631 resultados para Anthropology of marketing


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As many strategically important aspects of marketing are addressed by other functions in the organization, the decreased influence of the marketing department within companies is a topic of growing debate. In this study, the authors investigate this diminished influence and assess its determinants and consequences. They interviewed 25 marketing and finance executives from leading Dutch firms. They also conducted a large-scale Internet-based survey of several hundred marketing, finance, and general managers. Their results show that accountability and the innovativeness of the marketing department are the major drivers of the marketing department’s influence. They also demonstrate that a firm’s short-term orientation is negatively related to the influence of the marketing department. Marketing influence is positively related to market orientation, which is positively related to firm performance. Their results do not support prior findings of a direct positive link between marketing influence and firm performance, which might suggest that there is no need for a strong marketing department. The study suggests that an influential marketing department is relevant primarily when the firm is not market oriented. When firms are market oriented, a less influential marketing department does not lower their performance. Hence, it appears that they can choose to have an influential or noninfluential marketing department without any repercussions for their performance. Marketing activities could move to other functions. The authors suggest that marketing departments should aim to retain their influence. Dispersing marketing decision making among many functions can cause a lack of coordination; customers also lose their advocate within the firm. How can marketing departments regain their influence? The authors suggest two general solutions. First, marketing departments should become more accountable by linking marketing actions and policies with financial results. Marketers should become capable in analytics and finance. Second, they should become more innovative by increasing their share in new product or service concepts. They can do so by using their knowledge of the market and customers to contribute to new product or service development.


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Grounded in configuration theory, this study investigates the notion of co-alignment of business orientation, marketing assets and marketing capabilities, and their relationships to performance. Using these criteria, profiles of high performing businesses were derived and assessed against a three country sample of Brazil, China and the UK. Findings are consistent, statistically significant and invariant across the sample. They show that businesses with ideal profiles significantly outperform competitors in terms of market-based performance, customer satisfaction, and financial performance. Furthermore, profiles of top performing organizations are similar across countries with respect to their orientations, assets, and capabilities. Only customer-based assets, network capabilities, and customer and shareholder orientations were different. Implications and future research directions are subsequently addressed.


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The firm is becoming more and more inclusive in its conception. And yet, marketing studies point to the same overwhelming conclusion that marketing, marketing departments and marketers are being increasingly 'pushed out' - excluded. We argue that where and when inclusion-exclusion intersect in the practice of strategic marketing is important, not least because their powerful boundary-setting and spanning roles have a determinant effect on the places and spaces, within which marketing strategists are (counter-) mobilized. This paper provides new insights relating to the contradictory forces existing around inclusion-exclusion in corporate strategizing. A further aim is to present the position of marketing (non-) influence within this context. The paper provides a unique theoretical contribution by illustrating some of the contradictions, struggles and activities that make the theoretical shift towards strategic inclusivity unstable, partial and by no means inevitable. A further contribution is a linking of this broader strategic debate, with anxieties over the influence of marketing in corporate strategizing. This leads to a discussion of the various ways that marketing research can sooth the anxiety of influence on multiple fronts via: understanding agency and strategic action; shaping marketing curriculum development; and, reconsidering the spatial dimensions of marketing influence. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.


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Special Issue on Integrating marketing and operations for business sustainability


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Marketing and technological capabilities are major drivers of new product performance. Prior research has suggested that marketing capabilities outperform technological capabilities. This study shows that the relative advantage of marketing over technological capabilities for new product performance depends on the institutional context in a country. Meta-analytic data of 341 effect sizes of the relationship between capabilities and new product performance taken from 50 articles with 57 independent samples and collected in 17 different countries reveal new contingencies to the capabilities framework. Although in general, marketing capabilities have a stronger influence than technological capabilities on new product performance, this effect is moderated by institutional context factors. The relative advantage decreases and even reverses with increasing growth rates; it further decreases with increasingly stronger rules of law in a country; and it increases in societies that put emphasis on self-expression values over survival values. These findings contribute to research on the utility of different capabilities, inform the institution-based view of firms in international marketing, and provide implications for international marketing managers.


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In the new product innovation management literature a lot of empirical studies have supported the importance of marketing orientation as a key success factor of new products. The purpose of this paper is to examine on a Hungarian sample if there is a connection between marketing oriented product development and new product performance. Firms were clustered into two product performance categories. ANOVA analysis showed significant correlation between R&D/marketing interface and new product performance, while variables associated with costumer orientation were not significant. The study was based on data “In Global Competition 2004 – 2006” survey. This paper was presented at the INCODE conference (INCODE, 2008). = Számos felmérés bizonyítja, hogy az új termékek sikerét nagyban elősegíti a marketing orientált fejlesztési gyakorlat. A „Versenyben a világgal 2004-2006” felmérés adatbázisán ennek relevanciáját vizsgáltuk. A vonatkozó szakirodalomból kiindulva, a felmérés kérdőívéből kiválasztottuk azokat a változókat, amelyekkel a marketing orientált termékfejlesztés leginkább jellemezhető. Öt változóval írtuk le a fogyasztó orientációt, míg egy változónk volt a K+F/marketing együttműködésre. Eredményeink szerint azok a vállalatok, amelyeknél a K+F és a marketing részlegek szorosan együttműködnek, jobb termékfejlesztési teljesítményt érnek el. Ugyanakkor a fogyasztó orientáció és a termékfejlesztési teljesítmény között nem találtunk szignifikáns kapcsolatot. A tanulmány megjelent a pécsi INCODE konferencia kötetében (INCODE, 2008).


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A tanulmány a marketing-erőforrások és a vállalatok versenyképessége közötti összefüggéseket elemzi és hasonlítja össze az öt évvel korábbi felmérés eredményeivel. A háromszáz hazai vállalatra kiterjedő kutatás során a szerzők azt állapították meg, hogy a vizsgált marketing-erőforrások mindegyike hatással van a vállalati teljesítményre. Ez annyiban jelent változást az öt évvel korábbi eredményekhez képest, hogy akkor a marketingképességek szerepe még nem volt egyértelmű. Az elemzés során kimutatták, hogy a vállalatok által birtokolt marketing-erőforrások hasonló struktúrát mutatnak, mint korábban. Ezek közül kiemelkedik a marketingfunkcióhoz leginkább köthető piacszervezési dimenzió, amely a legszorosabb összefüggést mutatja a versenyképességgel. A vizsgált vállalatok egy kis csoportjának (12%) sikerült a versenyképes termékkínálat és árak fenntartása mellett e képesség kifejlesztésében és birtoklásában előre lépniük. Körükben a sikeres vállalatok aránya kiemelkedő. / === / The study aimed to analyse the association between marketing resources and corporate competitiveness and it compared the results to the ones of a similar research conducted five years before. Based on the survey of 300 domestic organisations the authors found that all the marketing resources investigated have a significant effect on marketing performance. These results differ from the previous ones only in terms of marketing capabilities, as their role was ambiguous at that time. They revealed the same structure of marketing resources owned by the companies as last time. Among them the most marketing related resource-dimension called market management excels regarding the strength of the association with competitiveness. A small group of the companies investigated (12%) managed to advance in development and possession of this dimension of marketing resources whilst maintaining competitive product supply and price. The proportion of successful companies among them is highly significant


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A tanulmány a marketing szerteágazó területei és a vállalatok versenyképessége közötti összefüggéseket kereste és hasonlította össze az öt évvel ezelőtti felmérés eredményeivel. Az elemzés így kitért arra, hogy a vezetők hogyan észlelik a marketing szerepét a vállalati eredményesség szempontjából, hogyan hatnak a teljesítményre a termék- és márkázási döntések, a szolgáltatások menedzselése, valamint a reklámtevékenység. A kutatás érinti a marketing szervezeti megjelenését és a többi vállalati funkciókkal megfigyelhető kapcsolatát, majd az erőforrás-elmélet megközelítését felhasználva elemezte a marketing eszközök és képességek versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását. Az eredmények alapján azt állapíthatjuk meg, hogy a marketing gyakorlata számos ponton kapcsolódik a vállalati teljesítményhez, azonban előtérbe kerülnek azok a marketing jellegű képességek, amely a vállalat marketing rendszerének működtetéséhez, nyomon követéséhez és megújításához szükségesek. ____ The study aimed to reveal the association between the widespread functions of marketing and corporate competitiveness and it compared the results to the ones of the similar survey research conducted five years before. The analysis concerns the perceived role of marketing in the success companies and how product and brand decisions, the management of services or advertising practices can influence the performance of companies. The organisational representation of marketing and the relationship with other corporate functions were also investigated. Finally, the study implemented the approach of resource-based theory to determine the effects of marketing assets and capabilities on competitiveness. Based on the results we can conclude that several connections can be determined between marketing and corporate performance but the role of marketing related capabilities that are necessary for managing, tracing and developing marketing systems is increasing.


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A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Versenyképességkutató Központjának 2004-ben lekérdezett kérdőíve alapján, ami 154 feldolgozóipari vállalat adatait tartalmazza, azt vizsgáljuk, hogy az ellátási lánc három lényeges vállalati funkciója, a marketing, a termelés és a logisztika milyen mértékben járul hozzá az üzleti eredményességhez. Az eredmények szerint a marketingnek és a termelésnek erősebb hatása van a vállalati teljesítményre, mint a logisztikának. A három funkció együttesen csekély, bár statisztikai értelemben szignifikáns szerepet játszik az üzleti sikerben. _____ Companies are complex organizations where a lot of activities and processes have to work properly in order to reach success. Depending on several factors, sometimes some activities get more emphasis while others work in the background. Since organizational functions have separate literature and practical knowledge, and transit between them is rare, we do have very little knowledge on how the various functions together contribute to company success. Based on a wide-scale empirical study on Hungarian competitiveness, which includes data on 154 companies from the process industry, we examine to what extent three functions of the supply chain, marketing, manufacturing and logistics, can contribute to business success. Results show that marketing and manufacturing have larger effect on company performance than logistics. However, the three functions together play a minor, although significant role in company success.


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The objective of this article is to analyse the marketing practice of Hungarian companies. On the one hand, the role of marketing function in the company has been revealed, and on the other hand the relationship between marketing efforts and market performance has been investigated. In frame of the Hungarian Competitiveness Studies, 300 marketing executives were surveyed to rate the marketing practice of their companies, concentrating on branding, pricing policy, applied marketing channels and promotional activities. The results confirm that sophisticated marketing practice leads to higher business performance. Keywords: marketing tools, competitiveness, performance


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A vállalati marketing pénzügyi teljesítményre, különösen részvényesi értékre gyakorolt hatásának kimutatása mind fontosabbá válik a marketingráfordítások nagyságának növekedésével, valamint annak felismerésével, hogy a részvényesek számára vevői érték nélkül nem lehet hosszú távon értéket biztosítani, azonban kedvező piaci eredményekkel sem feltétlenül valósul meg a pénzügyi teljesítmény növekedése. A szerzők tanulmányukban a marketingeszközök és -tevékenységek részvényesi értékre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálják, rámutatnak arra, hogy milyen módon befolyásolhatják a részvényeseket megillető szabad pénzáramot, a tulajdonosi megtérülést, a stratégiai tervezési időhorizontot és a végértéket. A marketing néhány lehetséges negatív hatását is kiemelik. Ezt követően felvázolják a marketingjellegű beruházások reálopciós karakterisztikáit, valamint játékelméleti összefüggéseit dinamikusan változó környezetben. ________ Proving the effect of corporate marketing on financial performance, especially on shareholder value, becomes more and more important as marketing expenditures increase. Furthermore by the recognition that for shareholders without customer value it is not possible to provide value in the long run, however, neither good market results can assure the growth of financial performance. In this paper the authors examine the effect of marketing assets and activities on shareholder value, they point out how these can influence free cash flow to equity, shareholder return, strategic planning time period and terminal value. They emphasize also some possible negative effects of marketing. The authors outline the real optional characteristics of marketing investments and their game theoretical relations in dynamic environment.


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In his dialogue titled - Overcoming The Impotency Of Marketing - K. Michael Haywood, Assistant Professor, School of Hotel and Food Administration, University of Guelph, originally reveals: “Many accommodation businesses have discovered that their marketing activities are becoming increasingly impotent. To overcome this evolutionary stage in the life cycle of marketing, this article outlines six principles that will re-establish marketing's vitality.” “The opinion of general managers and senior marketing, financial, and food and beverage managers is that the marketing is not producing the results it once did and is not working as it should,” Haywood advises. Haywood points to price as the primary component hospitality managers use to favor/adjust their marketability. Although this is an effective tool, the practice can also erode profitability and margin he says. Haywood also points at recession as a major factor in exposing the failures of marketing plans. He adds that the hotel manager cannot afford to let this rationale go unchallenged; managers must take measures to mitigate circumstances that they might not have any control over. Managers must attempt to maintain profitability. “In many hotels, large corporate accounts or convention business generates a significant proportion of occupancy. Often these big buyers dictate their terms to the hotels, especially the price they are prepared to pay and the service they expect,” Haywood warns. This dynamic is just another significant pitfall that challenges marketing strategy. The savvy marketing technician must be aware of changes that occur in his or her marketplace, Haywood stresses. He offers three specific, real changes, which should be responded to. “To cope with the problems and uncertainties of the hotel business during the remainder of the decade, six components need to be developed if marketing impotency is to be overcome,” says Haywood in outlining his six-step approach to the problem. Additionally, forward thinking cannot be over-emphasized. “A high market share is helpful in general, but an even more crucial factor is careful consideration of the market sectors in which the company wants to operate,” your author advises. “Taking tactical initiatives is essential. Successful hotels act; unsuccessful ones react. The less successful marketing operations tend to be a hive of frantic activity. Fire-fighting is the normal way of life in such organizations, Haywood observes. “By contrast, successful firms plan and execute their tactical marketing activity with careful timing and precision so as to create the maximum impact,” he extends in describing his fruitful marketing arabesque.


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The concepts of social entrepreneurship and social enterprises have been extensively discussed in the previous two decades, yet the topic is still not matured yet. Most of the available literature is focused on defining these terms. Similarly, limited number of authors has discussed the marketing function of these enterprises or how marketing is interpreted in social entrepreneurship models. However, there is a plethora of literature on marketing entailing many different theories, amongst which the newest one is the “market orientation concept”. Market orientation is a mix of customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination suggesting marketing to be a part of the business philosophy. This study focuses on the marketing and market orientation of social enterprises while giving an overview of the literature of marketing and market orientation in social enterprises. This study aims to provide two basic questions, 1) what is the literature on marketing and market orientation of social enterprises while explaining the literature of social enterprises in Pakistan and 2) how these concepts are interpreted in social enterprises in Pakistani market. Key features of research methodology include case study approach while conducting thematic analysis using thematic networks. The results indicate that only a limited number of authors have discussed market orientation concept in social enterprises. The results from the interview data indicate the usage of marketing by a firm unconsciously without a specific marketing department. In addition to that, it has been found that in social enterprise world competition is tackled through a win-win approach with a view that many enterprises working for society improve the society which is the basic mission of any social enterprise. The data also showed that in Pakistani market, social enterprise concept is not legally used yet, which allows for more room for innovation. This study intends to give a new perspective to the theorists to use market orientation concept in social enterprises and also to managers to use marketing as their business philosophy in order to satisfy the stakeholders for better delivery of their businesses and as well for social good.