The oxidation of lipids is important in many pathological conditions and lipid peroxidation products such as 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) and other aldehydes are commonly measured as biomarkers of oxidative stress. However, it is often useful to complement this with analysis of the original oxidized phospholipid. Electrospray mass spectrometry (ESMS) provides an informative method for detecting oxidative alterations to phospholipids, and has been used to investigate oxidative damage to cells, and low-density lipoprotein, as well as for the analysis of oxidized phosphatidylcholines present in atherosclerotic plaque material. There is increasing evidence that intact oxidized phospholipids have biological effects; in particular, oxidation products of 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycerophosphocholine (PAPC) have been found to cause inflammatory responses, which could be potentially important in the progression of atherosclerosis. The effects of chlorohydrin derivatives of lipids have been much less studied, but it is clear that free fatty acid chlorohydrins and phosphatidylcholine chlorohydrins are toxic to cells at concentrations above 10 micromolar, a range comparable to that of HNE and oxidized PAPC. There is some evidence that chlorohydrins have biological effects that may be relevant to atherosclerosis, but further work is needed to elucidate their pro-inflammatory properties, and to understand the mechanisms and balance of biological effects that could result from oxidation of complex mixtures of lipids in a pathophysiological situation.
This chapter summarizes types of lipid oxidation – both enzymatic and non-enzymatic – and discusses reactivity, biological effects and metabolism of lipid oxidation products. Mechanistic explanations are provided for the diverse biological effects of lipid oxidation products that range from deleterious to regulatory and even to protective. Finally, analytical techniques used for detection of lipid oxidation and lipid oxidation products are discussed.
The presences of heavy metals, organic contaminants and natural toxins in natural water bodies pose a serious threat to the environment and the health of living organisms. Therefore, there is a critical need to identify sustainable and environmentally friendly water treatment processes. In this dissertation, I focus on the fundamental studies of advanced oxidation processes and magnetic nano-materials as promising new technologies for water treatments. Advanced oxidation processes employ reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can lead to the mineralization of a number of pollutants and toxins. The rates of formation, steady-state concentrations, and kinetic parameters of hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen produced by various TiO2 photocatalysts under UV or visible irradiations were measured using selective chemical probes. Hydroxyl radical is the dominant ROS, and its generation is dependent on experimental conditions. The optimal condition for generation of hydroxyl radical by of TiO2 coated glass microspheres is studied by response surface methodology, and the optimal conditions are applied for the degradation of dimethyl phthalate. Singlet oxygen (1O2) also plays an important role for advanced processes, so the degradation of microcystin-LR by rose bengal, an 1O2 sensitizer was studied. The measured bimolecular reaction rate constant between MC-LR and 1O2 is ∼ 106 M-1 s-1 based on competition kinetics with furfuryl alcohol. The typical adsorbent needs separation after the treatment, while magnetic iron oxides can be easily removed by a magnetic field. Maghemite and humic acid coated magnetite (HA-Fe3O4) were synthesized, characterized and applied for chromium(VI) removal. The adsorption of chromium(VI) by maghemite and HA-Fe3O4 follow a pseudo-second-order kinetic process. The adsorption of chromium(VI) by maghemite is accurately modeled using adsorption isotherms, and solution pH and presence of humic acid influence adsorption. Humic acid coated magnetite can adsorb and reduce chromium(VI) to non-toxic chromium (III), and the reaction is not highly dependent on solution pH. The functional groups associated with humic acid act as ligands lead to the Cr(III) complex via a coupled reduction-complexation mechanism. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy demonstrates the Cr(III) in the Cr-loaded HA-Fe 3O4 materials has six neighboring oxygen atoms in an octahedral geometry with average bond lengths of 1.98 Å.
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are modern methods using reactive hydroxyl radicals for the mineralization of organic pollutants into simple inorganic compounds, such as CO2 and H2O. Among AOPs electrochemical oxidation (EO) is a method suitable for coloured and turbid wastewaters. The degradation of pollutants occurs on electrocatalytic electrodes. The majority of electrodes contain in their structure either expensive materials (diamond and Pt-group metals) or are toxic for the environment compounds (Sb or Pb). One of the main disadvantages of electrochemical method is the polarization and contamination of electrodes due to the deposition of reaction products on their surface, which results in diminishing of the process efficiency. Ultrasound combined with the electrochemical degradation process eliminates electrode contamination because of the continuous mechanical cleaning effect produced by the formation and collapse of acoustic cavitation bubbles near to the electrode surface. Moreover, high frequency ultrasound generates hydroxyl radicals at water sonolysis. Ultrasound-assisted EO is a non-selective method for oxidation of different organic compounds with high degradation efficiencies. The aim of this research was to develop novel sustainable and cost-effective electrodes working as electrocatalysts and test their activity in electrocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds such as dyes and organic acids. Moreover, the goal of the research was to enhance the efficiency of electrocatalytic degradation processes by assisting it with ultrasound in order to eliminate the main drawbacks of a single electrochemical oxidation such as electrodes polarization and passivation. Novel Ti/Ta2O5-SnO2 electrodes were developed and found to be electrocatalytically active towards water (with 5% Ta content, 10 oxide film layers) and organic compounds oxidation (with 7.5% Ta content, 8 oxide film layers) and therefore these electrodes can be applicable in both environmental and energy fields. The synergetic effect of combined electrolysis and sonication was shown while conducting sonoelectrochemical (EO/US) degradation of methylene blue (MB) and formic acid (FA). Complete degradation of MB and FA was achieved after 45 and 120 min of EO/US process respectively in neutral media. Mineralization efficiency of FA over 95% was obtained after 2 h of degradation using high frequency ultrasound (381, 863, 1176 kHz) combined with 9.1 mA/cm2 current density. EO/US degradation of MB provided over 75% mineralization in 8 h. High degradation kinetic rates and mineralization efficiencies of model pollutants obtained in EO/US experiments provide the preconditions for further extrapolation of this treatment method to pilot scale studies with industrial wastewaters.
Este trabalho teve como objectivo inicial o estudo de processos oxidativos avançados de forma a remediar e tratar águas contaminadas por pesticidas. No entanto, ao longo do trabalho experimental, constatou-se que os produtos resultantes da degradação de pesticidas são muitas vezes mais tóxicos do que os compostos que lhes deram origem e que, por isso, degradar um composto nem sempre é o melhor para o ambiente. Assim, neste trabalho, procurou-se estudar o processo de degradação com o objectivo de minimizar o impacto ambiental dos pesticidas na água e no ambiente em geral. A parte experimental deste trabalho foi dividida em duas etapas, sendo que, em ambas, a voltametria de onda quadrada e a espectrofotometria de UV/Vis foram os métodos de análise utilizados, para acompanhar o processo de fotodegradação. Na primeira etapa estudou-se a relação entre a estrutura química dos pesticidas MCPA, MCPP, 2.4-D e Dicloroprop e a sua fotodegradação. Soluções aquosas dos pesticidas enunciados foram submetidas a irradiação UV/vis, com incrementos variáveis de tempo de irradiação. Os resultados obtidos, nesta etapa, permitiram constatar diferenças na percentagem de degradação dos diferentes pesticidas. Dos pesticidas estudados verificou-se uma maior fotodegradação para o MCPA e MCPP seguido do Dicloroprop e finalmente o 2.4-D que se degradou menos. Os dados obtidos sugerem que a fotodegradação destes pesticidas está intimamente ligada com a estrutura das moléculas. A presença de um maior número de grupos cloro ligados ao anel aromático nos pesticidas 2,4-D e Dicloroprop faz com que estes sejam mais estáveis e por isso se degradam menos que o MCPA e o MCPP. Por outro lado, o facto de o 2,4-D apresentar um potencial de oxidação mais elevado do que o Dicloroprop, faz com que este seja mais difícil de degradar, o que justifica a diferença entre os dois. Desta forma, foi possível concluir que a estrutura dos pesticidas condiciona o processo de degradação, como esperado. Na segunda etapa, estudou-se a estabilização dos pesticidas MCPA e MCPP após encapsulação, com 2-hidroxipropil-β-ciclodextrina (HP-β-CD), em água desionizada e em água do rio. Para tal, submeteram-se as soluções aquosas dos pesticidas com e sem ciclodextrina, a irradiação UV/vis, também com incrementos variáveis de tempo. No caso do MCPA verificou-se que, tanto para água desionizada como para água do rio, que este herbicida encapsulado se degrada bastante menos do que o MCPA livre. O encapsulamento permitiu reduzir quase para metade a taxa de fotodegradação. Assim, confirmou-se que a HP-β-CD permite estabilizar este pesticida, tornando-o mais resistente à fotodegradação. Desta forma, originam-se menos produtos de degradação, os quais podem ser mais tóxicos, e reduz-se de o impacto ambiental deste herbicida. Verificou-se também que o MCPA livre se degrada mais em água do rio do que em água desionizada, provavelmente devido à matéria orgânica presente nesta água, que promove o processo de degradação. No que respeita ao MCPP também se constatou que este herbicida se degrada menos encapsulado do que livre, em água desionizada e em água do rio. Neste caso, conseguiu-se reduzir pouco a taxa de fotodegradação, mas, ainda assim se verifica uma estabilização deste pesticida através do encapsulamento. No entanto, tornou-se mais evidente a estabilização do MCPP após encapsulação em água do rio, já que apresenta uma taxa de fotodegradação menor. Este facto demonstra que a HP-β-CD permite estabilizar também este pesticida, tornando-o mais resistente à fotodegradação, e reduzindo seu impacto ambiental.
Deep-fat frying is susceptible to induce the formation of undesirable products as lipid oxidation products and acrylamide in fried foods. Plantain chips produced by small-scale producers are sold to consumers without any control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of plantain chips from local producers in relation to production process parameters and oils, and to identify the limiting factors for the production of acrylamide in plantain chips. Samples of frying oils and plantain chips prepared with either palm olein or soybean oil were collected from 10 producers in Yaoundé. Quality parameters determined in this study were: fatty acid composition of the oils, determined by gas chromatography (GC) of free acid methyl ester; trans fatty acids, determined by Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy; Tocopherols and tocotrienols as markers of nutritional quality were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in isocratic mode. Free fatty acids and acylglycerols as markers of lipid hydrolysis were analyzed by GC of trimethylsilyl derivatives of glycerides. Conjugated dienes, Anisidine value and viscosity as markers of lipid oxidation and thermal decomposition of the oils; acrylamide which is formed through Maillard reaction and identified as a toxic compound in various fried products. Asparagine content of the raw fresh plantain powder was also determined. Fatty acid composition of palm oleins was stable within a day of intermittent frying. In soybean oils, about 57% and 62.5% of linoleic and linolenic acids were lost but trans fatty acids were not detected. Soybean oils were partly hydrolysed leading to the formation of free fatty acids, monoacylglycerols and diacylglycerols. In both oils, tocopherols and tocotrienols contents decreased significantly by about 50%. Anisidine value (AV) and polymers contents increased slightly in fried palm oleins while conjugated hydroperoxides, AV and polymers greatly increased in soybean oils. Acrylamide was not detected in the chips. This is explained by the absence of asparagine in the raw plantains, the other acrylamide precursors being present. This study shows that the plantain chips prepared at the small-scale level in Yaounde with palm olein are of good quality regarding oxidation and hydrolysis parameters and the absence of acrylamide. In contrast, oxidation developed with soybean oil whose usage for frying should be questioned. Considering that asparagine is the limiting factor for the formation of acrylamide in plantain chips, its content depending on several factors such as production parameters and maturity stage should be explored.
Efforts presented by the scientific community in recent years towards the development of numerous green chemical processes and wastewater treatment technologies are presented and discussed. In the light of these approaches, environmentally friendly technologies, as well as the key role played by the well-known advanced oxidation processes, are discussed, giving special attention to the ones comprising ozone applications. Fundamentals and applied aspects dealing with ozone technology and its application are also presented.
Three technologies were tested (TiO2/UV, H2O2/UV, and TiO2/H2O2/UV) for the degradation and color removal of a 25 mg L-1 mixture of three acid dyes: Blue 9, Red 18, and Yellow 23. A low speed rotating disc reactor (20 rpm) and a H2O2 concentration of 2.5 mmol L-1 were used. The dyes did not significantly undergo photolysis, although they were all degraded by the studied advanced oxidation processes. With the TiO2/H2O2/UV process, a strong synergism was observed (color removal reached 100%). Pseudo first order kinetic constants were estimated for all processes, as well as the respective apparent photonic efficiencies.
The electrochemical behavior of fluconazole showed an irreversible oxidation process, with the electrochemical - chemical mechanism being highly dependent on the electrode material. Adsorption of reagent at positive applied potential was observed at Pt electrode while preferential adsorption of the oxidation products was observed at Glassy Carbon surfaces. In pH below 7.0, the anodic current process was intensively decreased. At carbon paste electrode, the fluconazole oxidation current, recorded in phosphate buffer solution (pH 8.0), changed linearly with the fluconazole concentration, Ipa = 5.7×10-5 (mA) × 0.052 [Fluconazol] (μg mL-1), in the range of 48.0 to 250.0 μg mL-1. The detection limit obtained was 6.3 μg mL-1.
The photo-Fenton process (Fe(2+)/Fe(3+), H(2)O(2), UV light) is one of the most efficient and advanced oxidation processes for the mineralization of the organic pollutants of industrial effluents and wastewater. The overall rate of the photo-Fenton process is controlled by the rate of the photolytic step that converts Fe(3+) back to Fe(2+). In this paper, the effect of sulfate or chloride ions on the net yield of Fe(2+) during the photolysis of Fe(3+) has been investigated in aqueous solution at pH 3.0 and 1.0 in the absence of hydrogen peroxide. A kinetic model based on the principal reactions that occur in the system fits the data for formation of Fe(2+) satisfactorily. Both experimental data and model prediction show that the availability of Fe(2+) produced by photolysis of Fe(3+) is inhibited much more in the presence of sulfate ion than in the presence of chloride ion as a function of the irradiation time at pH 3.0.
Measurements of polar organic marker compounds were performed on aerosols that were collected at a pasture site in the Amazon basin (Rondonia, Brazil) using a high-volume dichotomous sampler (HVDS) and a Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) within the framework of the 2002 LBA-SMOCC (Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia - Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall, and Climate: Aerosols From Biomass Burning Perturb Global and Regional Climate) campaign. The campaign spanned the late dry season (biomass burning), a transition period, and the onset of the wet season (clean conditions). In the present study a more detailed discussion is presented compared to previous reports on the behavior of selected polar marker compounds, including levoglucosan, malic acid, isoprene secondary organic aerosol (SOA) tracers and tracers for fungal spores. The tracer data are discussed taking into account new insights that recently became available into their stability and/or aerosol formation processes. During all three periods, levoglucosan was the most dominant identified organic species in the PM(2.5) size fraction of the HVDS samples. In the dry period levoglucosan reached concentrations of up to 7.5 mu g m(-3) and exhibited diel variations with a nighttime prevalence. It was closely associated with the PM mass in the size-segregated samples and was mainly present in the fine mode, except during the wet period where it peaked in the coarse mode. Isoprene SOA tracers showed an average concentration of 250 ng m(-3) during the dry period versus 157 ng m(-3) during the transition period and 52 ng m(-3) during the wet period. Malic acid and the 2-methyltetrols exhibited a different size distribution pattern, which is consistent with different aerosol formation processes (i.e., gas-to-particle partitioning in the case of malic acid and heterogeneous formation from gas-phase precursors in the case of the 2-methyltetrols). The 2-methyltetrols were mainly associated with the fine mode during all periods, while malic acid was prevalent in the fine mode only during the dry and transition periods, and dominant in the coarse mode during the wet period. The sum of the fungal spore tracers arabitol, mannitol, and erythritol in the PM(2.5) fraction of the HVDS samples during the dry, transition, and wet periods was, on average, 54 ng m(-3), 34 ng m(-3), and 27 ng m(-3), respectively, and revealed minor day/night variation. The mass size distributions of arabitol and mannitol during all periods showed similar patterns and an association with the coarse mode, consistent with their primary origin. The results show that even under the heavy smoke conditions of the dry period a natural background with contributions from bioaerosols and isoprene SOA can be revealed. The enhancement in isoprene SOA in the dry season is mainly attributed to an increased acidity of the aerosols, increased NO(x) concentrations and a decreased wet deposition.
Lignin phenols were measured in the sediments of Sepitiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and in bedload sediments and suspended sediments of the four major fluvial inputs to the bay: Sao Francisco and Guandu Channels and the Guarda and Cacao Rivers. Fluvial suspended lignin yields (Sigma 8 3.5-14.6 mgC 10 g dw(-1)) vary little between the wet and dry seasons and are poorly correlated with fluvial chlorophyll concentrations (0.8-50.2 mu gC L(-1)). Despite current land use practices that favor grassland agriculture or industrial uses, fluvial lignin compositions are dominated by a degraded leaf-sourced material. The exception is the Guarda River, which has a slight influence from grasses. The Lignin Phenol Vegetation Index, coupled with acid/aldehyde and 3.5 Db/V ratios, indicate that degraded leaf-derived phenols are also the primary preserved lignin component in the bay. The presence of fringe Typha sp. and Spartina sp. grass beds surrounding portions of the Bay are not reflected in the lignin signature. Instead, lignin entering the bay appears to reflect the erosion of soils containing a degraded signature from the former Atlantic rain forest that once dominated the watershed, instead of containing a significant signature derived from current agricultural uses. A three-component mixing model using the LPVI, atomic N:C ratios, and stable carbon isotopes (which range between -26.8 and -21.8 parts per thousand) supports the hypothesis that fluvial inputs to the bay are dominated by planktonic matter (78% of the input), with lignin dominated by leaf (14% of the input) over grass (6%). Sediments are composed of a roughly 50-50 mixture of autochthonous material and terrigenous material, with lignin being primarily sourced from leaf. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wastewater containing several dyes, including sulfur black from the dyeing process in a textile mill, was treated using a UV/H(2)O(2) process. The wastewater was characterized by a low BOD/ COD ratio, intense color and high acute toxicity to the algae species Pseudokirchneriella subcaptata. The influence of the pH and H(2)O(2) concentration on the treatment process was evaluated by a full factorial design 2(2) with three replicates of the central experiment. The removal of aromatic compounds and color was improved by an increase in the H(2)O(2) concentration and a decrease in pH. The best results were obtained at pH 5.0 and 6 g L(-1). With these conditions and 120 min of UV irradiation, the removal of the color, aromatic compounds and COD were 74.1, 55.1 and 44.8%, respectively. Under the same conditions, but using a photoreactor covered with aluminum foil, the removal of the color, aromatic compounds and COD were 92.0, 77.6 and 59.4%, respectively. Moreover, the use of aluminum foil reduced the cost of the treatment by 40.8%. These results suggest the potential application of reflective materials as a photoreactor accessory to reduce electric energy consumption during the UV/H(2)O(2) process.
Estrogens are a class of micro-pollutants found in water at low concentrations (in the ng L(-1) range), but often sufficient to exert estrogenic effects due to their high estrogenic potency. Disinfection of waters containing estrogens through oxidative processes has been shown to lead to the formation of disinfection byproducts, which may also be estrogenic. The present work investigates the formation of disinfection byproducts of 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) in the treatment of water with ozone. Experiments have been carried out at two different concentrations of the estrogens in ground water (100 ng L(-1) and 100 mu g L(-1)) and at varying ozone dosages (0-30 mg L(-1)). Detection of the estrogens and their disinfection byproducts in the water samples has been performed by means of ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) with a triple quadrupole (QqQ) and a quadrupole-time of flight (QqTOF) instrument. Both E2 and El have been found to form two main byproducts, with molecular mass (MM) 288 and 278 in the case of E2, and 286 and 276 in the case of El, following presumably the same reaction pathways. The E2 byproduct with MM 288 has been identified as 10epsilon-17beta-dihydroxy-1,4-estradieno-3-one (DEO), in agreement with previously published results. The molecular structures and the formation pathways of the other three newly identified byproducts have been suggested. These byproducts have been found to be formed at both high and low concentrations of the estrogens and to be persistent even after application of high ozone dosages. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Currently diverse industries have high pollution potential because their productive processes generate great volumes of refractory effluents. These effluents are problematic, mainly due to the presence of recalcitrant compounds that are detrimental in wastewater treatment plants using biological systems in their processes. In general, biological treatments do not remove refractory elements. Also, in most cases these compounds can inhibit the yield or are toxic for biota responsible to remove the polluting agents. The Advanced Oxidative Processes (AOPs) represent a technological alternative with a great potential for treatment of no biodegradable effluents. In this paper a review of the use of advanced oxidatives processes: Ozone (O(3)), peroxide of hydrogen (H(2)O(2)) and ultraviolet radiation (UV) is presented applied to the treatment of recalcitrant effluents.