950 resultados para 3D CAD software for clothing


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The motivation for this paper is to present an approach for rating the quality of the parameters in a computer-aided design model for use as optimization variables. Parametric Effectiveness is computed as the ratio of change in performance achieved by perturbing the parameters in the optimum way, to the change in performance that would be achieved by allowing the boundary of the model to move without the constraint on shape change enforced by the CAD parameterization. The approach is applied in this paper to optimization based on adjoint shape sensitivity analyses. The derivation of parametric effectiveness is presented for optimization both with and without the constraint of constant volume. In both cases, the movement of the boundary is normalized with respect to a small root mean squared movement of the boundary. The approach can be used to select an initial search direction in parameter space, or to select sets of model parameters which have the greatest ability to improve model performance. The approach is applied to a number of example 2D and 3D FEA and CFD problems.


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Computação gráfica um campo que tem vindo a crescer bastante nos últimos anos, desde áreas como cinematográficas, dos videojogos, da animação, o avanço tem sido tão grande que a semelhança com a realidade é cada vez maior. Praticamente hoje em dia todos os filmes têm efeitos gerados através de computação gráfica, até simples anúncios de televisão para não falar do realismo dos videojogos de hoje. Este estudo tem como objectivo mostrar duas alternativas no mundo da computação gráfica, como tal, vão ser usados dois programas, Blender e Unreal Engine. O cenário em questão será todo modelado de raiz e será o mesmo nos dois programas. Serão feitos vários renders ao cenário, em ambos os programas usando diferentes materiais, diferentes tipos de iluminação, em tempo real e não de forma a mostrar as várias alternativas possíveis.


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En este trabajo se presenta Capaware, una plataforma de software libre para el desarrollo de aplicaciones geográficas 3D multicapa, que surge a partir de la iniciativa del Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias en colaboración con la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Este entorno simplifica la creación de aplicaciones 3D sobre territorios geográficos extensos, disponiendo de una herramienta muy visual que aporta un nuevo punto de vista muy importante para una toma de decisiones eficaz. Capaware proporciona una interfaz fácil de usar y muy flexible que simplifica el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones, permitiéndonos crear rápidamente entornos virtuales con múltiples capas de información sobre el terreno. Con las capacidades clásicas de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), Capaware permite actualmente la carga de capas WMS sobre entornos 3D, añadir objetos 3D sobre el terreno, y visualizar elementos dinámicos, ofreciendo una nueva perspectiva de la información analizada. Así mismo, podemos administrar las capas de recursos y elementos que se pueden representar sobre la zona geográfica en cuestión. (...)


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Virtual reality has the potential to improve visualisation of building design and construction, but its implementation in the industry has yet to reach maturity. Present day translation of building data to virtual reality is often unidirectional and unsatisfactory. Three different approaches to the creation of models are identified and described in this paper. Consideration is given to the potential of both advances in computer-aided design and the emerging standards for data exchange to facilitate an integrated use of virtual reality. Commonalities and differences between computer-aided design and virtual reality packages are reviewed, and trials of current system, are described. The trials have been conducted to explore the technical issues related to the integrated use of CAD and virtual environments within the house building sector of the construction industry and to investigate the practical use of the new technology.


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On this research we investigated how new technologies can help the process of design and manufacturing of furniture in such small manufacturers in Rio Grande do Norte state. Google SketchUp, a 3D software tool, was developed in such a way that its internal structures are opened and can be accessed using SketchUp s API for Ruby and programs written in Ruby language (plugins). Using the concepts of the so-called Group Technology and the flexibility that enables adding new functionalities to this software, it was created a Methodology for Modeling of Furniture, a Coding System and a plugin for Google s tool in order to implement the Methodology developed. As resulted, the following facilities are available: the user may create and reuse the library s models over-and-over; reports of the materials manufacturing process costs are provided and, finally, detailed drawings, getting a better integration between the furniture design and manufacturing process


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Aim of the study was to evaluate the biaxial flexural strength of ceramics processed using the Cerec inLab system. The hypothesis was that the flexural strength would be influenced by the type of ceramic. Ten samples (ISO 6872) of each ceramic (N.=50/n.=10) were made using Cerec inLab (software Cerec 3D) (Ø:15 mm, thickness: 1.2 mm). Three silica-based ceramics (Vita Mark II [VM], ProCad [PC] and e-max CAD ECAD]) and two yttria-stabilized tetragonal-zirconia-polycrystalline ceramics (Y-TZP) (e-max ZirCad [ZrCAD] and Vita In-Ceram 2000 YZ Cubes [VYZ]) were tested. The samples were finished with wet silicone carbide papers up to 1200-grit and polished in a polishing machine with diamond paste (3 μm). The samples were then submitted to biaxial flexural strength testing in a universal testing machine (EMIC), 1 mm/min. The data (MPa) were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (5%) tests. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was performed on a representative sample from each group. The values (median, mean±sd) obtained for the experimental groups were: VM (101.7, 102.1±13.65 MPa), PC (165.2, 160±34.7 MPa), ECAD (437.2, 416.1±50.1 MPa), ZrCAD (804.2, 800.8±64.47 MPa) and VYZ (792.7, 807±100.7 MPa). The type of ceramic influenced the flexural strength values (P=0.0001). The ceramics ECADa, e-max ZrCADa and VYZa presented similar flexural strength values which were significantly higher than the other groups (PCb and VM IIb), which were similar statistically between them (Dunn's test). The hypothesis was accepted. The polycrystalline ceramics (Y-TZP) should be material chosen for make FPDs because of their higher flexural strength values.


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The building budgeting quickly and accurately is a challenge faced by the companies in the sector. The cost estimation process is performed from the quantity takeoff and this process of quantification, historically, through the analysis of the project, scope of work and project information contained in 2D design, text files and spreadsheets. This method, in many cases, present itself flawed, influencing the making management decisions, once it is closely coupled to time and cost management. In this scenario, this work intends to make a critical analysis of conventional process of quantity takeoff, from the quantification through 2D designs, and with the use of the software Autodesk Revit 2016, which uses the concepts of building information modeling for automated quantity takeoff of 3D model construction. It is noted that the 3D modeling process should be aligned with the goals of budgeting. The use of BIM technology programs provides several benefits compared to traditional quantity takeoff process, representing gains in productivity, transparency and assertiveness


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The building budgeting quickly and accurately is a challenge faced by the companies in the sector. The cost estimation process is performed from the quantity takeoff and this process of quantification, historically, through the analysis of the project, scope of work and project information contained in 2D design, text files and spreadsheets. This method, in many cases, present itself flawed, influencing the making management decisions, once it is closely coupled to time and cost management. In this scenario, this work intends to make a critical analysis of conventional process of quantity takeoff, from the quantification through 2D designs, and with the use of the software Autodesk Revit 2016, which uses the concepts of building information modeling for automated quantity takeoff of 3D model construction. It is noted that the 3D modeling process should be aligned with the goals of budgeting. The use of BIM technology programs provides several benefits compared to traditional quantity takeoff process, representing gains in productivity, transparency and assertiveness


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[ES] La superficie afectada por incendios en Gran Canaria y Tenerife en Agosto de 2007 (aproximadamente 35.060 hectáreas) fue similar a la quemada en los últimos 22 años en todo el Archipiélago Canario. Sin duda, en los momentos clave de incen-dios, cuando la prevención se ha visto desbordada, se impone una planificación y actuación en base a simulaciones predicti-vas que ayuden a minimizar los daños ocasionados. Los gestores virtuales por ordenador pretenden ser herramientas de ayu-da en este propósito. Se presenta un entorno de desarrollo robusto, funcional y flexible encaminado a crear aplicaciones geográficas 3D mul-ticapa centrado, en esta etapa de desarrollo, en la aplicación a un Gestor Virtual de Emergencias1 (Geviemer) con la capaci-dad de simulación y predicción del fuego en incendios forestales. Se ofrece una herramienta de utilidad para el análisis y la toma de decisiones en incendios en Canarias, con una visualización tridimensional que permite la interacción en tiempo real. El entorno, desarrollado con software libre y diseñado en base a una arquitectura por capas permite adaptarlo completa-mente a las necesidades del usuario, ofreciendo un marco abierto a la especialización en aplicaciones concretas. Se analizan en esta comunicación los pormenores del entorno, destacando las características del diseño del software y las particularida-des de Geviemer.


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In questa tesi è stato realizzato un sistema web-based, per la configurazione di modelli meccanici tridimensionali. L’intero software è basato su architettura multi-tier. Il back-end espone servizi RESTful che permettono l’interrogazione di una base di dati contenente l’anagrafica dei modelli e l’interazione con il CAD 3D SolidWorks. Il front-end è rappresentato da due pagine HTML ideate come SPA (Single Page Application), una per l’amministratore e l’altra per l’utente finale; esse sono responsabili delle chiamate asincrone verso i servizi, dell’aggiornamento automatico dell’interfaccia e dell’interazione con immagini tridimensionali.


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Scopo del presente lavoro di tesi è dimensionare a livello preliminare e modellare con software CAD 3D, un dirigibile non-rigido per riprese aeree di eventi sportivi o musicali. Il dimensionamento viene svolto attraverso un metodo tratto dalla bibliografia che si avvale di un processo iterativo che cerca la convergenza tra il peso ottenuto in base al carburante necessario per la missione da compiere e il peso ottenuto sommando tutti i contributi dei componenti del dirigibile, al variare del volume dell’involucro. La descrizione del metodo è preceduta da un’introduzione che descrive alcuni concetti fondamentali legati alle innovazioni che si sono susseguite nel tempo a livello di progettazione e dimensionamento strutturale dei dirigibili. Il dimensionamento ottenuto dal processo iterativo è stato preso come base per la modellazione CAD di un dirigibile equipaggiato con un sistema composto da una camera per riprese aeree e batterie per permettere l'alimentazione degli apparati video e di trasmissione.


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In den westlichen Industrieländern ist das Mammakarzinom der häufigste bösartige Tumor der Frau. Sein weltweiter Anteil an allen Krebserkrankungen der Frau beläuft sich auf etwa 21 %. Inzwischen ist jede neunte Frau bedroht, während ihres Lebens an Brustkrebs zu erkranken. Die alterstandardisierte Mortalitätrate liegt derzeit bei knapp 27 %.rnrnDas Mammakarzinom hat eine relative geringe Wachstumsrate. Die Existenz eines diagnostischen Verfahrens, mit dem alle Mammakarzinome unter 10 mm Durchmesser erkannt und entfernt werden, würden den Tod durch Brustkrebs praktisch beseitigen. Denn die 20-Jahres-Überlebungsrate bei Erkrankung durch initiale Karzinome der Größe 5 bis 10 mm liegt mit über 95 % sehr hoch.rnrnMit der Kontrastmittel gestützten Bildgebung durch die MRT steht eine relativ junge Untersuchungsmethode zur Verfügung, die sensitiv genug zur Erkennung von Karzinomen ab einer Größe von 3 mm Durchmesser ist. Die diagnostische Methodik ist jedoch komplex, fehleranfällig, erfordert eine lange Einarbeitungszeit und somit viel Erfahrung des Radiologen.rnrnEine Computer unterstützte Diagnosesoftware kann die Qualität einer solch komplexen Diagnose erhöhen oder zumindest den Prozess beschleunigen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer vollautomatischen Diagnose Software, die als Zweitmeinungssystem eingesetzt werden kann. Meines Wissens existiert eine solche komplette Software bis heute nicht.rnrnDie Software führt eine Kette von verschiedenen Bildverarbeitungsschritten aus, die dem Vorgehen des Radiologen nachgeahmt wurden. Als Ergebnis wird eine selbstständige Diagnose für jede gefundene Läsion erstellt: Zuerst eleminiert eine 3d Bildregistrierung Bewegungsartefakte als Vorverarbeitungsschritt, um die Bildqualität der nachfolgenden Verarbeitungsschritte zu verbessern. Jedes kontrastanreichernde Objekt wird durch eine regelbasierte Segmentierung mit adaptiven Schwellwerten detektiert. Durch die Berechnung kinetischer und morphologischer Merkmale werden die Eigenschaften der Kontrastmittelaufnahme, Form-, Rand- und Textureeigenschaften für jedes Objekt beschrieben. Abschließend werden basierend auf den erhobenen Featurevektor durch zwei trainierte neuronale Netze jedes Objekt in zusätzliche Funde oder in gut- oder bösartige Läsionen klassifiziert.rnrnDie Leistungsfähigkeit der Software wurde auf Bilddaten von 101 weiblichen Patientinnen getested, die 141 histologisch gesicherte Läsionen enthielten. Die Vorhersage der Gesundheit dieser Läsionen ergab eine Sensitivität von 88 % bei einer Spezifität von 72 %. Diese Werte sind den in der Literatur bekannten Vorhersagen von Expertenradiologen ähnlich. Die Vorhersagen enthielten durchschnittlich 2,5 zusätzliche bösartige Funde pro Patientin, die sich als falsch klassifizierte Artefakte herausstellten.rn