99 resultados para ANTISEPTIC QUINIFURYL


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The clinical usefulness of hemodialysis catheters is limited by increased infectious morbidity and mortality. Topical antiseptic agents, such as mupirocin, are effective at reducing this risk but have been reported to select for antibiotic-resistant strains. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy and the safety of exit-site application of a standardized antibacterial honey versus mupirocin in preventing catheter-associated infections. A randomized, controlled trial was performed comparing the effect of thrice-weekly exit-site application of Medihoney versus mupirocin on infection rates in patients who were receiving hemodialysis via tunneled, cuffed central venous catheters. A total of 101 patients were enrolled. The incidences of catheter-associated bacteremias in honey-treated (n = 51) and mupirocin-treated (n = 50) patients were comparable (0.97 versus 0.85 episodes per 1000 catheter-days, respectively; NS). On Cox proportional hazards model analysis, the use of honey was not significantly associated with bacteremia-free survival (unadjusted hazard ratio, 0.94; 95% confidence interval, 0.27 to 3.24; P = 0.92). No exit-site infections occurred. During the study period, 2% of staphylococcal isolates within the hospital were mupirocin resistant. Thrice-weekly application of standardized antibacterial honey to hemodialysis catheter exit sites was safe, cheap, and effective and resulted in a comparable rate of catheter-associated infection to that obtained with mupirocin (although the study was not adequately powered to assess therapeutic equivalence). The effectiveness of honey against antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and its low likelihood of selecting for further resistant strains suggest that this agent may represent a satisfactory alternative means of chemoprophylaxis in patients with central venous catheters.


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This study evaluated a model of skin permeation to determine the depth of delivery of chlorhexidine into full-thickness excised human skin following topical application of 2% (wt/vol) aqueous chlorhexidine digluconate. Skin permeation studies were performed on full-thickness human skin using Franz diffusion cells with exposure to chlorhexidine for 2 min, 30 min, and 24 h. The concentration of chlorhexidine extracted from skin sections was determined to a depth of 1,500 µm following serial sectioning of the skin using a microtome and analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography. Poor penetration of chlorhexidine into skin following 2-min and 30-min exposures to chlorhexidine was observed (0.157 ± 0.047 and 0.077 ± 0.015 µg/mg tissue within the top 100 µm), and levels of chlorhexidine were minimal at deeper skin depths (less than 0.002 µg/mg tissue below 300 µm). After 24 h of exposure, there was more chlorhexidine within the upper 100-µm sections (7.88 ± 1.37 µg/mg tissue); however, the levels remained low (less than 1 µg/mg tissue) at depths below 300 µm. There was no detectable penetration through the full-thickness skin. The model presented in this study can be used to assess the permeation of antiseptic agents through various layers of skin in vitro. Aqueous chlorhexidine demonstrated poor permeation into the deeper layers of the skin, which may restrict the efficacy of skin antisepsis with this agent. This study lays the foundation for further research in adopting alternative strategies for enhanced skin antisepsis in clinical practice.


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Background Chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG) is a widely used skin antiseptic, however it poorly penetrates the skin, limiting its efficacy against microorganisms residing beneath the surface layers of skin. The aim of the current study was to improve the delivery of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG) when used as a skin antiseptic. Method Chlorhexidine was applied to the surface of donor skin and its penetration and retention under different conditions was evaluated. Skin penetration studies were performed on full-thickness donor human skin using a Franz diffusion cell system. Skin was exposed to 2% (w/v) CHG in various concentrations of eucalyptus oil (EO) and 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol (IPA). The concentration of CHG (µg/mg of skin) was determined to a skin depth of 1500 µm by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results The 2% (w/v) CHG penetration into the lower layers of skin was significantly enhanced in the presence of EO. Ten percent (v/v) EO in combination with 2% (w/v) CHG in 70% (v/v) IPA significantly increased the amount of CHG which penetrated into the skin within 2 min. Conclusion The delivery of CHG into the epidermis and dermis can be enhanced by combination with EO, which in turn may improve biocide.


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Purpose To investigate the prevalence of infected herniated nucleus material in lumbar disc herniations and to determine if patients with an anaerobic infected disc are more likely to develop Modic change (MC) (bone oedema) in the adjacent vertebrae after the disc herniation. MCs (bone oedema) in vertebrae are observed in 6 % of the general population and in 35-40 % of people with low back pain. These changes are strongly associated with low back pain. There are probably a mechanical cause and an infective cause that causes MC. Several studies on nuclear tissue from herniated discs have demonstrated the presence of low virulent anaerobic microorganisms, predominantly Propionibacterium acnes, in 7-53 % of patients. At the time of a herniation these low virulent anaerobic bacteria may enter the disc and give rise to an insidious infection. Local inflammation in the adjacent bone may be a secondary effect due to cytokine and propionic acid production. Methods Patients undergoing primary surgery at a single spinal level for lumbar disc herniation with an MRI-confirmed lumbar disc herniation, where the annular fibres were penetrated by visible nuclear tissue, had the nucleus material removed. Stringent antiseptic sterile protocols were followed. Results Sixty-one patients were included, mean age 46.4 years (SD 9.7), 27 % female. All patients were immunocompetent. No patient had received a previous epidural steroid injection or undergone previous back surgery. In total, microbiological cultures were positive in 28 (46 %) patients. Anaerobic cultures were positive in 26 (43 %) patients, and of these 4 (7 %) had dual microbial infections, containing both one aerobic and one anaerobic culture. No tissue specimens had more than two types of bacteria identified. Two (3 %) cultures only had aerobic bacteria isolated. In the discs with a nucleus with anaerobic bacteria, 80 % developed new MC in the vertebrae adjacent to the previous disc herniation. In contrast, none of those with aerobic bacteria and only 44 % of patients with negative cultures developed new MC. The association between an anaerobic culture and new MCs is highly statistically significant (P = 0.0038), with an odds ratio of 5.60 (95 % CI 1.51-21.95). Conclusion These findings support the theory that the occurrence of MCs Type 1 in the vertebrae adjacent to a previously herniated disc may be due to oedema surrounding an infected disc. The discs infected with anaerobic bacteria were more likely (P<0.0038) to develop MCs in the adjacent vertebrae than those in which no bacteria were found or those in which aerobic bacteria were found. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.


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Objectives Effective skin antisepsis and disinfection of medical devices are key factors in preventing many healthcare-acquired infections associated with skin microorganisms, particularly Staphylococcus epidermidis. The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial efficacy of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG), a widely used antiseptic in clinical practice, alone and in combination with tea tree oil (TTO), eucalyptus oil (EO) and thymol against planktonic and biofilm cultures of S. epidermidis. Methods Antimicrobial susceptibility assays against S. epidermidis in a suspension and in a biofilm mode of growth were performed with broth microdilution and ATP bioluminescence methods, respectively. Synergy of antimicrobial agents was evaluated with the chequerboard method. Results CHG exhibited antimicrobial activity against S. epidermidis in both suspension and biofilm (MIC 2–8 mg/L). Of the essential oils thymol exhibited the greatest antimicrobial efficacy (0.5–4 g/L) against S. epidermidis in suspension and biofilm followed by TTO (2–16 g/L) and EO (4–64 g/L). MICs of CHG and EO were reduced against S. epidermidis biofilm when in combination (MIC of 8 reduced to 0.25–1 mg/L and MIC of 32–64 reduced to 4 g/L for CHG and EO, respectively). Furthermore, the combination of EO with CHG demonstrated synergistic activity against S. epidermidis biofilm with a fractional inhibitory concentration index of <0.5. Conclusions The results from this study suggest that there may be a role for essential oils, in particular EO, for improved skin antisepsis when combined with CHG.


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Surgical site infections (SSI) are a prevalent health care-associated infection (HAl). Prior to the mid-19th century, surgical sites commonly developed postoperative wound complications. It was in the 1860's, after Joseph Lister introduced carbolic acid and the principles of antisepsis that postoperative wound infection significantly decreased. Today, patient preoperative skin preparation with an antiseptic agent prior to surgery is a standard of practice. Povidone-iodine and chlorhexidine gluconate are currently the most commonly used antimicrobial agents used to prep the patient's skin. In this current study, the epidemiology, diagnosis, surveillance and prevention of SSI with chlorhexidine were investigated. The antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine was assessed. In in-vitro and in-vivo studies the antimicrobial efficacy of 2% (w/v) chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) in 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and 10% povidoneiodine (PVP-I) in the presence of 0.9% normal saline or blood were examined. The 2% CHG in 70% IPA solutions antimicrobial activity was not diminished in the presence of 0.9% normal saline or blood. In comparison, the traditional patient preoperative skin preparation, 10% PVP-I antimicrobial activity was not diminished in the presence of 0.9% normal saline, but was diminished in the presence of blood. In an in-vivo human volunteer study the potential for reduction of the antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous patient preoperative skin preparations compromised by mechanical removal of wet product from the application site (blot) was assessed. In this evaluation, 2% CHG and 10% povidone-iodine (PVP-I) were blotted from the patient's skin after application to the test site. The blotting, or mechanical removal, of the wet antiseptic from the application site did not produce a significant difference in product efficacy. In a clinical trial to compare 2% CHG in 70% IPA and PVP-! scrub and paint patient preoperative skin preparation for the prevention of SSI, there were 849 patients randomly assigned to the study groups (409 in the chlorhexidine-alcohol and 440 in the povidone-iodine group) in the intention-to-treat analysis. The overall surgical site infection was significantly lower in the 2% CHG in 70% IPA group than in the PVP-I group (9.5% versus 16.1 %, p=0.004; relative risk, 0.59 with 95% confidence interval of 0.41 to 0.85). Preoperative cleansing of the patient's skin with chlorhexidine-alcohol is superior to povidone-iodine in preventing surgical site infection after clean-contaminated surgery.


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A etiologia da alveolite é desconhecida. Considera-se não haver uma causa específica, mas sim uma associação de factores inerentes ao seu aparecimento. O diagnóstico é realizado, geralmente, entre o 2º e 5º dia após exodontia, sendo bastante claro. Manifesta-se por uma dor aguda e pulsátil, mal controlada com analgésicos, e de apresentação clínica uma inflamação da mucosa em torno do alvéolo, com parcial ou total perda do coágulo, apresentando-se este vazio ou com tecido necrótico e/ou restos alimentares. Pode ainda haver uma exposição óssea. Diversas são as taxas de incidência, variando consoante os factores de risco predisponentes da doença. São estes a idade, género, ciclo menstrual e toma de contraceptivos orais (nas mulheres), trauma cirúrgico e experiência do médico, a indicação da extração, bem como características do dente a ser extraído, ainda as técnicas e anestesia usadas, bem como remanescentes ósseos e/ou radiculares, uso de retalhos e suturas, patologias sistémicas, medicação e cuidados pós-operatórios do doente. Todos estes podem ter impacto no desenvolvimento desta condição, devendo o médico dentista eliminá-los e reduzi-los ao máximo. A prevenção aplica-se a medidas não farmacológicas, como redução de factores de risco, em combinação a terapia farmacológica, de modo a favorecer uma correta cicatrização. Recurso a soluções antissépticas, medicação tópica (intra-alveolar) e prescrição sistémica de antibióticos e anti-inflamatórios não esteroides são algumas dessas medidas. Ao nível do tratamento, vários métodos e materiais estão disponíveis no mercado. Por ser uma condição que o próprio organismo “combate”, o objectivo terapêutico passa basicamente pela redução dos sintomas debilitantes do paciente e controlo bacteriano. A opção é individual, uma vez que não existe nenhum tratamento com características ideais, sendo os resultados na literatura bastante discrepantes. Limpeza do alvéolo, medicação intra-alveolar (tópica) e/ou sistémica, bem como terapia com laser de baixa intensidade, são algumas opções. A administração antibiótica deve ser reservada para casos especiais, não devendo ser abordada como método de rotina. Analgésicos são uma opção, podendo ser aconselhada consoante o quadro clínico doloroso. Também o reforço para uma higiene oral rigorosa, com irrigação do alvéolo para evitar detritos e impactação alimentar (no caso de não existirem obtundantes intra-alveolares) devem ser preocupação do médico dentista. Deve haver um seguimento regular do paciente, especialmente se aplicados medicamentos tópicos, para avaliação e renovação (se necessário) do curativo até recuperação. O médico dentista deve saber identificar um caso de alveolite, encontrando-se informado e consciente das várias opções preventivas e terapêuticas. Estudos mais claros e objectivos são necessários na procura de critérios de diagnóstico genéricos da doença, bem como terapêuticas preventivas e de tratamentos com taxas de sucesso altas e suportadas por evidência científica. Para que, desta forma, seja elaborado um protocolo universal a seguir na prática clínica.


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Species of Baccharis exhibit antibiotic, antiseptic, wound-healing, and anti-protozoal properties, and have been used in the traditional medicine of South America for the treatment of several diseases. In the present work, the fractionation of EtOH extract from aerial parts of Baccharis uncinella indicated that the isolated compounds caffeic acid and pectolinaringenin showed inhibitory activity against Leishmania (L.) amazonensis and Leishmania (V.) braziliensis promastigotes, respectively. Moreover, amastigote forms of both species were highly sensible to the fraction composed by oleanolic + ursolic acids and pectolinaringenin. Caffeic acid also inhibited amastigote forms of L. (L.) amazonensis, but this effect was weak in L. (V.) braziliensis amastigotes. The treatment of infected macrophages with these compounds did not alter the levels of nitrates, indicating a direct effect of the compounds on amastigote stages. The results presented herein suggest that the active components from B. uncinella can be important to the design of new drugs against American tegumentar leishmaniases.


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Context: Species of Baccharis exhibit antibiotic, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties, and have been used in the traditional medicine of South America for the treatment of inflammation, headaches, diabetes, and hepatobiliary disorders.Objective: To investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of organic phases from EtOH extract of the aerial parts of Baccharis uncinella DC (Asteraceae).Materials and methods: The crude EtOH extract from the aerial parts of B. uncinella was subjected to partition procedures and the corresponding CH(2)Cl(2) and EtOAc phases were subjected to several chromatographic separation procedures. Thus, these phases and their purified compounds were assayed for evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity.Results: The CH(2)Cl(2) phase from EtOH extract from B. uncinella contained two triterpenoids (oleanolic and ursolic acids) and one flavonoid (pectolinaringenin), whereas the respective EtOAc phase showed to be composed mainly by two phenylpropanoid derivatives (caffeic and ferulic acids). The CH(2)Cl(2) and EtOAc phases as well as their isolated compounds exhibited anti-inflammatory effects against inflammatory reactions induced by phospholipase A2 (from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom) and by carrageenan.Discussion and conclusion: The results suggested that the components obtained from partition phases of EtOH extract of B. uncinella could represent lead molecules for the development of anti-inflammatory agents. Additionally, the results confirmed the use of Baccharis genus in the traditional medicine of South America for the treatment of inflammation and other heath disorders. To date, the present work describes for the first time the anti-inflammatory effects of compounds isolated from B. uncinella.