963 resultados para Íícone


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate, through fluorescence analysis, the effect that different interimplant distances, after prosthetic restoration, will have on bone remodeling in submerged and nonsubmerged implants restored with a ""platform switch."" Materials and Methods: Fifty-six Ankylos implants were placed 1.5 mm subcrestally in seven dogs. The implants were placed so that two fixed prostheses, with three interimplant contacts separated by 1-mm, 2-mm, and 3-mm distances, could be fabricated for each side of the mandible. The sides and the positions of the groups were selected randomly. To better evaluate bone remodeling, calcein green was injected 3 days before placement of the prostheses at 12 weeks postimplantation. At 3 days before sacrifice (8 weeks postloading), alizarin red was injected. The amounts of remodeled bone within the different interimplant areas were compared statistically before and after loading in submerged and nonsubmerged implants. Results: Statistically significant differences existed in the percentage of remodeled bone seen in the different regions. Mean percentages of remodeled bone in the submerged and nonsubmerged groups, respectively, were as follows: for the 1-mm distance, 23.0% +/- 0.05% and 23.1% +/- 0.03% preloading and 27.0% +/- 0.03% and 25.2% +/- 0.04% postloading, for the 2-mm distance, 18.2% +/- 0.05% and 18.1% +/- 0.04% preloading and 21.3% +/- 0.07% and 19.9% +/- 0.03% postloading, for the 3-mm distance, 18.3% +/- 0.03% and 18.3% +/- 0.03% preloading and 18.8% +/- 0.04% and 19.8% +/- 0.04% postloading, for distal-extension regions, 16.6% +/- 0.02% and 17.4% +/- 0.04% preloading and 17.0% +/- 0.04% and 18.4% +/- 0.04% postloading. Conclusions: Based upon this animal study, loading increases bone formation for submerged or nonsubmerged implants, and the interimplant distance of 1 mm appears to result in more pronounced bone remodeling than the 2-mm or 3-mm distances in implants with a ""platform switch."" INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:257-266


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Objective. To evaluate the periapical repair after root canal treatment in the teeth of dogs using CT and conventional radiography and to compare these findings with the gold standard microscopic evaluation. Study design. The animals were divided into three groups according to endodontic treatment performed: Group 1, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth without apical periodontitis; Group 2, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis; and Group 3, endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis using calcium hydroxide as a root canal dressing. Group 4 consisted of teeth with apical periodontitis not submitted to root canal treatment and Group 5 consisted of healthy teeth without periapical disease. Radiographic, tomographic, and microscopic evaluations were performed by blind examiners. At 180 days experimental time, CT and radiographic measurements of periapical disease were compared with the gold standard microscopic measurement using intraclass correlation coefficient. Intergroup comparisons considering different methods of periapical lesions measurement or different clinical protocols of root canal treatment were performed by Kruskal Wallis test followed by Dunn. Integrity of lamina dura, presence of radiolucent areas, and presence of root resorption were analyzed by Fisher`s exact test. Results. There was discontinuity of the lamina dura and CPD in all teeth from Groups 2, 3, and 4 evaluated by tomography and radiography 45 days after CPD induction. Radiographically, 180 days after root canal treatment, there was no periapical lesion in teeth from Groups 1 and 3, different from groups 2 and 4 (p < .05). The highest reduction in the CPD size was observed on Group 3 (p < .05). According to the tomographic results, there was decrease of the size of the CPD on Group 3 but not on Groups 2 or 4. However, in all groups the periapical lesions presented larger mesio-distal extension if compared with radiography, both 45 days after CPD induction and 180 days after root canal treatment. At 180 days, CT measurements were closely related to microscopic results (ICC = 0.95) differently from radiographic evaluation (ICC = 0.86). Conclusion. CT Scan evaluation of periapical repair following root canal treatment provided similar information than that obtained by microscopic analysis, whereas radiographic evaluation underestimated the size do periapical lesion. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108:796-805)


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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of two imaging methods in diagnosing apical periodontitis (AP) using histopathological findings as a gold standard. Methods: The periapex of 83 treated or untreated roots of dogs` teeth was examined using periapical radiography (PR), cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, and histology. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and accuracy of PR and CBCT diagnosis were calculated. Results: PR detected AP in 71% of roots, a CBCT scan detected AP in 84%, and AP was histologically diagnosed in 93% (p = 0.001). Overall, sensitivity was 0.77 and 0.91 for PR and CBCT, respectively. Specificity was 1 for both. Negative predictive value was 0.25 and 0.46 for PR and CBCT, respectively. Positive predictive value was 1 for both. Diagnostic accuracy (true positives + true negatives) was 0.78 and 0.92 for PR and CBCT (p = 0.028), respectively. Conclusion: A CBCT scan was more sensitive in detecting AP compared with PR, which was more likely to miss AP when it was still present. (J Endod 2009;35:1009-1012)


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The purpose of this study was to compare the favorable outcome of root canal treatment determined by periapical radiographs (PRs) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. Ninety-six roots of dogs` teeth were used to form four groups (n = 24). In group 1, root canal treatments were performed in healthy teeth. Root canals in groups 2 through 4 were infected until apical periodontitis (AP) was radiographically confirmed. Roots with AP were treated by one-visit therapy in group 2, by two-visit therapy in group 3, and left untreated in group 4. The radiolucent area in the PRs and the volume of CBCT-scanned periapical lesions were measured before and 6 months after the treatment. In groups 1, 2, and 3, a favorable outcome (lesions absent or reduced) was shown in 57 (79%) roots using PRs but only in 25 (35%) roots using CBCT scans (p = 0.0001). Unfavorable outcomes occurred more frequently after one-visit therapy than two-visit therapy when determined by CBCT scans (p = 0.023). (J Endod 2009; 35:723-726)


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We study the analytic torsion of a cone over an orientable odd dimensional compact connected Riemannian manifold W. We prove that the logarithm of the analytic torsion of the cone decomposes as the sum of the logarithm of the root of the analytic torsion of the boundary of the cone, plus a topological term, plus a further term that is a rational linear combination of local Riemannian invariants of the boundary. We show that this last term coincides with the anomaly boundary term appearing in the Cheeger Muller theorem [3, 2] for a manifold with boundary, according to Bruning and Ma (2006) [5]. We also prove Poincare duality for the analytic torsion of a cone. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We compute the analytic torsion of a cone over a sphere of dimensions 1, 2, and 3, and we conjecture a general formula for the cone over an odd dimensional sphere. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The perpendicular exchange bias and magnetic anisotropy were investigated in IrMn/Pt/[Co/Pt](3) multilayers through the analysis of in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization hysteresis loops. A phenomenological model was used to simulate the in-plane curves and the effective perpendicular anisotropies were obtained employing the area method. The canted state anisotropy was introduced by taking into account the first and second uniaxial anisotropy terms of the ferromagnet with the corresponding uniaxial anisotropy direction allowed to make a nonzero angle with the film`s normal. This angle, obtained from the fittings, was of approximately 15 degrees for IrMn/[Co/Pt](3) film and decreases with the introduction of Pt in the IrMn/Pt/[Co/Pt](3) system, indicating that the Pt interlayer leads to a predominant perpendicular anisotropy. A maximum of the out-of-plane anisotropy was found between 0.5 and 0.6 nm of Pt, whereas a maximum of the perpendicular exchange bias was found at 0.3 nm. These results are very similar to those obtained for IrMn/Cu/[Co/Pt](3) system; however, the decrease of the exchange bias with the spacer thickness is more abrupt and the enhacement of the perpendicular anisotropy is higher for the case of Cu spacer as compared with that of Pt spacer. The existence of a maximum in the perpendicular exchange bias as a function of the Pt layer thickness was attributed to the predominance of the enhancement of exchange bias due to more perpendicular Co moment orientation over the exponential decrease of the ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic exchange coupling and, consequently, of the exchange-bias field. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Na prática Brasileira os projetos de fundações são elaborados fi-eqüentemente com base em resultados de ensaios de SPr. Desde a década de 1960, novos ensaios de investigação de subsolo tem sido incorporados à prática geotécnica, complementando as infonnações obtidas no SPr, e fornecendo uma descrição mais detalhada das características do subsolo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a análise do desempenho da metodologia corrente de previsão de capacidade de carga de estacas escavadas, a partir dos resultados de ensaios de Conepenetrometria (CPT), realizados em solos residuais. A experiência acumulada do ensaio de Cone a 1Úvel internacional é restrita a depósitos de solos sedimentares, havendo a necessidade de ampliação do banco de dados de provas de carga em solos de origem residual. Com o oQjetivo de relacionar resultados de ensaios de Cone (CPT) com o dimensionamento de estacas escavadas em solos residuais, foram utilizadas as metodologias propostas por Aoki & Velloso (1975), Bustamante & Gianeselli (1982) e Philipponnat (1986), comparando cargas de ruptura medidas e estimadas. As análises são aplicadas tanto à estimativa da resistência de atrito lateral (Pl) como da carga de ponta (PP) das estacas O banco de dados utilizado neste estudo é composto de 22 estacas escavadas com diâmetro entre 400 e 700 mm e comprimento entre 7,5 e 25,0 m, bem como 31 sondagens CPT com profundidades variando de 5,0 a 25,0 m. São utilizados resultados de Provas de carga no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sendo posteriormente ampliado para outros casos publicados da prática brasileira. Todas as 22 estacas escavadas analisadas foram ensaiadas através de Prova de carga do tipo SML, sendo o Método de Van der Veen (1953) utilizado como referência para obtenção da carga de ruptura. Conclui-se a partir do estudo dos casos que nenhum dos três métodos analisados, propostos por Aoki & Velloso (1975), Bustamante & Gianeselli (1982) e Philipponnat (1986), apresentou desempenho satisfatório para o conjunto de dados analisados. Em geral as cargas previstas foram superiores às cargas medidas, o que caracteriza uma condição contrária à segurança. Entre os métodos analisados, o proposto por Aoki & Velloso (1975) produziu a melhor relação entre cargas medidas com cargas estimadas, porém sugere-se a ampliação deste banco de dados previamente ao uso generalizado deste método na prática de engenharia sempre que as estimativas forem realizadas com base em resultados de ensaios CPr.


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O estudo da reforma da previdência social no âmbito dos países do cone Sul, que nesta dissertação está restrito ao Brasil, Argentina, Uruguai, Paraguai, Chile e Bolívia. Se coaduna com a visão geográfica surgida na esteira de uma tendência mundial de formação de blocos regionais com objetivos de defesa dos interesses dos países que os integram. O conceito de previdência social, segundo os padrões da Organização Mundial do Trabalho - OIT, abrange os programas de seguros sociais que incluem aposentadorias, pensões, invalidez, pecúlio por morte, assistência médico-hospitalar, auxílio pecuniário por acidentes do trabalho, enfermidades profissionais, doenças comuns, e auxilio maternidade. Abrange também os programas de assistência familiar que se referem basicamente aos subsídios ás famílias desamparadas, além dos programas de assistência social que encampam as pensões não contributivas e a assistência médico-hospitalar a pessoas desamparadas. Muito embora todas estas áreas, na maioria dos países do Cone Sul, tenham sido, ou estão sendo, objeto de reformas, o estudo aqui dentro destes, á análise das reformas dos programas de custeio e prestação de benefícios de aposentadorias e pensões. Os países do Cone Sul têm mantido intercâmbio em diversos setores, entre eles o da previdência social, cujo processo de reforma constitui o próprio objeto de estudo desta dissertação. Em maior ou menor grau, todos os países da região têm demonstrado preocupações com a previdência social e todos realizaram e/ou estão realizando ou demonstram a intenção de realizar reformas nos seus sistemas previdenciários. Estas reformas têm se concentrado em alterações nos programas de cobertura de risco que encampam a invalidez, a velhice e o pecúlio por morte.


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Trata dos determinantes econômicos dos fluxos de comércio entre as economias componentes do Mercosul, se concentrando nos determinantes econômicos do volume, da composição e da procedência dos mesmos fluxos. Determina as variáveis chave para a explicação dos mesmos e os efeitos sobre as suas variações


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A dissertação constitui-se num estudo da relação existente entre dois fenômenos contemporâneos ocorridos no Cone Sul da América Latina: a recente trajetória da construção democrática na Argentina, no Brasil, no Paraguai e no Uruguai (iniciada com a posse do primeiro governo eleito democraticamente na região, em 10/12/1983, na Argentina); e a constituição do processo de integração regional denominado Mercosul (fundado a partir da assinatura do “Tratado de Assunção”, em 26/03/1991). Os objetivos centrais são: identificar o vínculo existente entre os conceitos integração e democracia nesse contexto delimitado; analisar e comparar as Constituições e as legislações ordinárias dos Estados-membros do Mercosul quanto às temáticas da integração e da democracia; analisar e comparar as Constituições e legislações ordinárias que regulam os sistemas políticos, eleitorais e partidários dos países membros do Mercosul; analisar a legislação do Mercosul que trata do tema democracia e compará-la a outros processos de integração regional que tratam do mesmo tema; e fazer uma reflexão sobre as mudanças ocorridas na definição clássica de Estado-nação, a partir do surgimento do instituto da “soberania compartilhada”.


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