999 resultados para financial administration


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This paper presents empirical support for the existence of wealth effects in the contribution of financial intermediation to economic growth, and offers a theoretical explanation for these effects. Using GMM dynamic panel data techniques applied to study the growth-promoting effects of financial intermediation, we show that the exogenous contribution of financial development on economic growth has different effects for different levels of income per capita. We find that this contribution is generally increasing with thelevel of income per capita of the economy, up to a relatively high level of income. This contribution is consistently lower for poor countries; and for some low levels of income per capita it can be negative. We provide a model to account for these wealth effects. The model is a overlapping generations growth model where financial intermediaries implement liquidity risk sharing among depositors. We show that at early stages of economic development, a bank can increase welfare of its depositors only at the cost of lowering investment and growth. However, once the economy has crossed certain wealth threshold, the liquidity role of banks becomes unambiguously growth enhancing. As wealth increases, banks offer improving liquidity insurance, and higher growth; however, for high levels of wealth, growth generated byfinancial intermediation declines as the economy attains the optimal level of consumption risk sharing.


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Conventional financial accounting informationis slanted in favour of certain economic interests. This paper argues in favour ofaccounting information capturing and showingrelevant aspects of the economic-social situation,and of decision-making based on it allowingfor decisions to be taken with economic-social,and not purely economic-weighted, awareness.


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Agency Performance Plan, Department of Human Rights – Division of Central Administration


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We present a standard model of financial innovation, in which intermediaries engineer securities with cash flows that investors seek, but modify two assumptions. First, investors (and possibly intermediaries) neglect certain unlikely risks. Second, investors demand securities with safe cash flows. Financial intermediaries cater to these preferences and beliefs by engineering securities perceived to be safe but exposed to neglected risks. Because the risks are neglected, security issuance is excessive. As investors eventually recognize these risks, they fly back to safety of traditional securities and markets become fragile, even without leverage, precisely because the volume of new claims is excessive.


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A presente dissertação procurou identificar os principais problemas e desafios que o Processo de Planeamento Urbano Sustentável (Amado,2005) coloca ao nível local no contexto insular e, através do desenhar de soluções, promover o desenvolvimento equilibrado, coeso e sustentável do respetivo território. Através de uma análise teórica procurou-se conhecer e compreender o Quadro Legal do Ordenamento do Território em Cabo Verde. A fase inicial do Ordenamento do Território no País, com a aprovação da Lei de Bases do Ordenamento do Território e Planeamento Urbanístico na década de 90, bem como a insularidade do território, a mão-de-obra pouco qualificada e os poucos recursos financeiros são os grandes desafios que o país enfrenta a nível do Ordenamento do Território. O núcleo urbano de Chã de Caldeiras, que pertence ao município de Santa Catarina do Fogo, Freguesia de Santa Catarina do Fogo, é caraterizado por uma paisagem única, comportando zonas de reserva como o Parque Natural do Fogo e pela proximidade ao vulcão, sendo uma das localidades com maiores atrativos naturais no arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Ora, devido à inexistência de qualquer instrumento de gestão territorial até à atualidade, a área de intervenção do Plano Detalhado, apresenta uma fraca hierarquização da rede urbana e malha viária, construções inacabadas e de fraca qualidade, inexistência de praças e locais de convívio e carencias em termos de infraestruturas básicas (agua, luz e saneamento). Este trabalho pretende ser um contributo para um Desenvolvimento Sustentável para Chã de Caldeiras, (re)qualificando o espaço urbano, zelando pelos interesses da população local e garantindo desta forma a melhoria da qualidade de vida num espaço temporal alargado.


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The financial revolution improved the British government s ability to borrow, andthus its ability to wage war. North andWeingast argued that it also permitted privateparties to borrow more cheaply and widely.We test these inferences with evidencefrom a London bank.We confirm that private bank credit was cheap in the earlyeighteenth century, but we argue that it was not available widely. Importantly, thegovernment reduced the usury rate in 1714, sharply reducing the circle of privateclients that could be served profitably.


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Comprehensive annual financial report of the State of Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2008


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Comprehensive annual financial report of the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa for the years ended June 30, 2008 and 2007