964 resultados para Argentine default


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Credit risk management has assumed increasing importance for the managers and directors of enterprises. Thus, different approaches aimed to measure the probability of default are under discussion nowadays. This paper evaluates models that have become more popular over the last 30 years in order forecast defaults or to provide information regarding to financial difficulties of enterprises. This paper will focus on the KMV model in order to estimate the probability of default, its methodology based on market value of the asset and its volatility and finally estimate the probability of default. Finally, to test the KMV model will be used a sample of global steel companies that have credit in Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), which will allow us to make comparisons with the models presented in this work.


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Araújo, Páscoa and Torres-Martinez (2002) have shown that, without imposing either debt constraints or transversality conditions, Ponzi schemes are ruled out in infinite horizon economies with default when collateral is the only mechanism that partially secures loans. Páscoa and Seghir (2008) subsequently show that Ponzi schemes may reappear if, additionally to the seizure of the collateral, there are sufficiently harsh default penalties assessed (directly in terms of utility) against the defaulters. They also claim that if default penalties are moderate then Ponzi schemes are ruled out and existence of a competitive equilibrium is ensured. The objective of this paper is two fold. First, contrary to what is claimed by Páscoa and Seghir (2008), we show that moderate default penalties do not always prevent agents to run a Ponzi scheme. Second, we provide an alternative condition on default penalties that is sufficient to rule out Ponzi schemes and ensure the existence of a competitive equilibrium.


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Araujo, Páscoa and Torres-Martínez (2002) showed that, without imposing any debt constraint, Ponzi schemes are ruled out in infinite horizon economies with limited commitment when collateral is the only mechanism that partially secures loans. Páscoa and Seghir (2009) presented two examples in which they argued that Ponzi schemes may reappear if, additionally to the seizure of the collateral, there are sufficiently harsh default penalties assessed (directly in terms of utility) against the defaulters. Moreover, they claimed that if default penalties are moderate then Ponzi schemes are ruled out and existence of a competitive equilibrium is restored. This paper questions the validity of the claims made in Páscoa and Seghir (2009). First, we show that it is not true that harsh default penalties lead to Ponzi schemes in the examples they have proposed. A competitive equilibrium with no trade can be supported due to unduly pessimistic expectations on asset deliveries. We subsequently refine the equilibrium concept in the spirit of Dubey, Geanakoplos and Shubik (2005) in order to rule out spurious inactivity on asset markets due to irrational expectations. Our second contribution is to provide a specific example of an economy with moderate default penalties in which Ponzi schemes reappear when overpessimistic beliefs on asset deliveries are ruled out. Our finding shows that, contrary to what is claimed by Páscoa and Seghir (2009), moderate default penalties do not always prevent agents to run a Ponzi scheme.


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In infinite horizon financial markets economies, competitive equilibria fail to exist if one does not impose restrictions on agents' trades that rule out Ponzi schemes. When there is limited commitment and collateral repossession is the unique default punishment, Araujo, Páscoa and Torres-Martínez (2002) proved that Ponzi schemes are ruled out without imposing any exogenous/endogenous debt constraints on agents' trades. Recently Páscoa and Seghir (2009) have shown that this positive result is not robust to the presence of additional default punishments. They provide several examples showing that, in the absence of debt constraints, harsh default penalties may induce agents to run Ponzi schemes that jeopardize equilibrium existence. The objective of this paper is to close a theoretical gap in the literature by identifying endogenous borrowing constraints that rule out Ponzi schemes and ensure existence of equilibria in a model with limited commitment and (possible) default. We appropriately modify the definition of finitely effective debt constraints, introduced by Levine and Zame (1996) (see also Levine and Zame (2002)), to encompass models with limited commitment, default penalties and collateral. Along this line, we introduce in the setting of Araujo, Páscoa and Torres-Martínez (2002), Kubler and Schmedders (2003) and Páscoa and Seghir (2009) the concept of actions with finite equivalent payoffs. We show that, independently of the level of default penalties, restricting plans to have finite equivalent payoffs rules out Ponzi schemes and guarantees the existence of an equilibrium that is compatible with the minimal ability to borrow and lend that we expect in our model. An interesting feature of our debt constraints is that they give rise to budget sets that coincide with the standard budget sets of economies having a collateral structure but no penalties (as defined in Araujo, Páscoa and Torres-Martínez (2002)). This illustrates the hidden relation between finitely effective debt constraints and collateral requirements.


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The present work aims to study the macroeconomic factors influence in credit risk for installment autoloans operations. The study is based on 4.887 credit operations surveyed in the Credit Risk Information System (SCR) hold by the Brazilian Central Bank. Using Survival Analysis applied to interval censured data, we achieved a model to estimate the hazard function and we propose a method for calculating the probability of default in a twelve month period. Our results indicate a strong time dependence for the hazard function by a polynomial approximation in all estimated models. The model with the best Akaike Information Criteria estimate a positive effect of 0,07% for males over de basic hazard function, and 0,011% for the increasing of ten base points on the operation annual interest rate, toward, for each R$ 1.000,00 on the installment, the hazard function suffer a negative effect of 0,28% , and an estimated elevation of 0,0069% for the same amount added to operation contracted value. For de macroeconomics factors, we find statistically significant effects for the unemployment rate (-0,12%) , for the one lag of the unemployment rate (0,12%), for the first difference of the industrial product index(-0,008%), for one lag of inflation rate (-0,13%) and for the exchange rate (-0,23%). We do not find statistic significant results for all other tested variables.


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This paper empirically investigates the impact of changes in US real interest rates on sovereign default risk in emerging economies using the method of identification through heteroskedasticity. Policy-induced increases in US interest rates starkly raise default risk in emerging market economies. However, the overall correlation between US real interest rates and the risk of default is negative, demonstrating that the effects of other variables dominate the anterior relationship


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Este trabalho explora a realização de default soberano em função da estrutura de spreads de CDS (Credit Default Swap). Pode-se dizer que os spreads revelam a probabilidade de default de um país. Aplicamos a metodologia proposta neste trabalho para Argentina, Coreia, Equador, Indonésia, México, Peru, Turquia, Ucrânia, Venezuela e Rússia. Nós mostramos que um modelo de um único fator seguindo um processo lognormal captura a probabilidade de default. Também mostramos que as variáveis macro econômicas inflação, desemprego e crescimento não explicam a variável dependente do estudo (probabilidade de default). Cada país reage de maneira diferente a crise econômica que a leva a não honrar seus compromissos com as dívidas contraídas.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as implicações quantitativas do modelo de rigidez de política fiscal desenvolvido por Gonçalves e Guimaraes (2012) e responder se ele é capaz de gerar mais defaults em equilíbrio sem se utilizar de uma forte hipótese ad hoc acerca dos custos em termos do produto de um calote na dívida soberana, a fim de conseguir gerar os resultados desejados de acordo com o que se observa nos dados econômicos, isto é, que os calotes tendem a ocorrer em tempos ruins. A principal hipótese deste modelo é que o Governo não pode se comprometer com um ajuste fiscal para repagar a dívida que está vencendo porque ele escolhe a alíquota de imposto no período anterior. Logo, ao se deparar com um produto baixo em determinado período, o soberano não pode ajustar a arrecadação a fim de fazer frente às suas obrigações e se vê diante da decisão de aumentar o nível do endividamento ou de repudiar sua dívida e não pagá-la. Nos resultados, tem-se que a rigidez fiscal aumenta a ocorrência de defaults em pelo menos uma ordem de magnitude comparado a outros modelos quantitativos de dívida soberana e ajuda a explicar a ocorrência de calotes em períodos de baixo produto na Economia.


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Neste trabalho fazemos um resumo de alguns artigos que tratam de equilíbrio geral dinâmico com custos de default. Focamos no estudo dos modelos de Kehoe e Levine (1993) e de Alvarez e Jermann (2000). Também descrevemos algumas adaptações do modelo de Alvarez e Jermann, como os trabalhos de Hellwig e Lorenzoni (2009) e de Azariadis e Kaas (2008), e comparamos os resultados desses modelos com os de Huggett (1993), no qual os mercados são exogenamente incompletos. Finalmente, expomos uma falha no algoritmo computacional sugerido por Krueger e Perry (2010) para se computar os equilíbrios estacionários de economias como as de Alvarez e Jermann (2000).


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo primário encontrar uma métrica de risco para bancos elegível a ser uma componente específica em futuros modelos de custo de capital. Como objetivo secundário, este trabalho descreve um processo de modelagem passível de ser estendido a outros segmentos bancários. O conjunto de contribuições deste trabalho consiste na visão de aplicação, no objeto de estudo (bancos de pequeno e médio porte com baixa diversificação de produtos ou segmentos no sistema financeiro brasileiro) e na acessibilidade do processo de modelagem estruturado


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This dissertation analyses quantitatively the costs of sovereign default for the economy, in a model where banks with long positions in government debt play a central role in the financial intermediation for private sector's investments and face financial frictions that limit their leverage ability. Calibration tries to resemble some features of the Eurozone, where discussions about bailout schemes and default risk have been central issues. Results show that the model captures one important cost of default pointed out by empirical and theoretical literature on debt crises, namely the fall in investment that follows haircut episodes, what can be explained by a worsening in banks' balance sheet conditions that limits credit for the private sector and raises their funding costs. The cost in terms of output decrease is though not significant enough to justify the existence of debt markets and the government incentives for debt repayment. Assuming that the government is able to alleviate its constrained budget by imposing a restructuring on debt repayment profile that allows it to cut taxes, our model generates an important difference for output path comparing lump-sum taxes and distortionary. For our calibration, quantitative results show that in terms of output and utility, it is possible that the effect on the labour supply response generated by tax cuts dominates investment drop caused by credit crunch on financial markets. We however abstract from default costs associated to the breaking of existing contracts, external sanctions and risk spillovers between countries, that might also be relevant in addition to financial disruption effects. Besides, there exist considerable trade-offs for short and long run path of economic variables related to government and banks' behaviour.


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O trabalho busca através de um exercício empírico, extrair as curvas de probabilidade implícita de default em debêntures brasileiras. A construção ocorre em duas etapas. O primeiro desafio é obter as estruturas a termo das debêntures brasileiras. Foi utilizada a revisão proposta por Diebold e Li (2006) do modelo de Nelson Siegel (1987) para construç o das ETTJs. A segunda etapa consiste em extrair a probabilidade de default utilizado a forma reduzida do modelo de Duffie e Singleton (1999). A fração de perda em caso de default foi considerada constante conforme estudo de Xu e Nencioni (2000). A taxa de decaimento também foi mantida constante conforme proposto por Diebold e Li (2006) e Araújo (2012). O exercício foi replicado para três datas distintas durante o ciclo de redução de juros no Brasil. Dentre os resultados desse estudo identificou-se que os agentes do mercado reduziram a probabilidade de default dos emissores durante esse período. A redução nos vértices mais curtos foi mais significativa do que em vértices mais longos.


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We study the asset pricing implications of an endowment economy when agents can default on contracts that would leave them otherwise worse off. We specialize and extend the environment studied by Kocherlakota (1995) and Kehoe and Levine (1993) to make it comparable to standard studies of asset pricillg. We completely charactize efficient allocations for several special cases. We illtroduce a competitive equilibrium with complete markets alld with elldogellous solvency constraints. These solvellcy constraints are such as to prevent default -at the cost of reduced risk sharing. We show a version of the classical welfare theorems for this equilibrium definition. We characterize the pricing kernel, alld compare it with the one for economies without participation constraints : interest rates are lower and risk premia can be bigger depending on the covariance of the idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks. Quantitative examples show that for reasonable parameter values the relevant marginal rates of substitution fali within the Hansen-Jagannathan bounds.


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This work explores how Argentina overcame the Great Depression and asks whether active macroeconomic interventions made any contribution to the recovery. In particular, we study Argentine macroeconomic policy as it deviated from gold-standard orthodoxy after the final suspension of convertibility in 1929. As elsewhere, fiscal policy in Argentina was conservative, and had little power to smooth output. Monetary policy became heterodox after 1929. The first and most important stage of institutional change took place with the switch from a metallic monetary regime to a fiduciary regime in 1931; the Caja de Conversión (Conversion Office, a currency board) began rediscounting as a means to sterilize gold outflows and avoid deflationary pressures, thus breaking from orthodox "mIes of the game." However, the actual injections of liquidity were small' and were not enough to fully offset the incipient monetary contractions: the "Keynes" effect was weak or negative. Rather, recovery derived from changes in beliefs and expectations surrounding the shift in the monetary and exchange-rate regime,and the delinking of gold flows and the money base. Agents perceivod a new regime, as shown by the path of consumption, investment, and estimated ex ante real interest rates: the "Mundell" effect was dominant. Notably, this change of regime predated a later, and supposedly more significant, stage of institutional reform, namely the creation of the central bank in 1935. Still, the extent of intervention was weak, and insufficient to fully offset externaI shocks to prices and money. Argentine macropolicy was heterodox in terms of the change of regime, but still conservative in terms of the tentative scope of the measures taken .