985 resultados para 2-phase Regression
Die Forschungsarbeit greift ein wissenschaftlich wie praktisch relevantes Thema auf. Im Zentrum dieser Langzeitstudie steht die bisher kaum erforschte Vielfalt der Partnerschaften in der zweiten Lebenshälfte. Das vorliegende Forschungsdossier will Einblick geben in die methodische Konzipierung und Durchführung der Studie. Wie daraus ersichtlich wurde, stellen die grosse Stichprobe sowie die Vielfalt der erhobenen Variablen stellen eine gute Grundlage dar, um aussagekräftige und generalisierbare Resultate zu erhalten. Wie die hohe Rücklaufquote bei der 2. Befragung zeigt, ist das Committment der Studienteilnehmenden hoch. Die Untersuchung verschiedener Verlaufskurven von Vulnerabilität und Wachstum nach kritischen Lebensereignissen, welche indirekt oder direkt mit der Partnerschaft zusammenhängen, schliesst einige Forschungslücken über die Bedeutung der Zeit, der Persönlichkeit und des sozialen Kontextes auf die psychische Adaptation von Personen im mittleren und hohen Alter. Die bislang durchgeführten Analysen erbrachten in der Tat spannende Ergebnisse, die in hochrangigen wissenschaftlichen Journals publiziert wurden ( z.B. Perrig-Chiello, Hutchison & Morselli, 2014; Spahni et al., 2015; Perrig-Chiello, Knöpfli & Gloor, 2013) – viele Artikel sind in Vorbereitung oder eingereicht. Daneben stiessen die Ergebnisse auch auf grosses mediales Interesse. Dies alles sind gute Perspektiven für die 2. Phase des Projektes (2015-2018). Die erste Zielsetzung umfasst die Fortführung Langzeiterhebung mit einer dritten Befragung 2016. Eine besondere Stärke dieses Projekts stellt beachtliche Anzahl Personen (N=620) dar, welche zum Zeitpunkt der 1. Welle kurz nach einem kritischen Lebensereignis befanden (Trennung oder Tod des Partners in den letzten 12 Monaten). Daraus ergibt sich die Möglichkeit, die Verläufe der psychologischen Anpassung unmittelbar nach einem kritischen Lebensereignis zu verfolgen. Ab 2015 ist nicht nur die Weiterführung der Fragebogenerhebung, sondern auch die Implementierung einer kontrollierten online Interventionsstudie für Personen mit einer komplizierten Trauer geplant.
The AND-2A drillcore (Antarctic Drilling Program-ANDRILL) was successfully completed in late 2007 on the Antarctic continental margin (Southern McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea) with the aim of tracking ice proximal to shallow marine environmental fluctuations and to document the 20-Ma evolution of the Erebus Volcanic Province. Lava clasts and tephra layers from the AND-2A drillcore were investigated from a petrographic and stratigraphic point of view and analyzed by the 40Ar-39Ar laser technique in order to constrain the age model of the core and to gain information on the style and nature of sediment deposition in the Victoria Land Basin since Early Miocene. Ten out of 17 samples yielded statistically robust 40Ar-39Ar ages, indicating that the AND-2A drillcore recovered <230 m of Middle Miocene (~128-358 m below sea floor, ~11.5-16.0 Ma) and >780 m of Early Miocene (~358-1093 m below sea floor, ~16.0-20.1 Ma). Results also highlight a nearly continuous stratigraphic record from at least 358 m below sea floor down hole, characterized by a mean sedimentation rate of ~19 cm/ka, possible oscillations of no more than a few hundreds of ka and a break within ~17.5-18.1 Ma. Comparison with available data from volcanic deposits on land, suggests that volcanic rocks within the AND-2A core were supplied from the south, possibly with source areas closer to the drill site for the upper core levels, and from 358 m below sea floor down hole, with the 'proto-Mount Morning' as the main source.
Los objetivos principales de esta Tesis Doctoral fueron estudiar en 4 ensayos los efectos a) del procesado del maíz y la inclusión en los piensos de ingredientes de alta calidad como harina de pescado o fuentes de lactosa en lechones blancos b) inclusión en el pienso de diferentes productos derivados del haba de soja, con diferente contenido de proteína bruta (PB), tamaño de partícula y origen en lechones blancos e ibéricos y c) inclusión en el pienso de lechones ibéricos de ingredientes de alta calidad; forma de presentación del pienso y la duración del suministro del pienso prestárter sobre los parámetros productivos, la digestibilidad de los nutrientes, y las características morfológicas de la mucosa digestiva en lechones blancos e ibéricos recién destetados. En el experimento 1, los efectos de la complejidad del pienso prestárter sobre los parámetros productivos y la digestibilidad total aparente (TTAD) de los nutrientes fueron estudiados en lechones blancos recién destetados. Se utilizaron 10 tratamientos experimentales como resultado de 5 piensos prestárter (21 a 41 d de edad) y 2 piensos estárter (42 a 62 d de edad). Los piensos prestárter consistieron en un control negativo que incluía 40% de maíz crudo, 4% de harina de pescado y 7% de lactosa, un control positivo que incluía 40% de maíz cocido, 10% de harina de pescado, y 14% de lactosa, y 3 piensos adicionales con similares ingredientes que el pienso control positivo pero en los que a) 40% de maíz cocido fue sustituido por el mismo porcentaje de maíz crudo, b) se redujo el nivel de harina de pescado del 10 al 4%, y c) se redujo el nivel de lactosa del 14 al 7%. Cada tratamiento se replicó 6 veces (6 lechones/departamento). De 42 a 62 d de edad, la mitad de cada uno de los 5 piensos prestárter recibió un pienso estándar compuesto por harina de soja- maíz crudo y manteca y la otra mitad un pienso con similar perfil nutricional pero incluyendo un 20% de maíz cocido, 5% de harina de pescado, 1.3% de lactosa, 2% de concentrado de proteína de soja obtenido por fermentación y 1% de aceite de soja en lugar de harina de soja, maíz sin procesar y manteca. La complejidad del pienso no afectó a los parámetros productivos en ninguno de los periodos estudiados, pero el índice de diarreas durante la fase prestárter fue mayor en los lechones que recibieron el pienso control negativo que en los alimentados con cualquiera de los otros piensos (P<0.05). A los 30 días de edad (piensos prestárter), la digestibilidad de la materia orgánica (MO) y de la energía bruta (EB) fue menor (P<0.001) en los lechones que consumieron el pienso control negativo que en los lechones que consumieron cualquiera de los otros piensos. Sin embrago, la digestibilidad fecal de la PB no fue afectada. A los 50 días de edad (piensos estárter), la digestibilidad de los nutrientes fue similar en ambos piesnsos. Se concluye que la utilización de niveles elevados de ingredientes de alta calidad en los piensos no mejora los parámetros productivos de los lechones blancos en ninguno de los períodos estudiados. De 21 a 41 días de edad, el índice de diarreas se redujo y la digestibilidad de los nutrientes aumentó con la utilización de piensos de mayor calidad. Por lo tanto, la utilización de piensos con niveles elevados de ingredientes de calidad para reducir problemas digestivos y por lo tanto, mejorar los parámetros productivos podría estar justificada en algunos casos. En el experimento 2, se estudiaron los efectos de la inclusión en el pienso de harina de soja con diferente contenido de PB (44 vs. 49 % PB), la micronización de la harina de soja de alta proteína (AP-HS; 49% PB) y la utilización de concentrado de proteína de soja (CPS; 65% PB) sobre los parámetros productivos y la TTAD de los nutrientes en lechones blancos recién destetados de 28 a 63 días de edad. De 28 a 49 días de edad (fase I), hubo un pienso control positivo con un 10% de CPS, un pienso control negativo con 14.8% de harina de soja estándar (R-HS; 44% de PB) y otros 4 piensos que incluían 13.3% de AP-HS de origen Americano (USA) o Argentino (ARG) y molidas groseramente (980 μm) o micronizadas (80 μm). Cada tratamiento se replicó 8 veces (6 lechones/departamento). De 49 a 63 días de edad (fase II), todos los lechones recibieron un pienso comercial común en forma de harina. En el global de la fase I, el tratamiento experimental no afectó a ninguno de los parámetros productivos estudiados. Sin embargo, de 28 a 35 días de edad, los lechones alimentados con AP-HS micronizadas tuvieron un mejor índice de conversión (IC; 1.11 vs. 0.98; P<0.05) que los alimentados con AP-HS molidas groseramente. También, de 35 a 42 días de edad, los lechones que recibieron el pienso con AP-HS micronizada tendieron (P=0.08) a consumir más pienso que los lechones que consumieron el pienso con AP-HS molida. Durante la fase II (49 a 63 días de edad), cuando todos los lechones recibieron un pienso común, no se observaron diferencias en productividad de los lechones debido al tratamiento previo. En general, la digestibilidad de los nutrientes a los 35 días de edad fue mayor para los lechones que consumieron CPS que para los lechones que consumieron R-HS con los lechones que consumieron AP-HS en una posición intermedia. La digestibilidad de la PB fue mayor (P≤0.01) para el pienso que contenía CPS que para el promedio de los 5 tratamientos en base a HS. También, la digestibilidad de la MO y de la materia seca (MS) fue mayor para el pienso que contenía AP-HS micronizada o molida groseramente que para el pienso que contenía R-HS. La micronización de la AP-HS no tuvo efecto alguno sobre la digestibilidad de los nutrientes. Se concluye que cuando el CPS sustituye en el pienso a R-HS, la digestibilidad de la PB aumenta pero no tiene efecto alguno sobre los parámetros productivos. La utilización de AP-HS en sustitución de R-HS en el pienso mejora la digestibilidad de los nutrientes pero no afecta a los parámetros productivos. La utilización de harina de soja micronizada en los piensos mejora la eficiencia alimenticia durante la primera semana post-destete pero no tiene efecto alguno sobre la digestibilidad de los nutrientes. En general, la inclusión de productos derivados del haba de soja con un alto valor añadido (CPS o AP-HS) en el pienso presenta pocas ventajas en términos productivos al uso de AP-HS en lechones blancos recién destetados. En el experimento 3, se estudiaron los mismos productos de soja y piensos similares al experimento 2 en lechones ibéricos recién destetados. Además de los parámetros productivos y la TTAD de los nutrientes, en este ensayo se estudió también la digestibilidad ileal aparente (AID) de los nutrientes, así como las características histológicas y morfometría de la mucosa ileal. Cada uno de los 6 tratamientos fue replicado 6 veces (6 lechones/departamento). De 30 a 51 días de edad la fuente de harina de soja no afectó a los parámetros productivos, pero el índice de diarreas fue mayor (P<0.001) y la TTAD y AID de los nutrientes menor en los lechones alimentados con R-HS que en los alimentados con CPS o AP-HS. Sin embargo, no se encontró ninguna diferencia para éstos parámetros entre los piensos que contenían AP-HS y CPS. La TTAD de la MO (P=0.07) y de la EB (P=0.05) tendieron a ser mayores en los piensos basados en AP-HS micronizada que en los basados en AP-HS molida. La TTAD de la EB tendió (P<0.05) a ser mayor para la AP-HS de origen USA que para la AP-HS de origen ARG. Los lechones que consumieron R-HS presentaron villi de menor longitud (P<0.01) que los lechones que consumieron AP-HS o CPS, pero no se observaron diferencias en el caso de los lechones que recibieron los piensos que contenían AP-HS o CPS. Se concluye que la inclusión de AP-HS o CPS en el pienso en sustitución de R-HS reduce el índice de diarreas y mejora la digestibilidad de los nutrientes y las características morfológicas del íleon sin afectar a los parámetros productivos. La utilización de piensos basados en productos derivados del haba de soja con mayor valor añadido (CPS o AP-HS) en sustitución de la R-HS, mejora la TTAD de todos los nutrientes y reduce el índice de diarreas si llegar afectar a los parámetros productivos. En el experimento 4 se estudiaron los efectos del contenido de PB y la complejidad del pienso, la presentación física y la duración del suministro del pienso prestárter sobre los parámetros productivos y la TTAD de los nutrientes en lechones ibéricos recién destetados de 28 a 63 días de edad. Hubo 12 tratamientos experimentales con 2 tipos de pienso (AC; calidad alta y BC: calidad media), 2 presentaciones del pienso (gránulo y harina) y 3 duraciones de suministro del pienso prestárter (7, 14 y 21 días). Desde los 7, 14 y 21 días de experimento (dependiendo del tratamiento), hasta los 35 días, todos los lechones recibieron un pienso comercial en forma de harina. Cada uno de los tratamientos fue replicado 3 veces (6 lechones/departamento). En el global del experimento, la ganancia media diaria (GMD; P<0.05) y el consumo medio diario (CMD; P<0.01) fue menor en los lechones que recibieron el pienso AC que para los que recibieron el pienso de BC, si bien el IC no se vio afectado. La granulación del pienso prestárter no afectó a los crecimientos pero mejoró la eficiencia alimenticia. La utilización del pienso prestárter de 0 a 21 días de prueba mejoró el IC (P<0.05), pero redujo la GMD (P<0.01) en comparación con la utilización de éste pienso solo durante 7 o 14 días. El índice de diarreas tendió a ser mayor (P=0.06) en los lechones alimentados con los piensos AC que en los alimentados con los piensos BC. Asimismo, el índice de diarreas fue superior en los lechones que recibieron el pienso en gránulo que los que los recibieron en harina (P<0.001). Además, el índice de diarreas fue superior en los lechones que recibieron el pienso prestárter durante 14 o 21 días que en los que lo recibieron solo durante 7 días (P<0.01). De 28 a 49 días de edad, la GMD y el IC no se vieron afectados por la complejidad del pienso, pero la presentación en gránulo o el aumento en la duración de suministro del pienso prestárter mejoró el IC (P<0.01). También, en este periodo el índice de diarreas fue mayor en lechones alimentados con piensos granulados que aquellos alimentados con piensos en harina. Asimismo, fue superior para los lechones alimentados con el pienso prestárter durante 14 o 21 días que para los que recibieron éste pienso solo durante 7 días (P<0.01). De 49 a 63 días de edad, los lechones que previamente habían recibido piensos BC crecieron más que los que recibieron piensos AC (P<0.001). Asimismo, los lechones que recibieron el pienso prestárter durante 21 días comieron (P< 0.001) y crecieron menos (P<0.05) presentando una peor eficacia alimenticia (P<0.05) que los lechones que lo recibieron solo durante 7 14 días. La digestibilidad de la MO fue mayor en los lechones alimentados con los piensos AC que en los alimentados con piensos BC (P<0.05). La granulación del pienso mejoró la digestibilidad de los principales nutrientes. Los piensos prestárter AC mejoraron la digestibilidad de los nutrientes pero no la eficiencia alimenticia en lechones ibéricos de 28 a 63 días de edad. La granulación del pienso mejoró la eficiencia alimenticia. El aumento del suministro del pienso prestárter de 7 a 21 días mejoró la eficiencia alimenticia pero redujo la GMD. Por lo tanto, la utilización de piensos granulados de alta calidad durante el periodo prestárter es recomendable en lechones ibéricos, pero solo durante la primera semana post-destete. ABSTRACT The main objectives of this PhD Thesis were to study the effects of a) heat processing (HP) of corn and inclusion of high quality ingredients of animal origin such as fish meal (FM) and dried milk products in the diet, b) inclusion of different soy products varying in crude protein (CP) content, particle size, and origin of the beans in diets for conventional white and Iberian weanling pigs, and c) effects of ingredient quality, feed form, and duration of supply of the phase I diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and intestinal morphology of weanling pigs. In experiment 1, the effect of diet complexity on total tract apparent digestibility (TTAD) and growth performance was studied in piglets from 21 to 62 d of age. There were 10 experimental treatments which resulted from the combination of 5 phase I (21 to 41 d of age) and 2 phase II (42 to 62 d of age) diets. The 5 phase I diets consisted of a negative control diet that contained 40 % raw corn, 4% FM, and 7% lactose (LAC); a positive control diet that contained 40 % HP corn, 10% FM, and 14% LAC, and 3 extra diets that used similar ingredients to those of the positive control diet but in which a) 40% of HP corn was substituted by raw corn, b) 4% FM rather than 10% FM, and c) 7% LAC instead of 14% LAC were included in the diet. Each treatment was replicated 6 times (6 pigs per pen). From 42 to 62 d of age, half of the pens of each of the 5 phase I treatments received a standard soybean meal (SBM)–native corn–lard diet wheras the other half received a diet with similar nutrient profile but that included 20% HP corn, 5% FM, 1.3% lactosa, 2% fermented soy protein concentrate, and 1% soybean oil in substitution of variables amounts of non-processed corn, SBM, and lard. Dietary treatment did not affect piglet performance at any age, but the incidence of post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) was higher during phase I in piglets fed the negative control diet than in piglets fed any of the other diets (P<0.05). At 30 d of age (phase I diets), the TTAD of organic matter (OM) and gross energy (GE) was lower (P<0.001) in pigs fed the negative control diet than in pigs fed the other diets but CP digestibility was not affected. At 50 d of age (phase II diets), dietary treatment did not affect TTAD of any dietary component. It is concluded that the use of high quality ingredients at high levels in the diet did not improve growth performance of piglets at any age. From 21 to 41 d of age, PWD was reduced and nutrient digestibility was increased in pigs fed the more complex diets. Consequently, the inclusion of high levels of high quality ingredients in piglet diets to maximize growth performance might not be justified under all circumstances In experiment 2, the effect of CP content (44 vs. 49 % CP) of SBM, micronization (fine grinding) of the high CP SBM (HP-SBM; 49% CP), and soy protein concentrate (SPC; 65% CP) on TTAD and growth performance was studied in conventional white piglets from 28 to 63 d of age. From 28 to 49 d of age (phase I), there was a positive control diet that included 6.5% CP from SPC and a negative control diet that supplied the same amount of CP as regular SBM (R-SBM; 44% CP) of Argentina (ARG) origin. The other 4 diets included the same amount of dietary CP from 2 sources of HP-SBM (USA or ARG origin), either ground (990 μm) or micronized (60 μm). Each treatment was replicated 8 times (6 pigs per pen). From 49 to 63 d of age (phase II), all pigs were fed a common commercial starter diet. For the entire phase I, type of soy product included in the diet did not affect growth performance of the pigs. However, from 28 to 35 d of age pigs fed the micronized HP-SBM had better feed conversion ratio (FCR; 0.90 vs. 1.01; P<0.05) than pigs fed the ground HP-SBM. Also, from 35 to 42 d of age, average daily feed intake (ADFI) tended to be higher (P=0.08) for pigs fed the micronized HP-SBM than for pigs fed the ground HP-SBM. During phase II, when all the pigs received the same diet, no differences among treatments were observed. In general, the TTAD of nutrients at 35 d of age was higher for the SPC than for the R-SBM diet with the HP-SBM diets being intermediate. The TTAD of CP was higher (83.8% vs. 81.9%; P≤0.01) for the SPC diet than for the average of 5 SBM containing diets. Also, the digestibility of OM and dry matter (DM) was higher (P<0.01) for the HP-SBM, either ground or micronized, than for the R-SBM diet. Micronization of the HP-SBM did not affect nutrient digestibility. It is concluded that when R-SBM was substituted by SPC, CP digestibility was improved but no effects on growth performance were observed. The use of HP-SBM in substitution of R-SBM in the diet improved nutrient digestibility but did not affect piglet performance. The inclusion of micronized HP-SBM in the diet improved FCR during the first week post-weaning but did not affect TTAD of nutrients. Therefore, the inclusion of added value soy products (SPC or micronized SBM) in the diet presents little advantage in terms of growth performance over the use of HP-SBM in pigs weaned at 28 d of age. In experiment 3, the effects of the same sources of soy protein used in experiment 2 on TTAD and growth performance of crossbreed Iberian pigs from 30 to 61 d of age were studied. In addition, the apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of nutrients and mucosa ileum morphology were also determined. Dietary treatment did not affect growth performance of the pigs at any age but from 30 to 51 d of age (phase I diets), PWD was higher (P<0.001) and the TTAD and AID of all nutrients were lower for pigs fed the R-SBM diet than for pigs fed the HP-SBM or the SPC diets. However, no differences between the HP-SBM and the SPC containing diets were detected for digestibility of any dietary component. The TTAD of OM (P=0.07) and GE (P=0.05) tended to be higher for the micronized HP-SBM than for the ground HP-SBM and that of GE was higher (P<0.05) for the USA meal than for the ARG meal. Pigs fed R-SBM had lower villus height (P<0.01) than pigs fed HP-SBM or SPC but no differences in ileal mucosal morphology were detected between SPC and HP-SBM containing diets. It is concluded that feeding the HP-SBM or SPC in substitution of R-SBM reduced PWD and improved nutrient digestibility and ileal morphology in piglets as compared with feeding the R-SBM, but had no effect on growth performance. The inclusion in the diet of added value soy products (micronized SBM or SPC) in substitution of the R-SBM increased the TTAD of all nutrients and reduced PWD but had no advantage in terms of growth performance over the use of ground HP-SBM. In experiment 4, the effect of CP content and ingredient complexity, feed form, and duration of feeding of the phase I diets on growth performance and TTAD of nutrients were studied in Iberian pigs from 28 to 63 d of age. There were 12 dietary treatments with 2 type of feeds (HQ; higher quality and LQ; medium quality), 2 feed forms (pellets vs. mash), and 3 durations of supply (7, 14, and 21 d) of the phase I diets. From d 7, 14, or 21 (depending on treatment) to d 35 of experiment, all pigs received a common diet in mash form. Each treatment was replicated 3 times (6 pigs/pen). For the entire experiment, average daily gain (ADG; P<0.05) and ADFI (P<0.01) were lower with the HQ than with the LQ phase I diets but FCR was not affected. Pelleting of the phase I diets did not affect ADG but improved FCR (P<0.01). Feeding the phase I diets from d 0 to 21 improved FCR (P<0.05) but decreased ADG (P<0.01) as compared with 7 or 14 d of feeding. Post-weaning diarrhea tended to be higher (P=0.06) for pigs fed the HQ diets than for pigs fed the LQ diets and for pigs fed pellets than for pigs fed mash (P<0.001). Also, PWD was higher for pigs fed the phase I diet for 14 or 21 d than for pigs fed this diet for 7 d (P<0.01). From d 0 to 21, ADG and FCR were not affected by feed quality but feeding pellets or increasing the duration of feeding the phase I diets improved FCR (P<0.01). Also, in this period PWD was higher with pellets than with mash and for pigs fed the phase I diets for 14 or 21 d than for pigs fed this diet for only 7 d (P<0.01). From d 21 to 35, pigs previously fed the LQ diet had higher ADG than pigs fed the HQ phase I diets (P<0.001). Also, pigs that were fed the phase I diets for 21 d had lower ADG (P<0.05) and ADFI (P< 0.001) and poor FCR (P<0.05) than pigs fed these diets for 7 or 14 d. Organic matter digestibility was higher for pigs fed the HQ phase I diets than for pigs fed the LQ phase I diets (P<0.05). Pelleting improved TTAD of all nutrients (P<0.01). It is concluded that HQ phase I diets increased TTAD of nutrients but not feed efficiency of Iberian pigs from d 28 to 63 d of age. Also, pelleting improved nutrient digestibility and feed efficiency. Increasing the duration of supply of the phase I diets from 7 to 21 d improved feed efficiency but reduced ADG. Therefore, the use of LQ phase I diets in pellet form for no more than 7 d after weaning is recommended in Iberian pigs.
This dissertation includes two studies. Study 1 is a qualitative case study that describes enactment of the main components of a high fidelity Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten (FDELK) classroom, specifically play-based learning and teacher-ECE collaboration. Study 2 is a quantitative analysis that investigates how effectively the FDELK program promotes school readiness skills, namely self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy, in Kindergarteners. To describe the main components of an FDELK classroom in Study 1, a sub-sample of four high fidelity case study schools were selected from a larger case study sample. Interview data from these schools’ administrators, educators, parents, and community stakeholders were used to describe how the main components of the FDELK program enabled educators to meet the individual needs of students and promote students’ SR development. In Study 2, hierarchical regression analyses of 32,207 students’ self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy outcomes using 2012 Ontario Early Development Instrument (EDI) data revealed essentially no benefit for students participating in the FDELK program when compared to peers in Half-Day or Alternate-Day Kindergarten programs. Being older and female predicted more positive SR and literacy outcomes. Age and gender accounted for limited variance in numeracy outcomes. Results from both studies suggest that the Ontario Ministry of Education should take steps to improve the quality of the FDELK program by incorporating evidence-based guidelines and goals for play, reducing Kindergarten class sizes to more effectively scaffold learning, and revising curriculum expectations to include a greater focus on SR, literacy, and numeracy skills.
Biweekly sediment trap samples and concurrent hydrographic measurements collected between March 2005 and October 2008 from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela, are used to assess the relationship between [CO3]2- and the area densities (ho A) of two species of planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinoides ruber (pink) and Globigerinoides sacculifer). Calcification temperatures were calculated for each sample using species-appropriate oxygen isotope (d18O) temperature equations that were then compared to monthly temperature profiles taken at the study site in order to determine calcification depth. Ambient [CO3]2- was determined for these calcification depths using alkalinity, pH, temperature, salinity, and nutrient concentration measurements taken during monthly hydrographic cruises. The rho A, which is representative of calcification efficiency, is determined by dividing individual foraminiferal shell weights (±0.43 µg) by their associated silhouette areas and taking the sample average. The results of this study show a strong correlation between rho A and ambient [CO3]2- for both G. ruber and G. sacculifer (R**2 = 0.89 and 0.86, respectively), confirming that [CO3]2- has a pronounced effect on the calcification of these species. Though the rho A for both species reveal a highly significant (p < 0.001) relationship with ambient [CO3]2-, linear regression reveals that the extent to which [CO3]2- influences foraminiferal calcification is species specific. Hierarchical regression analyses indicate that other environmental parameters (temperature and [PO4]3-) do not confound the use of G. ruber and G. sacculifer rho A as a predictor for [CO3]2-. This study suggests that G. ruber and G. sacculifer rho A can be used as reliable proxies for past surface ocean [CO3]2?-
Contract no DA-44-009 Eng. 2435, Department of the Army Project no. 8-35-11-101.
This paper presents a comparative study how reactor configuration, sludge loading and air flowrate affect flow regimes, hydrodynamics, floc size distribution and sludge solids-liquid separation properties. Three reactor configurations were studied in bench scale activated sludge bubble column reactor (BCR), air-lift reactor (ALR) and aerated stirred reactor (ASR). The ASR demonstrated the highest capacity of gas holdup and resistance, and homogeneity in flow regimes and shearing forces, resulting in producing large numbers of small and compact floes. The fluid dynamics in the ALR created regularly directed recirculation forces to enhance the gas holdup and sludge flocculation. The BCR distributed a high turbulent flow regime and non-homogeneity in gas holdup and mixing, and generated large numbers of larger and looser floes. The sludge size distributions, compressibility and settleability were significantly influenced by the reactor configurations associated with the flow regimes and hydrodynamics.
This communication reports a laboratory and plant comparison between the University of Cape Town (UCT) device (capillary) and the McGill University bubble sizing method (imaging). The laboratory work was conducted on single bubbles to establish the accuracy of the techniques by comparing with a reference method (capture in a burette). Single bubble measurements with the McGill University technique showed a tendency to slightly underestimate (4% for a 1.3 mm bubble) and the UCT technique to slightly overestimate (1% for the 1.3 man bubble). Both trends are anticipated from fundamental considerations. In the UCT technique bubble breakup was observed when measuring a 2.7 mm bubble using a 0.5 mm ID capillary tube. A discrepancy of 11% was determined when comparing the techniques in an industrial-scale mechanical flotation cell. The possible sources of bias are discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A two-stage thermophilic-mesophilic anaerobic digestion pilot-plant was operated solely on waste activated sludge (WAS) from a biological nutrient removal (BNR) plant. The first-stage thermophilic reactor (HRT 2 days) was operated at 47, 54 and 60 degrees C. The second-stage mesophilic digester (HRT 15 days) was held at a constant temperature of 36-37 degrees C. For comparison with a single-stage mesophilic process, the mesophilic digester was also operated separately with an HRT of 17 days and temperature of 36-37 degrees C. The results showed a truly thermophilic stage (60 degrees C) was essential to achieve good WAS degradation. The lower thermophilic temperatures examined did not offer advantages over single-stage mesophilic treatment in terms of COD and VS removal. At a thermophilic temperature of 60 degrees C, the plant achieved 35% VS reduction, representing a 46% increase compared to the single-stage mesophilic digester. This is a significant level of degradation which could make such a process viable in situations where there is no primary sludge generated. The fate of the biologically stored phosphorus in this BNR sludge was also investigated. Over 80% of the incoming phosphorus remained bound up with the solids and was not released into solution during the WAS digestion. Therefore only a small fraction of phosphorus would be recycled to the main treatment plant with the dewatering stream.
The influence of Cs on the structure and basicity of nanocrystalline MgO was assessed via electron microscopy, CO2 chemisorption, XRD and XPS. Caesium incorporation via co-precipitation under supercritical conditions generates Cs2Mg(CO3)2 nanocrystallites with an enhanced density and strength of surface base sites. Wet impregnation proved less effective for modifying MgO nanocrystals. A strong synergy between Cs and Mg components in the co-precipitated material dramatically enhanced the rate of tributyrin transesterification with methanol relative to undoped MgO and homogeneous Cs2CO3 catalysts. On-stream deactivation of Cs-doped MgO reflects heavy surface carbon deposition and loss of the high activity Cs2Mg(CO3)2 phase due to limited Cs dissolution.
This dissertation includes two studies. Study 1 is a qualitative case study that describes enactment of the main components of a high fidelity Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten (FDELK) classroom, specifically play-based learning and teacher-ECE collaboration. Study 2 is a quantitative analysis that investigates how effectively the FDELK program promotes school readiness skills, namely self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy, in Kindergarteners. To describe the main components of an FDELK classroom in Study 1, a sub-sample of four high fidelity case study schools were selected from a larger case study sample. Interview data from these schools’ administrators, educators, parents, and community stakeholders were used to describe how the main components of the FDELK program enabled educators to meet the individual needs of students and promote students’ SR development. In Study 2, hierarchical regression analyses of 32,207 students’ self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy outcomes using 2012 Ontario Early Development Instrument (EDI) data revealed essentially no benefit for students participating in the FDELK program when compared to peers in Half-Day or Alternate-Day Kindergarten programs. Being older and female predicted more positive SR and literacy outcomes. Age and gender accounted for limited variance in numeracy outcomes. Results from both studies suggest that the Ontario Ministry of Education should take steps to improve the quality of the FDELK program by incorporating evidence-based guidelines and goals for play, reducing Kindergarten class sizes to more effectively scaffold learning, and revising curriculum expectations to include a greater focus on SR, literacy, and numeracy skills.
Context: Species of Baccharis exhibit antibiotic, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties, and have been used in the traditional medicine of South America for the treatment of inflammation, headaches, diabetes, and hepatobiliary disorders.Objective: To investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of organic phases from EtOH extract of the aerial parts of Baccharis uncinella DC (Asteraceae).Materials and methods: The crude EtOH extract from the aerial parts of B. uncinella was subjected to partition procedures and the corresponding CH(2)Cl(2) and EtOAc phases were subjected to several chromatographic separation procedures. Thus, these phases and their purified compounds were assayed for evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity.Results: The CH(2)Cl(2) phase from EtOH extract from B. uncinella contained two triterpenoids (oleanolic and ursolic acids) and one flavonoid (pectolinaringenin), whereas the respective EtOAc phase showed to be composed mainly by two phenylpropanoid derivatives (caffeic and ferulic acids). The CH(2)Cl(2) and EtOAc phases as well as their isolated compounds exhibited anti-inflammatory effects against inflammatory reactions induced by phospholipase A2 (from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom) and by carrageenan.Discussion and conclusion: The results suggested that the components obtained from partition phases of EtOH extract of B. uncinella could represent lead molecules for the development of anti-inflammatory agents. Additionally, the results confirmed the use of Baccharis genus in the traditional medicine of South America for the treatment of inflammation and other heath disorders. To date, the present work describes for the first time the anti-inflammatory effects of compounds isolated from B. uncinella.
The main objective of this PhD thesis is to optimize a specific multifunctional maritime structure for harbour protection and energy production, named Overtopping Breakwater for Energy Conversion (OBREC), developed by the team of the University of Campania. This device is provided with a sloping plate followed by a unique reservoir, which is linked with the machine room (where the energy conversion occurs) by means of a pipe passing through the crown wall, provided with a parapet on top of it. Therefore, the potential energy of the overtopping waves, collected inside the reservoir located above the still water level, is then converted by means of low – head turbines. In order to improve the understanding of the wave – structure interactions with OBREC, several methodologies have been used and combined together: i. analysis of recent experimental campaigns on wave overtopping discharges and pressures at the crown wall on small – scale OBREC cross sections, carried out in other laboratories by the team of the University of Campania; ii. new experiments on cross sections similar to the OBREC device, planned and carried out in the hydraulic lab at the University of Bologna in the framework of this PhD work; iii. numerical modelling with a 1 – phase incompressible fluid model IH – 2VOF, developed by the University of Cantabria, and with a 2 – phase incompressible fluid model OpenFOAM, both available from the literature; iv. numerical modelling with a new 2 – phase compressible fluid model developed in the OpenFOAM environment within this PhD work; v. analysis of the data gained from the monitoring of the OBREC prototype installation.
BACKGROUND: Present combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) alone does not cure HIV infection and requires lifelong drug treatment. The potential role of HIV therapeutic vaccines as part of an HIV cure is under consideration. Our aim was to assess the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of Vacc-4x, a peptide-based HIV-1 therapeutic vaccine targeting conserved domains on p24(Gag), in adults infected with HIV-1. METHODS: Between July, 2008, and June, 2010, we did a multinational double-blind, randomised, phase 2 study comparing Vacc-4x with placebo. Participants were adults infected with HIV-1 who were aged 18-55 years and virologically suppressed on cART (viral load <50 copies per mL) with CD4 cell counts of 400 × 10(6) cells per L or greater. The trial was done at 18 sites in Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, and the USA. Participants were randomly assigned (2:1) to Vacc-4x or placebo. Group allocation was masked from participants and investigators. Four primary immunisations, weekly for 4 weeks, containing Vacc-4x (or placebo) were given intradermally after administration of adjuvant. Booster immunisations were given at weeks 16 and 18. At week 28, cART was interrupted for up to 24 weeks. The coprimary endpoints were cART resumption and changes in CD4 counts during treatment interruption. Analyses were by modified intention to treat: all participants who received one intervention. Furthermore, safety, viral load, and immunogenicity (as measured by ELISPOT and proliferation assays) were assessed. The 52 week follow-up period was completed in June, 2011. For the coprimary endpoints the proportion of participants who met the criteria for cART resumption was analysed with a logistic regression model with the treatment effect being assessed in a model including country as a covariate. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00659789. FINDINGS: 174 individuals were screened; because of slow recruitment, enrolment stopped with 136 of a planned 345 participants and 93 were randomly assigned to receive Vacc-4x and 43 to receive placebo. There were no differences between the two groups for the primary efficacy endpoints in those participants who stopped cART at week 28. Of the participants who resumed cART, 30 (34%) were in the Vacc-4x group and 11 (29%) in the placebo group, and percentage changes in CD4 counts were not significant (mean treatment difference -5·71, 95% CI -13·01 to 1·59). However, a significant difference in viral load was noted for the Vacc-4x group both at week 48 (median 23 100 copies per mL Vacc-4x vs 71 800 copies per mL placebo; p=0·025) and week 52 (median 19 550 copies per mL vs 51 000 copies per mL; p=0·041). One serious adverse event, exacerbation of multiple sclerosis, was reported as possibly related to study treatment. Vacc-4x was immunogenic, inducing proliferative responses in both CD4 and CD8 T-cell populations. INTERPRETATION: The proportion of participants resuming cART before end of study and change in CD4 counts during the treatment interruption showed no benefit of vaccination. Vacc-4x was safe, well tolerated, immunogenic, seemed to contribute to a viral-load setpoint reduction after cART interruption, and might be worth consideration in future HIV-cure investigative strategies. FUNDING: Norwegian Research Council GLOBVAC Program and Bionor Pharma ASA.
The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) issued a report in July 2003, based on a sample study of the application of remote sensed image land use change detection to the methodology of traffic monitoring in Blackhawk County, Iowa. In summary, the results indicated a strong correlation and a statistically significant regression coefficient between the identification of built-up land use change areas from remote sensed data and corresponding changes in traffic patterns, expressed as vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Based on these results, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) requested that CTRE expand the study area to five counties in the southwest quadrant of the state. These counties are scheduled for traffic counts in 2004, and the Iowa DOT desired the data to 1) evaluate the current methodology used to place the devices; 2) potentially influence the placement of traffic counting devices in areas of high built-up land use change; and 3) determine if opportunities exist to reduce the frequency and/or density of monitoring activity in lower trafficked rural areas of the state. This project is focused on the practical application of built-up land use change data for placement of traffic count data recording devices in five southwest Iowa counties.