987 resultados para Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
O advento da terapia anti-retroviral de alta potência (HAART) alterou a história natural da aids, diminuindo sua mortalidade e a incidência de doenças oportunistas e aumentando a esperança de vida das pessoas vivendo com aids.Como uma doença crônica, outras questões passam a ser relevantes, entre elas a adesão ao tratamento, seus efeitos adversos e a qualidade de vida das pessoas nessa condição. A CIF constitui um instrumento adequado para identificar as caracterÃsticas da funcionalidade, do ambiente e condições pessoais que interferem na qualidade de vida. Instrumentos para a sua aplicação, core sets, têm sido desenvolvidos para várias condições de saúde. Com o objetivo de propor um core set para aids, foram desenvolvidas duas etapas preliminares do modelo proposto para a construção desses instrumentos. A primeira etapa, de revisão sistemática buscou no MEDLINE artigos com descritores HAART e qualidade de vida, publicados em inglês, de 2000 a 2004. Foram selecionados 31 estudos que resultou em 87 conceitos dos quais 66 puderam ser identificados como categorias da CIF. Estas formaram as perguntas da entrevista aplicada em 42 voluntários, pacientes de um centro de referência para DST e Aids de São Paulo. Entre as condições mais freqüentemente associadas ao tratamento, estão à s mudanças na imagem corporal, conseqüência da lipodistrofia, apontada em 84 por cento dos estudos e em 93 por cento das entrevistas. Alterações das funções digestivas, das relações Ãntimas, e das funções sexuais foram condições importantes identificadas no estudo. As duas etapas definiram 40 categorias da CIF como proposta preliminar de um core set para pacientes com aids
Objetivo. Estudar a mortalidade relacionada à paracoccidioidomicose informada em qualquer linha ou parte do atestado médico da declaração de óbito. Métodos. Os dados provieram dos bancos de causas múltiplas de morte da Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados (SEADE) de São Paulo entre 1985 e 2005. Foram calculados os coeficientes padronizados de mortalidade relacionada à paracoccidioidomicose como causa básica, como causa associada e pelo total de suas menções. Resultados. No perÃodo de 21 anos ocorreram 1 950 óbitos, sendo a paracoccidioidomicose a causa básica de morte em 1 164 (59,7%) e uma causa associada de morte em 786 (40,3%). Entre 1985 e 2005 observou-se um declÃnio do coeficiente de mortalidade pela causa básica de 59,8% e pela causa associada, de 53,0%. O maior número de óbitos ocorreu entre os homens, nas idades mais avançadas, entre lavradores, com tendência de aumento nos meses de inverno. As principais causas associadas da paracoccidioidomicose como causa básica foram a fibrose pulmonar, as doenças crônicas das vias aéreas inferiores e as pneumonias. As neoplasias malignas e a AIDS foram as principais causas básicas estando a paracoccidioidomicose como causa associada. Verificou-se a necessidade de adequar as tabelas de decisão para o processamento automático de causas de morte nos atestados de óbito com a menção de paracoccidioidomicose. Conclusões. A metodologia das causas múltiplas de morte, conjugada com a metodologia tradicional da causa básica, abre novas perspectivas para a pesquisa que visa a ampliar o conhecimento sobre a história natural da paracoccidioidomicose.
OBJETIVO: Analisar mudanças na realização de teste anti-HIV, as razões alegadas entre as pessoas que foram ou não testadas e o recebimento de aconselhamento. MÉTODOS: Estudos transversais conduzidos com homens e mulheres de 16 a 65 anos, com amostras representativas do Brasil urbano em 1998 (n=3.600) e 2005 (n=5.040). CaracterÃsticas sociodemográficas, sexuais, reprodutivas e de experiências de vida e saúde foram consideradas na análise. A avaliação das possÃveis diferenças nas distribuições das variáveis baseou-se nos testes qui-quadrado de Pearson e F design-based (±<5%). RESULTADOS: Em 1998, 20,2% dos entrevistados haviam realizado o teste e 33,6% em 2005. Foram testadas 60% das mulheres na faixa 25-34 anos, mas as que iniciaram a vida sexual antes dos 16 anos e reportaram quatro ou mais parceiros sexuais nos cinco anos anteriores à entrevista foram menos testadas. Não se observou aumento significativo da testagem entre homens, exceto para os de 55-65 anos, renda per capita entre 1-3 e 5-10 salários mÃnimos, aposentados, protestantes históricos e adeptos de cultos afro-brasileiros, moradores da região Norte/Nordeste e os que declararam parceria homo/bissexual ou não tiveram relações sexuais nos cinco anos anteriores à entrevista. Não aumentou a freqüência de testagem entre pessoas auto-avaliadas como sob alto risco para o HIV. Entre as mulheres, a freqüência de testagem pré-natal aumentou e a testagem por trabalho diminuiu entre os homens. Em 2005, metade dos testados não recebeu orientação antes ou após o teste. CONCLUSÕES: Houve expansão desigual na testagem, atingindo principalmente mulheres em idade reprodutiva, adultas e pessoas com melhores condições sociais. A testagem parece estar aumentando no PaÃs sem a devida atenção à decisão autônoma das pessoas e sem o provimento de maior e melhor oferta de aconselhamento
Objective: To analyse the time variation of topics in bioethical publications as a proxy of the relative importance. Methods: We searched the Medline database for bioethics publications using the words ""ethics or bioethics'', and for 360 specific topics publications, associating Medical Subject Heading topic descriptors to those words. We calculated the ratio of bioethics publications to the total publications of Medline, and the ratio of each topic publications to the total bioethics publications, for five-year intervals, from 1970 to 2004. We calculated the time variation of ratios, dividing the difference between the highest and lowest ratio of each topic by its highest ratio. Four topics were described, selected to illustrate different patterns of variation: ""Induced Abortion'', ""Conflict of Interest'', ""Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome'', ""Medical Education.'' Results: The ratio of bioethics publications to total Medline publications increased from 0.003 to 0.012. The variation of the topic's ratios was higher than 0.7 for 68% of the topics. The Induced Abortion ratios decreased from 0.12 to 0.02. Conflict of Interest ratios increased from zero to 0.07. The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ratios were nearly zero in the first three intervals, had a peak of 0.06 during 1985-9, followed by a decrease to 0.01. Medical Education ratios varied few, from 0.04 to 0.03. Conclusions: There was an increase of bioethical publications in the Medline database. The topics in bioethics literature have an important time variation. Some factors were suggested to explain this variation: current legal cases, resolution of the issue, saturation of a discussion and epidemiologic importance.
This paper reports a study of sources of information about HIV/AIDS and trust of the sources among heterosexuals in 1989 (113 females and 91 males) and 1994 (185 females and 66 males). We also examined whether perceived personal risk of HIV infection was predicted by sources of information about HIV/AIDS, trust of the sources, how informed about AIDS people believed they were, and perceived risk of infection to others, as well as whether there was a relationship between perceived personal risk and safe sex behaviour Participants received most of their information about AIDS/HIV from magazines, newspapers, and television, but placed most trust on sources such as doctors and HIV/AIDS organisations. Perceived personal risk was influenced most by perceived risk to friends and to people with the same sexual practices. In the 1994 sample, perceived personal risk was correlated with the amount of condom use among participants with sexual experience. These results indicate ther has been. relative stability across a five-year period. They also point to the continuing discrepancy among young heterosexuals between the most-used and most-trusted sources of information, as well as to the importance of peer influence on perceptions of personal risk of HIV infection.
.:Abstract-Objective: Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is widely used as bedside assessment of body composition. Body cell mass (BCM) and intracellular water (ICW) are clinically important body compartments. Estimates of ICW obtained from BIA by different calculation approaches were compared to a reference method in male HIV-infected patients. Patients: Representative subsample of clinically stable HIV-infected outpatients, consisting of 42 men with a body mass index of 22.4 +/- 3.8 kg/m(2) (range, 13-31 kg/m(2)). Methods: Total body potassium was assessed in a whole body counter, and compared to 50 kHz mono-frequency BIA and multifrequency bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy. Six different prediction equations for ICW from BIA data were applied. Methods were compared by the Bland-Altman method. Results: BIA-derived ICW estimates explained 58% to 73% of the observed variance in ICW (TBK), but limits of confidence were wide (-16.6 to +18.2% for the best method). BIA overestimated low ICW (TBK) and underestimated high ICW (TBK) when normalized for weight or height. Mono- and multifrequency BIA were not different in precision but population-specific equations tended to narrower confidence limits. Conclusion: BIA is an unreliable method to estimate ICW in this population, in contrast to the better established estimation of total body water and extracellular water. Potassium depletion in severe malnutrition may contribute to this finding but a major part of the residual between methods remains unexplained. (C) 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
The authors aim to critically examine empirical research on the effects of alcohol on HIV and AIDS from the immunological and behavioral fields. In vitro immunological studies demonstrate that social drinking increases the susceptibility of human cells to HIV infection. Animal studies show that acute and chronic alcohol ingestion increases rare of progression from retrovirus to clinical illness. In humans with HIV, no experimental evidence shows that alcohol is a cofactor of AIDS. Findings from behavioral studies show that a link between social drinking and risk of HIV is weak. No experimental evidence demonstrates that chronic drinking influences rate and course of disease progression to AIDS in humans who are HIV+. It is premature to promote the role of alcohol as a cofactor in HIV and AIDS.
Background and Aim: Dyspeptic symptoms are frequently reported by human immuno-defficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients under highly active antiretroviral therapy. Whether opportunistic infections are a cause of dyspepsia is still unknown. In this study we prospectively compare the prevalence of gastrointestinal opportunistic infections in dyspeptic versus non-dyspeptic HIV-infected patients with advanced immunodeficiency. Patients and Methods: Six hundred and ninety HIV-infected patients under highly active antiretroviral therapy underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy with mucosal biopsies from the stomach and duodenum. Group 1: 500 patients (161 women, 339 men; mean age 38.8 years; mean CD4 count 154.3 cells/mm(3) with dyspeptic symptoms such as epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting and fullness. Group 2: 190 patients (169 men, 21 women; mean age 40.7 years; mean CD4 count 171.6 cell/mm(3)) with no dyspeptic symptoms. Results: Group 1: Gastrointestinal opportunistic infections were observed in eight (1.6%), and non-opportunistic parasites in two (0.4%), patients. They were: Cytomegalovirus (four patients), Cryptosporidium sp. (two patients), Schistosoma mansoni sp. (one patient), Strongyloides stercoralis (one patient) and Giardia sp. (two patients). In five patients esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed no mucosal lesions. Group 2: Giardia sp. was detected in two patients (1.1%: P = 0.07947). Conclusion: Gastrointestinal opportunistic infections were shown in a small number of HIV-infected patients under highly active antiretroviral therapy with advanced immunodeficiency. Although gastrointestinal opportunistic infections were detected exclusively in the dyspeptic patient group, they could not be related to these symptoms, since the number of infected patients was not statistically significant. To correctly diagnose opportunistic infections, multiple biopsy specimens may be necessary even from normal-appearing mucosa.
Hypercalcaemia in patients with HIV infection is usually associated with specific conditions such as lymphoma and granulomatous diseases. We described a case of severe hypercalcaemia consequent to vitamin D intoxication and secondary renal failure in a HIV patient under tenofovir using. Serum creatinine and calcium returned to near normal levels after vitamin D discontinuation, saline and furosemide administration. Some aspects of the drug-induced nephropathy are discussed.
Objective. To study the AIDS epidemic in Brazil`s border areas, from the spatial and temporal perspective. Methods. This was an ecological study in which the cases of AIDS reported to the Ministry of Health of Brazil from 1990-2003 were grouped according to ""hunger areas"" as defined by Josue de Castro in the 1940s and according to 19 cultural subregions. Spatial assessment was based on incidence rates for border municipalities; temporal assessment considered the absolute number of cases occurring quarterly from 1990-2003 in each of the hunger areas studied (Extreme South, Midwest, and Amazon). Results. During the study period, 7 973 cases of AIDS were reported from the Brazilian border areas: 648 in the Amazon area, 1 579 in the Midwest, and 5 746 in the Extreme South (populations of 668 098, 895 489, and 2 769 361, respectively). The subregions with the highest AIDS incidence rates in each of the three border areas were those near triple-borders, between more than two Latin American countries. Sexual transmission was predominant, with heterosexual transmission being the most frequent, followed by transmission by male homosexuality. These two categories accounted for 87.2% of the cases reported. The estimates of the trend parameter in the temporal analysis were 0.53 (P < 0.0001), 0.83 (P < 0.0001), and 3.47 (P < 0.0001), respectively, for the Amazon, Midwest, and Extreme South areas. Conclusion. The improvement of health care services along Brazil`s borders may be a strategy for territorial integration and for dealing with the AIDS epidemic, as long as social, economic, and cultural differences are taken into account.
Objective: To determine the frequency of cardiac alterations in necropsies of AIDS patients in pre-HAART era and better understand the pathogenesis of HIV-related cardiomyopathy. Design: Retrospective study of 94 complete necropsies. Method: Macroscopic, histopathologic (histochemical,immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization techniques) and ultra structural myocardial evaluation (23 cases). Results: Cardiac alterations were observed in 94.4%; 74% showed variable degrees of cardiac dilation not related to known cardiovascular diseases. Eighty-two percent (81.8%) of patients with biventricular dilation showed diffuse-regressive alterations (thinning and waving cardiomyocytes with increase of lipofuscin pigment granules). Myocarditis was diagnosed in 27 cases (28.7%), 16 (59.3%) of known etiology. The ultra structural study has revealed cardiomyocytes alterations (mitochondriosis, loss of myofibrils, increase in the amount of perinuclear-lipofuscin pigment granules) associated to activation signals of capillary-endothelial cells (enhancement of pseudopodia and transcellular channels). Cardiomyocytes` apoptosis was demonstrated at structural level in 10 (43.5%) patients; tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) was detected in 17/18 cases. Conclusions: This pioneer study described the association of histopathological and ultra structural findings (thinning and waving cardiomyocytes with increase of lipofuscin pigment granules, mitochondriosis and loss of myofibrils) with different degrees of cardiac-chamber dilation probably representing a spectrum of alterations that would lead to myocardial dysfunction and development of HIV-related cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyocytes` apoptosis observed at ultra structural level and demonstration of TNF alpha associated to described alterations suggest that this cytokine plays an important role in both negative-inotropic effect and capacity to induce apoptosis through death receptor-controlled pathway. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
A girl with vertically acquired HIV infection presented with a 6-month history of dyspnea and chest pain. Computed tomography of the thorax showed a heterogenous mass measuring 13 x 9 x 17 cm located in the anterior mediastinum. Complete surgical resection was accomplished with no complications. The final diagnosis was multilocular thymic cyst, a distinct pathologic entity that is morphologically distinguishable and unrelated to congenital thymic cyst. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Antiretroviral chemoprophylaxis before exposure is a promising approach for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquisition. Methods: We randomly assigned 2499 HIV-seronegative men or transgender women who have sex with men to receive a combination of two oral antiretroviral drugs, emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (FTC-TDF), or placebo once daily. All subjects received HIV testing, risk-reduction counseling, condoms, and management of sexually transmitted infections. Results: The study subjects were followed for 3324 person-years (median, 1.2 years; maximum, 2.8 years). Of these subjects, 10 were found to have been infected with HIV at enrollment, and 100 became infected during follow-up (36 in the FTC-TDF group and 64 in the placebo group), indicating a 44% reduction in the incidence of HIV (95% confidence interval, 15 to 63; P=0.005). In the FTC-TDF group, the study drug was detected in 22 of 43 of seronegative subjects (51%) and in 3 of 34 HIV-infected subjects (9%) (P<0.001). Nausea was reported more frequently during the first 4 weeks in the FTC-TDF group than in the placebo group (P<0.001). The two groups had similar rates of serious adverse events (P=0.57). Conclusions: Oral FTC-TDF provided protection against the acquisition of HIV infection among the subjects. Detectable blood levels strongly correlated with the prophylactic effect. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00458393.) N Engl J Med 2010;363:2587-99.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis with a geographic distribution that is limited to Central and South America; Brazil has the highest number of cases. Severe disseminated disease caused by paracoccidioidomycosis was observed in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients who live or have resided in endemic paracoccidioidomycosis areas. Here we describe a male patient admitted to a large public hospital with diffuse nodular infiltrates observed in chest radiographs and with erosion at the second rib near the sternum. Blood tests showed anti human immunodeficiency virus antibodies, a human immunodeficiency virus viral load of 59 700 (4.8 log), and CD4 144/mm(3), with negative serology result for fungal infections. Aspirate of the rib lesion showed cells with a typical morphology of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, aside from benign inflammatory cells. The histology of the rib biopsy showed typical granulomas and immunostained fungal cells. Although there was no growth in the Sabouraud cultures, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis gp43 and rDNA genes were detected in the aspirate by polymerase chain reaction. Therapy with amphotericin resulted in complete recovery. This type of bone lesion is rare and has been described primarily in the juvenile form of paracoccidioidomycosis; it must be included in the differential diagnosis of bone lesions in adult acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients of endemic areas. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.