966 resultados para [NO2]-


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The paper presents the results of a study conducted to investigate indoor air quality within residential dwellings in Lao PDR. Results from PM 10, CO, and NO2 measurements inside 167 dwellings in Lao PDR over a five month period (December 2005-April 2006) are discussed as a function of household characteristics and occupant activities. Extremely high PM10 and NO2 concentrations (12 h mean PM10 concentrations 1275 ± 98 μg m-3 and 1183 ± 99 μg m-3 in Vientiane and Bolikhamxay provinces, respectively; 12 h mean NO2 concentrations 1210 ± 94 μg m-3 and 561 ± 45 μg m-3 in Vientiane and Bolikhamxay, respectively) were measured within the dwellings. Correlations, ANOVA analysis (univariate and multivariate), and linear regression results suggest a substantial contribution from cookingandsmoking.The PM10 concentrations were significantly higher in houses without a chimney compared to houses in which cooking occurred on a stove with a chimney. However, no significant differences in pollutantconcentrations were observed as a function of cooking location. Furthermore, PM10 and NO2 concentrations were higher in houses in which smoking occurred, suggestive of a relationship between increased indoor concentrations and smoking (0.05 < p < 0.10). Resuspension of dust from soil floors was another significant source of PM10 inside the house (634 μg m-3, p < 0.05).


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Zeolite N, an EDI type framework structure with ideal chemical formula K12Al10Si10O40Cl2•5H2O, was produced from kaolin between 100oC and 200oC in a continuously stirred reactor using potassic and potassic+sodic liquors containing a range of anions. Reactions using liquors such as KOH, KOH + KX (where X = F, Cl, Br, I, NO3, NO2), K2X (where X=CO3), KOH + NaCl or NaOH + KCl were complete (>95% product) in less than two hours depending on the batch composition and temperature of reaction. With KOH and KCl in the reaction mixture and H2O/Al2O3~49, zeolite N was formed over a range of concentrations (1M < [KOH] < 18M) and reaction times (0.5h < t < 60h). At higher temperatures or higher KOH molarity, other potassic phases such as kalsilite or kaliophyllite formed. In general, temperature and KOH molarity defined the extent of zeolite N formation under these conditions. The introduction of sodic reagents to the starting mixture or use of one potassic reagent in the starting mixture reduced the stability field for zeolite N formation. Zeolite N was also formed using zeolite 4A as a source of Al and Si albeit for longer reaction times at a particular temperature when compared with kaolin as the source material.


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Blooms of the toxic cyanobacterium majuscula Lyngbya in the coastal waters of southeast Queensland have caused adverse impacts on both environmental health and human health, and on local economies such as fishing and tourism. A number of studies have confirmed that the main limiting nutrients (“nutrients of concern”) that contribute to these blooms area Fe, DOC, N, P and also pH. This study is conducted to establish the distribution of these parameters in a typical southeast Queensland coastal setting. The study maps the geochemistry of shallow groundwater in the mainland Pumicestone catchment with an emphasis on the nutrients of concern to understand how these nutrients relate to aquifer materials, landuse and anthropogenic activities. The results of the study form a GIS information layer which will be incorporated into a larger GIS model being produced by Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) to support landuse management to avoid/minimize blooms of Lyngbya in Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland, and other similar settings. A total of 38 boreholes were established in the mainland Pumicestone region and four sampling rounds of groundwater carried out in both dry and wet conditions. These groundwater samples were measured in the field for physico-chemical parameters, and in the laboratory analyses for the nutrients of concern, and other major and minor ions. Aquifer materials were confirmed using the Geological Survey of Queensland digital geology map, and geomaterials were assigned to seven categories which are A (sands), B (silts, sandy silts), C (estuarine mud, silts), D (humid soils), E (alluvium), F (sandstone) and G (other bedrock). The results of the water chemistry were examined by use of the software package AquaChem/AqQA, and divided into six groundwater groups, based on groundwater chemical types and location of boreholes. The type of aquifer material and location, and proximity to waterways was found to be important because they affected physico-chemical properties and concentrations of nutrients of concern and dissolved ions. The analytical results showed that iron concentrations of shallow groundwaters were high due to acid sulfate soils, and also mud and silt, but were lower in sand materials. DOC concentrations of these shallow groundwaters in the sand material were high probably due to rapid infiltration. In addition, DOC concentrations in some boreholes were high because they were installed in organic rich wetlands. The pH values of boreholes were from acidic to near neutral; some boreholes with pH values were low (< 4), showing acid sulfate soils in these boreholes. Concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus of groundwaters were generally low, and the main causes of elevated concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus are largely due to animal and human wastes and tend to be found in localized source areas. Comparison of the relative percentage of nitrogen species (NH3/NH4< Org-N, NO3-N and NO2-N) demonstrated that they could be related to sources such as animal waste, residential and agricultural fertilizers, forest and vegetation, mixed residents and farms, and variable setting and vegetation covers. Total concentrations of dissolved ions in sampling round 3 (dry period) were higher than those in sampling round 2 (wet period) due to both evaporation of groundwater in the dry period and the dilution of rainfall in the wet period. This showed that the highest concentrations of nutrients of concern were due to acid sulfate soils, aquifer materials, landuse and anthropogenic activities and were typically in aquifer materials of E (alluvium) and C (estuarine muds) and locations of Burpengary, Caboolture, and Glass Mountain catchments.


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This study reports on the gas sensing characteristics of Fe-doped (10 at.%) tungsten oxide thin films of various thicknesses (100–500 nm) prepared by electron beam evaporation. The performance of these films in sensing four gases (H2, NH3, NO2 and N2O) in the concentration range 2–10,000 ppm at operating temperatures of 150–280 °C has been investigated. The results are compared with the sensing performance of a pure WO3 film of thickness 300 nm produced by the same method. Doping of the tungsten oxide film with 10 at.% Fe significantly increases the base conductance of the pure film but decreases the gas sensing response. The maximum response measured in this experiment, represented by the relative change in resistance when exposed to a gas, was ΔR/R = 375. This was the response amplitude measured in the presence of 5 ppm NO2 at an operating temperature of 250 °C using a 400 nm thick WO3:Fe film. This value is slightly lower than the corresponding result obtained using the pure WO3 film (ΔR/R = 450). However it was noted that the WO3:Fe sensor is highly selective to NO2, exhibiting a much higher response to NO2 compared to the other gases. The high performance of the sensors to NO2 was attributed to the small grain size and high porosity of the films, which was obtained through e-beam evaporation and post-deposition heat treatment of the films at 300 °C for 1 h in air.


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This work focuses on the development of a stand-alone gas nanosensor node, powered by solar energy to track concentration of polluted gases such as NO2, N2O, and NH3. Gas sensor networks have been widely developed over recent years, but the rise of nanotechnology is allowing the creation of a new range of gas sensors [1] with higher performance, smaller size and an inexpensive manufacturing process. This work has created a gas nanosensor node prototype to evaluate future field performance of this new generation of sensors. The sensor node has four main parts: (i) solar cells; (ii) control electronics; (iii) gas sensor and sensor board interface [2-4]; and (iv) data transmission. The station is remotely monitored through wired (ethernet cable) or wireless connection (radio transmitter) [5, 6] in order to evaluate, in real time, the performance of the solar cells and sensor node under different weather conditions. The energy source of the node is a module of polycrystalline silicon solar cells with 410cm2 of active surface. The prototype is equipped with a Resistance-To-Period circuit [2-4] to measure the wide range of resistances (KΩ to GΩ) from the sensor in a simple and accurate way. The system shows high performance on (i) managing the energy from the solar panel, (ii) powering the system load and (iii) recharging the battery. The results show that the prototype is suitable to work with any kind of resistive gas nanosensor and provide useful data for future nanosensor networks.


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The world is facing problems due to the effects of increased atmospheric pollution, climate change and global warming. Innovative technologies to identify, quantify and assess fluxes exchange of the pollutant gases between the Earth’s surface and atmosphere are required. This paper proposes the development of a gas sensor system for a small UAV to monitor pollutant gases, collect data and geo-locate where the sample was taken. The prototype has two principal systems: a light portable gas sensor and an optional electric–solar powered UAV. The prototype will be suitable to: operate in the lower troposphere (100-500m); collect samples; stamp time and geo-locate each sample. One of the limitations of a small UAV is the limited power available therefore a small and low power consumption payload is designed and built for this research. The specific gases targeted in this research are NO2, mostly produce by traffic, and NH3 from farming, with concentrations above 0.05 ppm and 35 ppm respectively which are harmful to human health. The developed prototype will be a useful tool for scientists to analyse the behaviour and tendencies of pollutant gases producing more realistic models of them.


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This paper describes a capacity building process undertaken within the HIV/AIDS prevention project of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in the Solomon Islands. ADRA HIV/AIDS has recently reoriented its project structure, moving beyond its awareness raising approach to incorporate health promotion frameworks, theories, strategies and assumptions. These have been used to inform project practice in project planning, delivery and evaluation. This paper shares what has worked and not worked in the capacity building process, including a project evaluation of the initial HIV/AIDS awareness raising project and the application of a number of capacity building strategies, including utilising a volunteer Australian Youth Ambassador for Development (AYAD) funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). Existing and new projects are outlined. The underlying theme is that any capacity building exercise must include structural support (e.g. management, national frameworks) to ensure the incorporation of new initiatives and approaches. With time this enables ownership by counterparts and external partnerships to develop. The presence of an AYAD volunteer has been an effective strategy to achieve this. Reflections from the evaluators, the AYAD volunteer and the HIV/AIDS team are included.


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PROJECT CONTEXT: Leaders in the fields of public health and health promotion increasingly advocate a socio-ecological approach to meet contemporary and emerging population health challenges. It is essential that health promotion workforce development initiatives mirror the evolving direction of the field to facilitate translation of theory into practice. To date, there has been limited effort to map the socio-ecological approach into tertiary education curricula. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project was undertaken as part of the development process for an undergraduate health promotion degree in Queensland, Australia. A review of the health promotion workforce development literature was undertaken. Group processes, key informant interviews and a Delphi technique were used to engage health promotion academics and practitioners, including an International Health Promotion Expert Advisory Panel, and an Industry Advisory Group in defining the components of the program. FINDINGS: The consultative processes facilitated the development of an undergraduate health promotion degree program underpinned by the socio-ecological approach with strong emphases upon the processes or 'how you do it' of health promotion together with evidence-based decision making and practice. CONCLUSIONS: As the basis and practice of health promotion progresses toward a socio-ecological approach, workforce training needs to keep pace with these developments to ensure an appropriately skilled health promotion workforce to meet emerging population health challenges. The reported project and the degree program that has been developed is an example of one step towards achieving this important and necessary shift in health promotion workforce development in Australia.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanopyramids were synthesized by a one-pot route in a non-aqueous and surfactantfree environment. The synthesized metal oxide was characterized using SEM, XRD, and TEM to investigate the surface morphology and crystallographic phase of the nanostructures. It was observed that the ZnO nanopyramids were of uniform size and symmetrical, with a hexagonal base and height of ∼100 nm. Gas sensing characterization of the ZnO nanopyramids when deposited as thin-film onto conductometric transducers were performed towards NOx and C2H5OH vapor of different concentrations over a temperature range of 22–350 ◦C. It was observed that the sensors responded towards NO2 (10 ppm) and C2H5OH(250 ppm) analytes best at temperatures of 200 and 260 ◦C with a sensor response of 14.5 and 5.72, respectively. The sensors showed satisfactory sensitivity, repeatability as well as fast response and recovery towards both the oxidizing and the reducing analyte. The good performance was attributed to the low amount of organic impurities, large surface-to-volume ratio and high crystallinity of the solvothermally synthesized ZnO nanopyramids.


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This paper presents a method for investigating ship emissions, the plume capture and analysis system (PCAS), and its application in measuring airborne pollutant emission factors (EFs) and particle size distributions. The current investigation was conducted in situ, aboard two dredgers (Amity: a cutter suction dredger and Brisbane: a hopper suction dredger) but the PCAS is also capable of performing such measurements remotely at a distant point within the plume. EFs were measured relative to the fuel consumption using the fuel combustion derived plume CO2. All plume measurements were corrected by subtracting background concentrations sampled regularly from upwind of the stacks. Each measurement typically took 6 minutes to complete and during one day, 40 to 50 measurements were possible. The relationship between the EFs and plume sample dilution was examined to determine the plume dilution range over which the technique could deliver consistent results when measuring EFs for particle number (PN), NOx, SO2, and PM2.5 within a targeted dilution factor range of 50-1000 suitable for remote sampling. The EFs for NOx, SO2, and PM2.5 were found to be independent of dilution, for dilution factors within that range. The EF measurement for PN was corrected for coagulation losses by applying a time dependant particle loss correction to the particle number concentration data. For the Amity, the EF ranges were PN: 2.2 - 9.6 × 1015 (kg-fuel)-1; NOx: 35-72 g(NO2).(kg-fuel)-1, SO2 0.6 - 1.1 g(SO2).(kg-fuel)-1and PM2.5: 0.7 – 6.1 g(PM2.5).(kg-fuel)-1. For the Brisbane they were PN: 1.0 – 1.5 x 1016 (kg-fuel)-1, NOx: 3.4 – 8.0 g(NO2).(kg-fuel)-1, SO2: 1.3 – 1.7 g(SO2).(kg-fuel)-1 and PM2.5: 1.2 – 5.6 g(PM2.5).(kg-fuel)-1. The results are discussed in terms of the operating conditions of the vessels’ engines. Particle number emission factors as a function of size as well as the count median diameter (CMD), and geometric standard deviation of the size distributions are provided. The size distributions were found to be consistently uni-modal in the range below 500 nm, and this mode was within the accumulation mode range for both vessels. The representative CMDs for the various activities performed by the dredgers ranged from 94-131 nm in the case of the Amity, and 58-80 nm for the Brisbane. A strong inverse relationship between CMD and EF(PN) was observed.


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Review of the book 'Access to East European and Eurasian culture: publishing, acquisitions, digitization, metadata', edited by Miranda Remnek, published by Haworth Information Press, 2009.


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Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of weather variables in influencing the incidence of influenza. However, the role of air pollution is often ignored in identifying the environmental drivers of influenza. This research aims to examine the impacts of air pollutants and temperature on the incidence of pediatric influenza in Brisbane, Australia. Lab-confirmed daily data on influenza counts among children aged 0-14years in Brisbane from 2001 January 1st to 2008 December 31st were retrieved from Queensland Health. Daily data on maximum and minimum temperatures for the same period were supplied by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Winter was chosen as the main study season due to it having the highest pediatric influenza incidence. Four Poisson log-linear regression models, with daily pediatric seasonal influenza counts as the outcome, were used to examine the impacts of air pollutants (i.e., ozone (O3), particulate matter≤10μm (PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)) and temperature (using a moving average of ten days for these variables) on pediatric influenza. The results show that mean temperature (Relative risk (RR): 0.86; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.82-0.89) was negatively associated with pediatric seasonal influenza in Brisbane, and high concentrations of O3 (RR: 1.28; 95% CI: 1.25-1.31) and PM10 (RR: 1.11; 95% CI: 1.10-1.13) were associated with more pediatric influenza cases. There was a significant interaction effect (RR: 0.94; 95% CI: 0.93-0.95) between PM10 and mean temperature on pediatric influenza. Adding the interaction term between mean temperature and PM10 substantially improved the model fit. This study provides evidence that PM10 needs to be taken into account when evaluating the temperature-influenza relationship. O3 was also an important predictor, independent of temperature.


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Nanomaterials are prone to influence by chemical adsorption because of their large surface to volume ratios. This enables sensitive detection of adsorbed chemical species which, in turn, can tune the property of the host material. Recent studies discovered that single and multi-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) films are ultra-sensitive to several important environmental molecules. Here we report new findings from ab inito calculations that reveal substantially enhanced adsorption of NO and NH3 on strained monolayer MoS2 with significant impact on the properties of the adsorbates and the MoS2 layer. The magnetic moment of adsorbed NO can be tuned between 0 and 1 μB; strain also induces an electronic phase transition between half-metal and metal. Adsorption of NH3 weakens the MoS2 layer considerably, which explains the large discrepancy between the experimentally measured strength and breaking strain of MoS2 films and previous theoretical predictions. On the other hand, adsorption of NO2, CO, and CO2 is insensitive to the strain condition in the MoS2 layer. This contrasting behavior allows sensitive strain engineering of selective chemical adsorption on MoS2 with effective tuning of mechanical, electronic, and magnetic properties. These results suggest new design strategies for constructing MoS2-based ultrahigh-sensitivity nanoscale sensors and electromechanical devices.


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Different amounts of Ru were implanted into thermally evaporated WO3 thin films by ion implantation. The films were subsequently annealed at 600oC for 2 hours in air to remove defects generated during the ion implantation. The Ru concentrations of four samples have been quantified by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry as 0.8, 5.5, 9 and 11.5 at%. The un-implanted WO3 films were highly porous but the porosity decreased significantly after ion implantation as observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The thickness of the films also decreased with increasing Ru-ion dose, which is mainly due to densification of the porous films during ion implantation. From Raman spectroscopy two peaks at 408 and 451 cm-1 (in addition to the typical vibrational peaks of the monoclinic WO3 phase) associated with Ru were observed. Their intensity increased with increasing Ru concentration. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy showed a metallic state of Ru with binding energy of Ru 3d5/2 at 280.1 eV. This peak position remained almost unchanged with increasing Ru concentration. The resistances of the Ru-implanted films were found to increase in the presence of NO2 and NO with higher sensor response to NO2. The effect of Ru concentration on the sensing performance of the films was not explicitly observed due to reduced film thickness and porosity with increasing Ru concentration. However, the results indicate that the implantation of Ru into WO3 films with sufficient film porosity and film thickness can be beneficial for NO2 sensing at temperatures in the range of 250°C to 350°C.


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We have investigated the gas-phase reaction of the alpha-aminoacetate (glycyl) radical anion (NH2(sic)CHCO2-) with O-2 using ion trap mass spectrometry, quantum chemistry, and statistical reaction rate theory. This radical is found to undergo a remarkably rapid reaction with O-2 to form the hydroperoxyl radical (HO2(sic)) and an even-electron imine (NHCHCO2-), with experiments and master equation simulations revealing that reaction proceeds at the ion molecule collision rate. This reaction is facilitated by a low-energy concerted HO2(sic) elimination mechanism in the NH2CH(OO(sic))CO2- peroxyl radical. These findings can explain the widely observed free-radical-mediated oxidation of simple amino acids to amides plus alpha-keto acids (their imine hydrolysis products). This work also suggests that imines will be the main intermediates in the atmospheric oxidation of primary and secondary amines, including amine carbon capture solvents such as 2-aminoethanol (commonly known as monoethanolamine, or MEA), in a process that avoids the ozone-promoting conversion of (sic)NO to (sic)NO2 commonly encountered in peroxyl radical chemistry.