919 resultados para 200406 Language in Time and Space (incl. Historical Linguistics, Dialectology)


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Simopelta minima (Brandão, 1989) was originally described based on four workers collected in soil samples from a small cocoa plantation in Ilhéus, state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. In the subsequent years after the description, this cocoa plantation was eliminated and the species was then considered extinct by the Brazilian environmental institutions. The recent rediscovery of S. minima workers in subterranean pitfall trap samples from Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, over 1.000 km distant from type locality, suggests that the rarity and vulnerability status of some ant species may be explained by insufficient sampling of adequate microhabitats, in time and space.


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Purpose: The aversive nature of regenerative milieu is the main problem related to the failure of neuronal restoration in the injured spinal cord which however might be addressed with an adequate repair intervention. We evaluated whether glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) may increase the ability of sciatic nerve graft, placed in a gap promoted by complete transections of the spinal cord, to enhance motor recovery and local fiber growth. Methods: Rats received a 4 mm-long gap at low thoracic level and were repaired with a fragment of the sciatic nerve. GDNF was added (NERVE+GDNF) or not to the grafts (NERVE-GDNF). Motor behavior score (BBB) and sensorimotor tests-linked to the combined behavior score (CBS), which indicate the degree of the motor improvement and the percentage of functional deficit, respectively, and also the spontaneous motor behavior in an open field by means of an infrared motion sensor activity monitor were analyzed. At the end of the third month post surgery, the tissue composed by the graft and the adjacent regions of the spinal cord was removed and submitted to the immunohistochemistry of the neurofilament-200 (NF-200), growth associated protein-43 (GAP-43), microtubule associated protein-2 (MAP-2), 5-hidroxytryptamine (serotonin, 5-HT) and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP). The immunoreactive fibers were quantified at the epicenter of the graft by means of stereological procedures. Results: Higher BBB and lower CBS levels (p < 0.001) were found in NERVE+GDNF rats. GDNF added to the graft increased the levels of individual sensorimotor tests mainly at the third month. Analysis of the spontaneous motor behavior showed decreases in the time and number of small movement events by the third month without changes in time and number of large movement events in the NERVE+GDNF rats. Immunoreactive fibers were encountered inside the grafts and higher amounts of NF-200, GAP-43 and MAP-2 fibers were found in the epicenter of the graft when GDNF was added. A small amount of descending 5-HT fibers was seen reentering in the adjacent caudal levels of the spinal cords which were grafted in the presence of GDNF, event that has not occurred without the neurotrophic factor. GDNF in the graft also led to a large amount of MAP-2 perikarya and fibers in the caudal levels of the cord gray matter, as determined by the microdensitometric image analysis. Conclusions: GDNF added to the nerve graft favored the motor recovery, local neuronal fiber growth and neuroplasticity in the adjacent spinal cord.


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A hipótese defendida nesta pesquisa se baseia na possibilidade de a arquitetura jesuítica implantada em terras brasileiras (século XVI) dialogar e agenciar, num mesmo corpo edificado, e de modo inter-relacionado, aspectos relativos à morfologia urbana, tipologia e paisagem. Lama explica que, como disciplina, a morfologia urbana agrega para si não somente o ambiente construído, mas os meios pelos quais este foi construído em sua interação com a forma urbana, ou seja, os “fenômenos sociais, econômicos e outros motores da urbanização” (LAMAS, 1992). Entender a forma urbana é entender seus elementos constituintes, “quer em ordem à leitura ou análise do espaço, quer em ordem à sua concepção ou produção” (LAMAS, 1992). Estudar a forma urbana significa compreender o lugar onde se insere a cidade e seus elementos constituintes, seus espaços e a inter-relação entre eles e seu contexto, em um espectro abrangente do que se denomina cidade, e urbano. A tipologia arquitetônica e a morfologia urbana estão interligadas no cerne de suas análises, considerando que ambas, segundo Pereira, estudam “duas ordens de fatos homogêneos” (PEREIRA, 2012); estudam elementos constituintes da cidade – arquitetônicos e espaciais – que se sobrepõem ou se complementam de acordo com a escala de análise utilizada. A arquitetura jesuítica do Brasil colonial modela de modo determinante a construção de distintos núcleos urbanos originários na costa brasileira no século XVI. Isso, por meio da implantação de tipologia edilícia que acompanha a doutrina jesuítica de localização e escolha do sítio para suas construções, preconizando segurança, visibilidade do entorno e facilidade de acesso por rios ou pelo mar. Essas construções, realizadas em áreas elevadas, marcaram, por conseguinte, no tempo e no espaço, a paisagem dos primeiros núcleos urbanos brasileiros. A pesquisa analisou um dos exemplares históricos da arquitetura jesuítica no Estado do Espírito Santo, especificamente na cidade de Vitória, capital e núcleo urbano original da colonização portuguesa neste Estado. A instalação dos jesuítas na antiga Vila da Vitória, no séc. XVI, através de sua igreja dedicada a São Tiago e de seu colégio anexo, marca a presença tipológica de uma arquitetura religiosa que influencia a própria morfologia da cidade – caracterizando esta arquitetura como um tipomorfológico - e, por reflexo, participa da construção de sua paisagem urbana secular. Entende-se que o antigo complexo jesuítico de São Tiago e atual Palácio Anchieta, sede governamental e prédio cultural capixaba, é uma arquitetura que permeia estas três grandes narrativas arquitetônicas e urbanas: a tipologia, a morfologia e a paisagem.


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Abstract: If we think there is a significant number of legal offshore in the globalized world, then there is not even a global consensus about what «corruption» is. The «illegal corruption» in a country may be legal in another. Moreover, the great global corruption is above the law or above democratic States. And not all democratic States are «Rule of Law». Therefore, the solution is global earlier in time and space law, democratic, free and true law. While the human being does not reach a consensus of what «corruption» really is, the discussion will not go further than a caricature. One of the other problems about «corruption» is that it is very difficult to establish the imputation of crimes, including «corruption» (v.g. Portugal) on some «companies», corporations. We have a juridical problem in the composition of the art. 11. of the Portuguese Penal Code.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Vulcanologia e Riscos Geológicos, 25 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Species of the genus Leishmania (Kinetoplastida, Trypanosomatidae) are causative agents of leishmaniasis, a complex disease with variable clinical spectrum and epidemiological diversity, constituting, in some countries, a serious public health problem. The origin and evolution of leishmaniasis has been under discussion regarding some clinical and parasitological aspects. After the introduction of paleoparasitology, molecular methods and immunodiagnostic techniques have been applied allowing the recovery of parasite remains, as well as the diagnosis of past infections in humans and other hosts. The dating of archaeological samples has allowed the parasitological analysis in time and space. This manuscript presents the state of the art of leishmaniasis and prospects related to paleoparasitology studies and their contribution to the evolutionary and phylogenetic clarification of parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania, and the leishmaniasis caused by them.


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Experiences with population-based chemotherapy and other methods for the control of schistosomiasis mansoni in two subsaharan foci are described. In the forest area of Maniema (Zaire), intense transmission of Schistosoma mansoni, high prevalences and intensities of infection, and important morbidity have been documental. Taking into account the limited financial means and the poor logistic conditions, the control strategy has been based mainly on targeted chemotherapy of heavily infected people (>600 epg). After ten years of intervention, prevalences and intensities have hardly been affected, but the initial severe hepatosplenic morbidity has almost disappeared. In Burundi, a national research and control programme has been initiated in 1982. Prevalences, intensities and morbidity were moderate, transmission was focal and erratic in time and space. A more structural control strategy was developed, based on screening and selective therapy, health education, sanitation and domestic water supply. Prevalences and intensities have been considerably reduced, though the results show focal and unpredicatable variations. Transmission and reinfection were not signifcantly affected by chemotherapy alone, and eventual outcome of repeated selective treatment appears to be limited by the sensitivity of the screening method. Intestinal morbidity was strongly reduced by community-based selective treatment, but hepatosplenic enlargement was hardly affected; this is possibly due to the confounding impact of increasing malaria morbidity. The experiences show the importance of local structures and conditions for the development of an adapted control strategy. It is further concluded that population-based chemotherapy is a highly valid tool for the rapid control of morbidity, but should in most operational conditions not be considered as a tool for transmission control. Integration of planning, execution and surveillance in regular health services...


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The first epidemic tegumentary leishmaniasis´ outbreak in the province of Misiones was recorded in 1998, in the locality of Puerto Esperanza. Phlebotominae collected in the region, previously or simultaneously to the outbreak (September 1993-December 1998) showed that the species Lutzomyia intermedia s. l. was prevalent (94%, n 6,150) at all the sites sampled with miniature light trap (10) and Shannon trap (3). L. pessoai, L. whitmani, L. migonei, L. shannoni, L. fischeri, L. misionensis, Brumptomyia avellari and B. guimaraesi were also captured. Sand fly distribution in time and space suggests that in the province of Misiones (1) the species already present before 1990 could give rise to the epidemic by the density/dispersion fluctuation of their local populations; (2) the abundance of L. intermedia s. l. was associated with environments with ecotones of primary-secondary vegetation, close to water bodies and with moderate human disturbance; (3) this species showed, towards the end of 1997, peaks of exceptional abundance, subsequent to rainfall peaks in 1996. This increase in abundance of potential vector sand fly populations close to houses with colonizable surroundings could have generated the 1998 epidemic outbreak.


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Recent studies have pointed out a similarity between tectonics and slope tectonic-induced structures. Numerous studies have demonstrated that structures and fabrics previously interpreted as of purely geodynamical origin are instead the result of large slope deformation, and this led in the past to erroneous interpretations. Nevertheless, their limit seems not clearly defined, but it is somehow transitional. Some studies point out continuity between failures developing at surface with upper crust movements. In this contribution, the main studies which examine the link between rock structures and slope movements are reviewed. The aspects regarding model and scale of observation are discussed together with the role of pre-existing weaknesses in the rock mass. As slope failures can develop through progressive failure, structures and their changes in time and space can be recognized. Furthermore, recognition of the origin of these structures can help in avoiding misinterpretations of regional geology. This also suggests the importance of integrating different slope movement classifications based on distribution and pattern of deformation and the application of structural geology techniques. A structural geology approach in the landslide community is a tool that can greatly support the hazard quantification and related risks, because most of the physical parameters, which are used for landslide modeling, are derived from geotechnical tests or the emerging geophysical approaches.


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Alfacs and Fangar Bay in the Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean are the major sites in Catalonia for shellfish cultivation. These bays are subject to occasional closures in shellfish harvesting due to the presence of phycotoxins. Fish kills have also been associated with harmful algal blooms. The comparison of phytoplankton dynamics in both bays offers the opportunity to reveal differences in bloom patterns of species known to be harmful for the ecosystem and aquaculture activities. Field research is underway under the GEOHAB framework within the Core Research Project on HABs in Fjords and Coastal Embayments. The overall objective of this study is to improve our understanding of HAB biogeographical patterns, and key elements driving bloom dynamics in time and space within these semi-constrained embayments. Via the comparative approach we aim to improve the prediction for monitoring purposes, with a focus on Karlodinium spp. associated with massive kills of aquaculture species. This objective is addressed by incorporating long-term time series of phytoplankton identification and enumeration with the first results of recent field work in both bays. The latter includes the application of optical sensors, to yield a complementary view with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution of bloom phenomena.


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Simopelta minima (Brandão, 1989) was originally described based on four workers collected in soil samples from a small cocoa plantation in Ilhéus, state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. In the subsequent years after the description, this cocoa plantation was eliminated and the species was then considered extinct by the Brazilian environmental institutions. The recent rediscovery of S. minima workers in subterranean pitfall trap samples from Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, over 1.000 km distant from type locality, suggests that the rarity and vulnerability status of some ant species may be explained by insufficient sampling of adequate microhabitats, in time and space.


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Soil organic matter can be analyzed on the basis of the different fractions. Changes in the levels of organic matter, caused by land use, can be better understood by alterations in the different compartments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different management systems on the labile and stable organic matter of a dystrophic Red Latosol (Oxisol). The following properties were determined: total organic C and total N (TOC and TN), particulate organic C and particulate N (POC and PN), organic C and N mineral-associated (MOC and NM) and particulate organic C associated with aggregate classes (POCA). Eight treatments were used: seven with soil management systems and one with native Cerrado as a reference. The experiment was designed to study the dynamics of systems of tillage and crop rotation, alternating in time and space. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications. The soil samples were collected from five depths: 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm. Changes in organic C by land use occurred mainly in the fraction of particulate organic matter (> 53 mm). Proper management of grazing promoted increased levels of particulate organic matter by association with larger aggregates (2-8 mm), demonstrating the importance of the formation of this aggregate class for C protection in pasture.


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Rainfall in the semiarid region of Pernambuco is characterized by irregular distribution in time and space, which significantly hinders the rainfed agriculture in the region. This work aims to evaluate the temporal profile of soil moisture in the semiarid region of the Pernambuco State (Brazil) and the effect of different soil surface conditions on soil water content variation and the yield of rainfed beans. To monitor soil water content, five plots 4.5 m wide by 11 m long were installed in a Yellow Argisol (Ultisol). The following treatments were adopted in the experimental plots: natural vegetation, bean intercropped with cactus, beans planted down the slope, beans planted along contour lines with mulch and rock barriers, and bare soil. In each plot, eight PVC access tubes were installed for monitoring the soil water content profile at depths of 0.20 and 0.40 m using a neutron probe device. The surface condition significantly influenced the soil water content variation, both in the dry and rainy seasons. The use of mulch, associated with rock barriers, provided higher soil water content levels than the other treatments and increased the rainfed beans production.


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Thy-1 is a membrane glycoprotein suggested to stabilize or inhibit growth of neuronal processes. However, its precise function has remained obscure, because its endogenous ligand is unknown. We previously showed that Thy-1 binds directly to α(V)β(3) integrin in trans eliciting responses in astrocytes. Nonetheless, whether α(V)β(3) integrin might also serve as a Thy-1-ligand triggering a neuronal response has not been explored. Thus, utilizing primary neurons and a neuron-derived cell line CAD, Thy-1-mediated effects of α(V)β(3) integrin on growth and retraction of neuronal processes were tested. In astrocyte-neuron co-cultures, endogenous α(V)β(3) integrin restricted neurite outgrowth. Likewise, α(V)β(3)-Fc was sufficient to suppress neurite extension in Thy-1(+), but not in Thy-1(-) CAD cells. In differentiating primary neurons exposed to α(V)β(3)-Fc, fewer and shorter dendrites were detected. This effect was abolished by cleavage of Thy-1 from the neuronal surface using phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). Moreover, α(V)β(3)-Fc also induced retraction of already extended Thy-1(+)-axon-like neurites in differentiated CAD cells as well as of axonal terminals in differentiated primary neurons. Axonal retraction occurred when redistribution and clustering of Thy-1 molecules in the plasma membrane was induced by α(V)β(3) integrin. Binding of α(V)β(3)-Fc was detected in Thy-1 clusters during axon retraction of primary neurons. Moreover, α(V)β(3)-Fc-induced Thy-1 clustering correlated in time and space with redistribution and inactivation of Src kinase. Thus, our data indicates that α(V)β(3) integrin is a ligand for Thy-1 that upon binding not only restricts the growth of neurites, but also induces retraction of already existing processes by inducing Thy-1 clustering. We propose that these events participate in bi-directional astrocyte-neuron communication relevant to axonal repair after neuronal damage.