998 resultados para Análise de envoltória de dados
É certo afirmar que muitas das organizações têm buscado aperfeiçoar seus processos, melhorar seu desempenho, ampliar seus mercados e principalmente medir seus resultados. O mercado postal, que teve como berço o setor estatal, diante das inúmeras transformações tecnológicas e o processo de globalização, tem conduzido as empresas que exploram o setor a se debaterem na busca de aperfeiçoamento das avaliações de seus desempenhos. As empresas postais do mundo inteiro têm procurado métodos capazes de dar sustentação às suas práticas para garantia e ampliação de seus mercados. A Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos – ECT, criada em 1969, configurada com muitas lojas similares em todo o Brasil, que prestam e comercializam um conjunto de produtos e serviços semelhantes, mas que utilizam recursos diversos em intensidade diferente, possui sua atual avaliação de desempenho das lojas centrada em um único fator econômico financeiro, denominado índice de receitas e despesas – R/D. Esse índice não considera fatores que estão sendo utilizados pelas lojas, fora da visão financeira. Nesse ponto, considerada a importância e relevância do tema, é que surge a proposta de avaliar um conjunto de lojas da ECT do Rio Grande do Sul, através de modelagem matemática, utilizando uma técnica denominada data envelopment analysis – DEA (em português, análise envoltória de dados), que possibilita a inclusão de outras variáveis fora da visão econômica. Este trabalho tem como objetivos: (1) definir que variáveis podem ser utilizadas para a avaliação das lojas; (2) definir um conjunto de lojas similares, que executam as mesmas funções e que se diferenciam somente na intensidade da utilização dos recursos; (3) gerar, através da técnica, os resultados que podem ser obtidos a partir dos fatores quantitativos definidos e realizar análise de sensibilidades e (4) propiciar aos administradores um referencial para apoio à decisão. Espera-se que através da utilização da técnica seja possível: (1) identificar fatores que sejam usados de forma distinta nas lojas; (2) identificar que práticas estão sendo utilizadas pelas lojas consideradas eficientes e que podem contribuir para as lojas não eficientes e (3) permitir a participação dos gestores locais na alteração e extensão do modelo levando em conta as características das lojas.
This research¿s main goal was to analyze the existing relationship between both environmental and organizational values from three State Schools located in the city of Curitiba. These are: Protásio de Carvalho School, Guaíra School and Rio Branco School. At a theoretical empirical reference, an environmental approach has been performed, followed by aspects regarding organizational values, including the discussion on the theme of organizational culture, and, finally, a study on the prevalent values in public educational institutions. The method that best features this research is a comparative case report, with the use of multiple sources of evidence. Secondary data in order to identify the environmental values has been obtained through references of two of the most important newspapers in the State of Paraná, reports published by the State¿s Secretary of Education, publications from the State¿s Teachers Union and through the Educational Legislation in both Federal and State levels. The organizational values have been identified from primary data obtained through semi-structured interviews, performed with the School Principals and through questionnaires distributed to the School Principals and Teachers. The analysis over this data has been carried out in a descriptive-qualitative way by using both documentary and content analysis techniques. The database revealed that there are a few consistencies between environmental and organizational values, in a way that certain values identified in society and in the Government are, several times, more congruent with the values identified in the group of School Principals, whereas the values identified in the Teacher¿s Union have a higher consistency with the prevalent values in the group of teachers. At schools, mainly in the group of teachers, there¿s a noticeable refraction towards actions promoted by the government, and a certain skepticism towards actions promoted by the Teacher¿s Union. The student¿s education is given a higher value than one¿s cognitive education, in the work atmosphere as much as in the organizations; the Society has been gradually taking the responsibility regarding public education, with the support of school boards, teachers, and even of the Government, at a time when teachers, unlike the Society and the Government, appear to give very little value to their own profession.
Num contexto federativo, a análise da produção legislativa em uma dada esfera de governo pode revelar pistas para a construção de variáveis, para a elaboração de um modelo mais abrangente de caracterização do Estado no âmbito estudado: os temas que motivaram a apresentação de proposições legais num determinado período, as respectivas agendas e o grau de participação e autonomia de cada um dos Poderes envolvidos, bem como do relacionamento daquela instância com os demais entes da federação. Além disso, a partir dessa abordagem é possível investigar como ocorre o processo de decisão sobre políticas públicas: quem efetivamente participa e de que forma, ou seja, como se governa. Ao combinarmos nesta dissertação uma análise deste tipo com dados agregados sobre quatro micromunicípios mineiros, procuramos compreender como opera e se traduz legalmente em cada caso uma peculiar gramática cliente lista no âmbito local, isto é, como a produção de leis se apresenta como uma estratégia, racional do ponto de vista dos legisladores e atores políticos, que visam à reeleição.
Os recentes avanços na tecnologia de sensores tem disponibilizado imagens em alta dimensionalidade para fins de sensoriamento Remoto. Análise e interpretação dos dados provenientes desta nova geração de sensores apresenta novas possibilidades e também novos desafios. Neste contexto,um dos maiores desafios consiste na estimação dos parâmetros em um classificador estatístico utilizando-se um número limitado de amostras de treinamento.Neste estudo,propõe-se uma nova metodologia de extração de feições para a redução da dimensionalidadedos dados em imagens hiperespectrais. Essa metodologia proposta é de fácil implementação e também eficiente do ponto de vista computacional.A hipótese básica consiste em assumir que a curva de resposta espectral do pixel, definida no espaço espectral, pelos contadores digitais (CD's) das bandas espectrais disponíveis, pode ser substituída por um número menor de estatísticas, descrevendo as principais característicasda resposta espectral dos pixels. Espera-se que este procedimento possa ser realizado sem uma perda significativa de informação. Os CD's em cada banda espectral são utilizados para o cálculo de um número reduzido de estatísticas que os substituirão no classificador. Propõe-se que toda a curva seja particionada em segmentos, cada segmento sendo então representado pela respectiva média e variância dos CD's. Propõem-se três algoritmos para segmentação da curva de resposta espectral dos pixels. O primeiro utiliza um procedimento muito simples. Utilizam-se segmentos de comprimento constante, isto é, não se faz nenhuma tentativa para ajustar o comprimento de cada segmento às características da curva espectral considerada. Os outros dois implementam um método que permite comprimentos variáveis para cada segmento,onde o comprimentodos segmentos ao longo da curva de resposta espectral é ajustado seqüencialmente.Um inconveniente neste procedimento está ligado ao fato de que uma vez selecionadauma partição, esta não pode ser alterada, tornando os algoritmos sub-ótimos. Realizam-se experimentos com um classificador paramétrico utilizando-se uma imagem do sensor AVIRIS. Obtiveram-se resultados animadores em termos de acurácia da classificação,sugerindo a eficácia dos algoritmos propostos.
Este trabalho objetiva analisar como famílias brasileiras valorizam as experiências vividas nos parques da Disney como opção de lazer e entretenimento. Usando como referência as dimensões de valores estabelecidas por Holbrook (1999), será estudado à luz destas dimensões, o comportamento de consumo destas pessoas, produzindo desta forma, observações e conteúdos que sirvam, na estratégia de marketing, para futuras observações desta natureza. Os dados para este estudo foram coletados por meio de entrevistas de profundidade, de acordo com McCracken (1988) e usando-se uma metodologia de análise de conteúdo, com dados produzidos de forma qualitativa nestas entrevistas. Com estas entrevistas, objetiva-se entender os principais motivos que levam as famílias a consumirem esse tipo de entretenimento e o que mais os atrai no momento da decisão. Com base nestes dados, o estudo buscará a relação entre as dimensões de valores estabelecidas por Holbrook (1999), assim como a tipologia de valores apresentados por este mesmo autor. Os perfis de consumo apresentados no estudo poderão ser fonte de informações para empresas de entretenimento, assim como para o próprio grupo Disney. Concluiu-se que, de acordo com a pesquisa realizada, há uma indicação de comportamento de consumo mais tendenciosa a alguns dos valores das dimensões descritas por Holbrook (1999).
The Triennial Evaluation of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) is made according to several indicators, divided into several issues and items, and their weights. In these it is evident the importance of scientific periodicals. This study aims to evaluate the relative efficiency of post-graduate students in Business Administration, Accounting and tourism evaluated by CAPES in Brazil. The methodology used the data envelopment analysis - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data were obtained from the site and organized by the CAPES Qualis score. The analysis was performed by the DEA variable returns to scale, product-oriented (BCC-O), with data from the three-year periods 2004-2006 and 2007-2009. Among the main results are the average increase significantly the relative efficiency of the programs in the period 2007-2009 compared to 2004-2006 period, the highest average efficiency of programs linked to public institutions in relation to private, doctoral programs with the present average efficiency sharply higher than those only with masters, and senior programs in general were more efficient. There is also moderate and significant correlation between the efficiency scores and concepts CAPES. The Malmquist index analysis showed that more than 85% of programs had increased productivity. It is noteworthy that the main effect that influences the increase of the Malmquist index is the displacement of the border (Frontier-shift)
This study was intended to investigate how the urban form has been influencing the changes in the climate of the city and make a correlation between the climate and the thermal sensation of the users of open spaces. The research was developed in the district of Petrópolis in Natal/ RN whose occupation has been almost consolidated. Among other reasons, this district was selected because it was planned considering the environmental aspects of comfort. The methodologies used are based on KATZSCHNER (1997) and OLIVEIRA (1988) studies, which suggest the drawing and analysis of maps of the area under study, including topography, height of the buildings, land use, green areas, and types of soil pavement, as well as measurement of the environmental variables: air temperature, relative humidity, direction and wind speed for a comparative study. As part of this, study local users of the district were interviewed about their thermal sensations in open spaces. For the statistical analysis, data was collected at 10 distinct points characterized by BUSTOS ROMERO (2002), being 8 within the district and 2 at different places (outside the district), at climatologic stations, in 3 periods (August/2000, January/2002 and June/2002), for 4 consecutive days for each measurement (from Sunday to Wednesday) at the time of lower and higher temperatures in the city, 6:00 am and 1:00 pm, respectively. At the same time interviews were carried out with users of the open spaces in the area, totaling 171 valid formularies. The urban form showed a rather leveled topography, great diversity of land use and height of the buildings, with the existence of an area mostly occupied with high buildings, very little green area and soil practically impermeable. The statistical analysis showed high temperature and humidity levels. The wind direction is predominantly Southeast with extremely variable speeds. When the data from this district is compared with the data from other areas in the city and its outskirt, it was observed that this district is hotter and less ventilated than the others; besides, most users said that they felt uncomfortable in the local environmental conditions. The results of the analysis generated a zoning for the district with recommendations for soil occupation. The profile of the user was defined regarding the thermal comfort, as well as some discussion about the comfort parameters, including the proposal of limiting areas of temperature and humidity for the thermal comfort in the open spaces
The object of the present dissertation is to analyze the behavior of the public finances of the districts of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), taking as reference a period fundamentally previous to the implementation of the Fiscal Responsibility Law LRF, comparatively to the first years, immediately after the advent of the mentioned institutional milestone. The central hypothesis of this study proposes that, from the institutions' viewpoint, the LRF sets securely consistent rules, in the orchestration of the behavior of the municipal revenues and expenses. These regulations, on the other hand, might be effective and reach the districts of the RN indiscriminately, apart from stabilizing tendencies and which are sustainable in the long run. In spite of this, the indicators calculated reveal that the districts researched show, during all the period under analysis, a diminished capacity of self-tax collection , and consequently, a high participation of the intergovernmental transfers in the composition of the current revenues. This behavior indicates that the goal of strengthening the municipal public finances, forecast in the LRF, tends to be only partially accomplished, due to the fiscal decentralism. The analysis and interpretation of the data are conducted from the literature of institutionalist orientation and in descriptive statistical tools applied to the municipal strata of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Further on, it's used the econometrical method Pooled OLS, which demands the elimination of the municipal strata in order to allow the use of the model, in the attempt to strengthen and/or ratify the results of the research. Finally, the evidence reached in the dissertation show that the LRF brings better conditions to the potiguar municipal public finances, predominantly to the economically stronger districts; whereas the less dynamic municipal entities show rather divergent evidence, that is, their economies seem to be more oriented to a more pronounced state participation; therefore, it generates in the state of RN a certain antithesis in the results reached in the dissertation
The number of disabled students, who have entered the university, in Brazil, since the beginning of this century, is undergoing a speed growth. It is a change that follows a global trend that spreads an inclusive education policy and that has had a profound impact on Brazil, with import results in field researches. This subject has been highlighted due to the significant amount of disabled students enrolled in college institutions (IES), although it is still modest the number of studies about it, especially in what matters the assistance given to the candidates to a university entrance examination. The aim of this paper is to investigate how effectively Natal s IES apply the rules established in Brazilian law concerning disabled students, especially MEC/GM Circular Warning n. 277/96, in what respects the conditions given to disabled students preparing to enter a college. The investigation followed a qualitative methodological approach with support on an exploratory study. The data recollection employed questionnaire, semi-structured interview and documental analyses, and the data have been organized and assessed following Minayo s (1996) stages. What concerns the results, it was observed that none of the ten colleges inquired confirmed to possess places exclusively to disabled candidates; six of them, however, offer Special Examining Board in the selection process of disabled candidates. Among eighteen college bills, only two of them offered specific information related to services and resources offered by IES to the candidates who ask for especial assistance concerning examination. During the interviews, four managers avowed the preoccupation in offering an equal selection process, but two of them proved not dominate the subject. In conclusion, the investigated institutions managers do not still seem to respect the rule that guarantees to disabled candidates equal conditions during all the process of the university entrance examination. With this work, we hope do help changing this focus and contribute to new studies on disabled persons studying for a degree
Currently, one of the biggest challenges for the field of data mining is to perform cluster analysis on complex data. Several techniques have been proposed but, in general, they can only achieve good results within specific areas providing no consensus of what would be the best way to group this kind of data. In general, these techniques fail due to non-realistic assumptions about the true probability distribution of the data. Based on this, this thesis proposes a new measure based on Cross Information Potential that uses representative points of the dataset and statistics extracted directly from data to measure the interaction between groups. The proposed approach allows us to use all advantages of this information-theoretic descriptor and solves the limitations imposed on it by its own nature. From this, two cost functions and three algorithms have been proposed to perform cluster analysis. As the use of Information Theory captures the relationship between different patterns, regardless of assumptions about the nature of this relationship, the proposed approach was able to achieve a better performance than the main algorithms in literature. These results apply to the context of synthetic data designed to test the algorithms in specific situations and to real data extracted from problems of different fields