40Ar-39Ar dating and isotopic composition of groundmass and felspar samples from core AND-2A

Autoria(s): Di Vincenzo, Gianfranco; Bracciali, Laura; Del Carlo, Paola; Panter, Kurt S; Rocchi, Sergio

LATITUDE: -77.758141 * LONGITUDE: 165.276765 * DATE/TIME START: 2007-10-10T12:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2007-11-30T12:00:00




The AND-2A drillcore (Antarctic Drilling Program-ANDRILL) was successfully completed in late 2007 on the Antarctic continental margin (Southern McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea) with the aim of tracking ice proximal to shallow marine environmental fluctuations and to document the 20-Ma evolution of the Erebus Volcanic Province. Lava clasts and tephra layers from the AND-2A drillcore were investigated from a petrographic and stratigraphic point of view and analyzed by the 40Ar-39Ar laser technique in order to constrain the age model of the core and to gain information on the style and nature of sediment deposition in the Victoria Land Basin since Early Miocene. Ten out of 17 samples yielded statistically robust 40Ar-39Ar ages, indicating that the AND-2A drillcore recovered <230 m of Middle Miocene (~128-358 m below sea floor, ~11.5-16.0 Ma) and >780 m of Early Miocene (~358-1093 m below sea floor, ~16.0-20.1 Ma). Results also highlight a nearly continuous stratigraphic record from at least 358 m below sea floor down hole, characterized by a mean sedimentation rate of ~19 cm/ka, possible oscillations of no more than a few hundreds of ka and a break within ~17.5-18.1 Ma. Comparison with available data from volcanic deposits on land, suggests that volcanic rocks within the AND-2A core were supplied from the south, possibly with source areas closer to the drill site for the upper core levels, and from 358 m below sea floor down hole, with the 'proto-Mount Morning' as the main source.


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Supplement to: Di Vincenzo, Gianfranco; Bracciali, Laura; Del Carlo, Paola; Panter, Kurt S; Rocchi, Sergio (2010): 40Ar-39Ar dating of volcanogenic products from the AND-2A core (ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica): correlations with the Erebus Volcanic Province and implications for the age model of the core. Bulletin of Volcanology, 72(4), 487-505, doi:10.1007/s00445-009-0337-z

Palavras-Chave #-; 36Ar; 36Ar(atm); 37Ar; 37Ar(Ca); 38Ar; 38Ar(Cl); 39Ar; 39Ar(K); 40Ar; 40Ar(tot); 40K; 2 sigma full error; 40K; 2 sigma internal error; Age, dated; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age model; Age model, optional; Age model opt; Age std dev; AND-2A; ANDRILL; Antarctic Geological Drilling; Ar*40; Argon-36; Argon-37; Argon-38; Argon-39; Argon-40; Ca/K; Ca/K ratio; 2 sigma; Calcium/Potassium ratio; calculated using a 40K total decay constants of (5.463±0.214)/10**10/a (Min et al. 2000) and an age for FCs of 28.201 ±0.046 Ma (incorporating all sources of error; Kuiper et al. 2008); calculated using the IUGS recommended constants (Steiger and Jager 1977) and an age of 28.03 Ma for the fluence monitor FCs (Jourdan and Renne 2007); deposit; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; extraction technique; SH step-heating analysis, TF total fusion analysis; extrapolated assuming a linear deposition rate bw polarity chron boundaries in Acton et al. (2008) and based on chron ages from GPTS of Gradstein et al. (2004). The last 23 Ma of the GPTS of Gradstein et al. (2004) is orbitally tuned with 40 ka accuracy; Grains; Grains, counted/analyzed; Grain size descr; Grain size description; International Polar Year (2007-2008); IPY; IUGS; 2 sigma full error; IUGS; 2 sigma internal error; Laser power; Lithologic unit/sequence; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; McMurdo Sound; McMurdo Station; Method; Method comment; MSWD; N; no. 1; no. 2; phase analysed; P value; Rew; Reworked; Rock; Rock type; same as in column Age model, alternate interpretation; Samp com; Sample amount; Sample comment; Sample ID; Sample mass; Sample type; Samp m; Samp type; Sediment; Sediment type; SMS; Southern McMurdo Sound; Standard deviation; Std dev; TF total fusion analysis, EWM error-weighted mean; Unit
