1000 resultados para nitrobenzoyl group
"Britain's Next Top Business Model" Quiz Show. The animation gives an example of what questions might be asked for teaching, learning, education and/or assessment in a quiz show environment. The full set of appropriate questions is available in a separate document.
Collection of student produced resources for INFO2009
Presentation motivating the activities around group work /teamwork and personal managment
Presentation for Group J of Professional Development
PDF version of professional development presentation
Introduction: the 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an essential enzyme in folate metabolism; their polymorphisms have been associated with heart disease risk increase, obstetric problems, neural tube defects in fetuses and cancer susceptibility. This gene has a single nucleotide polymorphism, a C-T change at nucleotide 677, which affects significantly its enzymatic activity. Objective: because of the biological importance of this enzyme and the Colombian population genetic heterogeneity characteristic, a study was performed to determine allele and genotype frequencies of MTHFR C677T polymorphism in healthy individuals, taking into account that in Colombia there are only studies that have involved case-control methodology. Methods: we analyzed this polymorphism trough the amplification of the DNA of a 206 students sample population. Additionally, Colombian overall frequencies were calculated, using data from healthy controls reported in other studies. Results: a Hardy-Weinberg disequilibri m was found in the sample tested. For the Colombian data, we found that the global population was in equilibrium. Conclusion: T allele population frequency seems to be under positive selection pressure, which is reflected in the population allele increase, despite its deleterious effect. A Spanish study reported similar results and identified folic acid supplementation on expectant mothers as a probably cause of this change.
Resumen de la autora. Este art??culo pertenece al monogr??fico 'John Elliott: su pensamiento y su influencia'