977 resultados para Anastasius I, Emperor of the East, ca. 430-518.


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Phase relations in the system Ca-Ti-O have been established by equilibration of several samples at 1200 K for prolonged periods and identification of phases in quenched samples by optical and scanning electron microscopy, XRD and EDS. Samples representing 20 compositions in the ternary system were analyzed. There was negligible solid solubility of Ca in the phases along the binary Ti-O, and of Ti in CaO. Four ternary oxides were identified: CaTiO3, Ca4Ti3O10 and Ca3Ti2O7 containing tetravalent titanium, and CaTi2O4 containing trivalent titanium. Tie-lines link calcium titanite (CaTi2O4) with the three calcium titanates (CaTiO3, Ca4Ti3O10 and Ca3Ti2O7), CaO, oxygen excess TiO1+delta and stoichiometric TiO. Tie-lines connect CaTiO3 with TiO2-x, Magneli phases TinO2n-1 (28 >= n >= 4), Ti3O5, Ti2O3 and TiO1+delta. CaO was found to coexist with TiO, and Ti-O solid solutions alpha and beta. The phase diagram is useful for understanding the mechanisms and kinetics of direct calciothermic reduction of TiO2 to metal and electrochemical reduction of TiO2 using graphite anode and molten CaCl2 electrolyte.


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Oxides with different cation ratios 2122, 2212, 2213 and 2223 in the Ti-Ca-Ba-Cu-O system exhibit onset of superconductivity in the 110–125 K range with zero-resistance in the 95–105 K range. Electron microscopic studies show dislocations, layered morphology and other interesting features. These oxides absorb electromagnetic radiation (9.11 GHz) in the superconducting phase.


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Joan Nieuhoff, viajante alemão, nasceu em Usen, Vesfália, em 1618, e morreu em Madagascar, em 1672. Trabalhou na Companhia das Índias Orientais, foi nomeado agente em Batávia, em 1654. Em 1655, foi à China tratar da abertura dos portos daquele país ao comércio holandês. Governou o Ceilão de 1662 a 1667. Em 1672, desembarcando em Madagascar, foi morto pelos nativos.


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ENGLISH: 1. Quantitative phytoplankton samples were collected by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission at the surface and ten meters in the Gulf of Panama, as follows: a) 18-21 March, 1958 (31 stations)-during the height of the upwelling season, b) 10-12 July, 1957 (10 stations)-during the transition to the rainy season at a time when mild upwelling winds reappear, c) 7-8 November, 1957 (15 stations)-during the height of the rainy season. 2. Maximum phytoplankton populations occurred during the upwelling season, followed by a considerable decline during July, and a further Subsidence during November. 3. A remarkable regional uniformity in species composition was observed during the surveys despite regional differences in growth conditions. Diatoms overwhelmingly dominated the communities. 4. During all surveys, the innermost regions, generally north of 8°30'N, were the most productive. The least productive areas were in the offing of San Miguel Bay and Parita Bay, suggesting that nutrient accretion via runoff is inadequate to sustain sizeable autotrophic plant populations in those regions. 5. During all surveys, phytoplankton growth appeared to be limited by nutrient availability. 6. During all surveys, phytoplankton growth appeared to be related to depth of the water column. 7. Although below average rainfall contributed to unusually favorable growth conditions (reduced stability, increased transparency and, presumably, nutrient reserves) during the November survey relative to November 1955 and 1956 at 8°45'N, 79°23'W, the anticipated heightened phytoplankton response was not observed. 8. During the November survey, the local diatom responses and their regional fluctuations could be satisfactorily related to the accompanying surface salinity conditions. However, this correspondence is undoubtedly attributable to factors associated with the observed salinity levels, probably nutrients, rather than salinity directly. 9. Unusually warm conditions occurred during the March survey, attributable to considerably weaker upwelling winds than normally occurring then, which contributed to a considerably lower standing crop and a retardation in succession of three to five weeks relative to that observed during 1955-1957 at 8°45'N, 79°23'W in the Gulf of Panama. 10. During the March survey, a well defined inverse relationship existed between mean temperature and mean diatom abundance in the upper ten meters, and between transparency and mean diatom abundance. A direct relationship occurred between surface salinity and mean diatom abundance in the upper ten meters. These relationships are interpreted to indicate that diatom abundance primarily reflected the nutrient concentrations associated with a given upwelling intensity, rather than describing casual relationships. 11. The survey results indicate that the phytoplankton dynamics observed at 8°45'N, 79°23'W from November, 1954 through May, 1957 are generally representative of the Gulf of Panama. 12. The following new forms, to be described in a later publication, were observed during the surveys: Actinoptychus undulatus f. catenata n.f., Asterionella japonica f. tropicum n.f., Leptocylindrus maximus n. sp., Skeletonema costatum f. tropicum n.f. SPANISH: 1. La Comisión Interamericana del Atun Tropical recolectó en el Golfo de Panama muestras cuantitativas de fitoplancton en la superficie y a los diez metros, como sigue: a) Del 18 al 21 de marzo de 1958 (31 estaciones)-durante el maximum de la estación de afloramiento. b) Del 10 al 12 de julio de 1957 (10 estaciones)-durante la epóca de transición a la estación lluviosa cuando reaparecen los vientos ligeros que causan el afloramiento. c) Del 7 al 8 de noviembre de 1957 (15 estaciones)-durante el maximum de la estación lluviosa. 2. Las poblaciones maximas de fitoplancton aparecieron durante la estación de afloramiento, seguido por una considerable disminución durante el mes de julio y una calma durante noviembre. 3. Durante la investigación se observó una remarcable uniformidad regional en la composición de las especies a pesar de las diferencias regionales en las condiciones de crecimiento. Las diatomeas predominaban en gran numero en las comunidades. 4. Durante todas las investigaciones, las regiones mas cerca de la costa, generalmente al norte de los 8°30'N, eran las mas productivas. Las areas menos productivas fueron las mar afuera de las Bahias de San Miguel y Parita, lo que sugiere que el aumento en las sales nutritivas causado por las escorrentias es inadecuado para sostener poblaciones grandes de plantas autotróficas en estas regiones. 5. Durante todas las investigaciones, el crecimiento del fitoplancton parecio estar limitado por la disponibilidad de las. sales nutritivas. 6. Durante todas las investigaciones el crecimiento del fitoplancton parecio estar relacionado con la profundidad de la columna de agua. 7. Aunque las precipitacion por debajo del promedio normal contribuyo a condiciones desusadamente favorables de crecimiento (estabilidad reducida, aumento de la transparencia y, presumiblemente, de la reserva de sales nutritivas) durante la investigación de noviembre en relación a noviembre de 1955 y de 1956 en los 8°45'N, 79°23'W, no se observo-la alta reacción de fitoplancton que se esperaba. 8. Durante la investigación de noviembre, las reacciones locales de las diatomeas y sus fluctuaciones regionales pudieron relacionarse en forma satisfactoria con condiciones asociadas con la salinidad de la superficie. Sin embargo, esta correspondencia puede atribuirse sin duda a factores asociados con los niveles observados de salinidad, probablemente con las sales nutritivas, en lugar de directamente con la salinidad. 9. Condiciones calurosas no comunes ocurrieron durante la investigación de marzo, las que pueden atribuirse a que los vientos que ocasionan el afloramiento fueran mas debiles que los normales, lo que contribuyó a que la cosecha estable fuera considerablemente mas baja y a la demora de tres a cinco semanas en la sucecion relativa a la que se observó durante 1955-1957 en los 8°45'N, 8°23'W, en el Golfo de Panama. 10. Durante la investigación de marzo, existió una relación inversa bien definida entre la temperatura y la abundancia media de las diatomeas en los diez metros superiores, y entre la transparencia y la abundancia media de las diatomeas. Una relación directa ocurrio entre la salinidad de superficie y la abundancia media de las diatomeas en los diez metros superiores. Estas relaciones se interpretan como indicadoras de que la abundancia de diatomeas refleja primeramente las concentraciones de las sales nutritivas asociadas con una intensidad de afloramiento dada, en lugar de describir relaciones causales. 11. Los resultados de la investigacion indican que la dinamica del fitoplancton observada en los 8°45'N, 79°23'W, desde noviembre de 1954 a mayo de 1957, es generalmente representativa del Golfo de Panama. 12. Durante las investigaciones se observaron las siguientes formas nuevas, las que seran descritas en una publicación posterior: Actinoptychus undulatus f. catenata n.f., Asterionella japonica f. tropicum n.f., Leptocylindrus maximus n. sp., Skeletonema costatum f. tropicum n.f.


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The Lake Elsinore quadrangle covers about 250 square miles and includes parts of the southwest margin of the Perris Block, the Elsinore trough, the southeastern end of the Santa Ana Mountains, and the Elsinore Mountains.

The oldest rocks consist of an assemblage of metamorphics of igneous effusive and sedimentary origin, probably, for the most part, of Triassic age. They are intruded by diorite and various hypabyssal rocks, then in turn by granitic rocks, which occupy over 40 percent of the area. Following this last igneous activity of probable Lower Cretaceous age, an extended period of sedimentation started with the deposition of the marine Upper Cretaceous Chico formation and continued during the Paloecene under alternating marine and continental conditions on the margins of the blocks. A marine regression towards the north, during the Neocene, accounts for the younger Tertiary strata in the region under consideration.

Outpouring of basalts to the southeast indicates that igneous activity was resumed toward the close of the Tertiary. The fault zone, which characterizes the Elsinor trough, marks one of the major tectonic lines of southem California. It separates the upthrown and tilted block of the Santa Ana Mountains to the south from the Perris Block to the north.

Most of the faults are normal in type and nearly parallel to the general trend of the trough, or intersect each other at an acute angle. Vertical displacements generally exceed the horizontal ones and several periods of activity are recognized.

Tilting of Tertiary and older Quaternary sediments in the trough have produced broad synclinal structures which have been modified by subsequent faulting.

Five old surfaces of erosion are exposed on the highlands.

The mineral resources of the region are mainly high-grade clay deposits and mineral waters.


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Part I

These studies investigate the potential of single and double treatments with either 5-fluorodeoxyuridine of excess thymidine to induce cell division synchrony in suspension cultures of HeLa cells. The patterns of nucleic acid synthesis and cell proliferation have been analyzed in cultures thus synchronized. Several changes in cell population during long incubation with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine or excess thymidine are also described. These results are subjected to detailed evaluation in terms of the degree and quality of synchrony finally achieved.

Part II

Histones and non-histone proteins associated with interphase and metaphase chromosomes of HeLa cells have been qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Histones were fractionated by chromatography on Amberlite CG-50 and further characterized by analytical disc electrophoresis and amino acid analysis of each chromatographic fraction. It is concluded that histones of HeLa cells are comprised of only a small number of major components and that these components are homologous to those of other higher organisms. Of all the histones, arginine-rich histone III alone contains cysteine and can polymerize through formation of intermolecular disulfide bridges between histone III monomers.

A detailed comparison by chromatography and disc electrophoresis established that interphase and metaphase histones are made up of similar components. However, certain quantitative differences in proportions of different histones of interphase and metaphase cells are reported. Indirect evidence indicates that a certain proportion of metaphase histone III is polymerized through intermolecular disulfide links, whereas interphase histone III occurs mainly in the monomeric form.

Metaphase chromosomes are associated with an additional acid-soluble protein fraction which is absent from interphase chromosomes. All of these additional acid-soluble proteins of metaphase chromosomes are shown to be non-histones and it is concluded that the histone/DNA ratio is identical in interphase and metaphase chromosomes. The bulk of acid-soluble non-histone proteins of metaphase chromosomes were found to be polymerized through disulfide bridges; corresponding interphase non-histone proteins displayed no evidence of similar polymerization.

The factors responsible for the condensed configuration and metabolic inactivity of metaphase chromosomes are discussed in light of these findings.

The relationship between histone and DNA synthesis in nondividing differentiated chicken erythrocyte cells and in rapidly dividing undifferentiated HeLa cells is also investigated. Of all the histones, only arginine-rich histones are synthesized in mature erythrocytes. Histone synthesis in HeLa cells was studied in both unsynchronized and synchronized cultures. In HeLa cells, only part of the synthesis of all histone fractions is dependent on concurrent DNA synthesis, whereas all histones are synthesized in varying degrees even in the absence of DNA synthesis.


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We have reviewed the phytoplankton composition and succession in the East African Great Lakes, their response to environmental changes, and the communities of microorganisms of the microbial food web. Recent studies in some great lakes, as well as progress in understanding phytoplankton succession and response to environmental factors, enable us to update knowledge of the phytoplankton ecology of these lakes. In particular, we present information indicating that phytoplankton composition in lakes Tanganyika and Kivu may reflect recent changes as a result of global warming or species introduction. We also stress the importance of microbes (at the base of the food web) in these systems and suggest that the microbial food web, which has been mostly overlooked until recently, may play a very large role in determining productivity and nutrient cycling in these large lakes.


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Continuous research on the freshwater fisheries industry in East Africa, in common with most other African countries, did not commence until the end of the Second World War in 1945. Before the war some work on the fishes and hydrobiology of the lakes of East Africa had been undertaken by a series of scientific expeditions, which were sent out from Europe, between the years 1896 and 1939. These expeditions usually lasted for only a few months, and the collected data were published by young graduates and undergraduates, including such people as Mr. L. C. Beadle, (lately Professor Beadle of Makerere), Mr. V. E. Fuchs (now Sir Vivian Fuchs) and Mr. E. B. Worthington of Gonville and Caius College,Cambridge. Later. Dr. Worthington became Scientific Secretary to the Scientific Council for Africa, Scientific Secretary to the East African High Commission, and played a very large part in the furtherance of fisheries research and management in East Africa.


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In June, 1961, discussions were held in London to consider the future of the East Africa High Commission Services. It was agreed that the functions of the East Africa High Commission, with the exception of Defence, should be transfered to the East African Common Services Organization, which was subsequently established on 9th December, 1961, on the achievement of independence by Tanganyika. The Common Services Organization is controlled by an Authority, consisting of the principal elected Minister in each of the East African territories, which is responsible for the overall policy and direction of the Organization. The Authority is assisted by four Ministerial Committees, of which one is responsible for the Social and Research Services of the Organization


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The prehistoric peopling of East Asia by modern humans remains controversial with respect to early population migrations. Here, we present a systematic sampling and genetic screening of an East Asian-specific Y-chromosome haplogroup (O3-M122) in 2,332 individuals from diverse East Asian populations. Our results indicate that the O3-M122 lineage is dominant in East Asian populations, with an average frequency of 44.3%. The microsatellite data show that the O3-M122 haplotypes in southern East Asia are more diverse than those in northern East Asia, suggesting a southern origin of the O3-M122 mutation. It was estimated that the early northward migration of the O3-M122 lineages in East Asia occurred similar to 25,000-30,000 years ago, consistent with the fossil records of modern humans in East Asia.


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The annual report present activities carried out by the different organizations that make up the East African Agricultural & Fisheries Research Council which included: 1. Report of the East African Agriculture & Forestry Research Organization 2. Report of the East African Veterinary Research Organization 3. Report of the East African Fishery Research Organization 4. Report of the East African Marine Fisheries Research Organization The activities reported are for the period 1954-55.


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The annual report present activities carried out by the different organizations that make up the East African Agricultural & Fisheries Research Council which included: 1. Report of the East African Agriculture & Forestry Research Organization 2. Report of the East African Veterinary Research Organization 3. Report of the East African Fishery Research Organization 4. Report of the East African Marine Fisheries Research Organization and 5. Report of the East African Trypanosomiasis Research Organisation. The activities reported are for the period 1955-56.


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The Botiinae have traditionally represented a subfamily of the Cobitidae. At present, the classification and phylogenetic relationships of the Botiinae are controversial. To address systematic and phylogenetic questions concerning this group, we sequenced the complete cytochrome b gene from 34 samples, of which 24 represented 13 species of the East Asian botiine fishes, while the other 10 were non-botiine loach species. For the 1140 bp sequences determined, 494 sites were variable ones, of which 424 were parsimony informative. With Myxocyprinus asiaticus as an outgroup, molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using the neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. All molecular phylogenetic trees revealed that botiine fishes form a monophyletic group and are distantly related to other loaches, suggesting that the Botiinae should be placed in their own family. Within the Botiinae, there are three genera; Botia, Parabotia, and Leptobotia, each genus forming a monophyletic group, with the genus Botia as the most ancestral split. Our molecular results are in agreement with morphological analyses of botiines, suggesting that Botia is the ancestral genus, while Leptobotia and Parabotia were resolved as more derived sister groups.