Le Printems et l'Automne, ou Annales de la principauté de Lou. » Traduction française
WM-data tillhandahåller en lösning för mobil arbetsorderhantering. Lösningen innehåller planeringsverktyg med ärenden, personal och karta och möjlighet att leverera arbetsorder till fältpersonal. Den innehåller dessutom handhållna mobilenheter, vilka fältpersonalen använder för att ta emot aktuella arbetsorder.Vissa kunder önskar ytterligare en modul i denna mobila lösning. Den nya modulen skall användas för att kontinuerligt rapportera in genomförda åtgärder i snöröjningssammanhang.Detta examensarbete går ut på att utveckla den här modulen för att registrera snöröjning respektive sandning. Applikationen exekveras på en PDA, en så kallad Pocket PC med Windows Mobile 5.0. Anledningen till att just Windows Mobile 5.0 skall användas är att detta operativsystem har inbyggt stöd för GPS-positionering. Ett önskemål av WM-data var att detta inbyggda stöd skulle undersökas, rapporteras och användas i applikationen.Resultatet blev en applikation där man via en Pocket PC kontinuerligt sparar undan fordons GPS-position, arbetsåtgärd samt tidpunkterna när GPS-positionerna togs. Denna information är sedan anpassad för att kunna skickas vidare via GPRS till en befintlig databasserver under vissa tidsintervaller.Applikationen utvecklades med hjälp av programmeringsspråket C Sharp (C#) i Visual Studio 2005.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.
El periplo de Hannón, frente a las propuestas que lo interpretan como una obra literaria, creemos que recoge un periplo auténtico, que sólo alcanzó cabo Juby y algunas de las Islas Canarias. Las refundaciones cartaginesas fueron todas en la Mauretania fértil, en los 7 primeros días de la expedición. Desde el islote de Kérne, en la expedición primó una primera exploración de evaluación, indicativo de que se trataba de apenas 2 o 3 barcos, con una tripulación limitada, que evitaban enfrentamientos con la población local. Los intérpretes Lixítai parecen conocer todos los puntos explorados, el río Chrétes, los etíopes del Alto Atlas costero, el gran golfo caluroso que finalizaba en el Hespérou Kéras, el volcán Theôn Óchema, o las gentes salvajes que denominaban Goríllai. Probablemente la mayor sorpresa fuese encontrar un volcán activo, emitiendo lava, que pudo ser la razón última para redactar este periplo. La falta de agua, alimentos y caza como razón para finalizar la expedición exploratoria sólo es comprensible en un trayecto corto que alcanzó hasta el inicio del desierto del Sahara. Otro tanto sucede con la ausencia de ríos importantes al Sur del río Chrétes, una clara prueba de que no se alcanzaron latitudes ecuatoriales y que los barcos se fueron alejando de la costa norteafricana.