898 resultados para 710501 Economic issues
A View into the World of Kitchen: Development and retention of a leading position in the market of kitchen interiors - a case study of 20 years. This study focuses on the development of a kitchen interiors company, presently called Novart Inc., into the leading company of the industry from 1980´s to the present. The objective of the study is to describe the effects of strategic choices, the decisions of the management and the owner´s direction and control to the build up and the retaining of the leading position in the market. From theory point of view, strategic choices refer to com-pany purchases as corporate-level strategies, and business and marketing strategies. The empirical research was carried out in two phases and it is based on various company documents and records, and on the intensive interviews of seven key executives in the company. An abductive research design was utilized. The company gained the leading position in the kitchen market in Finland by company purchases, and the company has been able to retain the position. Firstly the goal was to expand to retail market and, secondly, the company has maintained the balance of supply and demand by closing the purchased production units when needed. The simultaneous use of these two strategic goals is a kind of a new observation, and the strategy may be suitable only for market leaders. During the latter part of the research period the strategy of com-pany purchases has been abandoned and the leading position in the market has been main-tained by developing systematically business and marketing capability. In the business and marketing strategies the distribution channels and the brands have been emphasized. During the research period the company has almost totally abandoned the long distribution channels and started to use its own channels built and named after the main brands. These are A la Carte, Parma and Petra. At the moment, in the beginning of the 21st century, a new distribution channel, the concept of the Kitchen World, is being built in addition to the channels mentioned above. The management´s decision making and the implementation the decisions have been well-considered. The executives emphasized the valuing of the importance of the decisions dif-ferently except the two decisions named the most important ones, i.e., the decisions to start own production of the raw material and to concentrate the business only to one company. The executive staff has also succeeded in managing crisis and threats of bankruptcy, and the company has been managed profitable. During all the four terms of ownership: Puolimatka Corporation, the Hankkija/Novera Corporation, the ownership period of the "bank", and the Nobia Corporate the ownership direction and control has been somewhat different. All the owners have paid attention to economic issues. The direction of cash flows and investments was at its strongest during the Hankkija/Novera term. For the last owner Nobia the production and marketing of the kitchen interiors has been the core business, which thus has strengthened the business and marketing capabilities of the target company of this research. A common denominator during all the four terms of ownership has been owners' trust gained by the professional skills of the management of the target company. This has lead to greater independence of the management of the company and less owners´ direction. Keywords: leading position, marketing strategy, management decisions, acquisition, corporate governance
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly important topic in forest industries, and other global companies, in recent years. Globalisation, faster information delivery and demand for sustainable development have set new challenges for global companies in their business operations. Also the importance of stakeholder relations, and pressure to become more transparent has increased in the forest industries. Three dimensions of corporate responsibility economic, environmental and social, are often included in the concept of CSR. Global companies mostly claim that these dimensions are equally important. This study analyses CSR in forest industry and has focus on reporting and implementation of social responsibility in three international companies. These case-companies are Stora Enso, SCA and Sappi, and they have different geographical base, product portfolios and therefore present interesting differences about forest industry strategy and CSR. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has created the most known and used reporting framework in CSR reporting. GRI Guidelines have made CSR reporting a uniform function, which can also be measured between companies and different sectors. GRI Guidelines have also made it possible to record and control CSR data in the companies. In recent years the use of GRI Guidelines has increased substantially. Typically CSR reporting on economic and environmental responsibility have been systematic in the global companies and often driven by legistlation and other regulations. However the social responsibility has been less regulated and more difficult to compare. Therefore it has previously been often less focused in the CSR reporting of the global companies. The implementation and use of GRI Guidelines have also increased dialogue on social responsibility issues and stakeholder management in global companies. This study analyses the use of GRI´s framework in the forest industry companies´ CSR reporting. This is a qualitative study and the disclosure of data is empricially analysed using content analysis. Content analysis has been selected as a method for this study because it makes it possible to use different sources of information. The data of this study consists of existing academic literature of CSR, sustainability reports of thecase-companies during 2005-2009, and the semi-structured interviews with company representatives. Different sources provide the possibility to look at specific subject from more than one viewpoint. The results of the study show that all case-companies have relatively common themes in their CSR disclosure, and the differences rise mainly from their product-portfolios, and geographic base. Social impacts to local communities, in the CSR of the companies, were mainly dominated by issues concerning creating wealth to the society and impacting communities through creation of work. The comparability of the CSR reporting, and especially social indicators increased significally from 2007 onwards in all case-companies. Even though the companies claim that three dimensions of CSR economic, environmental and social are equally important economic issues and profit improvement still seem to drive most of the operations in the global companies. Many issues that are covered by laws and regulations are still essentially presented as social responsibility in CSR. However often the unwelcome issues in companies like closing operations are covered just briefly, and without adequate explanation. To make social responsibility equally important in the CSR it would demand more emphasis from all the case-companies. A lot of emphasis should be put especially on the detail and extensiveness of the social reponsibility content in the CSR.
Resumen: La exhortación apostólica Evangelii gaudium, sin ser un documento social, no sólo contiene numerosas afirmaciones sobre temas sociales y económicos, sino que enuncia cuatro novedosos principios para orientar el desarrollo de la vida social. Este artículo sostiene, sin embargo, que ni aquellos juicios ni estos principios se encuentran en continuidad con la DSI. Los primeros, porque dejan de lado el género propio de ésta, para adoptar un tono profético falto de los necesarios matices y equilibrios. Los segundos, porque a diferencia de los principios universales de la DSI, no son de carácter específicamente social. Ambos ponen en peligro la continuidad del magisterio social.
Resumen: El artículo tiene por tema central la importancia de la intervención de la Iglesia en asuntos socio-económicos. El autor parte de dos interrogantes: el motivo por el cual se instauró la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia a finales del siglo XIX y no anteriormente, y las razones que condujeron al quiebre entre la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y la teoría económica dominante. Para dar respuesta a estas cuestiones, Pasinetti se remonta a los inicios del Cristianismo, y realiza un análisis histórico del desarrollo de la teoría económica hasta la proclamación de la encíclica Rerum Novarum en 1891. El autor explica que ese corpus doctrinal surgió como resultado de tres eventos históricos: la Revolución Industrial, el impacto de la obra de Karl Marx, y la falla en formular una teoría económica capaz de resolver los problemas de un mundo nuevo. La Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, entonces, está llamada a superar estas dificultades ya que posee las herramientas necesarias para lograrlo.
Descreve as instituições e os mecanismos que ao longo de mais de seis décadas foram sendo criados e aperfeiçoados com o objetivo de desenvolver a comunidade dos países europeus nos aspectos políticos, sociais e econômicos. A integração europeia foi se aperfeiçoando ao longo do tempo, mas, seus dirigentes, sempre tiveram a preocupação de fazer com que esse processo fosse o mais democrático possível. O Tratado de Lisboa, o mais recente na história desta associação de ideias e interesses, teve a preocupação de aperfeiçoar os mecanismos de integração no sentido da democracia, aspecto explorado neste trabalho.
The epidemic of HIV/AIDS in the United States is constantly changing and evolving, starting from patient zero to now an estimated 650,000 to 900,000 Americans infected. The nature and course of HIV changed dramatically with the introduction of antiretrovirals. This discourse examines many different facets of HIV from the beginning where there wasn't any treatment for HIV until the present era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). By utilizing statistical analysis of clinical data, this paper examines where we were, where we are and projections as to where treatment of HIV/AIDS is headed.
Chapter Two describes the datasets that were used for the analyses. The primary database utilized was collected by myself from an outpatient HIV clinic. The data included dates from 1984 until the present. The second database was from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) public dataset. The data from the MACS cover the time between 1984 and October 1992. Comparisons are made between both datasets.
Chapter Three discusses where we were. Before the first anti-HIV drugs (called antiretrovirals) were approved, there was no treatment to slow the progression of HIV. The first generation of antiretrovirals, reverse transcriptase inhibitors such as AZT (zidovudine), DDI (didanosine), DDC (zalcitabine), and D4T (stavudine) provided the first treatment for HIV. The first clinical trials showed that these antiretrovirals had a significant impact on increasing patient survival. The trials also showed that patients on these drugs had increased CD4+ T cell counts. Chapter Three examines the distributions of CD4 T cell counts. The results show that the estimated distributions of CD4 T cell counts are distinctly non-Gaussian. Thus distributional assumptions regarding CD4 T cell counts must be taken, into account when performing analyses with this marker. The results also show the estimated CD4 T cell distributions for each disease stage: asymptomatic, symptomatic and AIDS are non-Gaussian. Interestingly, the distribution of CD4 T cell counts for the asymptomatic period is significantly below that of the CD4 T cell distribution for the uninfected population suggesting that even in patients with no outward symptoms of HIV infection, there exists high levels of immunosuppression.
Chapter Four discusses where we are at present. HIV quickly grew resistant to reverse transcriptase inhibitors which were given sequentially as mono or dual therapy. As resistance grew, the positive effects of the reverse transcriptase inhibitors on CD4 T cell counts and survival dissipated. As the old era faded a new era characterized by a new class of drugs and new technology changed the way that we treat HIV-infected patients. Viral load assays were able to quantify the levels of HIV RNA in the blood. By quantifying the viral load, one now had a faster, more direct way to test antiretroviral regimen efficacy. Protease inhibitors, which attacked a different region of HIV than reverse transcriptase inhibitors, when used in combination with other antiretroviral agents were found to dramatically and significantly reduce the HIV RNA levels in the blood. Patients also experienced significant increases in CD4 T cell counts. For the first time in the epidemic, there was hope. It was hypothesized that with HAART, viral levels could be kept so low that the immune system as measured by CD4 T cell counts would be able to recover. If these viral levels could be kept low enough, it would be possible for the immune system to eradicate the virus. The hypothesis of immune reconstitution, that is bringing CD4 T cell counts up to levels seen in uninfected patients, is tested in Chapter Four. It was found that for these patients, there was not enough of a CD4 T cell increase to be consistent with the hypothesis of immune reconstitution.
In Chapter Five, the effectiveness of long-term HAART is analyzed. Survival analysis was conducted on 213 patients on long-term HAART. The primary endpoint was presence of an AIDS defining illness. A high level of clinical failure, or progression to an endpoint, was found.
Chapter Six yields insights into where we are going. New technology such as viral genotypic testing, that looks at the genetic structure of HIV and determines where mutations have occurred, has shown that HIV is capable of producing resistance mutations that confer multiple drug resistance. This section looks at resistance issues and speculates, ceterus parabis, where the state of HIV is going. This section first addresses viral genotype and the correlates of viral load and disease progression. A second analysis looks at patients who have failed their primary attempts at HAART and subsequent salvage therapy. It was found that salvage regimens, efforts to control viral replication through the administration of different combinations of antiretrovirals, were not effective in 90 percent of the population in controlling viral replication. Thus, primary attempts at therapy offer the best change of viral suppression and delay of disease progression. Documentation of transmission of drug-resistant virus suggests that the public health crisis of HIV is far from over. Drug resistant HIV can sustain the epidemic and hamper our efforts to treat HIV infection. The data presented suggest that the decrease in the morbidity and mortality due to HIV/AIDS is transient. Deaths due to HIV will increase and public health officials must prepare for this eventuality unless new treatments become available. These results also underscore the importance of the vaccine effort.
The final chapter looks at the economic issues related to HIV. The direct and indirect costs of treating HIV/AIDS are very high. For the first time in the epidemic, there exists treatment that can actually slow disease progression. The direct costs for HAART are estimated. It is estimated that the direct lifetime costs for treating each HIV infected patient with HAART is between $353,000 to $598,000 depending on how long HAART prolongs life. If one looks at the incremental cost per year of life saved it is only $101,000. This is comparable with the incremental costs per year of life saved from coronary artery bypass surgery.
Policy makers need to be aware that although HAART can delay disease progression, it is not a cure and HIV is not over. The results presented here suggest that the decreases in the morbidity and mortality due to HIV are transient. Policymakers need to be prepared for the eventual increase in AIDS incidence and mortality. Costs associated with HIV/AIDS are also projected to increase. The cost savings seen recently have been from the dramatic decreases in the incidence of AIDS defining opportunistic infections. As patients who have been on HAART the longest start to progress to AIDS, policymakers and insurance companies will find that the cost of treating HIV/AIDS will increase.
Power system is at the brink of change. Engineering needs, economic forces and environmental factors are the main drivers of this change. The vision is to build a smart electrical grid and a smarter market mechanism around it to fulfill mandates on clean energy. Looking at engineering and economic issues in isolation is no longer an option today; it needs an integrated design approach. In this thesis, I shall revisit some of the classical questions on the engineering operation of power systems that deals with the nonconvexity of power flow equations. Then I shall explore some issues of the interaction of these power flow equations on the electricity markets to address the fundamental issue of market power in a deregulated market environment. Finally, motivated by the emergence of new storage technologies, I present an interesting result on the investment decision problem of placing storage over a power network. The goal of this study is to demonstrate that modern optimization and game theory can provide unique insights into this complex system. Some of the ideas carry over to applications beyond power systems.
Brasil e Argentina nutriram ao longo de décadas sentimento de rivalidade. Aos poucos, tal sentimento foi substituído pela cooperação e consequentemente integração entre os mesmos. A aproximação entre os países culminou na formulação do Mercado Comum do Sul, um dos blocos mais importantes da região sul-americana. Porém, ao longo da década de 1990, a organização passou por momentos de crises, bem como as próprias economias nacionais. Isto provocou a possibilidade de haver retrocesso ou até mesmo a dissolução do bloco que, em períodos anteriores, já tinha proporcionado aumento de fluxo de comércio e de confiança entre seus dois membros maiores. No entanto, a partir de 2003, novos governantes que assumiram o cargo de presidente no Brasil e na Argentina propiciaram uma mudança naquele contexto. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presidente do Brasil, e Néstor Kirchner, presidente da Argentina, subiram ao poder com ideias e objetivos muito semelhantes para a integração regional. Também, havia grande preocupação com o outro em termos de política externa, considerado como forte parceiro em termos políticos, estratégicos e econômicos. A partir da aplicação de literaturas que colocavam o Estado como figura central na elaboração de política externa e de mudanças na mesma, assim como daquelas que estudam o período de 2003 a 2010, avalia-se Brasil e Argentina. O segundo mandato de Lula e o mandato de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner também são estudados, porque são considerados governos de continuidade aos anteriores. A partir desta reaproximação de Brasil e Argentina, enquanto Estados, pode-se perceber uma mudança na reconfiguração do Mercosul. Há maior interesse político para que o bloco seguisse por caminhos que não o meramente comercial. Desde então, há maior quantidade de iniciativas dentro do bloco, e maior disponibilidade e confiança por parte dos governos.
Nosso trabalho analisa o processo de escolarização de crianças negras em Vassouras, de 1871 a 1910. Intencionamos unir as reflexões do campo da História e da História da Educação, para compreender a organização da sociedade e a inserção da escola nessa cidade, destacando a presença das crianças negras nos bancos escolares. Para conhecer a organização social de Vassouras dialogamos com Raposo (1978) e Stein (1990), dois historiadores cujas obras marcam a história da cidade. Seguindo a mesma trilha, analisamos a produção dos historiadores ligados ao Vale do Paraíba, tais como: Salles (2008), Muaze (2008) e Gomes (2006) para compreender a formação das famílias e seus títulos de nobreza. Também dialogamos com os professores Góes e Florentino (1997) e Mattos (1998) para compreender a formação da família escrava e o significado da liberdade. Na História da Educação destacamos os estudos desenvolvidos por: Gondra e Schueler (2008), que sinalizam que há poucos estudos sobre o processo de escolarização de negros, afrodescendentes e índios no período imperial. Esse quadro apontado pelos autores citados anteriormente já começou a mudar. O estudo de Silva (2000) sobre a escola para meninos negros na Corte foi um dos pioneiros na perspectiva histórica. Igualmente desbravador do campo foi a pesquisa realizada por Barros (2005) sobre o processo de escolarização de negros em São Paulo. Os trabalhos de Fonseca (2002 e 2009) desmistificam a tese de ausência de crianças negras nas escolas das Gerais. Gonçalves (2005) faz um balanço da questão e apresenta novas lacunas em áreas onde ainda não há pesquisas sobre os negros na Educação, entre elas a província do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo buscou preencher essa lacuna a partir de documentos que se encontravam em diferentes acervos da cidade e do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Nessas instituições coletamos: pedidos de Soldada, o jornal O Vassourense, verbetes de dicionários tecnológicos de Direito e verbetes do dicionário bibliográfico Velho Sobrinho. Em Vassouras encontramos os Mapas de Frequência Escolar e os Ofícios remetidos ao diretor da Instrução Pública. O processo histórico de educação dos libertos, iniciado com a Lei do Ventre Livre em 1871, em Vassouras pode ser acompanhado pelos Mapas de Frequência Escolar, e esses documentos nos permitem acompanhar até que idade essa criança negra permanecia na escola e também conhecer a sua saída para o mundo do trabalho. O ano de 1910 foi estabelecido para acompanhar o movimento interno, da própria documentação existente nos acervos de Vassouras, que após esse período apresentavam lacunas que dificultavam a montagem de uma série que permitisse uma análise das questões educacionais em paralelo com as questões sociais e econômicas. Adotamos como suporte teórico metodológico o Paradigma Indiciário proposto por Ginzburg (1989), que busca reconstruir as sociedades de tempos pretéritos a partir de vestígios, pistas e indícios presentes nos documentos. Também nos auxiliaram na leitura dos documentos os livros escritos por Elias (1993, 1994, 2000 e 2001), nos quais buscávamos base para ler o mundo das letras e o mundo do trabalho da sociedade vassourense no final do Império e início da República
Nosso trabalho analisa o processo de escolarização de crianças negras em Vassouras, de 1871 a 1910. Intencionamos unir as reflexões do campo da História e da História da Educação, para compreender a organização da sociedade e a inserção da escola nessa cidade, destacando a presença das crianças negras nos bancos escolares. Para conhecer a organização social de Vassouras dialogamos com Raposo (1978) e Stein (1990), dois historiadores cujas obras marcam a história da cidade. Seguindo a mesma trilha, analisamos a produção dos historiadores ligados ao Vale do Paraíba, tais como: Salles (2008), Muaze (2008) e Gomes (2006) para compreender a formação das famílias e seus títulos de nobreza. Também dialogamos com os professores Góes e Florentino (1997) e Mattos (1998) para compreender a formação da família escrava e o significado da liberdade. Na História da Educação destacamos os estudos desenvolvidos por: Gondra e Schueler (2008), que sinalizam que há poucos estudos sobre o processo de escolarização de negros, afrodescendentes e índios no período imperial. Esse quadro apontado pelos autores citados anteriormente já começou a mudar. O estudo de Silva (2000) sobre a escola para meninos negros na Corte foi um dos pioneiros na perspectiva histórica. Igualmente desbravador do campo foi a pesquisa realizada por Barros (2005) sobre o processo de escolarização de negros em São Paulo. Os trabalhos de Fonseca (2002 e 2009) desmistificam a tese de ausência de crianças negras nas escolas das Gerais. Gonçalves (2005) faz um balanço da questão e apresenta novas lacunas em áreas onde ainda não há pesquisas sobre os negros na Educação, entre elas a província do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo buscou preencher essa lacuna a partir de documentos que se encontravam em diferentes acervos da cidade e do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Nessas instituições coletamos: pedidos de Soldada, o jornal O Vassourense, verbetes de dicionários tecnológicos de Direito e verbetes do dicionário bibliográfico Velho Sobrinho. Em Vassouras encontramos os Mapas de Frequência Escolar e os Ofícios remetidos ao diretor da Instrução Pública. O processo histórico de educação dos libertos, iniciado com a Lei do Ventre Livre em 1871, em Vassouras pode ser acompanhado pelos Mapas de Frequência Escolar, e esses documentos nos permitem acompanhar até que idade essa criança negra permanecia na escola e também conhecer a sua saída para o mundo do trabalho. O ano de 1910 foi estabelecido para acompanhar o movimento interno, da própria documentação existente nos acervos de Vassouras, que após esse período apresentavam lacunas que dificultavam a montagem de uma série que permitisse uma análise das questões educacionais em paralelo com as questões sociais e econômicas. Adotamos como suporte teórico metodológico o Paradigma Indiciário proposto por Ginzburg (1989), que busca reconstruir as sociedades de tempos pretéritos a partir de vestígios, pistas e indícios presentes nos documentos. Também nos auxiliaram na leitura dos documentos os livros escritos por Elias (1993, 1994, 2000 e 2001), nos quais buscávamos base para ler o mundo das letras e o mundo do trabalho da sociedade vassourense no final do Império e início da República
This synthesis presents a science overview of the major forest management Issues involved in the recovery of anadromous salmonids affected by timber harvest in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. The issues involve the components of ecosystem-based watershed management and how best to implement them, including how to: Design buffer zones to protect fish habitat while enabling economic timber production; Implement effective Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent nonpoint-source pollution; Develop watershed-level procedures across property boundaries to prevent cumulative impacts; Develop restoration procedures to contribute to recovery of ecosystem processes; and Enlist support of private landowners in watershed planning, protection, and restoration. Buffer zones, BMPs, cumulative impact prevention, and restoration are essential elements of what must be a comprehensive approach to habitat protection and restoration applied at the watershed level within a larger context of resource concerns in the river basin, species status under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and regional environmental and economic issues (Fig. ES. 1). This synthesis 1) reviews salmonid habitat requirements and potential effects of logging; 2) describes the technical foundation of forest practices and restoration; 3) analyzes current federal and non-federal forest practices; and 4) recommends required elements of comprehensive watershed management for recovery of anadromous salmonids.
The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) on behalf of OPEP Consult Ltd undertook a baseline survey of the transition zone (basically along the shoreline) and near shore habitats of the Uganda apart of Lake Edward and Kazinga channel during December 2007 to January 2008. A major objective of the baseline survey was to generate baseline information on the aquatic ecosystem features related to the fisheries and socio-economics of the fish catch including issues raised by residents in the fish landing sites. Therefore, the baseline survey captured information on water quality, the aquatic invertebrate fauna, aspects of fish biology and ecology, the fish catch including facilities at fish landings, value in the catch and related fisheries socio-economic issues perceived by residents in the settled areas along the shores.
Marnet, Oliver, 'Behaviour and rationality in corporate governance', Journal of Economic Issues (2005) 39(3) pp.613-632 RAE2008
The UK government is committed to effectively implement a viable sustainable agenda in the social housing sector. To this end housing associations and local authorities are being encouraged to improve the environmental performance of their new and existing homes. Whilst much attention has been focused on new housing (e.g. the Code for Sustainable Homes) little effort has been focussed on improving the 3.9 (approx) million homes maintained and managed by the public sector (in England), which, given the low rate of new build and demolition (<1% in England), will represent approximately 70% of the public housing stock in 2050. Thus, if UK is to achieve sustainable public housing the major effort will have to focus on the existing stock. However, interpreting the sustainability agenda for an existing housing portfolio is not a straight foreword activity. In addition to finding a ‘technical’ solution, landlords also haveto address the socio-economic issues that balance quality of expectations of tenants with the economic realities of funding social housing refurbishment. This paper will report the findings of a qualitative study (participatory approach) that examined the processes by which a large public landlord sought to develop a long-term sustainable housing strategy. Through a series of individual meetings and group workshops the research team identified: committed leadership; attitudes towards technology; social awareness; and collective understanding of the sustainability agenda as key issues that the organisation needed to address in developing a robust and defendable refurbishment strategy. The paper concludes that the challenges faced by the landlord in improving the sustainability of their existing stock are not primarily technical, but socio-economic. Further, while the economic challenges: initial capital cost; lack of funding; and pay-back periods can be overcome, if the political will exists, by fiscal measures; the social challenges: health & wellbeing; poverty; security; space needs; behaviour change; education; and trust; are much more complex in nature and will require a coordinated approach from all the stakeholders involved in the wider community if they are to be effectively addressed. The key challenge to public housing landlords is to develop mechanisms that can identify and interpret the complex nature of the social sustainability agenda in a way that reflects local aspirations (although the authors believe the factors will exist in all social housing communities, their relative importance is likely to vary between communities) whilst addressing Government agendas.
The oceans and coastal seas provide mankind with many benefits including food for around a third of the global population, the air that we breathe and our climate system which enables habitation of much of the planet. However, the converse is that generation of natural events (such as hurricanes, severe storms and tsunamis) can have devastating impacts on coastal populations, while pollution of the seas by pathogens and toxic waste can cause illness and death in humans and animals. Harmful effects from biogenic toxins produced by algal blooms (HABs) and from the pathogens associated with microbial pollution are also a health hazard in seafood and from direct contact with water. The overall global burden of human disease caused by sewage pollution of coastal waters has been estimated at 4 million lost person-years annually. Finally, the impacts of all of these issues will be exacerbated by climate change. A holistic systems approach is needed. It must consider whole ecosystems, and their sustainability, such as integrated coastal zone management, is necessary to address the highly interconnected scientific challenges of increased human population pressure, pollution and over-exploitation of food (and other) resources as drivers of adverse ecological, social and economic impacts. There is also an urgent and critical requirement for effective and integrated public health solutions to be developed through the formulation of politically and environmentally meaningful policies. The research community required to address "Oceans & Human Health" in Europe is currently very fragmented, and recognition by policy makers of some of the problems, outlined in the list of challenges above, is limited. Nevertheless, relevant key policy issues for governments worldwide include the reduction of the burden of disease (including the early detection of emerging pathogens and other threats) and improving the quality of the global environment. Failure to effectively address these issues will impact adversely on efforts to alleviate poverty, sustain the availability of environmental goods and services and improve health and social and economic stability; and thus, will impinge on many policy decisions, both nationally and internationally. Knowledge exchange (KE) will be a key element of any ensuing research. KE will facilitate the integration of biological, medical, epidemiological, social and economic disciplines, as well as the emergence of synergies between seemingly unconnected areas of science and socio-economic issues, and will help to leverage knowledge transfer across the European Union (EU) and beyond. An integrated interdisciplinary systems approach is an effective way to bring together the appropriate groups of scientists, social scientists, economists, industry and other stakeholders with the policy formulators in order to address the complexities of interfacial problems in the area of environment and human health. The Marine Board of the European Science Foundation Working Group on "Oceans and Human Health" has been charged with developing a position paper on this topic with a view to identifying the scientific, social and economic challenges and making recommendations to the EU on policy-relevant research and development activities in this arena. This paper includes the background to health-related issues linked to the coastal environment and highlights the main arguments for an ecosystem-based whole systems approach.