998 resultados para Alciati, Andrea, 1492-1550.


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Se presenta una unidad didáctica sobre un momento histórico de la historia de España: el año del descubrimiento de América y de la conquista del Reino de Granada. A través de los textos, mapas, ejes cronológicos e información directa se realizarán las actividades correspondientes. Se utilizarán además las distintas técnicas de investigación y trabajo. Con este unidad se pretende alcanzar un triple objetivo: conocer, comprender y valorar tres culturas: la musulmana, la judía y la cristiana, con los rasgos que las definen, diferencian y asemejan; asimilar el proceso histórico desarrollado en la península durante el comienzo de la Edad Moderna; trasladar las conclusiones que se saquen al mundo actual intentando demostrar que la intolerancia y el racismo no son más que la consecuencia de problemas estructurales cíclicos. A todos estos objetivos hay que añadir otro de tipo intrumental que es iniciarse en el método científico de la ciencias sociales a partir de un hecho concreto. Para desarrollar la actividades propuestas en la unidad, se utilizarán algunos recursos didácticos como dossieres de prensa, vídeos, diapositivas, material traído por los alumnos, incluso se sugirió a los alumnos la lectura de la novela El médico de Noah Gordon para comprender mejor el tema. La unidad está distribuída en un dossier de prensa, de un cuaderno de actividades, de material para el profesor y de material para el alumno.


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Contiene: gu??a did??ctica, bibliograf??a, vocabulario y documentos. En la carpeta adem??s: Ministerio de Educaci??n y Ciencia, Subdirecci??n General de Formaci??n del Profesorado


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Se presenta una unidad did??ctica que pretende implicar a los alumnos en la pol??mica de la conmemoraci??n del Quinto Centenario del Descubrimiento de Am??rica. La estructura y desarrollo se enmarca dentro de las orientaciones del Dise??o Curricular Base para el Area de Ciencias Sociales. Se proporcionan recomendaciones al profesorado sobre la temporalizaci??n, los recursos y la metodolog??a a seguir en el desarrollo de la unidad. La unidad incluye aspectos te??ricos sobre el descubrimiento de Am??rica y su conmemoraci??n en 1992, que se complementan con textos de ??poca, art??culos de peri??dicos y comics, y actividades de tipo pr??ctico para el alumno..


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Como innovaci??n, el Proyecto recibi?? Menci??n Honor??fica en la modalidad de Innovaci??n Educativa de los Premios Nacionales a la Investigaci??n e Innovaci??n Educativa del CIDE 1993. Obra publicada con el patrocinio del Ayuntamiento de Legan??s y el Centro de Profesores de Legan??s.


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Article sobre l'estudi de l'obra titulada 'Lot embriagat per les seves filles' de l'artista Andrea Vaccaro dipositada al Museo d' Art de Girona. Va ser també el motiu d'una conferència el 10 de desembre de 1994 al Museu Art de Girona


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The nature and scale of pre-Columbian land use and the consequences of the 1492 “Columbian Encounter” (CE) on Amazonia are among the more debated topics in New World archaeology and paleoecology. However, pre-Columbian human impact in Amazonian savannas remains poorly understood. Most paleoecological studies have been conducted in neotropical forest contexts. Of studies done in Amazonian savannas, none has the temporal resolution needed to detect changes induced by either climate or humans before and after A.D. 1492, and only a few closely integrate paleoecological and archaeological data. We report a high-resolution 2,150-y paleoecological record from a French Guianan coastal savanna that forces reconsideration of how pre-Columbian savanna peoples practiced raised-field agriculture and how the CE impacted these societies and environments. Our combined pollen, phytolith, and charcoal analyses reveal unexpectedly low levels of biomass burning associated with pre-A.D. 1492 savanna raised-field agriculture and a sharp increase in fires following the arrival of Europeans. We show that pre-Columbian raised-field farmers limited burning to improve agricultural production, contrasting with extensive use of fire in pre-Columbian tropical forest and Central American savanna environments, as well as in present-day savannas. The charcoal record indicates that extensive fires in the seasonally flooded savannas of French Guiana are a post-Columbian phenomenon, postdating the collapse of indigenous populations. The discovery that pre-Columbian farmers practiced fire-free savanna management calls into question the widely held assumption that pre-Columbian Amazonian farmers pervasively used fire to manage and alter ecosystems and offers fresh perspectives on an emerging alternative approach to savanna land use and conservation that can help reduce carbon emissions.


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What was it like to be a teenager in medieval England? Despite the fact that medieval society often singled young apprentices and workers out for comment, their study has been largely neglected in medieval archaeology. The skeletal remains of 4940 adolescents (6.6-25 years) from 151 sites in medieval England was compiled from a combination of primary data collection and secondary data from published and unpublished skeletal reports and on-line databases. The aim was to explore whether apprentices could be identified in the archaeological record and if so, at what age they started work and what impact occupation had on their health. The data were divided into urban and rural groups, dating from before and after the Black Death of AD 1348-9, and before the Industrial Revolution. A shift in the demographic pattern of urban and rural adolescents was identified after the Black Death, with a greater number of young females residing in the urban contexts after 14 years. The average age of males increased from 12 years to 14 years after the plague years, contrary to what we might expect from the documentary sources. There were higher rates of spinal and joint disease in the urban adolescents and their injuries were more widespread than their rural counterparts. Domestic service was the potential cause of the greater strain on the knees and backs of the urban females, with interpersonal violence evident in the young urban males. Overall, it was the urban females that carried the burden of respiratory and infectious diseases suggesting they may have been the most vulnerable group. This study has demonstrated the value of adolescent skeletal remains in revealing information about their health and working life, before and after the Black Death.