999 resultados para program integrity


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This white paper reports emerging findings at the end of Phase I of the Lean Aircraft Initiative in the Policy focus group area. Specifically, it provides details about research on program instability. Its objective is to discuss high-level findings detailing: 1) the relative contribution of different factors to a program’s overall instability; 2) the cost impact of program instability on acquisition programs; and 3) some strategies recommended by program managers for overcoming and/or mitigating the negative effects of program instability on their programs. Because this report comes as this research is underway, this is not meant to be a definitive document on the subject. Rather, is it anticipated that this research may potentially produce a number of reports on program instability-related topics. The government managers of military acquisition programs rated annual budget or production rate changes, changes in requirements, and technical difficulties as the three top contributors, respectively, to program instability. When asked to partition actual variance in their program’s planned cost and schedule to each of these factors, it was found that the combined effects of unplanned budget and requirement changes accounted for 5.2% annual cost growth and 20% total program schedule slip. At a rate of approximately 5% annual cost growth from these factors, it is easy to see that even conservative estimates of the cost benefits to be gained from acquisition reforms and process improvements can quickly be eclipsed by the added cost associated with program instability. Program management practices involving the integration of stakeholders from throughout the value chain into the decision making process were rated the most effective at avoiding program instability. The use of advanced information technologies was rated the most effective at mitigating the negative impact of program instability.


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This white paper reports emerging findings at the end of Phase I of the Lean Aircraft Initiative in the Policy focus group area. Specifically, it provides details about research on program instability. Its objective is to discuss high-level findings detailing: 1) the relative contribution of different factors to a program’s overall instability; 2) the cost impact of program instability on acquisition programs; and 3) some strategies recommended by program managers for overcoming and/or mitigating the negative effects of program instability on their programs. Because this report comes as this research is underway, this is not meant to be a definitive document on the subject. Rather, is it anticipated that this research may potentially produce a number of reports on program instability-related topics. The government managers of military acquisition programs rated annual budget or production rate changes, changes in requirements, and technical difficulties as the three top contributors, respectively, to program instability. When asked to partition actual variance in their program’s planned cost and schedule to each of these factors, it was found that the combined effects of unplanned budget and requirement changes accounted for 5.2% annual cost growth and 20% total program schedule slip. At a rate of approximately 5% annual cost growth from these factors, it is easy to see that even conservative estimates of the cost benefits to be gained from acquisition reforms and process improvements can quickly be eclipsed by the added cost associated with program instability. Program management practices involving the integration of stakeholders from throughout the value chain into the decision making process were rated the most effective at avoiding program instability. The use of advanced information technologies was rated the most effective at mitigating the negative impact of program instability.


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El giro que el sistema internacional dio tras los atentados perpetrados el 11 de septiembre de 2001 fue de enorme importancia para la política exterior de Irán y su posicionamiento en el sistema internacional. En efecto, la lucha guerra contra el terrorismo que Estados Unidos inició y que finalmente desembocaría en las incursiones armadas a Afganistán e Irak -ambos países limítrofes de Irán, en 2001 y 2003 respectivamente, así como la inclusión de Irán por parte de la administración Bush en 2002 como parte del denominado Eje del mal, generaron en el imaginario iraní una idea de amenaza internacional y por lo mismo, la necesidad de hacerse fuerte con el fin de mantener su integridad territorial y gubernamental. Así pues, una compleja situación económica y social sumada a una fuerte coalición del partido conservador iraní -uno de los más fuertes del país, soportado por el Ayatolá Alí Jamenei, autoridad suprema de la nueva República, un nuevo líder de corte conservador, llegaría a la presidencia: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, un líder controversial y problemático que desde su primera campaña presidencial en 2002 defendería el derecho de la República a desarrollar armas nucleares para fines pacíficos. El verdadero inconveniente surge cuando occidente, en cabeza de los Estados Unidos –en compañía de algunas potencias europeas como lo son Alemania, Francia y Gran Bretaña, duda sobre esta última afirmación. Esta investigación pretende profundizar cada uno de los elementos anteriormente mencionados así como establecer la forma en la cual China y Rusia –países que ven de forma diferenciada el manejo de arsenal nuclear, logran configurarse y acreditar este desafío ante la comunidad internacional.


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The Academic Integrity Guidelines (AIG), initally designed at Penn State University, is a small nugget from the JISC Project Dialog Plus which tests students' understanding of good academic integrity. The nugget presents students with an overview of their own institution's integrity guidelines before moving onto completing a set of multiple choice questions. This particular nugget has proved so popular that it has been exported from PSU and embedded into courses at both Leeds and Southampton.


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En la literatura se argumenta que las transferencias en especie podrían tener efectos positivos sobre la oferta laboral. En este trabajo utilizamos el programa de nutrición de la ciudad de Bogotá, Comedores Comunitarios, para esclarecer dicho punto. El programa otorga un almuerzo diario a las personas pobres que son vecinas de los comedores. Utilizando la técnica de emparejamiento con la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida 2007, una encuesta de corte transversal, se encuentra tanto efectos significativos positivos como negativos en la oferta laboral femenina para diferentes grupos de mujeres (con diferencias en edad, composición del hogar y acceso a redes sociales). Estos resultados son relevantes para entender los incentivos al trabajo heterogéneos generados cuando se aplica esta clase de programas.


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This tutorial presents what the School of Electronics and Computer Science expects of its undergraduate students.


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The School of Geography's policy and requirements in dealing with matters related to academic integrity and plagiarism.


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A multiple-choice quiz to test a student's understanding of academic integrity and plagiarism. A range of quiz formats including Blackboard, IMS-QTI, plain text and Respondus is available for users to download.


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Explanatory notes on why academic integrity is important for students in their professional and personal development.