SO and CS observations of molecular clouds - II. Analysis and modelling of the abundance ratios - probing O-2/CO with SO/CS?

Autoria(s): Nilsson, A.; Hjalmarson, A.; Bergman, P.; Millar, TJ



We here analyse the observational SO and CS data presented in Nilsson ct al. (2000). The SO/CS integrated intensity ratio maps are presented for 19 molecular clouds, together with tables of relevant ratios at strategic positions, where we have also observed (SO)-S-34 and/or (CS)-S-34. The SO/CS abundance ratio as calculated from an LTE analysis is highly varying within and between the sources. Our isotopomer observations and Monte Carlo simulations verify that this is not an artifact due to optical depth problems. The variation of the maximum SO/CS abundance ratio between the clouds is 0.2-7. The largest variations within a cloud are found for the most nearby objects, possibly indicating resolution effects. We have also performed time dependent chemical simulations. We compare the simulations with our observed SO/CS abundance ratios and suggest a varying oxygen to carbon initial abundance, differing temporal evolution, density differences and X-ray sources associated with young stellar objects as possible explanations to the variations. In particular, the observed variation of the maximum SO/CS abundance ratio between the clouds can be explained by using initial O/C+ abundance ratios in the range 1.3-2.5. We finally derive a relationship between the SO/CS and O-2/CO abundance ratios, which may be used as a guide to find the most promising interstellar O-2 search targets.







Nilsson , A , Hjalmarson , A , Bergman , P & Millar , T J 2000 , ' SO and CS observations of molecular clouds - II. Analysis and modelling of the abundance ratios - probing O-2/CO with SO/CS? ' Astronomy and Astrophysics , vol 358 , pp. 257-275 .

