944 resultados para 24-234


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Nova fase nos trabalhos da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). Começam os pedidos de destaque para o texto do segundo substitutivo do Relator Bernardo Cabral. O Deputado José Genoíno (PT-SP) esclarece que os destaques são para os artigos que tratam do papel das Forças Armadas, da ordem econômica e dos direitos sociais dos trabalhadores. O Líder do Governo, Deputado Carlos Sant'anna (PMDB-BA) informa que pedirá destaque para toda a parte referente ao Poder Executivo e ao Poder Legislativo. Líderes partidários se reúnem com o Presidente da ANC, Deputado Ulysses Guimarães para definir como será a votação dos destaques. O Deputado Vivaldo Barbosa (PDT-RJ) explica o processo de votação do substitutivo. O Presidente da ANC, Deputado Ulysses Guimarães informa que existe a possibilidade de votação global de emendas. O Deputado Roberto Freire (PCB-PE) ressalta a melhoria no texto que se refere ao tratamento das questões sociais. O Deputado Gastoni Righi (PTB-SP) considera que houve avanços em alguns assuntos, mas em outros não. Deputado Brandão Monteiro (PDT-RJ) afirma que o segundo substitutivo representa um retrocesso maior do que o primeiro e conclui que, se a Ditadura de 1964 foi um golpe da UDN, o parlamentarismo colocado no texto foi um golpe do PMDB. O Deputado José Lourenço (PFL-BA) repudia a criação do colégio eleitoral para o segundo turno de eleições para presidente, governadores e prefeitos. O Deputado Haroldo Lima (PC do B-BA) acredita que o substitutivo é um recuo sério e o seu partido tentará melhorá-lo. O Deputado Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT-SP) declara que o Relator Bernardo Cabral perdeu a chance de atender o clamor da sociedade em relação às grandes questões sociais que o povo reivindica.


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Membros da Comissão de Sistematização da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) começam a avaliar o novo projeto de Constituição. O Senador Carlos Chiarelli (PFL-RS) informa os pontos do relatório sobre a garantia de emprego, a previdência, a questão tributária e o serviço público. A questão do parlamentarismo como está abordada no relatório causa polêmica. O Deputado Carlos Sant`Anna (PFL-BA) não concorda com a eleição do Presidente da República, em segundo turno, pelo Congresso Nacional. O Deputado José Genoíno (PT-SP) informa que não se pode tirar do povo o direito de votar para presidente. Para o Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), Deputado Ulysses Guimarães a discussão continua e ainda é possível chegar a uma solução de entendimento. O Presidente José Sarney discutiu com assessores os pontos econômicos do novo relatório. Ronaldo Costa Couto, Ministro da Casa Civil, critica a reforma tributária. Constituintes começam a fazer pedidos de destaque para que sejam votados em separado trechos que não entraram no relatório. Progressistas fazem mais de mil destaques. O Senador Mário Maia (PDT-AC) e o Deputado Aldo Arantes (PC do B-GO) declaram sobre os temas relativos aos destaques.


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国际激波学术会议(International Symposium on Shock Waves,ISSW)是国际上激波研究领域的重要系列学术会议.从1957年第一届会议在美国波士顿召开起,每隔两年召开一次,至今已召开24次.


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This report documents abundance and cover for selected elements of the benthic coral reef assemblage at the site of the 1984 grounding of the M/V Wellwood on Molasses Reef, Florida Keys. The purpose of the effort was to establish a pre-construction baseline before the installation of reef modules at the site. The installation process is intended to stabilize fractured substrates that were recently exposed by storm impacts, and to provide three-dimensional relief in order to enhance reef community recovery. It is hoped that the restoration effort will result in a biological assemblage with the character of the transition community that would exist there had the incident not occurred. To date, the assemblage has developed the character of a comparatively featureless hard ground similar in composition to hard ground areas and transition zones surrounding the grounding site. These data will allow scientists and resource managers to better track the trajectory of recovery following the installation of modules. Direct counts of scleractinian and gorgonian corals, hydrocorals of the genus Millepora, and zoanthids of the genus Palythoa were made in three areas within and around the grounding site. The site is poorly developed with respect to scleractinian colony size and cover compared to surrounding areas. Key scleractinian species necessary for the development of topographic relief in the area denuded by the grounding are not well represented in the current community. Though gorgonian cover and richness is similar in all study areas, gorgonian community recovery in the damaged area is not complete. Unlike surrounding areas, one species, Pseudopterogorgia americana, accounts for over half of all corals at the grounding site, over 80% of all gorgonians, and nearly all the coral cover. Based on these findings and other observations made in the 18 years since the grounding, recommendations are made that should be considered in the course of human intervention targeted at stabilizing and enhancing the site. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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This is the report of the “BFAR/NACA-STREAM/FAO Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis” that was conducted in Iloilo City, Philippines from 24-28 November 2003. The main purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Iloilo was the first in a series which will take place in other countries in the region, including India (with Nepal), Lao PDR, Myanmar and Yunnan, China. (Pdf contains 53 pages).


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Consultoria de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira. Núcleo Poderes, Justiça, Relações Exteriores, Defesa e Despesa Pessoal


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The United States and Japanese counterpart panels on aquaculture were formed in 1969 under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The panels currently include specialists drawn from the federal departments most concerned with aquaculture. Charged with exploring and developing bilateral cooperation, the panels have focused their efforts on exchanging information related to aquaculture which could be of benefit to both countries. The UJNR was begun during the Third Cabinet-Level Meeting of the Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs in January 1964. In addition to aquaculture, current subjects in the program include desalination of seawater, toxic microorganisms, air population, energy, forage crops, national park management, mycoplasmosis, wind and seismic effects, protein resources, forestry, and several joint panels and committees in marine resources research, development, and utilization. Accomplishments include: Increased communication and cooperation among tecbnical specialists; exchanges of information, data, and research findings; annual meetings of the panels, a· policy-coordinative body; administrative staff meetings; exchanges of equipment, materials, and samples; several major technical conferences; and beneficial effects on international relations. (PDF file contains 56 pages.)


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop "Technologies and Methodologies for the Detection of Harmful Algae and their Toxins" convened in St. Petersburg, Florida, October 22- 24, 2008 and was co-sponsored by ACT (http://act-us.info); the Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET, http://ciceet.unh.edu); and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC, http://www.myfwc.com). Participants from various sectors, including researchers, coastal decision makers, and technology vendors, collaborated to exchange information and build consensus. They focused on the status of currently available detection technologies and methodologies for harmful algae (HA) and their toxins, provided direction for developing operational use of existing technology, and addressed requirements for future technology developments in this area. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) in marine and freshwater systems are increasingly common worldwide and are known to cause extensive ecological, economic, and human health problems. In US waters, HABs are encountered in a growing number of locations and are also increasing in duration and severity. This expansion in HABs has led to elevated incidences of poisonous seafood, toxin-contaminated drinking water, mortality of fish and other animals dependent upon aquatic resources (including protected species), public health and economic impacts in coastal and lakeside communities, losses to aquaculture enterprises, and long-term aquatic ecosystem changes. This meeting represented the fourth ACT sponsored workshop that has addressed technology developments for improved monitoring of water-born pathogens and HA species in some form. A primary motivation was to assess the need and community support for an ACT-led Performance Demonstration of Harmful Algae Detection Technologies and Methodologies in order to facilitate their integration into regional ocean observing systems operations. The workshop focused on the identification of region-specific monitoring needs and available technologies and methodologies for detection/quantification of harmful algal species and their toxins along the US marine and freshwater coasts. To address this critical environmental issue, several technologies and methodologies have been, or are being, developed to detect and quantify various harmful algae and their associated toxins in coastal marine and freshwater environments. There are many challenges to nationwide adoption of HAB detection as part of a core monitoring infrastructure: the geographic uniqueness of primary algal species of concern around the country, the variety of HAB impacts, and the need for a clear vision of the operational requirements for monitoring the various species. Nonetheless, it was a consensus of the workshop participants that ACT should support the development of HA detection technology performance demonstrations but that these would need to be tuned regionally to algal species and toxins of concern in order to promote the adoption of state of the art technologies into HAR monitoring networks. [PDF contains 36 pages]


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Several fishery independent estimates of the year-class strength are necessary for the assessment and the ma-nagement of the total fish stock. An index for the year-class strength of the spring spawning herring in the western Baltic Sea is estimated on the basis of larvae surveys in the most important spawning ground. The results indicate a good year-class 2004.


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Die 24. Sitzung des Komitees für Fische und Fischerzeugnisse wurde vom 5. bis 9. Juni 2000 erstmalig in Ålesund, Norwegen, durchgeführt. Die Tagung wurde von 140 Delegierten und Beobachtern aus 43 Mitgliedsstaaten und 3 internationalen Organisationen (EU, A.C.P. Generalsekretariat und Internationale Vereinigung der Fischinspektoren, IAFI) sowie FAO- und WHO-Personal (4) besucht. Die größten Delegationen stellten Frankreich (6), Kanada (6), Thailand (7), USA (10), Marokko (13) und Norwegen als Gastgeber (16). Die deutsche Delegation wurde von Dr. Achim Viereck (BML) geleitet. Weitere Mitglieder waren Dr. Jörg Oehlenschläger (BFAFi, Sprecher), Dr. Reinhard Schubring (BFAFi), Dr. Günter Klein (BgVV) und Dr. Matthias Keller (Bundesverband der deutschen Fischindustrie und des Fischgroßhandels). Die Sitzung, die von Peter Gullestad, dem norwegischen Generaldirektor für Fischerei, eröffnet wurde, leitete Dr. Bjorn Rothe Knudtsen, Regionaldirektor des norwegischen Direktorats für Fischerei und Aquakultur, Trondheim.