944 resultados para APTAMER-BASED SENSORS


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Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Biomolekülen spielen eine zentrale Rolle in der biochemischen und pharmazeutischen Forschung. In der biomolekularen Interaktionsanalyse sind dabei Biosensoren auf Basis des Oberflächenplasmonresonanzeffekts (SPR-Effekt) weitverbreitet. Seit Einführung der ersten kommerziellen SPR-Biosensoren Anfang der 1990er Jahre wurden verschiedenste Messanordnungen sowie Materialsysteme mit dem Ziel einer möglichst hohen Empfindlichkeit getestet. Eine Möglichkeit zur Steigerung der Empfindlichkeit klassischer SPR-Systeme bieten sogenannte magneto-optische SPR-Biosensoren (MOSPR-Biosensoren). Grundlage der Empfindlichkeitssteigerung ist die gleichzeitige Messung des SPR-Effekts und des transversalen magneto-optischen KERR-Effekts (tMOKE). Bisherige Untersuchungen haben sich meist auf den Einfluss der Magnetisierung freier ferromagnetischer Schichten beschränkt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden erstmals austauschverschobene Dünnschichtsysteme (EB-Systeme), eine Kombination aus Ferromagnet und Antiferromagnet, hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für SPR- und MOSPR-basierte biosensorische Anwendungen untersucht. Aufgrund der remanenten Magnetisierung der ferromagnetischen Schicht und ihrer magnetischen Strukturierbarkeit sind EB-Systeme eine hochinteressante Plattform zur Realisierung neuer Biosensorkonzepte. Zur Reduzierung der stark dämpfendenden Wirkung magnetischer Materialien wurde das hier betrachtete IrMn/Co EB-System zwischen zwei Goldschichten eingebettet. Eine Gegenüberstellung optimierter Au/ IrMn/Co/Au-Systeme mit einem reinen Au-System, wie es typischerweise in kommerziellen SPR-basierten Biosensoren eingesetzt wird, demonstriert, dass mit den entwickelten EB-Systemen vergleichbare Empfindlichkeiten in SPR-Sensor-Anwendungen erreicht werden können. Die magneto-optische Aktivität der untersuchten Dünnschichtsysteme liegt im Bereich der Literaturwerte für Au/Co/Au-Systeme, mit denen erhöhte Empfindlichkeiten gegenüber Standard-SPR-Biosensoren realisiert wurden. Auf Grundlage magnetisch strukturierter Au/IrMn/Co/Au-Systeme wurden neue Biosensorkonzepte entwickelt und getestet. Erste Experimente belegen, dass mit diesen Schichtsystemen eine gleichzeitige Detektion der magnetisierungsabhängigen Reflektivitäten in ortsauflösenden MOSPR-Messungen möglich ist. Eine solche Messanordnung profitiert von der erhöhten Empfindlichkeit MOSPR-basierter Biosensoren, hohen Messgeschwindigkeiten und einem verbesserten Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis. Weiterhin wurde der domänenwandassistierte Transport (DOWMAT) superparamagnetischer Partikel über der Oberfläche eines exemplarischen EB-Systems, zur Sensorintegration von Misch-, Reinigungs- und Aufkonzentrationsfunktionen erfolgreich getestet. Die Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass ein Transport von Partikelreihen mit hohen Geschwindigkeiten bei moderaten externen Magnetfeldern über den entwickelten Schichtsystemen möglich ist. Die Agglomeration der Partikel wird dabei intrinsisch vermieden. Diese Beobachtungen verdeutlichen die Vorzüge des DOWMAT-Mechanismus für biosensorische Anwendungen. Die präsentierten Untersuchungen bilden die Grundlage auf dem Weg zur Umsetzung neuer vielversprechender Biosensorkonzepte, die eine Schlüsselfunktion in der medizinischen point-of-care-Diagnostik bei der Detektion kleinster Konzentrationen krankheitsrelevanter Biomarker einnehmen können.


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A carbon micro/nanostructured composite based on cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNTs) grown onto a carbon felt has been found to be an efficient matrix for enzyme immobilization and chemical signal transduction. The obtained CSCNT/felt was modified with a copper hexacyanoferrate/polypyrrole (CuHCNFe/Ppy) hybrid mediator, and the resulting composite electrode was applied to H(2)O(2) detection, achieving a sensitivity of 194 +/- 15 mu A mmol(-1) L. The results showed that the CSCNT/felt matrix significantly increased the sensitivity of CuHCNFe/Ppy-based sensors compared to those prepared on a felt unrecovered by CSCNTs. Our data revealed that the improved sensitivity of the as-prepared CuHCNFe/Ppy-CSCNT/felt composite electrode can be attributed to the electronic interactions taking place among the CuHCNFe nanocrystals, Ppy layer and CSCNTs. In addition, the presence of CSCNTs also seemed to favor the dispersion of CuHCNFe nanocrystals over the Ppy matrix, even though the CSCNTs were buried under the conducting polymer layer. The CSCNT/felt matrix also enabled the preparation of a glucose biosensor whose sensitivity could be tuned as a function of the number of glucose oxidase (GOx) layers deposited through a Layer-by-Layer technique with an sensitivity of 11 +/- 2 mu A mmol(-1) L achieved at 15 poly(diallyldimethylammoniumchloride)/GOx bilayers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The field of electronic noses and gas sensing has been developing rapidly since the introduction of the silicon based sensors. There are numerous systems that can detect and indicate the level of a specific gas. We introduce here a system that is low power, small and cheap enough to be used in mobile robotic platforms while still being accurate and reliable enough for confident use. The design is based around a small circuit board mounted in a plastic case with holes to allow the sensors to protrude through the top and allow the natural flow of gas evenly across them. The main control board consists of a microcontroller PCB with surface mount components for low cost and power consumption. The firmware of the device is based on an algorithm that uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) which receives input from an array of gas sensors. The various sensors feeding the ANN allow the microcontroller to determine the gas type and quantity. The Testing of the device involves the training of the ANN with a number of different target gases to determine the weightings for the ANN. Accuracy and reliability of the ANN is validated through testing in a specific gas filled environment.


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In the present work, we propose a low cost synthetic sol-gel route that allows to produce high quality oxide nanostructures with inverse opal architecture which, transferred on alumina substrates provided with Pt interdigitated contacts and heater, are tested as gas sensing devices. An opal template of sintered monodisperse polystyrene spheres was filled with alcoholic solutions of metal oxide precursors and transferred on the alumina substrate. The polystyrene template was removed by thermal treatment, leading to the simultaneous sintering of the oxide nanoparticles. Beside SnO2, a binary oxide well known for gas sensing application, a Zn containing ternary solid solution (SnO2:Zn, with Zn 10% molar content) was taken into account for sensor preparation. The obtained high quality macro and meso-porous structures, characterized by different techniques, were tested for pollutant (CO, NO2) and interfering (methanol) gases, showing that very good detection can be reached through the increase of surface area offered by the inverse opal structure and the tailoring of the chemical composition. The electrical characterization performed on the tin dioxide based sensors shows an enhancement of the relative response towards NO2 at low temperatures in comparison with conventional SnO2 sensors obtained with sputtering technique. The addition of Zn increases the separation between the operating temperatures for reducing and oxidizing gases and results in a further enhancement of the selectivity to NO2 detection.


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This work encompasses the direct electrodeposition of polypyrrole nanowires onto Au substrates using different electrochemical techniques: normal pulse voltammetry (NPV) and constant potential method with the aim in applying these films for the first time in ammonia sensing in solution. The performance of these nanowire-based sensors are compared and evaluated in terms of: film morphology (analyzed with scanning electron microscopy); their sensitivity towards ammonia; electrochemical and contact angle measurements. For nanowires prepared by NPV, the sensitivity towards ammonia increases with increasing amount of electrodeposited polypyrrole, as expected due to the role of polypyrrole as electrochemical transducer for ammonia oxidation. On the other hand, nanowires prepared potentiostatically displayed an unexpected opposite behavior, attributed to the lower conductivity of longer polypyrrole nanowires obtained through this technique. These results evidenced that the analytical and physico-chemical features of nanostructured sensors can differ greatly from those of their conventional bulky analogous. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the applicability of a Hg-electroplated-Pt ultramicroelectrode in the quantification of elemental sulphur in naphtha samples by square-wave voltammetry. A reproducible deposition methodology was studied and is reported in this paper. This methodology is innovative and relies on the quality of the mercury stock solution to obtain reproducible surfaces required for the analytical methodology. All analyses were performed using a Hg-electroplated-Pt ultramicroelectrode (Hg-Pt UME) due to the low sensibility of such devices to ohmic drops in resistive solutions. The responses of the peak areas in voltammetric experiments were linear in all of the range studied. The method developed here is accurate and reproducible, with a detection limit of 0.010 mg L-1 and a good recovery range for both standard solutions of elemental sulphur (85 to 99%) and real naphtha sample (79%). These results attest to the potential for the application of this electroanalytical methodology in determining elemental sulphur in naphtha samples containing mercaptans and disulphides.


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The layer-by-layer (LbL) technique combined with field-effect transistor (FET) based sensors has enabled the production of pH-sensitive platforms with potential application in biosensors. A variation of the FET architecture, so called separative extended gate FET (SEGFET) devices, are promise as an alternative to conventional ion sensitive FET (ISFET). SEGFET configuration exhibits the advantage of combining the field-effect concept with organic and inorganic materials directly adsorbed on the extended gate, allowing the test of new pH-sensitive materials in a simple and low cost way. In this communication, poly(propylene imine) dendrimer (PPI) and TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2-np) were assembled onto gold-covered substrates via layer-by-layer technique to produce a low cost SEGFET pH sensor. The sensor presented good pH sensitivity, ca. 57 mV pH(-1), showing that our strategy has potential advantages to fabricate low cost pH-sensing membranes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Volcanoes pose a threat to the human population at regional and global scales and so efficient monitoring is essential in order to effectively manage and mitigate the risks that they pose. Volcano monitoring from space has been possible for over thirty years and now, more than ever, a suite of instruments exists with the capability to observe emissions of gas and ash from a unique perspective. The goal of this research is to demonstrate the use of a range of satellite-based sensors in order to detect and quantify volcanic sulphur dioxide, and to assess the relative performances of each sensor against one another. Such comparisons are important in order to standardise retrievals and permit better estimations of the global contribution of sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere from volcanoes for climate modelling. In this work, retrievals of volcanic sulphur dioxide from a number of instruments are compared, and the individual performances at quantifying emissions from large, explosive volcanic eruptions are assessed. Retrievals vary widely from sensor to sensor, and often the use of a number of sensors in synergy can provide the most complete picture, rather than just one instrument alone. Volcanic emissions have the ability to result significant economic loses by grounding aircraft due to the high risk associated with ash encountering aircraft. As sulphur dioxide is often easier to measure than ash, it is often used as a proxy. This work examines whether this is a reasonable assumption, using the Icelandic eruption in early 2010 as a case study. Results indicate that although the two species are for the most part collocated, separation can occur under some conditions, meaning that it is essential to accurately measure both species in order to provide effective hazard mitigation. Finally, the usefulness of satellite remote sensing in quantifying the passive degassing from Turrialba, Costa Rica is demonstrated. The increase in activity from 2005 – 2010 can be observed in satellite data prior to the phreatic phase of early 2010, and can therefore potentially provide a useful indication of changing activity at some volcanoes.


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Among the optical structures investigated for optical sensing purpose, a significant amount of research has been conducted on photonic crystal based sensors. A particular advantage of photonic crystal based sensors is that they show superior sensitivity for ultra-small volume sensing. In this study we investigate polarization changes in response to the changes in the cover index of magneto-optic active photonic band gap structures. One-dimensional photonic-band gap structures fabricated on iron garnet materials yield large polarization rotations at the band gap edges. The enhanced polarization effects serve as an excellent tool for chemical sensing showing high degree of sensitivity for photonic crystal cover refractive index changes. The one dimensional waveguide photonic crystals are fabricated on single-layer bismuth-substituted rare earth iron garnet films ((Bi, Y, Lu)3(Fe, Ga)5O12 ) grown by liquid phase epitaxy on gadolinium gallium garnet substrates. Band gaps have been observed where Bragg scattering conditions links forward-going fundamental waveguide modes to backscattered high-order waveguide modes. Large near-band-edge polarization rotations which increase progressively with backscattered-mode order have been experimentally demonstrated for multiple samples with different composition, film thickness and fabrication parameters. Experimental findings are supported by theoretical analysis of Bloch modes polarization states showing that large near stop-band edge rotations are induced by the magneto-photonic crystal. Theoretical and experimental analysis conducted on polarization rotation sensitivity to waveguide photonic crystal cover refractive index changes shows a monotonic enhancement of the rotation with cover index. The sensor is further developed for selective chemical sensing by employing Polypyrrole as the photonic crystal cover layer. Polypyrrole is one of the extensively studied conducting polymers for selective analyte detection. Successful detection of aqueous ammonia and methanol has been achieved with Polypyrrole deposited magneto-photonic crystals.


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Understanding and controlling the structural anisotropies of injection-molded polymers is vital for designing products such as cantilever-based sensors. Such micro-cantilevers are considered as cost-effective alternatives to single-crystalline silicon-based sensors. In order to achieve similar sensing characteristics,structure and morphology have to be controlled by means of processing parameters including mold temperature and injection speed. Synchrotron radiation-based scanning small- (SAXS) and wide-angle x-ray scattering techniques were used to quantify crystallinity and anisotropy in polymer micro-cantilevers with micrometer resolution in real space. SAXS measurements confirmed the lamellar nature of the injection-molded semi-crystalline micro-cantilevers. The homogenous cantilever material exhibits a lamellar periodicity increasing with mold temperature but not with injection speed. We demonstrate that micro-cantilevers made of semi-crystalline polymers such as polyvinylidenefluoride, polyoxymethylene, and polypropylene show the expected strong degree of anisotropy along the injection direction.


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Esta memoria está basada en el crecimiento y caracterización de heteroestructuras Al(Ga)N/GaN y nanocolumnas ordenadas de GaN, y su aplicación en sensores químicos. El método de crecimiento ha sido la epitaxia de haces moleculares asistida por plasma (PAMBE). En el caso de las heteroestructuras Al(Ga)N/GaN, se han crecido barreras de distinto espesor y composición, desde AlN de 5 nm, hasta AlGaN de 35 nm. Además de una caracterización morfológica, estructural y eléctrica básica de las capas, también se han fabricado a partir de ellas dispositivos tipo HEMTs. La caracterización eléctrica de dichos dispositivos (carga y movilidad de en el canal bidimensional) indica que las mejores heteroestructuras son aquellas con un espesor de barrera intermedio (alrededor de 20 nm). Sin embargo, un objetivo importante de esta Tesis ha sido verificar las ventajas que podían tener los sensores basados en heteroestructuras AlN/GaN (frente a los típicos basados en AlGaN/GaN), con espesores de barrera muy finos (alrededor de 5 nm), ya que el canal de conducción que se modula por efecto de cambios químicos está más cerca de la superficie en donde ocurren dichos cambios químicos. De esta manera, se han utilizado los dispositivos tipo HEMTs como sensores químicos de pH (ISFETs), y se ha comprobado la mayor sensibilidad (variación de corriente frente a cambios de pH, Ids/pH) en los sensores basados en AlN/GaN frente a los basados en AlGaN/GaN. La mayor sensibilidad es incluso más patente en aplicaciones en las que no se utiliza un electrodo de referencia. Se han fabricado y caracterizado dispositivos ISFET similares utilizando capas compactas de InN. Estos sensores presentan peor estabilidad que los basados en Al(Ga)N/GaN, aunque la sensibilidad superficial al pH era la misma (Vgs/pH), y su sensibilidad en terminos de corriente de canal (Ids/pH) arroja valores intermedios entre los ISFET basados en AlN/GaN y los valores de los basados en AlGaN/GaN. Para continuar con la comparación entre dispositivos basados en Al(Ga)N/GaN, se fabricaron ISFETs con el área sensible más pequeña (35 x 35 m2), de tamaño similar a los dispositivos destinados a las medidas de actividad celular. Sometiendo los dispositivos a pulsos de voltaje en su área sensible, la respuesta de los dispositivos de AlN presentaron menor ruido que los basados en AlGaN. El ruido en la corriente para dispositivos de AlN, donde el encapsulado no ha sido optimizado, fue tan bajo como 8.9 nA (valor rms), y el ruido equivalente en el potencial superficial 38.7 V. Estos valores son más bajos que los encontrados en los dispositivos típicos para la detección de actividad celular (basados en Si), y del orden de los mejores resultados encontrados en la literatura sobre AlGaN/GaN. Desde el punto de vista de la caracterización electro-química de las superficies de GaN e InN, se ha determinado su punto isoeléctrico. Dicho valor no había sido reportado en la literatura hasta el momento. El valor, determinado por medidas de “streaming potential”, es de 4.4 y 4 respectivamente. Este valor es una importante característica a tener en cuenta en sensores, en inmovilización electrostática o en la litografía coloidal. Esta última técnica se discute en esta memoria, y se aplica en el último bloque de investigación de esta Tesis (i.e. crecimiento ordenado). El último apartado de resultados experimentales de esta Tesis analiza el crecimiento selectivo de nanocolumnas ordenadas de GaN por MBE, utilizando mascaras de Ti con nanoagujeros. Se ha estudiado como los distintos parámetros de crecimiento (i.e. flujos de los elementos Ga y N, temperatura de crecimiento y diseño de la máscara) afectan a la selectividad y a la morfología de las nanocolumnas. Se ha conseguido con éxito el crecimiento selectivo sobre pseudosustratos de GaN con distinta orientación cristalina o polaridad; templates de GaN(0001)/zafiro, GaN(0001)/AlN/Si, GaN(000-1)/Si y GaN(11-20)/zafiro. Se ha verificado experimentalmente la alta calidad cristalina de las nanocolumnas ordenadas, y su mayor estabilidad térmica comparada con las capas compactas del mismo material. Las nanocolumnas ordenadas de nitruros del grupo III tienen una clara aplicación en el campo de la optoelectrónica, principalmente para nanoemisores de luz blanca. Sin embargo, en esta Tesis se proponen como alternativa a la utilización de capas compactas o nanocolumnas auto-ensambladas en sensores. Las nanocolumnas auto-ensambladas de GaN, debido a su alta razón superficie/volumen, son muy prometedoras en el campo de los sensores, pero su amplia dispersión en dimensiones (altura y diámetro) supone un problema para el procesado y funcionamiento de dispositivos reales. En ese aspecto, las nanocolumnas ordenadas son más robustas y homogéneas, manteniendo una alta relación superficie/volumen. Como primer experimento en el ámbito de los sensores, se ha estudiado como se ve afectada la emisión de fotoluminiscencia de las NCs ordenadas al estar expuestas al aire o al vacio. Se observa una fuerte caída en la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia cuando las nanocolumnas están expuestas al aire (probablemente por la foto-adsorción de oxigeno en la superficie), como ya había sido documentado anteriormente en nanocolumnas auto-ensambladas. Este experimento abre el camino para futuros sensores basados en nanocolumnas ordenadas. Abstract This manuscript deals with the growth and characterization of Al(Ga)N/GaN heterostructures and GaN ordered nanocolumns, and their application in chemical sensors. The growth technique has been the plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). In the case of Al(Ga)N/GaN heterostructures, barriers of different thickness and composition, from AlN (5 nm) to AlGaN (35 nm) have been grown. Besides the basic morphological, structural and electrical characterization of the layers, HEMT devices have been fabricated based on these layers. The best electrical characteristics (larger carriers concentration and mobility in the two dimensional electron gas) are those in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with a medium thickness (around 20 nm). However, one of the goals of this Thesis has been to verify the advantages that sensors based on AlN/GaN (thickness around 7 nm) have compared to standard AlGaN/GaN, because the conduction channel to be modulated by chemical changes is closer to the sensitive area. In this way, HEMT devices have been used as chemical pH sensors (ISFETs), and the higher sensitivity (conductance change related to pH changes, Ids/pH) of AlN/GaN based sensors has been proved. The higher sensibility is even more obvious in application without reference electrode. Similar ISFETs devices have been fabricated based on InN compact layers. These devices show a poor stability, but its surface sensitivity to pH (Vgs/pH) and its sensibility (Ids/pH) yield values between the corresponding ones of AlN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. In order to a further comparison between Al(Ga)N/GaN based devices, ISFETs with smaller sensitive area (35 x 35 m2), similar to the ones used in cellular activity record, were fabricated and characterized. When the devices are subjected to a voltage pulse through the sensitive area, the response of AlN based devices shows lower noise than the ones based on AlGaN. The noise in the current of such a AlN based device, where the encapsulation has not been optimized, is as low as 8.9 nA (rms value), and the equivalent noise to the surface potential is 38.7 V. These values are lower than the found in typical devices used for cellular activity recording (based on Si), and in the range of the best published results on AlGaN/GaN. From the point of view of the electrochemical characterization of GaN and InN surfaces, their isoelectric point has been experimentally determined. Such a value is the first time reported for GaN and InN surfaces. These values are determined by “streaming potential”, being pH 4.4 and 4, respectively. Isoelectric point value is an important characteristic in sensors, electrostatic immobilization or in colloidal lithography. In particular, colloidal lithography has been optimized in this Thesis for GaN surfaces, and applied in the last part of experimental results (i.e. ordered growth). The last block of this Thesis is focused on the selective area growth of GaN nanocolumns by MBE, using Ti masks decorated with nanoholes. The effect of the different growth parameters (Ga and N fluxes, growth temperature and mask design) is studied, in particular their impact in the selectivity and in the morphology of the nanocolumns. Selective area growth has been successful performed on GaN templates with different orientation or polarity; GaN(0001)/sapphire, GaN(0001)/AlN/Si, GaN(000- 1)/Si and GaN(11-20)/sapphire. Ordered nanocolumns exhibit a high crystal quality, and a higher thermal stability (lower thermal decomposition) than the compact layers of the same material. Ordered nanocolumns based on III nitrides have a clear application in optoelectronics, mainly for white light nanoemitters. However, this Thesis proposes them as an alternative to compact layers and self-assembled nanocolumns in sensor applications. Self-assembled GaN nanocolumns are very appealing for sensor applications, due to their large surface/volume ratio. However, their large dispersion in heights and diameters are a problem in terms of processing and operation of real devices. In this aspect, ordered nanocolumns are more robust and homogeneous, keeping the large surface/volume ratio. As first experimental evidence of their sensor capabilities, ordered nanocolumns have been studied regarding their photoluminiscence on air and vacuum ambient. A big drop in the intensity is observed when the nanocolumns are exposed to air (probably because of the oxygen photo-adsortion), as was already reported in the case of self-assembled nanocolumns. This opens the way to future sensors based on ordered III nitrides nanocolumns.


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Nowadays, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers are widely used within the industry to model fluid flow phenomenons. Several fluid flow model equations have been employed in the last decades to simulate and predict forces acting, for example, on different aircraft configurations. Computational time and accuracy are strongly dependent on the fluid flow model equation and the spatial dimension of the problem considered. While simple models based on perfect flows, like panel methods or potential flow models can be very fast to solve, they usually suffer from a poor accuracy in order to simulate real flows (transonic, viscous). On the other hand, more complex models such as the full Navier- Stokes equations provide high fidelity predictions but at a much higher computational cost. Thus, a good compromise between accuracy and computational time has to be fixed for engineering applications. A discretisation technique widely used within the industry is the so-called Finite Volume approach on unstructured meshes. This technique spatially discretises the flow motion equations onto a set of elements which form a mesh, a discrete representation of the continuous domain. Using this approach, for a given flow model equation, the accuracy and computational time mainly depend on the distribution of nodes forming the mesh. Therefore, a good compromise between accuracy and computational time might be obtained by carefully defining the mesh. However, defining an optimal mesh for complex flows and geometries requires a very high level expertize in fluid mechanics and numerical analysis, and in most cases a simple guess of regions of the computational domain which might affect the most the accuracy is impossible. Thus, it is desirable to have an automatized remeshing tool, which is more flexible with unstructured meshes than its structured counterpart. However, adaptive methods currently in use still have an opened question: how to efficiently drive the adaptation ? Pioneering sensors based on flow features generally suffer from a lack of reliability, so in the last decade more effort has been made in developing numerical error-based sensors, like for instance the adjoint-based adaptation sensors. While very efficient at adapting meshes for a given functional output, the latter method is very expensive as it requires to solve a dual set of equations and computes the sensor on an embedded mesh. Therefore, it would be desirable to develop a more affordable numerical error estimation method. The current work aims at estimating the truncation error, which arises when discretising a partial differential equation. These are the higher order terms neglected in the construction of the numerical scheme. The truncation error provides very useful information as it is strongly related to the flow model equation and its discretisation. On one hand, it is a very reliable measure of the quality of the mesh, therefore very useful in order to drive a mesh adaptation procedure. On the other hand, it is strongly linked to the flow model equation, so that a careful estimation actually gives information on how well a given equation is solved, which may be useful in the context of _ -extrapolation or zonal modelling. The following work is organized as follows: Chap. 1 contains a short review of mesh adaptation techniques as well as numerical error prediction. In the first section, Sec. 1.1, the basic refinement strategies are reviewed and the main contribution to structured and unstructured mesh adaptation are presented. Sec. 1.2 introduces the definitions of errors encountered when solving Computational Fluid Dynamics problems and reviews the most common approaches to predict them. Chap. 2 is devoted to the mathematical formulation of truncation error estimation in the context of finite volume methodology, as well as a complete verification procedure. Several features are studied, such as the influence of grid non-uniformities, non-linearity, boundary conditions and non-converged numerical solutions. This verification part has been submitted and accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics. Chap. 3 presents a mesh adaptation algorithm based on truncation error estimates and compares the results to a feature-based and an adjoint-based sensor (in collaboration with Jorge Ponsín, INTA). Two- and three-dimensional cases relevant for validation in the aeronautical industry are considered. This part has been submitted and accepted in the AIAA Journal. An extension to Reynolds Averaged Navier- Stokes equations is also included, where _ -estimation-based mesh adaptation and _ -extrapolation are applied to viscous wing profiles. The latter has been submitted in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Keywords: mesh adaptation, numerical error prediction, finite volume Hoy en día, la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) es ampliamente utilizada dentro de la industria para obtener información sobre fenómenos fluidos. La Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional considera distintas modelizaciones de las ecuaciones fluidas (Potencial, Euler, Navier-Stokes, etc) para simular y predecir las fuerzas que actúan, por ejemplo, sobre una configuración de aeronave. El tiempo de cálculo y la precisión en la solución depende en gran medida de los modelos utilizados, así como de la dimensión espacial del problema considerado. Mientras que modelos simples basados en flujos perfectos, como modelos de flujos potenciales, se pueden resolver rápidamente, por lo general aducen de una baja precisión a la hora de simular flujos reales (viscosos, transónicos, etc). Por otro lado, modelos más complejos tales como el conjunto de ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes proporcionan predicciones de alta fidelidad, a expensas de un coste computacional mucho más elevado. Por lo tanto, en términos de aplicaciones de ingeniería se debe fijar un buen compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo. Una técnica de discretización ampliamente utilizada en la industria es el método de los Volúmenes Finitos en mallas no estructuradas. Esta técnica discretiza espacialmente las ecuaciones del movimiento del flujo sobre un conjunto de elementos que forman una malla, una representación discreta del dominio continuo. Utilizando este enfoque, para una ecuación de flujo dado, la precisión y el tiempo computacional dependen principalmente de la distribución de los nodos que forman la malla. Por consiguiente, un buen compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo se podría obtener definiendo cuidadosamente la malla, concentrando sus elementos en aquellas zonas donde sea estrictamente necesario. Sin embargo, la definición de una malla óptima para corrientes y geometrías complejas requiere un nivel muy alto de experiencia en la mecánica de fluidos y el análisis numérico, así como un conocimiento previo de la solución. Aspecto que en la mayoría de los casos no está disponible. Por tanto, es deseable tener una herramienta que permita adaptar los elementos de malla de forma automática, acorde a la solución fluida (remallado). Esta herramienta es generalmente más flexible en mallas no estructuradas que con su homóloga estructurada. No obstante, los métodos de adaptación actualmente en uso todavía dejan una pregunta abierta: cómo conducir de manera eficiente la adaptación. Sensores pioneros basados en las características del flujo en general, adolecen de una falta de fiabilidad, por lo que en la última década se han realizado grandes esfuerzos en el desarrollo numérico de sensores basados en el error, como por ejemplo los sensores basados en el adjunto. A pesar de ser muy eficientes en la adaptación de mallas para un determinado funcional, este último método resulta muy costoso, pues requiere resolver un doble conjunto de ecuaciones: la solución y su adjunta. Por tanto, es deseable desarrollar un método numérico de estimación de error más asequible. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estimar el error local de truncación, que aparece cuando se discretiza una ecuación en derivadas parciales. Estos son los términos de orden superior olvidados en la construcción del esquema numérico. El error de truncación proporciona una información muy útil sobre la solución: es una medida muy fiable de la calidad de la malla, obteniendo información que permite llevar a cabo un procedimiento de adaptación de malla. Está fuertemente relacionado al modelo matemático fluido, de modo que una estimación precisa garantiza la idoneidad de dicho modelo en un campo fluido, lo que puede ser útil en el contexto de modelado zonal. Por último, permite mejorar la precisión de la solución resolviendo un nuevo sistema donde el error local actúa como término fuente (_ -extrapolación). El presenta trabajo se organiza de la siguiente manera: Cap. 1 contiene una breve reseña de las técnicas de adaptación de malla, así como de los métodos de predicción de los errores numéricos. En la primera sección, Sec. 1.1, se examinan las estrategias básicas de refinamiento y se presenta la principal contribución a la adaptación de malla estructurada y no estructurada. Sec 1.2 introduce las definiciones de los errores encontrados en la resolución de problemas de Dinámica Computacional de Fluidos y se examinan los enfoques más comunes para predecirlos. Cap. 2 está dedicado a la formulación matemática de la estimación del error de truncación en el contexto de la metodología de Volúmenes Finitos, así como a un procedimiento de verificación completo. Se estudian varias características que influyen en su estimación: la influencia de la falta de uniformidad de la malla, el efecto de las no linealidades del modelo matemático, diferentes condiciones de contorno y soluciones numéricas no convergidas. Esta parte de verificación ha sido presentada y aceptada para su publicación en el Journal of Computational Physics. Cap. 3 presenta un algoritmo de adaptación de malla basado en la estimación del error de truncación y compara los resultados con sensores de featured-based y adjointbased (en colaboración con Jorge Ponsín del INTA). Se consideran casos en dos y tres dimensiones, relevantes para la validación en la industria aeronáutica. Este trabajo ha sido presentado y aceptado en el AIAA Journal. También se incluye una extensión de estos métodos a las ecuaciones RANS (Reynolds Average Navier- Stokes), en donde adaptación de malla basada en _ y _ -extrapolación son aplicados a perfiles con viscosidad de alas. Este último trabajo se ha presentado en los Actas de la Institución de Ingenieros Mecánicos, Parte G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Palabras clave: adaptación de malla, predicción del error numérico, volúmenes finitos


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In the last decade the interest in nitride-based sensors (gas, ions...) and bio-sensors is increased. In the case of ion sensitive FET (ISFET), gate voltages induced by ions adsorbed onto the gate region modulate the source-drain currents.


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En robótica móvil existen diferentes dispositivos que permiten percibir la configuración del entorno. Pueden utilizarse alternativas de gran alcance como por ejemplo los ultrasonidos, pero que tienen la desventaja de consumir un tiempo elevado en la realización de las medidas. En corta distancia destacan los sensores basados en la emisión de luz infrarroja, que responden a muy alta velocidad pero tienen muy poco alcance. La obtención de fotografia, en incluso video, por medio de camaras, permite obtener mucha información del entorno, pero exige un procesado normalmente muy elaborado. Los “Laser Range Finder” son dispositivos basados en la emisión de un haz laser que responden a muy alta velocidad en el entorno de unos cuantos metros alrededor del robot móvil, lo que los hacen especialmente adecuados para un uso continuo que permita obtener de forma rapida un mapa de los obstaculos mas próximos. En el presente proyecto se va a realizar un ejercicio de medida con el laser range finder URG-04LX-UG01 para confirmar su utilidad en el ambito de la robótica móvil. ABSTRACT In mobile robotics there are different devices that allow sense the environment configuration. Powerful alternatives may be used as e.g. ultrasounds, but they have the disadvantage of consuming a large time to perform measurements. In short range highlights the infrared light based sensors, that responds at very high speed but have very low range. The photography obtaining, even video, by cameras, allow acquire many environmental information but normally require a very elaborate processing. The Laser Range Finder are devices based on laser beam broadcasting that respond a very high speed in the vicinity of a few meters around the mobile robot, which make them especially suitable for the continuous use, that allows fast obtain of the nearests obstacles map. In this project we are going to do an measurement exercise with laser range finder URG-04LX-UG01 to confirm its utility in mobile robotics scope.


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Pd and bimetallic Ni50Pd50 nanoparticles protected by polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) have been synthesized by the reduction-by-solvent method and deposited on single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) to be tested as H2 sensors. The SWCNTs were deposited by drop casting from different suspensions. The Pd nanoparticles-based sensors show a very reproducible performance with good sensitivity and very low response times (few seconds) for different H2 concentrations, ranging from 0.2% to 5% vol. H2 in air at atmospheric pressure. The influence of the metal nanoparticle composition, the quality of SWCNTs suspension and the metal loading have been studied, observing that all these parameters play an important role in the H2 sensor performance. Evidence for water formation during the H2 detection on Pd nanoparticles has been found, and its repercussion on the behaviour of the assembled sensors is discussed. The sensor preparation procedure detailed in this work has proven to be simple and reproducible to prepare cost-effective and highly efficient H2 sensors that perform very well under real application conditions.