225 resultados para Aptitude


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Tras la formulación de los supuestos didácticos en los que se fundamenta la utilización del cine en el aula y la formulación de un modelo teórico que contempla las dimensiones principales y estructuras propias del film en el contexto de la enseñanza, se pretende contrastar experimentalmente algunas de las interacciones que recoge el modelo. Concretamente, la interacción entre el grado de estructuración de la película, el estilo cognitivo (independiente-dependiente de campo) del sujeto y el contenido (tema) de la película. La muestra está compuesta por 475 sujetos (301 varones y 174 mujeres), extraída de un muestreo estratificado aleatorio de la población de estudiantes de tercer ciclo de EGB de Sevilla capital, en el curso 1981-1982. Esta investigación se enmarca dentro de los diseños ATI (Aptitude-Treatment-Interaction), y se trata de comprobar la influencia de la interacción de tres tipos de variables en el rendimiento (aprendizaje) de una muestra extraida de una población escolar. Se trata de un diseño factorial de 2x2x2, donde las variables independientes quedan definidas por el estilo cognitivo (dependiente-independiente de campo), grado de estructuración de la película (alto-bajo), tema del film (Ciencias Naturales-Seguridad vial). La variable dependiente queda definida por el rendimiento en dos tipos de prueba, una cerrada y objetivo y otra abierta. Group Embedded Test (GEFT) de Witkin. Test de inteligencia general de Cattel. Cuatro películas diseñadas específicamente para la investigación. Dos pruebas para evaluar el rendimiento, una cerrada y objetiva y otra abierta, construidas específicamente para esta investigación. Prueba de Chi cuadrado para contrastar la homogeneidad de las puntuaciones en función del sexo en el test de Witkin. Test d'Agostino para contrastar la normalidad de las distribuciones de las puntuaciones en el test de Witkin. Análisis de covarianza aplicado a las puntuaciones obtenidas en la prueba cerrada. Análisis de varianza aplicado a las puntuaciones obtenidas por los sujetos en la prueba abierta. En general, los resultados obtenidos muestran que las 3 variables independientes definidas en el diseño experimental (estilo cognitivo, grado de estructuración del film, tema del film) influyen el resultado del aprendizaje. Los sujetos independientes de campo tienen un rendimiento superior a los dependientes de campo. El tema del film mejora el rendimiento según el tipo de prueba que se aplique para evaluarlo. Ha quedado constatada la influencia, tanto aislada como en interacción, de las tres dimensiones definidas por el modelo formulado, por lo que a la hora de diseñar situaciones de instrucción sería conveniente contemplar tanto los rasgos de los alumnos, como los atributos o características de los medios técnicos utilizados, como los contenidos del aprendizaje.


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Analizar la naturaleza de la inteligencia humana en sus aspectos esenciales: procesos, componentes y habilidades mentales. Evaluar los efectos de la conducta inteligente en alumnos de distintos niveles del sistema educativo actual. Participan 634 sujetos estudiantes de EGB, BUP, COU y Universidad. Los sujetos forman parte de 23 muestras elegidas por la técnica de muestreo estratificado al azar. Se trata de averiguar cuántas son las dimensiones de la inteligencia, cuántos factores intervienen en los procesos que reclaman tareas tales como razonar empleando símbolos distintos, percibir y entender analogías, resolver problemas aritméticos, comprender y usar palabras. Para ello se utilizan una serie de test de inteligencia general y de aptitudes y se utiliza la factorización para averiguar el número de factores comunes que es preciso admitir para explicar las correlaciones obtenidas. Se utilizan los siguientes test: DAT (Differential Aptitude Test), MAI (Test de Memoria Auditiva Inmediata), PMA (Pruíimary Mental Abilities), TEA 2 y 3 (SRA Test of Educational Ability Grades 4-6, 6-9, 9-12), Monedas, Caras, F.I. y R.I. (Rompecabezas Impreso). Se utilizan análisis univariados de frecuencias, estadísticos de relación entre dos o más variables, análisis de varianza, covarianza y comparaciones entre medias, análisis factorial y clasificación jerárquica de las variables. Para ello se utilizan los paquetes estadísticos SPSS y SPAD. De las correlaciones obtenidas entre las 23 variables se deduce que miden: a) cinco habilidades mentales, b) tres procesos cognitivos y, c) dos grupos de componentes. De la factorización de componentes principales se deducen cinco factores: proceso cognitivo complejo, proceso de razonamiento implícito en habilidades verbales y espaciales, componentes de velocidad y de razonamiento, componentes de velocidad y razonamiento numérico, y razonamiento espacial y memoria. En cuanto a los tests, el DAT resulta el más significativo como conjunto. Históricamente la Psicología como ciencia se ha caracterizado por la permanencia de debates sobre importantes conceptos teóricos. Dando lugar a continuos enfrentamientos sobre cuestiones fundamentales. Este hecho generalizado (causa) ha merecido la opinión, también generalizada (efecto), de considerar a la Psicología como ciencia Preparadigmática o ciencia en crisis. El momento actual, en lo que al tema de la inteligencia se refiere, no está ajeno ni a la causa ni al efecto aludido. Dos son las notas que confirman dicha afirmación: puntos de vista en competición y uso de diferente lenguaje psicológico para explicar un mismo tema. En las teorías actuales la inteligencia no se estudia como respuesta, sino como proceso mediador con carácter cognoscitivo.


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Para avanzar en el estudio de la concentración espacial de cultivos, se ha elegido el caso de la manzana, la pera y el melocotón en Lleida, desde 1962 a 2000. La evolución de ese fenómeno se ha estudiado mediante técnicas de equilibrio espacial y análisis shift share, encontrándose una pauta espacial de comportamiento distinta entre la manzana y la pera por una parte y el melocotón por otro. En el caso de las técnicas shift share se ha modelado el efecto diferencial como el resultado de un juego de suma nula, y suponiendo que las transferencias de efectos son más probables hacia las regiones más cercanas, se ha avanzado una explicación de las transferencias de superficie que se produjeron entre 1962 y 2000. La diferencia encontrada en el distinto comportamiento espacial de esos cultivos se ha atribuido a la susceptibilidad de cada cultivo para ser conservado frigoríficamente. Se ha desarrollado un modelo que relaciona los incrementos de la capacidad en la industria frigorífica y de la superficie.


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No âmbito do recente alargamento da oferta educativa de Cursos Profissionais às Escolas Secundárias, este estudo debruça-se sobre a concepção e implementação da Prova de Aptidão Profissional (PAP), as semelhanças e diferenças que esta prova assume nos diferentes Cursos Profissionais. A selecção do objecto de estudo recaiu nas sete turmas do décimo segundo ano dos Cursos Profissionais da Escola Secundária Padre Benjamim Salgado, visto encontrarem-se nessas turmas os Alunos que irão realizar a PAP no ano lectivo 2010/2011, com o apoio dos Professores Acompanhantes e com a coordenação dos Directores de Curso. Os meios utilizados nesta investigação dividiram-se em: (i) Inquéritos por questionários, a serem aplicados a Alunos e Professores Acompanhantes; (ii) Entrevistas, a serem realizadas aos Directores de Curso. A PAP, nos Cursos Profissionais do Ensino Secundário público, constitui uma mudança significativa nas dinâmicas inerentes ao espaço educativo. O seu papel, neste contexto, poderá representar uma evolução na relação entre os conhecimentos e as competências adquiridas nos cursos e o empreendedorismo e a criatividade do Aluno. Este será mais evidente se os actores educativos apostarem numa formação vocacionada para a inovação e para o risco, apoiados num currículo adaptado às condições do mercado de trabalho local e motivador para os jovens Alunos, e isso marcará, certamente, a diferença rumo ao sucesso.


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O estudo apresentado tem como objetivo avaliar os níveis de Aptidão Física de crianças e jovens dos 11 aos 14 anos da Freguesia de Bobadela, estabelecendo uma comparação entre aqueles que praticam Atividade Física somente através da Disciplina de Educação Física e os que para além desta realizam Atividades Físicas Extracurriculares. A amostra é constituída por 321 alunos de ambos os géneros, da Escola Básica Integrada de Bobadela, distrito de Lisboa, com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e os 14 anos. Tendo em conta os objetivos do estudo, a amostra foi dividida em dois grupos distintos, sendo que 148 alunos praticam Atividade Física Extracurricular, 81 do género masculino e 67 do género feminino, com uma média de 12,43 anos de idade, e 173 alunos que só praticam Atividade Física durante as aulas de Educação Física, 90 do género masculino e 83 do género feminino, com uma média de idades de 12,31 anos. Para a realização do estudo foi aplicada a bateria de testes do Fitnessgram de modo a avaliar a Aptidão Física das Crianças na dimensão motora (Flexibilidade – senta e alcança; Força Média – abdominal; Resistência – Vaivém e um questionário de prática desportiva fora do contexto escolar). A recolha de dados teve lugar entre 22 de Setembro e 26 de Maio de 2011. A apresentação dos resultados foi efetuada através do uso da estatística descritiva: media, desvio padrão, amplitude; e o teste T-Student. Concluímos que: 1 - No início do ano letivo não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre géneros, em todas as capacidades motoras consideradas; 2- Em termos de evolução da NZSAF para a ZSAF, verifica-se uma melhoria das capacidades motoras em todas as faixas etárias de ambos os grupos, à exceção das raparigas não praticantes no teste da Força Média. A Flexibilidade dos Membros Inferiores foi mais acentuada nas raparigas de 11 anos, não praticantes (3.6%) e praticantes (4.5%). 3 – A percentagem mais elevada de evolução ocorre ao nível da Capacidade Aeróbia (nos rapazes (3.7%) e raparigas (3%) de 12 anos). 4 - Comparando o grupo de Praticantes e de Não Praticantes (rapazes e raparigas) com os valores de referência do Fitnessgram verificou-se que em relação à Aptidão Física, os Praticantes apresentaram maiores percentagens dentro do intervalo da Zona Saudável para todos os testes realizados.


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O trabalho de investigação cujos resultados aqui se apresentam, foi realizado como objectivo de caracterizar as escolas secundarias portuguesas relativamente ao seu envolvimento, real ou potencial, em actividades do domínio da museologia. A populacao-alvo inicial era constituída por 472 escolas, das quais foram seleccionadas 86, após contactos telefónicos especificamente estruturados. Esta populacao-alvo final foi então objecto de visitas programadas, acompanhadas por entrevistas a que serviu de orientação um modelo de inquérito especificamente elaborado. O tratamento dos dados assim obtidos conduziu a distribuição dos 86 perfis analisados por 16 categorias. Procedeu-se então a análise comparativa das escolas incluídas em cada categoria, dando ênfase a identificação dos principais factores que condicionam, actualmente, o desenvolvimento da museologia em meio escolar em Portugal.


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This paper suggests a method for identifying individuals who are most suited to using virtual reality (VR) systems. The aim is to help both an individual or employer to decide where that individual's skills and abilities would be best deployed. By considering a potential user's competence and temperament, a graphical representation is introduced that may then be used to crudely delineate a high-aptitude participant against those with lesser capabilities. By introducing standard tests for competence and a standard classifier for temperament, and by further weighting each measure with respect to the technology currently available and the application, a detailed representation of the effectiveness of different users is developed.


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Spatial memory is important for locating objects in hierarchical data structures, such as desktop folders. There are, however, some contradictions in literature concerning the effectiveness of 3D user interfaces when compared to their 2D counterparts. This paper uses a task-based approach in order to investigate the effectiveness of adding a third dimension to specific user tasks, i.e. the impact of depth on navigation in a 3D file manager. Results highlight issues and benefits of using 3D interfaces for visual and verbal tasks, and introduces the possible existence of a correlation between aptitude scores achieved on the Guilford- Zimmerman Orientation Survey and Electroencephalography- measured brainwave activity as participants search for targets of variable perceptual salience in 2D and 3D environments.


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This study used ERP (event-related potentials) to examine both the role of the L1 and the role of individual differences in the processing of agreement violations. Theories of L2 acquisition differ with regard to whether or not native-like acquisition of L2 features is possible (Schwartz and Sprouse, 1994, 1996; Tsimpli and Mastropavlou, 2007), and the results of previous ERP studies are inconsistent when it comes to whether or not native-like processing is observed in response to L2 agreement violations (e.g., Sabourin, 2003; Tokowicz and MacWhinney, 2005). Furthermore, studies of learners in early stages of L2 acquisition have found variability in the emergence of native-like responses (e.g., McLaughlin et al., 2010; Tanner et al., 2009), but sources of variability have not been investigated. The current study examines responses to gender and number agreement violations in English-speaking learners of Spanish (n=24). Stimuli targeted agreement in three conditions: subject-verb agreement (el barco flota/*flotan), which is similar in Spanish and English; number agreement on adjectival predicates (la isla rocosa/*rocosas), a context in which agreement is not instantiated in English; and gender agreement on adjectival predicates (la isla rocosa/*rocoso), which is unique to Spanish. Grammaticality judgments and ERP responses were also tested for correlations with aptitude scores on the Modern Languages Aptitude Test (MLAT; Carroll and Sapon, 1959) and the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices (Raven, 1965). Results are in line with theories that claim native-like processing is acquirable, since learners demonstrated similar ERP responses to a control group of native Spanish-speakers (n=8) with regard to all three agreement types. Additionally, the MLAT (but not the Raven) was significantly correlated with sensitivity to number violations, both in terms of grammaticality judgments and ERP amplitudes, indicating a role for verbal but not nonverbal aptitude in L2 processing.


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As the fidelity of virtual environments (VE) continues to increase, the possibility of using them as training platforms is becoming increasingly realistic for a variety of application domains, including military and emergency personnel training. In the past, there was much debate on whether the acquisition and subsequent transfer of spatial knowledge from VEs to the real world is possible, or whether the differences in medium during training would essentially be an obstacle to truly learning geometric space. In this paper, the authors present various cognitive and environmental factors that not only contribute to this process, but also interact with each other to a certain degree, leading to a variable exposure time requirement in order for the process of spatial knowledge acquisition (SKA) to occur. The cognitive factors that the authors discuss include a variety of individual user differences such as: knowledge and experience; cognitive gender differences; aptitude and spatial orientation skill; and finally, cognitive styles. Environmental factors discussed include: Size, Spatial layout complexity and landmark distribution. It may seem obvious that since every individual's brain is unique - not only through experience, but also through genetic predisposition that a one size fits all approach to training would be illogical. Furthermore, considering that various cognitive differences may further emerge when a certain stimulus is present (e.g. complex environmental space), it would make even more sense to understand how these factors can impact spatial memory, and to try to adapt the training session by providing visual/auditory cues as well as by changing the exposure time requirements for each individual. The impact of this research domain is important to VE training in general, however within service and military domains, guaranteeing appropriate spatial training is critical in order to ensure that disorientation does not occur in a life or death scenario.


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J.A. Ferreira Neto, E.C. Santos Junior, U. Fra Paleo, D. Miranda Barros, and M.C.O. Moreira. 2011. Optimal subdivision of land in agrarian reform projects: an analysis using genetic algorithms. Cien. Inv. Agr. 38(2): 169-178. The objective of this manuscript is to develop a new procedure to achieve optimal land subdivision using genetic algorithms (GA). The genetic algorithm was tested in the rural settlement of Veredas, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This implementation was based on the land aptitude and its productivity index. The sequence of tests in the study was carried out in two areas with eight different agricultural aptitude classes, including one area of 391.88 ha subdivided into 12 lots and another of 404.1763 ha subdivided into 14 lots. The effectiveness of the method was measured using the shunting line standard value of a parceled area lot`s productivity index. To evaluate each parameter, a sequence of 15 calculations was performed to record the best individual fitness average (MMI) found for each parameter variation. The best parameter combination found in testing and used to generate the new parceling with the GA was the following: 320 as the generation number, a population of 40 individuals, 0.8 mutation tax, and a 0.3 renewal tax. The solution generated rather homogeneous lots in terms of productive capacity.


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This paper contends that the arts provide a foundation for the intensifying effort that leadership, creative aptitude and expertise are making to existing and emerging professions. Participation in arts-based (school and/or community) programs 'have proven to be educational, developmentally rich, and cost-effective ways to provide students the skills they need to be productive participants in today's economy' (Psilos, 2002, p. 2). In particular, this paper explores the relationship between leadership development in young people through their engagement with arts education experiences, specifically the capacity of the arts to develop the generic skills of communication, team work, problem-solving and creative interpretation-skills considered essential for productive participation in today's economy and skills that augment leadership potential.


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The problem of semantics is inherent in any discussion of ethics. The general term "ethics" is itself commonly confused. In addition, systems of ethics must be built upon assumptions, and assumptions are necessarily subject to lengthy debate. These two problems are encountered in my investigation of the ethical practices of the modern business community and to remedy the situation I have taken two steps: the first being an attempt to clarify the meaning of terms used therein;-and the second being a clear description of the assumptions utilized to further my analysis. To satisfy those who would disagree with these assumptions, I have attempted to outline the consequences of differing premises. The first assumption in my discussion is that the capitalistic economy is powered by the motivation supplied by man's self-interest. We are conditioned to basing our courses of action upon an orientation toward gratifying this self-interest. Careers are chosen by blending aptitude, interest, and remuneration. of course, some people are less materially inclined than others, but the average member of our capitalistic society is concerned with the physical rewards derived from his employment. Status and happiness are all-important considerations in pursuing a chosen course of action, yet all too often they are measured in physical terms. The normal self-interest natural to mankind is heightened in capitalism, due to the emphasis placed upon material compensation. Our thinking becomes mechanistic as life devolves into a complex game played by the rules. We are accustomed to performing meaningless or unpleasant duties to fulfill our gratifications. Thought, consequently, interferes with the completion of our everyday routines. We learn quickly not to be outspoken, as the outspoken one threatens the security of his fellow man. The majority of the people are quite willing to accept others views on morality, and indeed this is the sensible thing to do as one does not risk his own neck. The unfortunate consequence of this situation has been the substitution of the legal and jural for the moral and ethical. Our actions are guided by legal considerations and nowhere has this been more evident than in the business community. The large legal departments of modern corporations devote full time to inspecting the legality of corporate actions. The business community has become preoccupied with the law, yet this is necessarily so. Complex, modern, capitalistic society demands an elaborate framework of rules and regulations. Without this framework it would be impossible to have an orderly economy, to say nothing of protecting the best interests of the people. However, the inherent complexities, contradictions, and sometimes unfair aspects of our legal system can tempt men to take things into their own hands. From time to time cases arise where men have broken laws while acting in good faith, and other cases where men have been extremely unethical without being illegal. Examples such as these foster the growth of cynicism, and generally create an antagonistic attitude toward the law on the part of business. My second assumption is that the public, on the whole, has adopted an apathetic attitude toward business morality. when faced with an ethical problem, far too many people choose to cynically assume that, if I don't do it someone else will. "The danger of such an assumption lies in that it eliminates many of the inhibitions that normally would preclude unethical action. The preventative factor in contemplating an unethical act not only lies in it going against the "right course of action", but also in that it would display the actor as one of the few, immoral practitioners. However, if the contemplator feels that many other people follow the same course of action, he would not feel himself to be so conspicuous. These two assumptions underly my entire discussion of modern business ethics., and in my judgment are the two most important causal factors in unethical acts perpetrated by the business community. The future elimination of these factors seems improbable, if not futile, yet there is no reason to consider things worse than they ever have been before. The heightened public interest in business morality undoubtedly lies in part in the fact that examples of corporate malpractice are of such magnitude in scope, and hence more newsworthy.


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This paper presents research into the attitudes and behaviours of students using wikis for individual writing tasks. The wiki-based assignment differs from the use of wikis normally researched because it was an individual task, not involving collaborative writing. This activity provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about how wikis are actually used by students in higher education. The research finds there is no compelling evidence that the wiki on its own improves performance over and above the general aptitude of students. It also finds that students generally did not utilise the wikis for high-intensity editing and revision. However, students did report that the wiki was valuable as a way of aiding them to review and develop their ideas. We conclude that using wikis for individual writing tasks can, where appropriate active instructions are given to support development of cognitive abilities, lead to improved outcomes for students.