1000 resultados para análise sensorial descritiva
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os temas relacionados à área de vigilância sanitária de alimentos abordados em pesquisas científicas de cursos de pós-graduação, com potencial de aplicação no serviço. O total de 337 teses e dissertações apresentadas à Universidade de São Paulo entre os anos de 1993 e 2007 foi analisado. Os resultados mostraram que as pesquisas desenvolvidas nas universidades têm potencial para aplicação em vigilância sanitária, sobretudo no sentido de orientar os profissionais da área em práticas atualizadas
Neste estudo, procurou-se identificar o significado da intervenção médica e da fé religiosa para o paciente idoso com câncer. Pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva foi desenvolvida no período de 9/01 a 28/03/2001 no Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual - Francisco Morato de Oliveira/ IAMSPE. A amostra foi não aleatória, constituída de vinte idosos com câncer. A coleta de dados ocorreu mediante a técnica da entrevista semi-estruturada. Para a tabulação e análise dos dados, utilizou-se o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, com aplicação de três figuras metodológicas: a Idéia Central, as Expressões-chave e o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). As principais idéias centrais presentes nos discursos foram: 1. Nada a reclamar. Eu acho muito bom e penso que eles estão no caminho certo; 2. Não. Por enquanto estou acompanhando tudo o que os médicos falam; 3. Eu já participei, mas atualmente não; 4. Eu não participo de atividade religiosa; 5. Fortalecimento, esperança e equilíbrio. A fé religiosa é tudo!; 6. Continua a mesma, porém, mudou a maneira de ser. O DSC mostra que o procedimento médico adotado forneceu maior esperança ao paciente, elegendo a fé religiosa como instrumento-chave para o enfrentamento da doença
It presents the importance of integrating the thematic representation into the descriptive one, revealing the theoretical and practical aspects of these disciplines and tracing relationships between them. The goal of this work is to discuss the conceptual models Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRAD) and Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD), illustrating them with the work of information search done by the user on a system. It emphasizes the importance of specific knowledge, without losing the viewpoint of both areas as complementary ones. The theoretical and methodological approach is based on the theoretical and conceptual research on the discussed thematics so as to analyze the facts available in the literature as well as to consider their practical applicability. We conclude that there is a happy and necessary integration between the thematic and descriptive representations that optimizes the informational access, though the second discipline is still regarded by many as pure physical description in manual catalogs.
The objective of this Study was to describe the financial conditions of forestry contractors, concerning life quality aspects, condition of work and equipments, operational costs, and economic credit to invest in new technologies. Five companies had been analyzed, with an annual income between US$ 400,000.00 and US$ 1,720,000.00, with an average of US$ 950,000.00. The number of employees varied between 33 and 181, and the companies were classified in terms of size as: one small, two average, and two big. The main difficulties to invest in new machines were high financial taxes, more than 12% an year, and a lack of long term contracts to guarantee the payment capability. It was observed that the contractors did not consider the capital remuneration and a correct depreciation of machines, resulting in an average machine life higher than 10 years. The final conclusions were that the costs were above the paid values for the services, when computed the depreciation and capital remuneration, with negative results In the financial analyzes of three companies. Finally, the mechanization process increased the workers life quality, however, the annual income was around US$ 2,112.00 per worker, approximately 39% lower than the average Brazilian population.
Bees are considered one of the most efficient pollinators. Therefore, they have Indisputable role in the plants reproduction, since they increase the quality and quantity of fruit and seeds, and thus they help the ecosystems maintenance. Cerrado is one of the most affected ecosystems due to the growth of human activities, drastically reducing its biodiversity. The faunistic analysis identifies the species and the size of the populations, and can also indicate the degree of environmental Impact on a particular area. Surveys on flower-visiting hymenoptera in a cerradao area, with 40ha, in the Experimental Station of Itiparina (SP), were conducted every fifteen days from March 2003 to February 2004. From 181 insects collected, the Apidae family was represented by the largest number of species and individuals. The species Apis mellifera (55.8%), Trigona spinipes (14.4%) and Exomalopsis (Exomalopsis) sp. (8.3%) were the most prevalent fit the area. Among the bees species collected, 30.8% were classified as sociable and 69.2% as solitary. Considering all hymenoptera collected, 59.7% preferred the morning period and 40.3% the afternoon period for foraging and/or visiting. The Diversity index (Shannon-Wiener) H was 1.6933, V(H) = 0.0123 and Uniformity index E = 0.5652, following pattern found in other areas of cerrado.
This paper analyzes the temporal evolution of scientific accounting research in Brazil and the relationship between as not-motive and positive approaches. In order to do so, this study was based on documental descriptive research of papers submitted at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of the Post-Graduation Programs in Management (ENANPADs), from 1996 to 2005. Bibliometrics (Lotka's Law) was used to assess the productivity of the authors of the papers. The results are consistent with the results obtained by Fulbier and Sellhorn (2006) in Europe and reveal that authors predominantly adopt a positive approach,few researchers use the two approaches and confirm that Brazilian researchers have a lower productivity in comparison to those who publish in English-language periodicals.
The analysis of interviews with open-ended questions is a common practice amongst researchers in the field of Management. The difficulty therein is to convert the linguistic data into categories or quantitative values for subsequent statistical treatment. Proposals made to this end generally entail counting lexical occurrences which, since they are founded on previously established meanings, fail to include semantic associations made by interviews. This article aims to present an analysis tool comprising a set of techniques apt to generate linguistic units that can be statistically described, compared, modeled and inferred: the Quantitative Propositional Analysis (QPA), Its main difference from other such methods lies in the choice of a proposition - and not the lexical unit - as analysis unit. We present the application of this method through a study about the international expansion of retail firms.
The goal of this paper is to show the diffusion, reception, and utilization of Omar Catunda's book Course of Mathematical Analysis for mathematics and engineering teaching in Brazilian universities, e. g., University of Sao Paulo and the University of Bahia from 1950 to 1976. We used interviews of some ex-alumni or users of his book. We also present some signs of the influence of his book and of Catunda himself at University of Rio Grande do Sul. We argue that Catunda and his book were important agents of process of modernizing the teaching of calculus and analysis, through his classes as well as his book.
In this paper, we consider Meneghetti & Bicudo's proposal (2003) regarding the constitution of mathematical knowledge and analyze it with respect to the following two focuses: in relation to conceptions of mathematical knowledge following the fundamentalist crisis in mathematics; and in the educational context of mathematics. The investigation of the first focus is done analyzing new claims in mathematical philosophy. The investigation of the second focus is done firstly via a theoretical reflection followed by an examination of the implementation of the proposal in the process of development of didactic materials for teaching and learning Mathematics. Finally, we present the main results of the application of one of those materials.
This paper presents and reviews the recommendations done by experts during the specialists meeting held in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, in the end of 2005 and, according to this information, the Brazilian situation is analyzed. Internationalization and institutionalization of information literacy and lifelong learning as essential factors to the development of the nations are also explored. Beacons of the Information Society translate the vision and concepts involved. In Brazil, the actions around information literacy are not a consensus. The challenges to be faced include: to discover forms to foster and to appropriately disseminate national and local knowledge, to advance discussions and deepen the subject, to discover adequate alternatives for disseminating information practices that encompass distinct professional groups and populations, to overcome structural development gaps. As a matter that permeates each and every process of learning, research, development, problem-solving and decision-making, information literacy went beyond the boundaries of librarianship and transformed itself into a world transdiciplinary movement, even under the aegis of different denominations and emphasis.