871 resultados para Acousto-optical devices


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We report on photoreduction of Ag+ in aluminoborate glasses induced by irradiation of a femtosecond laser. Novel fluorescence was observed in the femtosecond laser irradiated glass when excited by a 365 nm ultraviolet lamp. Optical absorption, emission, and electron spin resonance spectra of the glass samples demonstrated that after the laser irradiation, portions of silver ions near the focused part of the laser beam inside the glass were reduced to silver atoms, which resulted in the formation of the characteristic fluorescence. The observed phenomenon may have promising applications in the fabrication of functional optical devices.


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Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used for materials microprocessing. Due to their ultrashort pulse width and ultrahigh light intensity, the process is generally characterized by the nonthermal diffusion process. We observed various induced microstructures such as refractive-index-changed structures, color center defects, microvoids and microcracks in transparent materials (e.g., glasses after the femtosecond laser irradiation), and discussed the possible applications of the microstructures in the fabrication of various micro optical devices [e.g., optical waveguides, microgratings, microlenses, fiber attenuators, and three-dimensional (3D) optical memory]. In this paper, we review our recent research developments on single femtosecond-laser-induced nanostructures. We introduce the space-selective valence state manipulation of active ions, precipitation and control of metal nanoparticles and light polarization-dependent permanent nanostructures, and discuss the mechanisms and possible applications of the observed phenomena.


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We report the continuous-wave and acousto-optical Q-switched operation of a diode-end-pumped Tm:YAP laser. Continuous-wave output power of 3.5 W at 1.99 mu m was obtained under the absorbed pump power of 14 W. Under Q-switched laser operation, the average output power increased from 1.57 W to 2.0 W, with an absorbed pump power of 12.6 W, as the repetition rate increased from 1 kHz to 10 kHz. The maximum Q-switched pulse energy was 1.57 mJ with a repetition rate of 1 kHz. The minimum pulse width was measured to be about 80 ns, corresponding to a peak power of 19.6 kW.


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Non-polar (1 (1) over bar 00)m-plane ZnO thin film has been prepared on gamma-LiAlO2 (100)substrate via the low pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition. Obvious intensity variation of the E-2 mode in the polarized Raman spectra and the absorption edge shift in the polarized optical transmission spectra indicate that the m-plane film exhibits optical anisotropy, which have applications in certain optical devices, such as the UV modulator and polarization-dependent beam switch. From the atomic force microscopy images, highly-oriented uniform-sized grains of rectangular shape were observed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Os materiais ferroelétricos têm sido utilizados em muitas áreas da tecnologia e da ciência, pois possuem um grande número de aplicações, como: sensores; transdutores; capacitores; dispositivos ópticos; dentre outras. A busca por novos materiais cerâmicos ferroelétricos tem sido grande. Um dos materiais cerâmicos ferroelétricos mais estudados é o titanato de bário (BT). São vários os métodos de produção e caracterização do titanato de bário. Neste trabalho, pós cerâmicos de titanato de bário foram obtidos por reação do estado sólido a partir de misturas reacionais calcinadas em diferentes temperaturas entre 400C e 900C. Foram três as misturas reacionais: não dopadas; dopadas com 1%; e dopadas com 5% de dióxido de cério (CeO2). A identificação da formação do BT, nos pós cerâmicos produzidos, foi feita a partir de três técnicas de caracterização: difração de raios X (DRX); espectroscopia fotoacústica (PAS); e técnicas de análise térmica. Com a técnica DRX, difratogramas mostraram que a plena formação do titanato de bário ocorreu a partir da temperatura de calcinação de 700C. Para a amostra não dopada com cério e calcinada a 800C, houve deslocamento de todos os picos de difração. Nas amostras dopadas com dióxido de cério houve deslocamento de todos os picos de difração, em relação as amostras não dopadas. Observou-se também que nas amostras dopadas com 5% de CeO2, e calcinadas a 700C e 800C, resíduos de dióxido de cério foram observados nos difratogramas. Com a técnica PAS, espectros de absorção foram obtidos. Foi possível observar uma grande diferença de absorção da amostra calcinada a 600 e 630C, indicando a formação do titanato de bário a partir da temperatura de 630C, nas amostras sem a dopagem dióxido de cério. Houve um alargamento nas bandas de absorção a partir da temperatura de 600C, quando o dióxido de cério entrou na matriz. Foi também possível determinar as energias de band-gap das amostras utilizando o método de Tauc. Com as técnicas de análise térmica, em especial através da técnica termogravimétrica (TG/DTG), foi comprovado que até 400C não havia formação de titanato de bário. Visto que nesta temperatura de calcinação houve a maior perda de massa durante a rampa de aquecimento. O início da formação do titanato de bário foi observado a partir da temperatura de calcinação de 500C, assim como nas técnicas DRX e PAS. Portanto, com os resultados apresentados, foi demonstrada a identificação da formação do titanato de bário nas misturas reacionais calcinadas, com auxílio das potencialidades das três técnicas utilizadas.


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The paper briefly reviews the major forms of optical bistability in active optical devices compatible for use in gigabit optical communication systems, and reports an entirely new optical bistability for the first time. Unlike previous devices, the two bistable states of the optical device are each a series of picosecond optical pulses at 1 GHz or greater repetition rates, and are distinguished by a half period temporal shift between their temporal positions in relation to a clock pulse. The bistable device is based on a gain switched semiconductor laser. Theoretical studies suggest 100-ps switching speeds might be achieved, and experimental results are reported indicating optically triggered switching times of 500 ps. © 1987, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


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Siloxane Polymer exhibits low loss in the 800-1500 nm range which varies between 0.01 and 0.66 dB cm1. It is for such low loss the material is one of the most promising candidates in the application of engineering passive and active optical devices [1, 2]. However, current polymer fabrication techniques do not provide a methodology which allows high structurally solubility of Er3+ ions in siloxane matrix. To address this problem, Yang et al.[3] demonstrated a channel waveguide amplifier with Nd 3+-complex doped polymer, whilst Wong and co-workers[4] employed Yb3+ and Er3+ co-doped polymer hosts for increasing the gain. In some recent research we demonstrated pulsed laser deposition of Er-doped tellurite glass thin films on siloxane polymer coated silica substrates[5]. Here an alternative methodology for multilayer polymer-glass composite thin films using Er3+ - Yb3+ co-doped phosphate modified tellurite (PT) glass and siloxane polymer is proposed by adopting combinatorial pulsed laser deposition (PLD). © 2011 IEEE.


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Electron and hole conducting 10-nm-wide polymer morphologies hold great promise for organic electro-optical devices such as solar cells and light emitting diodes. The self-assembly of block-copolymers (BCPs) is often viewed as an efficient way to generate such materials. Here, a functional block copolymer that contains perylene bismide (PBI) side chains which can crystallize via π-π stacking to form an electron conducting microphase is patterned harnessing hierarchical electrohydrodynamic lithography (HEHL). HEHL film destabilization creates a hierarchical structure with three distinct length scales: (1) micrometer-sized polymer pillars, containing (2) a 10-nm BCP microphase morphology that is aligned perpendicular to the substrate surface and (3) on a molecular length scale (0.35-3 nm) PBI π-π-stacks traverse the HEHL-generated plugs in a continuous fashion. The good control over BCP and PBI alignment inside the generated vertical microstructures gives rise to liquid-crystal-like optical dichroism of the HEHL patterned films, and improves the electron conductivity across the film by 3 orders of magnitude. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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We demonstrate the switching of a silicon nitride micro ring resonator (MRR) by using digital microfluidics (DMF). Our platform allows driving micro-droplets on-chip, providing control over the effective refractive index at the vicinity of the resonator and thus facilitating the manipulation of the transmission spectrum of the MRR. The device is fabricated using a process that is compatible with high-throughput silicon fabrication techniques with buried highly doped silicon electrodes. This platform can be extended towards controlling arrays of micro optical devices using minute amounts of liquid droplets. Such an integration of DMF and optical resonators on chip can be used in variety of applications, ranging from biosensing and kinetics to tunable filtering on chip.


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Photonic crystals are materials that are used to control or manipulate the propagation of light through a medium for a desired application. Common fabrication methods to prepare photonic crystals are both costly and intricate. However, through a cost-effective laser-induced photochemical patterning, one-dimensional responsive and tuneable photonic crystals can easily be fabricated. These structures act as optical transducers and respond to external stimuli. These photonic crystals are generally made of a responsive hydrogel that can host metallic nanoparticles in the form of arrays. The hydrogel-based photonic crystal has the capability to alter its periodicity in situ but also recover its initial geometrical dimensions, thereby rendering it fully reversible and reusable. Such responsive photonic crystals have applications in various responsive and tuneable optical devices. In this study, we fabricated a pH-sensitive photonic crystal sensor through photochemical patterning and demonstrated computational simulations of the sensor through a finite element modelling technique in order to analyse its optical properties on varying the pattern and characteristics of the nanoparticle arrays within the responsive hydrogel matrix. Both simulations and experimental results show the wavelength tuneability of the sensor with good agreement. Various factors, including nanoparticle size and distribution within the hydrogel-based responsive matrices that directly affect the performance of the sensors, are also studied computationally. © 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Tuneable optical sensors have been developed to sense chemical stimuli for a range of applications from bioprocess and environmental monitoring to medical diagnostics. Here, we present a porphyrin-functionalised optical sensor based on a holographic grating. The holographic sensor fulfils two key sensing functions simultaneously: it responds to external stimuli and serves as an optical transducer in the visible region of the spectrum. The sensor was fabricated via a 6 nanosecond-pulsed laser (350 mJ, λ = 532 nm) photochemical patterning process that enabled a facile fabrication. A novel porphyrin derivative was synthesised to function as the crosslinker of a polymer matrix, the light-absorbing material, the component of a diffraction grating, as well as the cation chelating agent in the sensor. The use of this multifunctional porphyrin permitted two-step fabrication of a narrow-band light diffracting photonic sensing structure. The resulting structure can be tuned finely to diffract narrow-band light based on the changes in the fringe spacing within the polymer and the system's overall index of refraction. We show the utility of the sensor by demonstrating its reversible colorimetric tuneability in response to variation in concentrations of organic solvents and metal cations (Cu 2+ and Fe2+) in the visible region of the spectrum (λmax ≈ 520-680 nm) with a response time within 50 s. Porphyrin-functionalised optical sensors offer great promise in fields varying from environmental monitoring to biochemical sensing to printable optical devices. This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014.


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A three dimensional analysis of a special class of anisotropic materials is presented. We introduce an extension of the Scattering Matrix Method (SMM) to investigate the behavior of anisotropic Photonic Crystal Slabs (PhCS) subject to external radiation. We show how the Fano effect can play a fundamental role in the realization of tunable optical devices. Moreover, we show how to utilize electron injection, electric field and temperature as parameters to control the Fano resonance shift in both isotropic and anisotropic materials as Si and Potassium Titanium Oxide Phosphate (KTP). We will see that because Fano modes are sensitive and controllable, a broad range of applications can be considered. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America


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Cr3+-doped NH4Al(OH)(2)CO3 nanotubes, templated by surfactant assemblies, were successfully synthesized via the homogenization precipitation method, and various crystallographic phase Al2O3:Cr3+ nanotubes were also obtained by postannealing at different temperatures. The characteristic R-1, R-2 doublet line transitions of ruby can be observed in the high crystalline alpha-Al2O3 nanotubes calcined at temperatures higher than 1200 degrees C. The results also indicate that the formation mechanism of the tubular nanostructures should result from the self-rolling action of layered compound NH4Al(OH)(2)CO3 under the assistance of the surfactant soft-template. The convenient synthetic procedure, excellent reproducibility, clean reactions, high yield, and fine quality of products in this work make the present route attractive and significant. Aluminum oxide nanotubes with high specific surface area could be used as fabricating nanosized optical devices doped with different elements and stable catalyst supports of metal clusters.


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The Principle of optical thin film was used to calculate the feasibility of improving the light extraction efficiency of GaN/GaAs optical devices by wafer-bonding technique. The calculated results show that the light extraction efficiency of bonded samples can be improved by 2.66 times than the as-grown GaN/GaAs samples when a thin Ni layer was used as adhesive layer and Ag layer as reflective layer. Full reflectance spectrum comparison shows that reflectivity for the incident light of 459.2 nm of the bonded samples was improved by 2.4 times than the as-grown samples, which is consistent with the calculated results.


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It is predicted that the Goos-Hanchen displacement in the usual frustrated total internal reflection configuration can be resonantly enhanced greatly by coating a dielectric thin film onto the surface of the first prism when the angle of incidence is larger than the critical angle for total reflection at the prism-vacuum interface and is smaller than but close to the critical angle for total reflection at the prism-film interface. Theoretical analysis shows that the displacement of transmitted beam is about half the displacement of reflected beam in the thick limit of the vacuum gap between the two prisms. This is to be compared with the relation in the usual symmetric double-prism configuration that the displacement of transmitted beam is equal to the displacement of reflected beam. Numerical simulations for a Gaussian incident beam of waist width of 100 wavelengths reveal that when the dielectric thin film is of the order of wavelength in thickness, both the reflected and transmitted beams maintain well the shape of the incident beam in the thick limit of the vacuum gap. So largely enhanced displacements would lead to applications in optical devices and integrated optics. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.