1000 resultados para ação pedagógica


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Science and technology are increasingly present in society’s everyday living, interfering with the appearance and social relationships, which requires from the population: knowledge, skills and actions to intervene consciously and responsibly in the new socio-cultural setting. The science education might become a great ally in the task of literacy and / or enable students to live consciously and critically in a world even more influenced by scientific and technological aspects. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a didactic-pedagogic proposal for science classes of the 6th year of elementary school, based on the "Generator Theme: Water and its treatment", involving the dynamics of the Three Pedagogic Moments. Such proposal consists of a Course which embraces seven teaching modules containing topics related to Generator Theme. The modules were designed and developed with four student groups of 6th year in twelve hours / class per group, with a total of approximately 120 students. The interpretation of the developed content, resulting from the thematic modules with students, led to the creation of five analysis categories. Considering the results, it is possible to conclude it is necessary, for successful teaching practices in the school environment, that the teachers embrace the aim of teaching in a meaningful way, drawing up activities that really recognize and include the student as an active subject of the educational and learning process. The use of activities that lead students to recognize themselves as main process actors, developing practices based on previous knowledge and on their specific learning, results in a situation which they will recognize the science in their lives, learn to be reflective and aware of their attitudes about the world where they live.


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The research deals with the constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer, understood as objectification of theoretical and practical unity in the teaching field. It was achieved by means of a didactic-training intervention. The research problem: as a teacher trainer in a continuous training process is a pedagogical praxis, outlined to the overall objective: investigate the establishment of the pedagogical praxis of teacher trainer in a continuous formation process. The specific objectives were: 1) outline principles and foundations theoretical-methodological course of intervention research on appropriate teaching assumptions of historical-cultural theory; 2) systematic principles of constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer and 3) synthesize foundations of continued training of teacher trainers in view of the historical-cultural theory, to collaborate with design of institutional policies for continuing training of university teachers. The research was developed at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro University - UFTM, with teachers who work in their degree courses. It was developed in three stages: diagnosis, didactic-formative intervention and analysis of data. In the diagnostic step attended five teacher educators of degrees in: history, geography, physics, chemistry and letters. At this stage were used identification questionnaires, interviews, classroom observation and document analysis. In the next stage, with participation of a trainer, it was held educational-training intervention understood as the collective research-training process that is involved intervening in teaching with the development of interdependent and simultaneous actions trainings, planning and implementation of educational activities and study, classroom observation and evaluation from the perspective of dialectical unity in order to contribute to the integral development of teachers and students. The intervention were also held interviews and document analysis. The last stage of the research was the analysis of the data. In the diagnosis of education, among other analyzes, three references were found of the trainer's training-action: memorized references, empirical and praxis. It was the analysis of the references of the trainer's training-action that guided referrals ways of teaching-training intervention. As a result, it was concluded that the teacher educator is their pedagogical praxis in the dialectical units theoretical and practical appropriation of concepts and imitation-creation. Were the two principles analyzed in the research. It was also systematized some essential elements of the formation of the teacher educator: the needs of trainers are decisive in the choice of concepts that will be appropriate; the organization of the training process should take place hand in hand with planning and development classes; the theory need to be experienced in training so that appropriation/objectification of education come true, and also, participants must be strengthened as a collective studies, since we have not learned by linearity but connections. It is hoped that the research will create opportunities to deepen the debate on the continuing education of teacher educators and contribute to scientific production in the area.


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La intención del grupo educativo interdisciplinar que forma este PIMCD tiene como objetivo la creación de un espacio de formación docente para los alumnos de Grado en Historia, Historia del Arte, Biblioteconomía y Documentación y Bellas Artes a través de la catalogación, digitalización y estudio del archivo pedagógico de fotografía del profesor Enrique Lafuente Ferrari, Catedrático de Historia del Arte de la Facultad de Bellas Artes a mediados del siglo pasado, a través sus fondos legados y conservados en la Biblioteca Histórica de nuestra universidad. El fondo fotográfico Enrique Lafuente Ferrari cuenta con 11545 diapositivas en placa de cristal que recorren toda la Historia del Arte, desde la Prehistoria al siglo XX, tanto español como internacional. La actuación que se pretende llevar a cabo, limpiar las diapositivas, reubicarlas en sobres y cajas especiales para este tipo de materiales fotográficos, su catalogación mediante una ficha elaborada por el equipo docente y los facultativos de la Biblioteca Histórica, la digitalización del mismo y su posterior inclusión en el catálogo CISNE de nuestra universidad, así como en la plataforma EUROPEANA, continuando así la labor llevada a cabo el año pasado dentro del PIMCD "Un espacio de construcción pedagógica y científica: el archivo fotográfico Lafuente Ferrari I" pertenecientes a la Historia del Arte Español, siendo la Historia del Arte Universal en el que centre este año nuestro PIMCD. El año pasado se realizaron estas labores de conservación, catalogación y digitalización de 5804 diapositivas sobre vidrio realizadas por diferentes fotógrafos y estudios fotográficos tanto extranjeros como españoles de los siglos XIX y XX. Este año se ha completado el proceso de las 5741 restantes.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências de Educação na especialização de Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica


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Science and technology are increasingly present in society’s everyday living, interfering with the appearance and social relationships, which requires from the population: knowledge, skills and actions to intervene consciously and responsibly in the new socio-cultural setting. The science education might become a great ally in the task of literacy and / or enable students to live consciously and critically in a world even more influenced by scientific and technological aspects. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a didactic-pedagogic proposal for science classes of the 6th year of elementary school, based on the "Generator Theme: Water and its treatment", involving the dynamics of the Three Pedagogic Moments. Such proposal consists of a Course which embraces seven teaching modules containing topics related to Generator Theme. The modules were designed and developed with four student groups of 6th year in twelve hours / class per group, with a total of approximately 120 students. The interpretation of the developed content, resulting from the thematic modules with students, led to the creation of five analysis categories. Considering the results, it is possible to conclude it is necessary, for successful teaching practices in the school environment, that the teachers embrace the aim of teaching in a meaningful way, drawing up activities that really recognize and include the student as an active subject of the educational and learning process. The use of activities that lead students to recognize themselves as main process actors, developing practices based on previous knowledge and on their specific learning, results in a situation which they will recognize the science in their lives, learn to be reflective and aware of their attitudes about the world where they live.


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La presente tesis doctoral desarrolla la relación entre el concepto de habitar y los lenguajes artísticos contemporáneos. Dicha relación aparece articulada a través de una propuesta pedagógica integradora, original y específica para la formación en ámbito universitario de las Bellas Artes plasmada desde tres puntos de vista fundamentales: el de la artista que desarrolla dicho concepto en su práctica profesional, el de la docente que la plantea como propuesta y el de la investigadora capaz de situarla en un amplio contexto de relaciones y significados, y reflexiona sobre los complejos mecanismos de aprendizaje que se ponen en marcha entre el docente y el discente...


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O presente relatório, realizado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, é composto por duas partes: Dimensão Reflexiva e Dimensão Investigativa. Na Dimensão Reflexiva é apresentada uma reflexão sobre a prática em contexto de creche e de jardim de infância. Nesta dimensão são focados os aspetos que considerei mais significativos, como as minhas aprendizagens e dúvidas ou o que é ser educador de infância. A Dimensão Investigativa refere-se a um ensaio investigativo realizado no contexto de creche, com a finalidade de saber quais as interações que as crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 24 meses estabelecem entre si, no momento de brincadeira livre, ao redor e dentro da casinha. Seguindo uma metodologia qualitativa, apresentam-se os participantes, os instrumentos de recolha de dados e os procedimentos, bem como os resultados e a sua análise. Os resultados evidenciam que as crianças estabelecem, predominantemente, interações não-verbais com os seus pares, ideia corroborada por Alexandre e Vieira (2004). Investigando com as crianças, no contexto de jardim de infância, revela-se o projeto desenvolvido sobre as abelhas, seguindo a metodologia de trabalho de projeto. Com as crianças descobrimos que as abelhas têm seis patas, que recolhem o pólen das flores, que vivem numa colmeia e que têm três tamanhos diferentes.