980 resultados para 2nd Line Therapy


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Chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) is the leading cause of late nonrelapse mortality (transplant-related mortality) after hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Given that there are a wide range of treatment options for cGvHD, assessment of the associated costs and efficacy can help clinicians and health care providers allocate health care resources more efficiently. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) compared with rituximab (Rmb) and with imatinib (Imt) in patients with cGvHD at 5 years from the perspective of the Spanish National Health System. METHODS: The model assessed the incremental cost-effectiveness/utility ratio of ECP versus Rmb or Imt for 1000 hypothetical patients by using microsimulation cost-effectiveness techniques. Model probabilities were obtained from the literature. Treatment pathways and adverse events were evaluated taking clinical opinion and published reports into consideration. Local data on costs (2010 Euros) and health care resources utilization were validated by the clinical authors. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were used to assess the robustness of the model. RESULTS: The greater efficacy of ECP resulted in a gain of 0.011 to 0.024 quality-adjusted life-year in the first year and 0.062 to 0.094 at year 5 compared with Rmb or Imt. The results showed that the higher acquisition cost of ECP versus Imt was compensated for at 9 months by greater efficacy; this higher cost was partially compensated for ( 517) by year 5 versus Rmb. After 9 months, ECP was dominant (cheaper and more effective) compared with Imt. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of ECP versus Rmb was 29,646 per life-year gained and 24,442 per quality-adjusted life-year gained at year 2.5. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis confirmed the results. The main study limitation was that to assess relative treatment effects, only small studies were available for indirect comparison. CONCLUSION: ECP as a third-line therapy for cGvHD is a more cost-effective strategy than Rmb or Imt.


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The objective of this multicenter prospective study was to determine the clinical efficacy and toxicity of a polychemotherapeutic third generation regimen, VACOP-B, with or without radiotherapy as front-line therapy in aggressive localized non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Ninety-three adult patients (47 males and 46 females, median age 45 years) with aggressive localized non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 43 in stage I and 50 in stage II (non-bulky), were included in the study. Stage I patients received VACOP-B for 6 weeks plus involved field radiotherapy and stage II patients received 12 weeks VACOP-B plus involved field radiotherapy on residual masses. Eighty-six (92.5%) achieved complete remission and 4 (4.3%) partial remission. Three patients (3.2%) were primarily resistant. Ten-year probability of survival, progression-free survival and disease-free survival were 87.3, 79.9 and 83.9%, respectively. Eighty-four patients are surviving at a median observation time of 57 months (range: 6-126). Statistical analysis showed no difference between stages I and II in terms of response, ten-year probability of survival, progression-free survival or disease-free survival. Side effects and toxicity were negligible and were similar in the two patient groups. The results of this prospective study suggest that 6 weeks of VACOP-B treatment plus radiotherapy may be the therapy of choice in stage I aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Twelve weeks of VACOP-B treatment with or without radiotherapy was shown to be effective and feasible for stage II. These observations need to be confirmed by a phase III study comparing first and third generation protocols in stage I-II aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.


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La thérapie germinale est une avenue médicale qui est loin de pouvoir être appliquée de manière sécuritaire et responsable car les connaissances médicales actuelles sont insuffisantes. De surcroît, l'encadrement normatif qui l'entoure est unanime et clame la non-acceptabilité de son application humaine. Certains instruments adoptent une approche rigide en la prohibant formellement, d'autres adoptent une approche flexible en demeurant ouverts à une éventuelle application. Il y a donc divergence quant à la légitimité de cette technique. La médecine moderne doit reposer sur des principes directeurs issus de diverses sources, empruntées au droit et à l'éthique. Les principes retenus pour examiner la légitimité de la thérapie germinale sont tirés, d'une part, des droits et libertés fondamentales: ce sont les principes fondamentaux de dignité, de liberté, d'égalité. D'autre part, ils sont issus des règles d'éthique de la recherche: plus particulièrement le principe de bienfaisance (nonmalfaisance) et celui du respect de la personne. La perspective d'une éventuelle application humaine de la thérapie germinale ne porte pas nécessairement atteinte aux principes fondamentaux, dépendamment du genre d'application qui est envisagé. Une application restreinte, appliquée dans des circonstances particulières et en vue de soulager ou d'éliminer certaines formes de détresses et de souffrances, pourrait être conforme aux principes qui soutiennent les droits et libertés fondamentales. La thérapie germinale soulève des questions éthiques difficiles et parfois inédites, notamment l'extension des risques aux générations futures et l'obligation d'un suivi à long terme pour des descendants qui n'auront pas eux-mêmes donné leur consentement à cette «thérapie». La thérapie germinale est présentement non acceptable mais ne devrait pas faire l'objet d'une prohibition totale.


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Réalisé dans le cadre d'un mandat de l'Unité d'évaluation des technologies et des modes d'intervention en santé (UETMIS) du CHU Sainte-Justine


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Nous avons effectué ce travail afin d’évaluer l’impact d’une utilisation accrue des antirétroviraux (ARV) sur l’émergence de la résistance dans le cadre d’une cohorte de sujets infectés par le VIH-1, enrôlés au Mali pour recevoir la thérapie antirétrovirale. La première partie de ce travail a évalué la résistance primaire auprès de 101 sujets naïfs aux ARV. Cette étude a démontré que la majorité des sujets (71,3%) étaient infectés par le sous-type CRF02_AG. La prévalence de la résistance primaire était de 9,9%. Ce chiffre dépasse largement la moyenne de 5,5% observée dans les pays en développement et le seuil des 5% fixé par l’OMS dans le cadre de la surveillance de la résistance. Les mutations associées aux analogues de la thymidine ou « Thymidine-associated Mutations » (TAMs): M41L, D67N, L210W, T215A/Y, K219E liées à la résistance aux inhibiteurs nucléosidiques de la transcriptase inverse (INTI) ainsi que les mutations K103N, V108I, V179E et Y181C impliquées dans la résistance aux inhibiteurs non nucléosidiques de la transcriptase inverse (INNTI) étaient majoritairement observées. Ces mutations sont compatibles avec les régimes de traitement de première ligne utilisés au Mali, composés de stavudine/lamivudine/nevirapine. Nous n’avons pas trouvé de mutations majeures aux inhibiteurs de protéase (IP), probablement du fait que cette classe d’ARV est rarement utilisée au Mali. Cependant plusieurs polymorphismes au niveau du gène de la protéase, particulièrement L10I et L10V ont été observés à une fréquence très élevée (18,80%). Compte tenu de ces premiers résultats, une suite logique de ce travail était de savoir comment des souches de sous-type CRF02_AG évolueraient sous la pression de sélection des ARV. Nous avons abordé ces questions dans une étude de cohorte de 132 sujets infectés majoritairement avec le sous-type CRF02_AG débutant une thérapie de première ligne. Nos résultats suggèrent que la présence de mutation de résistance primaire pourrait avoir un effet sur l’efficacité du traitement. Par exemple, la présence d’une seule mutation INNTI avant traitement comme K103N ou V179E était suffisante pour mener à l’échec au traitement (charge virale supérieure à 400 copies/ml). Par ailleurs, nous avons effectué des expériences in vitro pour mieux évaluer l’impact du polymorphisme L10I/V chez le sous-type CRF02_AG. Il faut savoir que le rôle de ce polymorphisme reste incertain chez le sous-type CRF02_AG, car aucune étude in vitro n’avait été réalisée auparavant. Nos résultats indiquent chez le sous-type sauvage CRF02_AGwt_10L une légère augmentation de la concentration inhibitrice 50% (IC50) pour le darunavir, le lopinavir et le nelfinavir comparativement au sous-type de référence B HXB2_10L avec respectivement un « Fold Change » (FC) de 1,2, 1,3 et 1,5. Cette augmentation est plus importante pour le lopinavir avec un FC (1,3) très proche de son seuil biologique (1,6). Comparativement au type sauvage CRF02_AGwt_10L, nos deux mutants CRF02_AGL10I et CRF02_AGL10V ont démontré une légère augmentation d’IC50 pour l’indinavir (avec respectivement un FC de 1,3 et 1,2) et une diminution pour le lopinavir (avec respectivement un FC de 0,78 et 0,75). Toutes ces observations suggèrent que la mutation en position 10 pourrait avoir un impact chez le sous-type CRF02_AG. Toutefois, la signification clinique de ces observations doit être déterminée. En conclusion, nos résultats supportent d’une part la nécessité de renforcer la surveillance de la résistance aux ARV et d’autre part, il fournit des informations nécessaires à l’amélioration des stratégies thérapeutiques afin de prévenir les échecs aux traitements chez les sous-types non B, particulièrement le CRF02_AG.


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INTRODUCCIÓN: El éxito de erradicación del H. pylori con las terapias convencionales ha disminuido a niveles inaceptables. Se buscan óptimos esquemas terapéuticos con excelentes tasas de erradicación. OBJETIVO: Cuantificar los desenlaces clínicos evaluados como efectividad, adherencia y seguridad, de una terapia secuencial de primera línea con Esomeprazol, Moxifloxacina, Amoxicilina y Tinidazol para la erradicación individual del H. pylori. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio prospectivo no controlado, piloto, abierto, único centro. Consecutivamente se incluirán adultos con prueba microbiológica positiva para H. pylori y síntomas dispépticos. Los pacientes recibirán un régimen de tratamiento de 10 días que consistirá los 5 primeros días de (Esomeprazol 40 mg, bd; Amoxicilina 1 g, bd). Del día 6 a 10 (Esomeprazol 40 mg, bd ; Tinidazol 500 mg, bd y Moxifloxacina 500 mg, bd). Se realizará una prueba de antígeno en materia fecal, para evaluar la efectividad terapéutica al menos a las 4 semanas de finalizar el tratamiento. RESULTADOS: 38 de 42 pacientes completaron el estudio. La tasa de erradicación fue de 87% (Intervalo de Confianza (IC) 95% (75,5 – 98,5%) en análisis por protocolo (PP), y 79% (IC) 95% (65 – 93%) en análisis por intención de tratar (ITT). La adherencia al tratamiento fue del 95% (40 pacientes), de los pacientes que ingresaron al estudio 48% presentaron al menos un efecto secundario menor principalmente diarrea y nauseas. CONCLUSIONES: Diez días de terapia secuencial basada en moxifloxacina proporciona tasas de erradicación óptimas, con una buena adherencia y efectos secundarios leves y transitorios.


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INTRODUCCIÓN. La mediastinitis posterior a cirugía de revascularización miocárdica es una infección infrecuente, pero potencialmente fatal. En la Fundación Cardioinfantil se ha observado una tendencia al incremento de la misma en los últimos años, obligando a un cambio en las medidas de profilaxis antimicrobiana, pasando de cefalosporinas a vancomicina – gentamicina, sin embargo no se conoce aún el impacto de estas medidas. OBJETIVO: Determinar si el cambio de la profilaxis antibiótica en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica influye en una disminución de la incidencia de mediastinitis durante los años 2012 – 2013. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo, evaluando la incidencia de mediastinitis post revascularización miocárdica, en pacientes expuestos a 2 diferentes tipos de profilaxis antimicrobiana (cefalosporinas vs vancomicina-gentamicina). Se describieron los patrones de susceptibilidad y resistencia de los patógenos encontrados en mediastinitis y la mortalidad de esta patología. RESULTADOS: Los patógenos más frecuentemente aislados en la mediastinitis fueron Staphylococcus aureus y Klebsiella pneumoniae, en la mayoría monomicrobiano. Se encontraron patógenos con perfiles de resistencia como betalactamasas de espectro extendido en Gram negativos y resistencia a la meticilina en cocos Gram positivos. El RR de mediastinitis del grupo expuesto a vancomicina-gentamicina respecto al grupo de cefalosporinas fue de 0,9 con IC 95% 0,28 – 3,28. CONCLUSIÓN: la epidemiologia microbiana de la mediastinitis no difiere de la reportada en otras series. La profilaxis antimicrobiana con vancomicina - gentamicina en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica, no redujo la incidencia de mediastinitis. Se propone regresar a la terapia de profilaxis con cefalosporinas.


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The first option for the treatment of UC is both: salicylates or corticoids. Recently, in late November of 2006, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has approved infliximab (Remicade c, Mantecorp, Brazil) to treat ulcerative colitis. We report the use of infliximab as a first option for the treatment of two patients with severe ulcerative colitis. Case report: Patient 1: AZF, 52 years-old, female, was first diagnosed with UC after history and clinical examination; colonoscopy showed pancolitis with positive biopsy (crypt microabscess). Her Mayo score was 10 (range: 0 to 12/asymptomatic to severe colitis). She received intra venous infusion of infliximab at a dose of 5mg/Kg of body weigh at week 0, 2, 6 and 14. Then, patient was given mesalazine 4.5 g/day for maintenance therapy. Clinical response was defined as a decreased from baseline in the total Mayo score of at least 3 points. At present, patient is asymptomatic with Mayo score of 3 one moth after the last dose of infliximab. Patient 2: MLA, 45 years-old, female was first diagnosed with bloody diarrhea; colonoscopy showed left colitis and the biopsy was positive for ulcerative colitis. Her Mayo score was 9. She was offered and accepted the step down treatment. She was given infliximab 5mg/Kg of body weight at week 0, 2, 6 and 14. After initial treatment with infliximab, she received mesalazine 4.2 g/day. At present, she is asymptomatic with Mayo score of 2 eighteen days after the last dose of infliximab. At our knowledge, this is the first Brazilian report of the use of infliximab as fist-line therapy in ulcerative colitis. Few days after the begging of the infusion, an impressive clinical and colonoscopy improvement was seen in these two patients. Recently, it has been reported the use of infliximab as first-line therapy in pediatric Crohn disease. Infliximab could be a good option in cases of moderate and severe UC to avoid the side effects of the use of high doses of corticoids in patients with moderate and severe UC. However, the question if step-down therapy in ulcerative colitis is better then conventional therapy with salicylates and corticoids needs to be answered by randomized trials.


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Objective The purpose of this study was to identify the clinical factors associated with time to hCG remission among women with low-risk postmolar GTN. Methods This study included a non-concurrent cohort of 328 patients diagnosed with low-risk postmolar GTN according to FIGO 2002 criteria. Associations of time to hCG remission with history of prior mole, molar histology, time to persistence, use of D&C at persistence, presence of metastatic disease, FIGO score, hCG values at persistence, type of first line therapy and use of multiagent chemotherapy were investigated with both univariate and multivariate analyses. Results Overall median time to remission was 46 days. Ten percent of the patients required multi-agent chemotherapy to achieve hCG remission. Multivariate analysis incorporating the variables significant on univariate analysis confirmed that complete molar histology (HR 1.45), metastatic disease (HR 1.66), use of multi-agent therapy (HR 2.00) and FIGO score (HR 1.82) were associated with longer time to remission. There was a linear relationship between FIGO score and time to hCG remission. Each 1-point increment in FIGO score was associated with an average 17-day increase in hCG remission time (95% CI: 12.5-21.6). Conclusions Complete mole histology prior to GTN, presence of metastatic disease, use of multi-agent therapy and higher FIGO score were independent factors associated with longer time to hCG remission in low-risk GTN. Identifying the prognostic factors associated with time to remission and effective counseling may help improve treatment planning and reduce anxiety in patients and their families. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Dentre as ferramentas para alcançar o tratamento ótimo para a malária, se destaca a monitorização das concentrações dos antimaláricos nos fluídos biológicos. Ao se considerar que o Coartem® é empregado na terapia de primeira linha para o tratamento da malária falciparum, justifica-se a realização deste estudo que objetivou validar metodologia analítica para determinação de lumefantrina em amostras de sangue total, adsorvidas em papel de filtro, e em plasma, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), em pacientes com malária por Plasmodium falciparum não complicada, empregando-se extração líquido-líquido. Foram realizados estudos de seletividade, linearidade, curva de calibração, limites de detecção e quantificação, recuperação, precisão intra e inter-ensaio, estabilidade e robustez. As amostras, para o estudo de aplicabilidade do método proposto, foram coletadas de pacientes com malária falciparum utilizando Coartem® (arteméter-20mg + lumefantrina- 120mg) no D3. As condições cromatográficas otimizadas foram: comprimento de onda de 335nm, fluxo 1,2mL/min. e fase móvel composta por acetonitrila-água (60:40, v/v) pH=3,5. A extração líquido-líquido demonstrou ser eficiente, pois a recuperação média foi de 101,3% para plasma e 84,3% para sangue total. O método foi seletivo e linear em intervalo de concentração de 160 a 1760ng/mL. Os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram 32ng/mL e 160ng/mL. O coeficiente de variação médio intra-ensaio, do plasma e sangue total, respectivamente, foram 10,88 e 8,38% e inter-ensaio de 13,21 e 11,78%. O analito demonstrou ser estável em sangue total adsorvido em papel de filtro por até 70 dias. Modificações no pH, fluxo e composição da fase móvel não alteraram significativamente a resolução do analito de interesse, sugerindo uma robustez adequada. O método demonstrou ser eficaz na quantificação de lumefantrina em amostras de sangue total de pacientes com malária falciparum bem como os parâmetros de validação estão de acordo com as recomendações dos órgãos regulamentadores no Brasil.


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Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB


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Objective Despite rising global obesity rates, the impact of obesity on gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) remains uninvestigated. This study aimed at investigating whether overweight/obesity relates to response to chemotherapy in low-risk GTN patients.Methods This nonconcurrent cohort study included 300 patients with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics-defined postmolar low-risk GTN treated with a single-agent chemotherapymethotrexate or actinomycin-D (actD)between 1973 and 2012 at the New England Trophoblastic Disease Center. Chemotherapy dosing was based on actual body weight regardless of obesity status, except for 5-day courses or pulse regimens of actD. Patients were classified as overweight/obese (body mass index [BMI] 25 kg/m(2)) or non-overweight/obese (BMI <25 kg/m(2)). Information on patient characteristics and response to chemotherapy (need for second-line chemotherapy, reason for changing to an alternative chemotherapy, number of cycles, need for combination chemotherapy, and time to human chorionic gonadotropin remission) was obtained.Results Of 300 low-risk GTN patients, 81 (27%) were overweight/obese. Overweight/obese patients were older than the non-overweight/obese patients (median age: 30 vs 28 years, P = 0.004). First-line therapy using actD was more frequent in overweight/obese patients (6.2% vs 1.4%, P = 0.036). Resistance and toxicity were similar between groups. No significant difference in the number of chemotherapy cycles needed for remission or time required to achieve remission was found between groups.Conclusions No association between overweight/obesity and low-risk GTN outcomes was found. Current chemotherapy dosing using BMI seems to be appropriate for overweight/obese patients with low-risk GTN.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the results of T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia treatment with fludarabine by assessing the complete hematologic response, the complete molecular response, progression-free survival, and overall survival. METHODS: We evaluated the records of six patients with T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia who were treated with fludarabine as a first-, second-, or third-line therapy, at a dose of 40 mg/m(2), for three to five days per month and 6 to 8 cycles. RESULTS: Of the six patients investigated with T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia who were treated with fludarabine, five (83.3%) were female, and their median age was 36.5 years (range 18 to 73). The median lymphocyte level was 3.4x10(9)/L (0.5 to 8.9). All patients exhibited a monoclonal T-cell receptor gamma gene rearrangement at diagnosis. Two (33.3%) patients received fludarabine as first-line treatment, two (33.3%) for refractory disease, one (16.6%) for relapsed disease after the suspension of methotrexate treatment due to liver toxicity, and one (16.6%) due to dyspesia. A complete hematologic response was achieved in all cases, and a complete molecular response was achieved in five out six cases (83.3%). During a mean follow-up period of 12 months, both the progression-free survival and overall survival rates were 100%. CONCLUSION: T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia demonstrated a high rate of complete hematologic and molecular response to fludarabine, with excellent compliance and tolerability rates. To confirm our results in this rare disease, we believe that fludarabine should be tested in clinical trials as a first-line treatment for T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia.


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Background: A considerable number of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients who progress on standard treatment with 5-fluorouracil (5FU), oxaliplatin, irinotecan and monoclonal antibodies, still have adequate performance status and desire further treatment. Mitomycin C (MMC) has been widely used in this context, and despite good tolerability, there are doubts regarding its true benefit. Methods: In order to assess the activity of MMC in the refractory mCRC setting, we retrospectively evaluated 109 heavily pre-treated patients who received MMC as single agent or in combination for mCRC at three different institutions in two countries. Results: Median patient's age was 54 years old, 57% were male and 94% had performance status ECOG 0 or 1. MMC was used in second line in 11%, third line in 38% and fourth line or beyond in 51% of patients. 58% received MMC combinations, mainly with capecitabine. Grade 3 or 4 toxicity was observed in 5% of patients and 6% required dose reductions. Median time to treatment failure (TTF) was 1.7 months with MMC and 3.6 months on the regimen prior to MMC, with a ratio between these TTF below 1 in 82% of patients. Median survival was only 4.5 months (95% confidence interval (CI) of 3.48-5.56). Conclusions: This retrospective data represent the largest reported series of unselected refractory mCRC patients treated with MMC. The median survival of 4.5 months is similar to the survival expected for best supportive care. This lack of activity strongly suggests that MMC should not be routinely used in refractory mCRC. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.