959 resultados para 1937-1999


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Congregation Beth Israel was founded in 1843 and is Connecticut's oldest synagogue. Originally established as an Orthodox congregation, the synagogue eventually converted to Reform and was one of the founding members of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Union for Reform Judaism) in 1877. This collection includes event flyers, programs for services, sermons, anniversary books with historical information, and bulletins. Box 1: General/Miscellaneous Materials 1927-1970. 100th Anniversary /Programs and Invitations 1943. 125th Anniversary/Program 1968. Publications/Bulletins 1920-1959. Box 2: Publications/ Bulletings 1950-1969. Box 3: Publications/ Bulletins 1960-1989. Box 4: Publications/ Bulletin 1989-1999.


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Documents: passport (Deutsches Reich/1937); citizenship certificate (1908).


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Report on the Jewish community in Moenchengladbach (1933-1937); letter to Walter Froehlich confirming his election to chair the Jewish community in Moenchengladbach (1936); membership card for the "Juedische Kulturbund, Moenchengladbach).


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The bulk of the collections consists of correspondence from the 1930s relating to Michels’s job applications in the U.S. in different academic institutions and activities of the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland. Also included is a 36 p. typescript, ‘Geschichte der Familie Wertheimer’; pamphlets by Juda Magnes and Kurt Blumenfeld on the university in Jerusalem; as well as family trees.


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The collection holds materials on Lisa Brandwein’s uncle, Fritz Stahl. Also included are photographs and a note on the town of Striegau in Silesia (now Strzegom in Poland).


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Fred F. Field, 1995


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The study examines the contents, changes and the causes of changes of the growth and structural policy exercised by Finnish governments in 1962-1999. The policy is evaluated e.g. on the basis of government programmes. It is divided in the study into three phases: the phase of guided economy 1962-77, the transition period 1977-91 and the phase of competitive economy 1991-99. The opening of the economy has been the central factor influencing the contents of the growth and structural policy. When dividing the policy into ten sectors, it was found that the sectors losing weight during the study period are agricultural and forest policies and welfare policy and the sectors increasing weight are labour policy and environmental policy. Though impacts of the changes in the general line of the growth and structural policy could be seen in sector policies, the breaks in sector policies did not necessarily coincide with the breaks in the general line of the policy. In the study, in particular, the impacts of the factors affecting growth and structural policy thinking (political changes, foreign influences and changes in economics) are evaluated. The policy was influenced more by the prevailing ideological climate ("the spirit of time") than by political changes. Until the 1970s foreign influences mainly came from those individual Western European countries, where the role of government planning was important and where the economic development was favourable. Some impacts from socialist countries could be seen at the end of the 1960s and at the beginning of the 1970s. Since the 1980s the role of international organisations became emphasised. Also the impacts of the changes in economics could be seen in the changes in the general line of the growth and structural policy.


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Having to do with residential areas, geographical image research in Finland has concentrated mainly on those areas with a relatively negative image, such as eastern parts of Helsinki. However, Kumpula and Toukola are former working class residential areas whose image nowadays is mainly positive. This research aims at understanding the process through which their image has gradually come to be that way. Theoretical background of the research relies on human geography and it s viewpoints on places, spaces and areas. Areas, in this research, are understood to be founded on discursive processes that form meanings in societies. This approach is useful because it provides a way to research newspapers and to see how they affect the society. In addition I lean on Sirpa Tani s research on place images to study image and it s formation process. Her point of view covers especially well the effect of media on images and their formation. Articles published in Helsingin Sanomat and Ilta-Sanomat between the years 1963 and 1999 form the data of the research. Methodologically I proceeded by using content analysis to see what kind of topics have been dominating the news feed from Kumpula and Toukola. Content analysis was followed by discourse analysis, which allowed me to focus on the ways of speaking about and representing Kumpula and Toukola. Discourse analysis also reveals whose viewpoint is being represented in media when it comes to publishing news from these parts of the city. It is clearly visible from the results of this research that the image of Kumpula and Toukola has gone through a significant change between 1963 and 1999. In the 1960s discussion in newspapers was dominated by the need for more effective city planning. This meant that Kumpula and Toukola were under a demolition threat in order for the city to built more effectively on those areas. At the same time there was discussion about wooden houses that were built in Kumpula and Toukola right after the second World War. Those houses were in a poor condition, it was even said in the newspapers that people were living in slum-like conditions in them. By the 1980s the image of Kumpula and Toukola gradually started to change. At this time gentrification process was affecting the areas and well-educated working force moved to Kumpula and Toukola. Already in the beginning of 1990s the image of the areas was highly positive. Throughout this decade newspapers published news on Kumpula and Toukola that commented favorably on the atmosphere and the feeling of togetherness among the residents. In addition Kumpula village carnivals, that were first held in 1991, brought a lot of positive publicity to the areas. This research has revelead that especially the active participationg of the residents to promote joint causes has positively affected the image of Kumpula and Toukola. Since the 1960s fighting for the preservation of the areas has provided a reason for a stronger feeling of communality and identifying in the community. This feeling of togetherness in a community has carried all the way to the 1990s, when the areas, having been affected by gentrification, could make good use of the positive image in order to promote joint causes. Keywords: Image, reputation, newspapers, discursive practices


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Pro gradu -tutkielman tavoite on mallintaa suomalaisten yksityismetsien raakapuun tarjontaa vuosien 1999-2009 puukauppa-aineistolla. Tutkielman tulos on raakapuun kantohinnasta ja muista tarpeellisista selittävistä muuttujista riippuva tarjonnan funktio kaikille käsitellyille raakapuulajeille. Tutkielman toimeksiantaa UPM-Kymmene Oyj. Tarkoitus on, että tarjontafunktioiden ja lopputuotteidensa kysynnän tuntemuksen avulla UPM-Kymmene voi tarkastella mahdollisuuksiaan puunhankintaan tulevaisuudessa. Tutkielma esittelee suomalaisen raakapuumarkkinan erityispiirteitä, metsäekonomista teoriaa raakapuun tarjonnasta sekä aihetta koskevien aiempien empiiristen tutkimusten tuloksia. Esittelyn perusteella löydetään kysymyksenasettelun kannalta hinnan lisäksi kiinnostavimmat muuttujat tarjonnan vaihtelun selittämiseen. Osoittautuu, että vaikka kysyntäfunktion olemassaolon taloustieteellinen perusteltavuus suomalaisella raakapuumarkkinalla on kyseenalainen, ostomäärän ja hinnan samanaikainen määräytyminen aiheuttaa aineistossa riippuvuutta tarjontamallien virhetermin ja selittävänä muuttujana käytettävän kantohinnan välillä. Tutkielma jatkuu simultaanisuusharhan, instrumenttimuuttujamenetelmän ja kaksivaiheisen pienimmän neliösumman menetelmän esittelyllä seuraten Hamiltonin kirjaa 77me Serres Analysis (1994) sekä Davidsonin ja MacKinnonin kirjaa Econometric Theory and Methods (2004). Tarkentuvaa estimaattoria varten tarvitaan instrumenttimuuttujia, jotka valitaan kunkin raakapuulajin mallille erikseen. Osassa tarjontamalleista havaitaan estimolntimenetelmän kannalta olennaista muuttujien epästationaarisuutta, joka perustellaan seurauksettomaksi soveltaen johtopäätöksiä Hsiaon artikkelista Statistical Properties of the Tvvo-Stage Least Squares Estimator Under Cointegration (1997). Diagnostisen tarkastelun jälkeen mallit todetaan moitteettomiksi. Tulosten mukaan raakapuun tarjonnan hintajousto on korkeampi kuin esitellyissä aikaisemmissa empiirisissä tutkimuksissa. Lisäksi käsiteltyjen kuitupuulajien tarjontojen hintajoustot ovat tukkipuulajien joustoja korkeampia, mikä on metsänhoidollisin syin perusteltavaa. Tarjonta ei sen sijaan näytä juuri reagoineen käsitellylle aikajaksolle sattuneisiin veromuutoksiin. Osoittautuu myös, ettei tarjonta riipu voimakkaasti sijoitetun pääoman hinnasta eli korosta. Valtiotieteellisen tiedekunnan dekaani ja UPM-Kymmene sopivat vuonna 2009, että pro gradu -tutkielmasta säilytetään valtiotieteellisen tiedekunnan kirjastossa sensuroitua kappaletta, josta yksityiskohtaisimmat lopputulokset jätetään pois. Tämä tutkielman kappale on suppea, siten sivumäärältään tiivistelmäsivun tietoa lyhyempi.


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