967 resultados para Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing FDM TPU nanocompisiti


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La tesi segue il progetto della Delta WASP 3MT, stampante 3D di grandi dimensioni. Il lavoro parte da una analisi del contesto che incontra i temi dell'artigianato digitale e dell'autoproduzione. Successivamente viene fatta una analisi dei requisiti e delle soluzioni tecniche implementabili sulla macchina per soddisfarli. A questa segue una illustrazione degli interventi sulle varie parti della macchina. Infine si espongono brevemente i punti chiave elaborati per la comunicazione della macchina, dal naming alla strategia nei punti vendita.


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A 3D printed electromagnetic vibration energy harvester is presented. The motion of the device is in-plane with the excitation vibrations, and this is enabled through the exploitation of a leaf isosceles trapezoidal flexural pivot topology. This topology is ideally suited for systems requiring restricted out-of-plane motion and benefits from being fabricated monolithically. This is achieved by 3D printing the topology with materials having a low flexural modulus. The presented system has a nonlinear softening spring response, as a result of designed magnetic force interactions. A discussion of fatigue performance is presented and it is suggested that whilst fabricating, the raster of the suspension element is printed perpendicular to the flexural direction and that the experienced stress is as low as possible during operation, to ensure longevity. A demonstrated power of ~25 μW at 0.1 g is achieved and 2.9 mW is demonstrated at 1 g. The corresponding bandwidths reach up-to 4.5 Hz. The system's corresponding power density of ~0.48 mW cm−3 and normalised power integral density of 11.9 kg m−3 (at 1 g) are comparable to other in-plane systems found in the literature.


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The mixing performance of three passive milli-scale reactors with different geometries was investigated at different Reynolds numbers. The effects of design and operating characteristics such as mixing channel shape and volume flow rate were investigated. The main objective of this work was to demonstrate a process design method that uses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for modeling and Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology for manufacture. The reactors were designed and simulated using SolidWorks and Fluent 15.0 software, respectively. Manufacturing of the devices was performed with an EOS M-series AM system. Step response experiments with distilled Millipore water and sodium hydroxide solution provided time-dependent concentration profiles. Villermaux-Dushman reaction experiments were also conducted for additional verification of CFD results and for mixing efficiency evaluation of the different geometries. Time-dependent concentration data and reaction evaluation showed that the performance of the AM-manufactured reactors matched the CFD results reasonably well. The proposed design method allows the implementation of new and innovative solutions, especially in the process design phase, for industrial scale reactor technologies. In addition, rapid implementation is another advantage due to the virtual flow design and due to the fast manufacturing which uses the same geometric file formats.


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Despite significant progress in the field of tissue engineering within the last decade, a number of unsolved problems still remain. One of the most relevant issues is the lack of proper vascularization that limits the size of engineered tissues to smaller than clinically relevant dimensions. In particular, the growth of engineered tissue in vitro within bioreactors is plagued with this challenge. Specifically, the tubular perfusion system bioreactor has been used for large scale bone constructs; however these engineered constructs lack inherent vasculature and quickly develop a hypoxic core, where no nutrient exchange can occur, thus leading to cell death. Through the use of 3D printed vascular templates in conjunction with a tubular perfusion system bioreactor, we attempt to create an endothelial cell monolayer on 3D scaffolds that could potentially serve as the foundation of inherent vasculature within these engineered bone grafts.


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The objective of this research is to synthesize structural composites designed with particular areas defined with custom modulus, strength and toughness values in order to improve the overall mechanical behavior of the composite. Such composites are defined and referred to as 3D-designer composites. These composites will be formed from liquid crystalline polymers and carbon nanotubes. The fabrication process is a variation of rapid prototyping process, which is a layered, additive-manufacturing approach. Composites formed using this process can be custom designed by apt modeling methods for superior performance in advanced applications. The focus of this research is on enhancement of Young's modulus in order to make the final composite stiffer. Strength and toughness of the final composite with respect to various applications is also discussed. We have taken into consideration the mechanical properties of final composite at different fiber volume content as well as at different orientations and lengths of the fibers. The orientation of the LC monomers is supposed to be carried out using electric or magnetic fields. A computer program is modeled incorporating the Mori-Tanaka modeling scheme to generate the stiffness matrix of the final composite. The final properties are then deduced from the stiffness matrix using composite micromechanics. Eshelby's tensor, required to calculate the stiffness tensor using Mori-Tanaka method, is calculated using a numerical scheme that determines the components of the Eshelby's tensor (Gavazzi and Lagoudas 1990). The numerical integration is solved using Gaussian Quadrature scheme and is worked out using MATLAB as well. . MATLAB provides a good deal of commands and algorithms that can be used efficiently to elaborate the continuum of the formula to its extents. Graphs are plotted using different combinations of results and parameters involved in finding these results


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This paper presents the conception of an original superconducting Frictionless Zero Field Cooling bearing virtual prototype. In previous work also shown in this conference, a viability study of a Zero Field Cooling-superconducting bearing concept was conducted. It showed that the virtual prototype is feasible. Moreover, the simulation studies showed that a Zero Field Cooling superconducting track provides not only effective lateral stability but also higher levitation forces than the commonly used Field Cooling tracks. In this paper the new Zero Field Cooling -bearing virtual prototype is modeled in 3D. The virtual prototype was designed having in mind: i) a future implementation in high density polyurethane, for low temperature robustness; ii) future manufacturing in a three axes CNC milling machine and; iii) future implementation of some parts using an additive manufacturing technique.


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L'osteoartrite (OA) è una patologia infiammatorio/degenerativa ossea per la quale non sono disponibili terapie causali efficaci ma solo approcci palliativi per la riduzione del dolore cronico. E’ quindi giustificato un investimento per individuare nuove strategie di trattamento. In quest’ottica, lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di indagare l’efficacia di polyplexi a base di chitosano o di PEI-g-PEG in un modello cellulare 3D in vitro basato su un hydrogel di Gellan Gum Metacrilato (GGMA) con a bordo condrociti in condizioni simulate di OA. Inizialmente sono state studiate la dimensione e il potenziale-Z di un pool di formulazioni di poliplexi. Quindi se ne è valutata la citocompatibilità utilizzando cellule staminali mesenchimali immortalizzate Y201. Infine, una miscela di GGMA, cellule e polyplexi è stata utilizzata per la stampa 3D di campioni che sono stati coltivati fino a 14 giorni. La condizione OA è stata simulata trattando le cellule con una miscela di citochine implicate nello sviluppo della malattia. Tutte le formulazioni a base di chitosano e due basate su PEI-g-PEG si sono dimostrate citocompatibili e sono hanno veicolato i miRNA nelle cellule (come mostrato dai risultati di analisi in fluorescenza). I risultati delle colorazioni H&E e AlcianBlue hanno confermato che il terreno condizionato ha ben ricreato le condizioni di OA. I polyplexi a base di chitosano e PEI-g-PEG hanno controbilanciato gli effetti delle citochine. Risultati incoraggianti, anche se da approfondire ulteriormente, provengono anche dall’analisi di espressione (RT-PCR) di cinque geni specifici della cartilagine. Concludendo, questo modello ha ben riprodotto le condizioni di OA in vitro; il chitosano ha mostrato di essere un adeguato veicolo per un trattamento a base di miRNA; il PEI-g-PEG si propone come un'alternativa più economica e ragionevolmente affidabile, sebbene il rischio di citotossicità alle concentrazioni più elevate richieda una più esteva validazione sperimentale.


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This comprehensive study explores the intricate world of 3D printing, with a focus on Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM). It sheds light on the critical factors that influence the quality and mechanical properties of 3D printed objects. Using an optical microscope with 40X magnification, the shapes of the printed beads is correlated to specific slicing parameters, resulting in a 2D parametric model. This mathematical model, derived from real samples, serves as a tool to predict general mechanical behaviour, bridging the gap between theory and practice in FDM printing. The study begins by emphasising the importance of geometric parameters such as layer height, line width and filament tolerance on the final printed bead geometry and the resulting theoretical effect on mechanical properties. The introduction of VPratio parameter (ratio between the area of the voids and the area occupied by printed material) allows the quantification of the variation of geometric slicing parameters on the improvement or reduction of mechanical properties. The study also addresses the effect of overhang and the role of filament diameter tolerances. The research continues with the introduction of 3D FEM (Finite Element Analysis) models based on the RVE (Representative Volume Element) to verify the results obtained from the 2D model and to analyse other aspects that affect mechanical properties and not directly observable with the 2D model. The study also proposes a model for the examination of 3D printed infill structures, introducing also an innovative methodology called “double RVE” which speeds up the calculation of mechanical properties and is also more computationally efficient. Finally, the limitations of the RVE model are shown and a so-called Hybrid RVE-based model is created to overcome the limitations and inaccuracy of the conventional RVE model and homogenization procedure on some printed geometries.


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The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that 3D-printing technologies can be considered significantly attractive in the production of microwave devices and in the antenna design, with the intention of making them lightweight, cheaper, and easily integrable for the production of wireless, battery-free, and wearable devices for vital signals monitoring. In this work, a new 3D-printable, low-cost resin material, the Flexible80A, is proposed as RF substrate in the implementation of a rectifying antenna (rectenna) operating at 2.45 GHz for wireless power transfer. A careful and accurate electromagnetic characterization of the abovementioned material, revealing it to be a very lossy substrate, has paved the way for the investigation of innovative transmission line and antenna layouts, as well as etching techniques, possible thanks to the design freedom enabled by 3D-printing technologies with the aim of improving the wave propagation performance within lossy materials. This analysis is crucial in the design process of a patch antenna, meant to be successively connected to the rectifier. In fact, many different patch antenna layouts are explored varying the antenna dimensions, the substrate etchings shape and position, the feeding line technology, and the operating frequency. Before dealing with the rectification stage of the rectenna design, the hot and long-discussed topic of the equivalent receiving antenna circuit representation is addressed, providing an overview of the interpretation of different authors about the issue, and the position that has been adopted in this thesis. Furthermore, two rectenna designs are proposed and simulated with the aim of minimizing the dielectric losses. Finally, a prototype of a rectenna with the antenna conjugate matched to the rectifier, operating at 2.45 GHz, has been fabricated with adhesive copper on a substrate sample of Flexible80A and measured, in order to validate the simulated results.


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In the last decade it emerged the interest in new types of acoustic insulating materials, called acoustic metamaterials. These materials are composed by a host and inclusions and are arranged periodically or non-periodically in sub-wavelength elements called meta-atoms. Their inclusions and internal geometries can be manipulated to tailor the acoustic properties, reducing weight, and increasing at the same time their efficiency. Thanks to the high absorbing characteristics that they can achieve, their usage is of particularly interest as material of the core in sandwich panels of aerospace structures to reduce vibrations and noise inside passengers aircraft’s cabin. In addition, since the low frequency signals are difficult to be damped with conventional materials, their usage can guarantee a high transmission loss at low frequencies, obtaining a positive benefit on passengers’ comfort. The performances and efficiency of these materials are enhanced thanks to the new additive manufacturing techniques opposed to the conventional ones uncapable to pro- duce such complex internal geometries. The aim of this work is to study, produce and redesign micro-perforated sandwich panels of a literature case study to achieve high performances in the low frequency range, e.g., below 2000 Hz. Some geometrical parameters, such as perforation ratio and diameter of holes, were considered to realize different models and see the differences in the sound transmission loss. The models were produced by means of Fused Deposition Modelling using an Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS Plus p430) material on a commercial additive manufacturing system. Finally, the frequency response analysis was carried out with Mul2 software, based on the Carrera’s Unified Formulation (CUF) to understand the acoustic and structural properties of the material employed, analyzing the plates’ displacements and the TL results.


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Electric cars are increasingly popular due to a transition of mobility towards more sustainable forms. From an increasingly green and pollution reduction perspective, there are more and more incentives that encourage customers to invest in electric cars. Using the Industrial Design and Structure (IDeS) research method, this project has the aim to design a new electric compact SUV suitable for all people who live in the city, and for people who move outside urban areas. In order to achieve the goal of developing a new car in the industrial automotive environment, the compact SUV segment was chosen because it is a vehicle very requested by the costumers and it is successful in the market due to its versatility. IDeS is a combination of innovative and advanced systematic approaches used to set up a new industrial project. The IDeS methodology is sequentially composed of Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Benchmarking (BM), Top-Flop analysis (TFA), Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE), Design for X, Prototyping, Testing, Budgeting, and Planning. The work is based on a series of steps and the sequence of these must be meticulously scheduled, imposing deadlines along the work. Starting from an analysis of the market and competitors, the study of the best and worst existing parameters in the competitor’s market is done, arriving at the idea of a better product in terms of numbers and innovation. After identifying the characteristics that the new car should have, the other step is the styling part, with the definition of the style and the design of the machine on a 3D CAD. Finally, it switches to the prototyping and testing phase to see if the product is able to work. Ultimately, intending to place the car on the market, it is essential to estimate the necessary budget for a possible investment in this project.


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Il presente caso di studio prende forma da una problematica su una metodologia di stampa 3D relativamente nuova, la tecnologia PolyJet. Nella tesi, si verificano ed osservano i limiti di fabbricazione dei modelli ottenuti da questo processo di stampa, dovuti al particolare materiale di supporto che utilizza la tecnologia medesima a differenza di altre tecnologie esistenti. Nei dettagli, si è deciso di stampare dei particolari provini costituiti da strutture porose interconnesse, ottenute tramite superfici TPMS (Triply Periodical Minimal Surfaces), caratterizzate da fori molto piccoli e profondi ed osservare la facilità o la difficoltà nel rimuovere il materiale di supporto da ognuno di essi attraverso le attrezzature disponibili in laboratorio. I risultati ottenuti dall’esperimento hanno mostrato che, riducendo sempre di più i fori delle strutture dei provini, si va a complicare l’azione di rimozione del materiale di supporto, rendendo il processo difficile da compiere come nell’ultimo provino realizzato. Si evince che, nei tre casi osservati, è possibile rimuovere tutto il materiale di supporto dalle strutture, anche nell’ultimo manufatto, con fori di dimensione di un millimetro.


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The aim of this study, conducted in collaboration with Lawrence Technological University in Detroit, is to create, through the method of the Industrial Design Structure (IDeS), a new concept for a sport-coupe car, based on a restyling of a retro model (Ford Mustang 1967). To date, vintage models of cars always arouse great interest both for the history behind them and for the classic and elegant style. Designing a model of a vehicle that can combine the charm of retro style with the innovation and comfort of modern cars would allow to meet the needs and desires of a large segment of the market that today is forced to choose between past and future. Thanks to a well-conceived concept car an automaker company is able to express its future policy, to make a statement of intent as, such a prototype, ticks all the boxes, from glamour and visual wow-factor to technical intrigue and design fascination. IDeS is an approach that makes use of many engineering tools to realize a study developed on several steps that must be meticulously organized and timed. With a deep analysis of the trends dominating the automotive industry it is possible to identify a series of product requirements using quality function deployment (QFD). The considerations from this first evaluation led to the definition of the technical specifications via benchmarking (BM) and top-flop analysis (TFA). Then, the structured methodology of stylistic design engineering (SDE) is applied through six phases: (1) stylistic trends analysis; (2) sketches; (3) 2D CAD drawings; (4) 3D CAD models; (5) virtual prototyping; (6) solid stylistic model. Finally, Developing the IDeS method up to the final stages of Prototypes and Testing you get a product as close as possible to the ideal vehicle conceptualized in the initial analysis.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica