993 resultados para 240101 Astronomy and Astrophysics


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We have developed new models of the chemistry of deuterium for investigating fractionation in interstellar molecular clouds. We have incorporated the latest information on reactions which affect deuteration, extended previous models to include S-D bonds for the first time and included the gasphase chemistry of some doubly-deuterated species. We present models for a wide range of physical parameters, including density, temperature, elemental abundances, and the freeze out of molecules on to dust grains. We discuss the detailed fractionation of particular species and show how fractionation can be used to probe the history of interstellar matter. The freeze out of molecules onto dust leads to significant enhancement in fractionation ratios and, in particular, to large fractionation in doubly-deuterated species.


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We present ISO-SWS spectra of the O-rich Mira variable R Gas, showing CO2 in absorption and emission, and H2O in absorption. The CO2 absorption feature is the 01(1)0 - 00(0)0 ro-vibrationaI band at 14.97 mu m. The emission features are the 10(0)0-01(1)0 and 11(1)0 - 02(2)0 re-vibrational transitions at 13.87 and 13.48 mu m respectively. The water absorption spectrum shows the nu(1) and nu(3) re-vibrational bands in the 2.75 - 3 mu m region. Using LTE models, we derive physical parameters for the features. We find the CO2 emission temperature to be similar to 1100 K. We discuss the nature of the CO2 feature at 15 mu m and show that it can be modeled as an emission/absorption band by deviating front thermal equilibrium for the population of the 01(1)0 vibrational level. The H2O absorption spectrum is shown to arise from gas at different temperatures, but can be fit reasonably well with two components at T = 950 K and T = 250 K. The CO2 emission and hut H2O absorption temperatures an similar, suggesting chat these features probe the same region of the inner envelope. We discuss the inner envelope chemistry using molecular equilibrium calculations and recent modeling work by Duari et al. (1999), and find our observations consistent with the results.


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We here analyse the observational SO and CS data presented in Nilsson ct al. (2000). The SO/CS integrated intensity ratio maps are presented for 19 molecular clouds, together with tables of relevant ratios at strategic positions, where we have also observed (SO)-S-34 and/or (CS)-S-34. The SO/CS abundance ratio as calculated from an LTE analysis is highly varying within and between the sources. Our isotopomer observations and Monte Carlo simulations verify that this is not an artifact due to optical depth problems. The variation of the maximum SO/CS abundance ratio between the clouds is 0.2-7. The largest variations within a cloud are found for the most nearby objects, possibly indicating resolution effects. We have also performed time dependent chemical simulations. We compare the simulations with our observed SO/CS abundance ratios and suggest a varying oxygen to carbon initial abundance, differing temporal evolution, density differences and X-ray sources associated with young stellar objects as possible explanations to the variations. In particular, the observed variation of the maximum SO/CS abundance ratio between the clouds can be explained by using initial O/C+ abundance ratios in the range 1.3-2.5. We finally derive a relationship between the SO/CS and O-2/CO abundance ratios, which may be used as a guide to find the most promising interstellar O-2 search targets.


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This paper reports the results of models of dark cloud chemistry incorporating a depth dependent density distribution with diffusive mixing and adsorption onto grains. The model is based on the approach taken by Xie et al. (1995), with the addition of grain accretion effects. Without diffusion, the central regions of the cloud freeze out in less than 10(7) years. Freeze-out time is dependent on density, so the diffuse outer region of the cloud remains abundant in gas for about an order of magnitude longer. We find that fairly small amounts of diffusive mixing can delay freeze-out at the centre of the model cloud for a time up to an order of magnitude greater than without diffusion, due to material diffusing inward from the edges of the cloud. The gas-phase lifetime of the cloud core can thus be increased by up to an order of magnitude or more by this process. We have run three different grain models with various diffusion coefficients to investigate the effects of changing the sticking parameters.


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Magnetic bright points (MBPs) in the internetwork are among the smallest objects in the solar photosphere and appear bright against the ambient environment. An algorithm is presented that can be used for the automated detection of the MBPs in the spatial and temporal domains. The algorithm works by mapping the lanes through intensity thresholding. A compass search, combined with a study of the intensity gradient across the detected objects, allows the disentanglement of MBPs from bright pixels within the granules. Object growing is implemented to account for any pixels that might have been removed when mapping the lanes. The images are stabilized by locating long-lived objects that may have been missed due to variable light levels and seeing quality. Tests of the algorithm, employing data taken with the Swedish Solar Telescope, reveal that approximate to 90 per cent of MBPs within a 75 x 75 arcsec(2) field of view are detected.


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Aims: We generate theoretical ultraviolet and extreme-ultraviolet emission line ratios for O IV and show their strong versatility as electron temperature and density diagnostics for astrophysical plasmas.
Methods: Recent fully relativistic calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross sections for O IV, supplemented with earlier data for A-values and proton excitation rates, are used to derive theoretical O IV line intensity ratios for a wide range of electron temperatures and densities.
Results: Diagnostic line ratios involving ultraviolet or extreme-ultraviolet transitions in O IV are presented, that are applicable to a wide variety of astrophysical plasmas ranging from low density gaseous nebulae to the densest solar and stellar flares. Comparisons with observational data, where available, show good agreement between theory and experiment, providing support for the accuracy of the diagnostics. However, diagnostics are also presented involving lines that are blended in existing astronomical spectra, in the hope this might encourage further observational studies at higher spectral resolution.


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In this paper we report calculations for energy levels, radiative rates, and electron impact excitation rates for transitions in O vii.
The grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) is adopted for calculating energy levels and radiative
rates. For determining the collision strengths and subsequently the excitation rates, the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (darc) and the
flexible atomic code (fac) are used.
Oscillator strengths, radiative rates, and line strengths are reported for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions among the lowest
49 levels of O vii. Collision strengths have been averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution, and the resulting effective collision
strengths are reported over a wide temperature range below 2 × 106 K. Additionally, lifetimes are also listed for all levels.
Key words.


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Aims. In this paper we report on calculations for energy levels, radiative rates, collision strengths, and effective collision strengths for transitions among the lowest 25 levels of the n $\le$ 5 configurations of H-like Fe XXVI.
Methods. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (GRASP) and Dirac atomic R-matrix code (DARC) are adopted for the calculations.
Results. Radiative rates, oscillator strengths, and line strengths are reported for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the 25 levels. Furthermore, collision strengths and effective collision strengths are reported for all the 300 transitions among the above 25 levels over a wide energy (temperature) range up to 1500 Ryd (107.7 K). Comparisons are made with earlier available results and the accuracy of the data is assessed.


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Aims. In this paper we report calculations for energy levels and radiative rates for transitions in Ni XIX.


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Aims. In this paper we report calculations for energy levels and radiative rates for transitions in Fe IX.


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We present observations of two new single-lined eclipsing binaries, both consisting of an Am star and an M-dwarf, discovered by the Wide Angle Search for Planets transit photometry survey. Using WASP photometry and spectroscopic measurements we find that HD 186753B has an orbital period of P=1.9194 days, a mass of M=0.24±0.02~M? and radius of R=0.31+0.06-0.06~R?; and that TCY7096-222-1B has an orbital period of P=8.9582 days, a mass of between 0.29 and 0.54 M? depending on eccentricity and radius of R=0.263+0.02-0.07~R?. We find that the Am stars have relatively low rotational velocities that closely match the orbital velocities of the M-dwarfs, suggesting that they have been “spun-down” by the M-dwarfs.


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Aims. We aim to investigate the chemistry and gas phase abundance of HNCO and the variation of the HNCO/CS abundance ratio as a diagnostic of the physics and chemistry in regions of massive star formation. Methods. A numerical-chemical model has been developed which self-consistently follows the chemical evolution of a hot core. The model comprises of two distinct stages. The first stage follows the isothermal, modified free-fall collapse of a molecular dark cloud. This is immediately followed by an increase in temperature which represents the switch on of a central massive star and the subsequent evolution of the chemistry in a hot, dense gas cloud (the hot core). During the collapse phase, gas species are allowed to accrete on to grain surfaces where they can participate in further reactions. During the hot core phase surface species thermally desorb back in to the ambient gas and further chemical evolution takes place. For comparison, the chemical network was also used to model a simple dark cloud and photodissociation regions. Results. Our investigation reveals that HNCO is inefficiently formed when only gas-phase formation pathways are considered in the chemical network with reaction rates consistent with existing laboratory data. This is particularly true at low temperatures but also in regions with temperatures up to ~200 K. Using currently measured gas phase reaction rates, obtaining the observed HNCO abundances requires its formation on grain surfaces – similar to other “hot core” species such as CH3OH. However our model shows that the gas phase HNCO in hot cores is not a simple direct product of the evaporation of grain mantles. We also show that the HNCO/CS abundance ratio varies as a function of time in hot cores and can match the range of values observed. This ratio is not unambiguously related to the ambient UV field as been suggested – our results are inconsistent with the hypothesis of Martín et al. (2008, ApJ, 678, 245). In addition, our results show that this ratio is extremely sensitive to the initial sulphur abundance. We find that the ratio grows monotonically with time with an absolute value which scales approximately linearly with the S abundance at early times.


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Context. Considerable demand exists for electron excitation data for Ni ii, since lines from this abundant ion are observed in a wide variety of laboratory and astrophysical spectra. The accurate theoretical determination of these data can present a significant challenge however, due to complications arising from the presence of an open 3d-shell in the description of the target ion. Aims. In this work we present collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths for the electron-impact ex- citation of Ni ii. Attention is concentrated on the 153 forbidden fine-structure transitions between the energetically lowest 18 levels of Ni ii. Effective collision strengths have been evaluated at 27 individual electron temperatures ranging from 30–100 000 K. To our knowledge this is the most extensive theoretical collisional study carried out on this ion to date.Methods. The parallel R-matrix package RMATRX II has recently been extended to allow for the inclusion of relativistic effects. This suite of codes has been utilised in the present work in conjunction with PSTGF to evaluate collision strengths and effective collision strengths for all of the low-lying forbidden fine-structure transitions. The following basis configurations were included in the target model – 3d9 , 3d8 4s, 3d8 4p, 3d7 4s2 and 3d7 4s4p – giving rise to a sophisticated 295 j j-level, 1930 coupled channel scattering problem. Results. Comprehensive comparisons are made between the present collisional data and those obtained from earlier theoretical evaluations. While the effective collision strengths agree well for some transitions, significant discrepancies exist for others.


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Context. Absorption or emission lines of Cr II are observed in a wide variety of astrophysical spectra and accurate atomic data are urgently needed to interpret these lines. Many of these data are impossible to measure experimentally and a full theoretical treatment is the only means by which these data can be obtained.

Aims. In this paper, we present collision strengths and effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of Cr II for forbidden transitions among the lowest-lying 74 fine-structure levels. Effective collision strengths have been computed for 18 individual electron temperatures of astrophysical importance, ranging from 2000-100 000 K.

Methods. The parallel suite of R-matrix packages, RMATRX II, which has recently been extended to allow for the inclusion of relativistic effects, has been used in the present work to compute the collision strengths and effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of Cr II. We concentrate in this publication on low-lying forbidden lines among the lowest 74 jj fine-structure levels with configurations 3d(5) and 3d(4)4s, although atomic data has been evaluated for all 39 060 transitions among the 280 jj levels of configurations 3d(5), 3d(4)4s and 3d(4)4p. This work constitutes the largest evaluation ever performed for this ion involving 1932 coupled channels.

Results. Collision and effective collision strengths are presented for all transitions among the lowest 74 J pi states of Cr II and comparisons made with the work of Bautista et al. (2009). While the effective collision strengths agree well for some transitions, significant discrepancies exist for others. We believe that the present atomic data represents the most accurate, most sophisticated and most complete data set for electron-impact excitation of Cr II and we would recommend them to astrophysicists and plasma physicists in their application work. We would expect that the effective collision strengths presented for the important low-lying forbidden lines are accurate to within 15%.