164 resultados para AK26A-2593


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Krebs ist eine der häufigsten Krankheiten und stellt eine der wichtigsten medizinischen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts dar. Eine frühzeitige Diagnose ist dabei essentiell für eine individuell angepasste Therapie zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und -erwartung der Patienten. Hierbei kommen der 68Ge/68Ga-Generator und das daraus resultierende PET-Nuklid 68Ga immer stärker in den Fokus von Wissenschaft und Medizin. rnrnFür eine erfolgreiche Therapie stellt die Chemoresistenz (Multi-Drug-Resistance) zahlreicher Tumore eine schwerwiegende Komplikation dar. Für das Therapieversagen ist die Aktivierung des Transportproteins p-Glykoprotein (pGP) maßgeblich mit verantwortlich. Mit Hilfe der Schiff’schen Base [68Ga]MFL6.MZ konnte die Aktivitätsänderung von pGP unter verschiedener Beeinflussung erstmals in vivo beobachtet werden. So zeigte sich, dass sich unter azidotischen Bedingungen in Tumoren die Aktivität des pGP erhöht und somit vermehrt auch Zytostatika, die pGP-Substrate sind, aus den Tumoren transportiert werden. Durch Aufklärung der Abhängigkeit der pGP-Aktivität von dessen Signalkaskade konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch eine Blockade der MAP-Kinase p38 eine Erniedrigung der pGP-Aktivität zu verzeichnen ist. Die ebenfalls in der Signalkaskade eingebundene MAP-Kinase ERK1/2 hingegen spielt hier nur eine untergeordnete Rolle.rnrnNeben dem Versagen der Chemotherapie stellt auch die Metastasierung eines Malignoms massive Einschnitte in die Lebensqualität von Erkrankten dar. Befallen die Metastasen das Skelett eines Menschen, wird dies zumeist erst spät registriert. 68Ga-markierte Bisphosphonate bieten nun die Möglichkeit, Patienten quantitativ auf Knochenmetastasen hin untersuchen zu können. So konnten zu Beginn einfache Phosphonate wie EDTMP und DOTP nicht die nötige in vivo Stabilität bzw. hohe radiochemische Ausbeuten liefern und sind damit für die Anwendung am Menschen uninteressant. Jedoch die DOTA-basierten Bisphosphonate allen voran der Ligand BPAMD zeigen ein großes Potential. In vivo-Versuche an Ratten mit Knochenmetastasen zeigten, dass sich [68Ga]BPAMD an den Metastasen anreichert und einen sehr guten Kontrast zum gesunden Knochen darstellt. Der Tracer konnte erstmals am Menschen angewendet werden und zeigte in ausgewählten Regionen eine höhere Anreicherung als eine zuvor durchgeführte PET-Aufnahme mit [18F]Fluorid. Der Ligand BPAMD bietet außerdem den Vorteil, neben 68Ga auch andere dreiwertige Radionuklide wie das therapeutische 177Lu komplexieren zu können. Durch Studien zur Komplexbildung und Stabilität konnte auch [177Lu]BPAMD in der klinischen Anwendung erprobt werden und zeigte eine Anreicherung an den Knochenmetastasen. So ist es nun möglich, Knochenmetastasen mittels 68Ga-PET zu diagnostizieren, eine entsprechende Dosisberechnung anzustellen und anschließend mit dem gleichen Liganden eine Therapie mit [177Lu]BPAMD durchzuführen.


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BACKGROUND: The arterial switch operation (ASO) is currently the treatment of choice in neonates with transposition of the great arteries (TGA). The outcome in childhood is encouraging but only limited data for long-term outcome into adulthood exist. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 145 adult patients (age>16, median 25years) with ASO followed at our institution. Three patients died in adulthood (mortality 2.4/1000-patient-years). Most patients were asymptomatic and had normal left ventricular function. Coronary lesions requiring interventions were rare (3 patients) and in most patients related to previous surgery. There were no acute coronary syndromes. Aortic root dilatation was frequent (56% patients) but rarely significant (>45mm in 3 patients, maximal-diameter 49mm) and appeared not to be progressive. There were no acute aortic events and no patient required elective aortic root surgery. Progressive neo-aortic-valve dysfunction was not observed in our cohort and only 1 patient required neo-aortic-valve replacement. Many patients (42.1%), however, had significant residual lesions or required reintervention in adulthood. Right ventricular outflow tract lesions or dysfunction of the neo-pulmonary-valve were frequent and 8 patients (6%) required neo-pulmonary-valve replacement. Cardiac interventions during childhood (OR 3.0, 95% CI 1.7-5.4, P<0.0001) were strong predictors of outcome (cardiac intervention/significant residual lesion/death) in adulthood. CONCLUSIONS: Adult patients with previous ASO remain free of acute coronary or aortic complications and have low mortality. However, a large proportion of patients require re-interventions or present with significant right sided lesions. Life-long cardiac follow-up is, therefore, warranted. Periodic noninvasive surveillance for coronary complications appears to be safe in adult ASO patients.


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The progressive myoclonus epilepsies (PMEs) comprise a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders characterised by myoclonus, epilepsy, and neurological deterioration. This study aimed to identify the underlying gene(s) in childhood onset PME patients with unknown molecular genetic background.


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BACKGROUND: The recurrent ~600 kb 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 deletion is among the most frequent known genetic aetiologies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related neurodevelopmental disorders. OBJECTIVE: To define the medical, neuropsychological, and behavioural phenotypes in carriers of this deletion. METHODS: We collected clinical data on 285 deletion carriers and performed detailed evaluations on 72 carriers and 68 intrafamilial non-carrier controls. RESULTS: When compared to intrafamilial controls, full scale intelligence quotient (FSIQ) is two standard deviations lower in carriers, and there is no difference between carriers referred for neurodevelopmental disorders and carriers identified through cascade family testing. Verbal IQ (mean 74) is lower than non-verbal IQ (mean 83) and a majority of carriers require speech therapy. Over 80% of individuals exhibit psychiatric disorders including ASD, which is present in 15% of the paediatric carriers. Increase in head circumference (HC) during infancy is similar to the HC and brain growth patterns observed in idiopathic ASD. Obesity, a major comorbidity present in 50% of the carriers by the age of 7 years, does not correlate with FSIQ or any behavioural trait. Seizures are present in 24% of carriers and occur independently of other symptoms. Malformations are infrequently found, confirming only a few of the previously reported associations. CONCLUSIONS: The 16p11.2 deletion impacts in a quantitative and independent manner FSIQ, behaviour and body mass index, possibly through direct influences on neural circuitry. Although non-specific, these features are clinically significant and reproducible. Lastly, this study demonstrates the necessity of studying large patient cohorts ascertained through multiple methods to characterise the clinical consequences of rare variants involved in common diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Usher syndrome, a combination of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and sensorineural hearing loss with or without vestibular dysfunction, displays a high degree of clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Three clinical subtypes can be distinguished, based on the age of onset and severity of the hearing impairment, and the presence or absence of vestibular abnormalities. Thus far, eight genes have been implicated in the syndrome, together comprising 347 protein-coding exons. METHODS: To improve DNA diagnostics for patients with Usher syndrome, we developed a genotyping microarray based on the arrayed primer extension (APEX) method. Allele-specific oligonucleotides corresponding to all 298 Usher syndrome-associated sequence variants known to date, 76 of which are novel, were arrayed. RESULTS: Approximately half of these variants were validated using original patient DNAs, which yielded an accuracy of >98%. The efficiency of the Usher genotyping microarray was tested using DNAs from 370 unrelated European and American patients with Usher syndrome. Sequence variants were identified in 64/140 (46%) patients with Usher syndrome type I, 45/189 (24%) patients with Usher syndrome type II, 6/21 (29%) patients with Usher syndrome type III and 6/20 (30%) patients with atypical Usher syndrome. The chip also identified two novel sequence variants, c.400C>T (p.R134X) in PCDH15 and c.1606T>C (p.C536S) in USH2A. CONCLUSION: The Usher genotyping microarray is a versatile and affordable screening tool for Usher syndrome. Its efficiency will improve with the addition of novel sequence variants with minimal extra costs, making it a very useful first-pass screening tool.


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BACKGROUND: Nephronophthisis (NPHP) is an autosomal recessive cystic kidney disease that constitutes the most common genetic cause of renal failure in the first three decades of life. Using positional cloning, six genes (NPHP1-6) have been identified as mutated in NPHP. In Joubert syndrome (JBTS), NPHP may be associated with cerebellar vermis aplasia/hypoplasia, retinal degeneration and mental retardation. In Senior-Løken syndrome (SLSN), NPHP is associated with retinal degeneration. Recently, mutations in NPHP6/CEP290 were identified as a new cause of JBTS. METHODS: Mutational analysis was performed on a worldwide cohort of 75 families with SLSN, 99 families with JBTS and 21 families with isolated nephronophthisis. RESULTS: Six novel and six known truncating mutations, one known missense mutation and one novel 3 bp pair in-frame deletion were identified in a total of seven families with JBTS, two families with SLSN and one family with isolated NPHP.


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BACKGROUND: Knowledge of how CFTR mutations other than F508del translate into the basic defect in cystic fibrosis (CF) is scarce due to the low incidence of homozygous index cases. METHODS: 17 individuals who are homozygous for deletions, missense, stop or splice site mutations in the CFTR gene were investigated for clinical symptoms of CF and assessed in CFTR function by sweat test, nasal potential difference and intestinal current measurement. RESULTS: CFTR activity in sweat gland, upper airways and distal intestine was normal for homozygous carriers of G314E or L997F and in the range of F508del homozygotes for homozygous carriers of E92K, W1098L, R553X, R1162X, CFTRdele2(ins186) or CFTRdele2,3(21 kb). Homozygotes for M1101K, 1898+3 A-G or 3849+10 kb C-T were not consistent CF or non-CF in the three bioassays. 14 individuals exhibited some chloride conductance in the airways and/or in the intestine which was identified by the differential response to cAMP and DIDS as being caused by CFTR or at least two other chloride conductances. DISCUSSION: CFTR mutations may lead to unusual electrophysiological or clinical manifestations. In vivo and ex vivo functional assessment of CFTR function and in-depth clinical examination of the index cases are indicated to classify yet uncharacterised CFTR mutations as either disease-causing lesions, risk factors, modifiers or neutral variants.


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BACKGROUND: Microarray genome analysis is realising its promise for improving detection of genetic abnormalities in individuals with mental retardation and congenital abnormality. Copy number variations (CNVs) are now readily detectable using a variety of platforms and a major challenge is the distinction of pathogenic from ubiquitous, benign polymorphic CNVs. The aim of this study was to investigate replacement of time consuming, locus specific testing for specific microdeletion and microduplication syndromes with microarray analysis, which theoretically should detect all known syndromes with CNV aetiologies as well as new ones. METHODS: Genome wide copy number analysis was performed on 117 patients using Affymetrix 250K microarrays. RESULTS: 434 CNVs (195 losses and 239 gains) were found, including 18 pathogenic CNVs and 9 identified as "potentially pathogenic". Almost all pathogenic CNVs were larger than 500 kb, significantly larger than the median size of all CNVs detected. Segmental regions of loss of heterozygosity larger than 5 Mb were found in 5 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Genome microarray analysis has improved diagnostic success in this group of patients. Several examples of recently discovered "new syndromes" were found suggesting they are more common than previously suspected and collectively are likely to be a major cause of mental retardation. The findings have several implications for clinical practice. The study revealed the potential to make genetic diagnoses that were not evident in the clinical presentation, with implications for pretest counselling and the consent process. The importance of contributing novel CNVs to high quality databases for genotype-phenotype analysis and review of guidelines for selection of individuals for microarray analysis is emphasised.


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BACKGROUND Defects of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II (succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) complex) are extremely rare. Of the four nuclear encoded proteins composing complex II, only mutations in the 70 kDa flavoprotein (SDHA) and the recently identified complex II assembly factor (SDHAF1) have been found to be causative for mitochondrial respiratory chain diseases. Mutations in the other three subunits (SDHB, SDHC, SDHD) and the second assembly factor (SDHAF2) have so far only been associated with hereditary paragangliomas and phaeochromocytomas. Recessive germline mutations in SDHB have recently been associated with complex II deficiency and leukodystrophy in one patient. METHODS AND RESULTS We present the clinical and molecular investigations of the first patient with biochemical evidence of a severe isolated complex II deficiency due to compound heterozygous SDHD gene mutations. The patient presented with early progressive encephalomyopathy due to compound heterozygous p.E69 K and p.*164Lext*3 SDHD mutations. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blotting demonstrated an impaired complex II assembly. Complementation of a patient cell line additionally supported the pathogenicity of the novel identified mutations in SDHD. CONCLUSIONS This report describes the first case of isolated complex II deficiency due to recessive SDHD germline mutations. We therefore recommend screening for all SDH genes in isolated complex II deficiencies. It further emphasises the importance of appropriate genetic counselling to the family with regard to SDHD mutations and their role in tumorigenesis.


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This paper introduces a novel vision for further enhanced Internet of Things services. Based on a variety of data – such as location data, ontology-backed search queries, in- and outdoor conditions – the Prometheus framework is intended to support users with helpful recommendations and information preceding a search for context-aware data. Adapted from artificial intelligence concepts, Prometheus proposes user-readjusted answers on umpteen conditions. A number of potential Prometheus framework applications are illustrated. Added value and possible future studies are discussed in the conclusion.


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The Greenland NEEM (North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling) operation in 2010 provided the first opportunity to combine trace-gas measurements by laser spectroscopic instruments and continuous-flow analysis along a freshly drilled ice core in a field-based setting. We present the resulting atmospheric methane (CH4) record covering the time period from 107.7 to 9.5 ka b2k (thousand years before 2000 AD). Companion discrete CH4 measurements are required to transfer the laser spectroscopic data from a relative to an absolute scale. However, even on a relative scale, the high-resolution CH4 data set significantly improves our knowledge of past atmospheric methane concentration changes. New significant sub-millennial-scale features appear during interstadials and stadials, generally associated with similar changes in water isotopic ratios of the ice, a proxy for local temperature. In addition to the midpoint of Dansgaard–Oeschger (D/O) CH4 transitions usually used for cross-dating, sharp definition of the start and end of these events brings precise depth markers (with ±20 cm uncertainty) for further cross-dating with other palaeo- or ice core records, e.g. speleothems. The method also provides an estimate of CH4 rates of change. The onsets of D/O events in the methane signal show a more rapid rate of change than their endings. The rate of CH4 increase associated with the onsets of D/O events progressively declines from 1.7 to 0.6 ppbv yr−1 in the course of marine isotope stage 3. The largest observed rate of increase takes place at the onset of D/O event #21 and reaches 2.5 ppbv yr−1.


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Die Rezidivhäufigkeit nach Hernienplastik ist ein Qualitätsmerkmal der chirurgischen Technik. Für eine korrekte Beurteilung der Rezidivrate muss zwischen einem klinisch relevanten, klinisch irrelevanten und einem Pseudorezidiv unterschieden werden. Bei der chirurgischen Therapie von Inguinalhernien werden mit den heutigen Techniken mittels laparoskopischer oder offener Netzeinlage sehr niedrige Rezidivraten erreicht. Somit soll bei einem Rezidiv nach einer Inguinalhernienoperation von einer chirurgischen Komplikation ausgegangen werden. Im Gegensatz zur Inguinalhernie liegt die Rezidivrate bei der Operation großer Narbenhernien trotz stetiger Optimierung der Technik weiterhin über 10 %. Um das Rezidivrisiko abzuschätzen, müssen nebst der Größe und Lokalisation der Hernie technische und patientenspezifische Aspekte beurteilt werden. Je nach Risikoprofil kann das Hernienrezidiv in seltenen Fällen dem natürlichen Verlauf entsprechen. Im Allgemeinen werden Hernienrezidive als Abweichung von der Norm wahrgenommen und können von der Indikation, Wahl der Operation und der chirurgischen Technik und Taktik abhängen. Somit soll der Chirurg ein postoperatives Rezidiv in erster Linie als Komplikation und nicht als natürlichen Verlauf ansehen, mit dem Ziel die Chirurgie kontinuierlich zu verbessern.


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BACKGROUND L-serine plays an essential role in neuronal development and function. Although a non-essential amino acid, L-serine must be synthesised within the brain because of its poor permeability by the blood-brain barrier. Within the brain, its synthesis is confined to astrocytes, and its shuttle to neuronal cells is performed by a dedicated neutral amino acid transporter, ASCT1. METHODS AND RESULTS Using exome analysis we identified the recessive mutations, p.E256K, p.L315fs, and p.R457W, in SLC1A4, the gene encoding ASCT1, in patients with developmental delay, microcephaly and hypomyelination; seizure disorder was variably present. When expressed in a heterologous system, the mutations did not affect the protein level at the plasma membrane but abolished or markedly reduced L-serine transport for p.R457W and p.E256K mutations, respectively. Interestingly, p.E256K mutation displayed a lower L-serine and alanine affinity but the same substrate selectivity as wild-type ASCT1. CONCLUSIONS The clinical phenotype of ASCT1 deficiency is reminiscent of defects in L-serine biosynthesis. The data underscore that ASCT1 is essential in brain serine transport. The SLC1A4 p.E256K mutation has a carrier frequency of 0.7% in the Ashkenazi-Jewish population and should be added to the carrier screening panel in this community.