1000 resultados para Pion structure


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The saphenous vein is the conduit of choice in bypass graft procedures. Haemodynamic factors play a major role in the development of intimal hyperplasia (IH), and subsequent bypass failure. To evaluate the potential protective effect of external reinforcement on such a failure, we developed an ex vivo model for the perfusion of segments of human saphenous veins under arterial shear stress. In veins submitted to pulsatile high pressure (mean pressure at 100 mmHg) for 3 or 7 days, the use of an external macroporous polyester mesh 1) prevented the dilatation of the vessel, 2) decreased the development of IH, 3) reduced the apoptosis of smooth muscle cells, and the subsequent fibrosis of the media layer, 4) prevented the remodelling of extracellular matrix through the up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2, MMP-9) and plasminogen activator type I. The data show that, in an experimental ex vivo setting, an external scaffold decreases IH and maintains the integrity of veins exposed to arterial pressure, via increase in shear stress and decrease wall tension, that likely contribute to trigger selective molecular and cellular changes.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify biological evidence for Alzheimer disease (AD) in individuals with subjective memory impairment (SMI) and unimpaired cognitive performance and to investigate the longitudinal cognitive course in these subjects. METHOD: [¹⁸F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose PET (FDG-PET) and structural MRI were acquired in 31 subjects with SMI and 56 controls. Cognitive follow-up testing was performed (average follow-up time: 35 months). Differences in baseline brain imaging data and in memory decline were assessed between both groups. Associations of memory decline with brain imaging data were tested. RESULTS: The SMI group showed hypometabolism in the right precuneus and hypermetabolism in the right medial temporal lobe. Gray matter volume was reduced in the right hippocampus in the SMI group. At follow-up, subjects with SMI showed a poorer performance than controls on measures of episodic memory. Longitudinal memory decline in the SMI group was associated with reduced glucose metabolism in the right precuneus at baseline. CONCLUSION: The cross-sectional difference in 2 independent neuroimaging modalities indicates early AD pathology in SMI. The poorer memory performance at follow-up and the association of reduced longitudinal memory performance with hypometabolism in the precuneus at baseline support the concept of SMI as the earliest manifestation of AD.


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Research on natural products containing hexahydropyrrolo[2,3-b]indole (HPI) has dramatically increased during the past few years. Newly discovered natural products with complex structures and important biological activities have recently been isolated and synthesized. This review summarizes the structures, biological activities, and synthetic routes for natural compounds containing HPI, emphasizing the different strategies for assembling this motif. It covers a broad gamut of molecules, from small alkaloids to complex peptides.


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The flexibility of different regions of HIV-1 protease was examined by using a database consisting of 73 X-ray structures that differ in terms of sequence, ligands or both. The root-mean-square differences of the backbone for the set of structures were shown to have the same variation with residue number as those obtained from molecular dynamics simulations, normal mode analyses and X-ray B-factors. This supports the idea that observed structural changes provide a measure of the inherent flexibility of the protein, although specific interactions between the protease and the ligand play a secondary role. The results suggest that the potential energy surface of the HIV-1 protease is characterized by many local minima with small energetic differences, some of which are sampled by the different X-ray structures of the HIV-1 protease complexes. Interdomain correlated motions were calculated from the structural fluctuations and the results were also in agreement with molecular dynamics simulations and normal mode analyses. Implications of the results for the drug-resistance engendered by mutations are discussed briefly.


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Parasite population structure is often thought to be largely shaped by that of its host. In the case of a parasite with a complex life cycle, two host species, each with their own patterns of demography and migration, spread the parasite. However, the population structure of the parasite is predicted to resemble only that of the most vagile host species. In this study, we tested this prediction in the context of a vector-transmitted parasite. We sampled the haemosporidian parasite Polychromophilus melanipherus across its European range, together with its bat fly vector Nycteribia schmidlii and its host, the bent-winged bat Miniopterus schreibersii. Based on microsatellite analyses, the wingless vector, and not the bat host, was identified as the least structured population and should therefore be considered the most vagile host. Genetic distance matrices were compared for all three species based on a mitochondrial DNA fragment. Both host and vector populations followed an isolation-by-distance pattern across the Mediterranean, but not the parasite. Mantel tests found no correlation between the parasite and either the host or vector populations. We therefore found no support for our hypothesis; the parasite population structure matched neither vector nor host. Instead, we propose a model where the parasite's gene flow is represented by the added effects of host and vector dispersal patterns.


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The aim of this study is to present an Activity-Based Costing spreadsheet tool for analyzing the logistics costs. The tool can be used both by customer-companies and logistics service providers. The study discusses the influence of different activity models on costs. Additionally this paper discusses about the logistical performance across the total supply chain This study is carried out using ananalytical research approach and literature material has been used for supplementing the concerned research approach. Cost structure analysis was based on the theory of activity-based management. This study was outlined to spare part logistics in machine-shop industry. The outlines of logistics services and logisticalperformance discussed in this report are based on the new logistics business concept (LMS-concept), which has been presented earlier in the Valssi-project. Oneof the aims of this study is to increase awareness of different activity modelson logistics costs. The report paints an overall picture about the business environment and requirements for the new logistics concept.


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L'expérience Belle, située dans le centre de recherche du KEK, au Japon, est consacrée principalement à l'étude de la violation de CP dans le système des mésons B. Elle est placée sur le collisionneur KEKB, qui produit des paires Banti-B. KEKB, l'une des deux « usines à B » actuellement en fonction, détient le record du nombre d'événements produits avec plus de 150 millions de paires. Cet échantillon permet des mesures d'une grande précision dans le domaine de la physique du méson B. C'est dans le cadre de ces mesures de précision que s'inscrit cette analyse. L'un des phénomènes remarquables de la physique des hautes énergies est la faculté qu'a l'interaction faible de coupler un méson neutre avec son anti-méson. Dans le présent travail, nous nous intéressons au méson B neutre couplé à l'anti-méson B neutre, avec une fréquence d'oscillation _md mesurable précisément. Outre la beauté de ce phénomène lui-même, une telle mesure trouve sa place dans la quête de l'origine de la violation de CP. Cette dernière n'est incluse que d'une façon peu satisfaisante dans le modèle standard des interactions électro-faibles. C'est donc la recherche de phénomènes physiques encore inexpliqués qui motive en premier lieu la collaboration Belle. Il existe déjà de nombreuses mesures de _md antérieures. Celle que nous présentons ici est cependant d'une précision encore jamais atteinte grâce, d'une part, à l'excellente performance de KEKB et, d'autre part, à une approche originale qui permet de réduire considérablement la contamination de la mesure par des événements indésirés. Cette approche fut déjà mise à profit par d'autres expériences, dans des conditions quelque peu différentes de celles de Belle. La méthode utilisée consiste à reconstruire partiellement l'un des mésons dans le canal ___D*(D0_)l_l, en n'utilisant que les informations relatives au lepton l et au pion _. L'information concernant l'autre méson de la paire Banti-B initiale n'est tirée que d'un seul lepton de haute énergie. Ainsi, l'échantillon à disposition ne souffre pas de grandes réductions dues à une reconstruction complète, tandis que la contamination due aux mésons B chargés, produits par KEKB en quantité égale aux B0, est fortement diminuée en comparaison d'une analyse inclusive. Nous obtenons finalement le résultat suivant : _md = 0.513±0.006±0.008 ps^-1, la première erreur étant l'erreur statistique et la deuxième, l'erreur systématique.<br/><br/>The Belle experiment is located in the KEK research centre (Japan) and is primarily devoted to the study of CP violation in the B meson sector. Belle is placed on the KEKB collider, one of the two currently running "B-meson factories", which produce Banti-B pairs. KEKB has created more than 150 million pairs in total, a world record for this kind of colliders. This large sample allows very precise measurements in the physics of beauty mesons. The present analysis falls within the framework of these precise measurements. One of the most remarkable phenomena in high-energy physics is the ability of weak interactions to couple a neutral meson to its anti-meson. In this work, we study the coupling of neutral B with neutral anti-B meson, which induces an oscillation of frequency _md we can measure accurately. Besides the interest of this phenomenon itself, this measurement plays an important role in the quest for the origin of CP violation. The standard model of electro-weak interactions does not include CP violation in a fully satisfactory way. The search for yet unexplained physical phenomena is, therefore, the main motivation of the Belle collaboration. Many measurements of _md have previously been performed. The present work, however, leads to a precision on _md that was never reached before. This is the result of the excellent performance of KEKB, and of an original approach that allows to considerably reduce background contamination of pertinent events. This approach was already successfully used by other collaborations, in slightly different conditions as here. The method we employed consists in the partial reconstruction of one of the B mesons through the decay channel ___D*(D0_)l_l, where only the information on the lepton l and the pion _ are used. The information on the other B meson of the initial Banti-B pair is extracted from a single high-energy lepton. The available sample of Banti-B pairs thus does not suffer from large reductions due to complete reconstruction, nor does it suffer of high charged B meson background, as in inclusive analyses. We finally obtain the following result: _md = 0.513±0.006±0.008 ps^-1, where the first error is statistical, and the second, systematical.<br/><br/>De quoi la matière est-elle constituée ? Comment tient-elle ensemble ? Ce sont là les questions auxquelles la recherche en physique des hautes énergies tente de répondre. Cette recherche est conduite à deux niveaux en constante interaction. D?une part, des modèles théoriques sont élaborés pour tenter de comprendre et de décrire les observations. Ces dernières, d?autre part, sont réalisées au moyen de collisions à haute énergie de particules élémentaires. C?est ainsi que l?on a pu mettre en évidence l?existence de quatre forces fondamentales et de 24 constituants élémentaires, classés en « quarks » et « leptons ». Il s?agit là de l?une des plus belles réussites du modèle en usage aujourd?hui, appelé « Modèle Standard ». Il est une observation fondamentale que le Modèle Standard peine cependant à expliquer, c?est la disparition quasi complète de l?anti-matière (le « négatif » de la matière). Au niveau fondamental, cela doit correspondre à une asymétrie entre particules (constituants de la matière) et antiparticules (constituants de l?anti-matière). On l?appelle l?asymétrie (ou violation) CP. Bien qu?incluse dans le Modèle Standard, cette asymétrie n?est que partiellement prise en compte, semble-t-il. En outre, son origine est inconnue. D?intenses recherches sont donc aujourd?hui entreprises pour mettre en lumière cette asymétrie. L?expérience Belle, au Japon, en est une des pionnières. Belle étudie en effet les phénomènes physiques liés à une famille de particules appelées les « mésons B », dont on sait qu?elles sont liées de près à l?asymétrie CP. C?est dans le cadre de cette recherche que se place cette thèse. Nous avons étudié une propriété remarquable du méson B neutre : l?oscillation de ce méson avec son anti-méson. Cette particule est de se désintégrer pour donner l?antiparticule associée. Il est clair que cette oscillation est rattachée à l?asymétrie CP. Nous avons ici déterminé avec une précision encore inégalée la fréquence de cette oscillation. La méthode utilisée consiste à caractériser une paire de mésons B à l?aide de leur désintégration comprenant un lepton chacun. Une plus grande précision est obtenue en recherchant également une particule appelée le pion, et qui provient de la désintégration d?un des mésons. Outre l?intérêt de ce phénomène oscillatoire en lui-même, cette mesure permet d?affiner, directement ou indirectement, le Modèle Standard. Elle pourra aussi, à terme, aider à élucider le mystère de l?asymétrie entre matière et anti-matière.


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The major antigen on the envelope of extracellular vaccinia virus particles is a polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 37,000 (p37K; G. Hiller and K. Weber, J. Virol. 55:651-659, 1985). The gene encoding p37K was mapped in the vaccinia virus genome by hybrid selection of RNA followed by in vitro translation. p37K was then identified among the in vitro translation products by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody. The gene is located close to the right-hand end of the HindIII F fragment. The corresponding region of the DNA was sequenced, and an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 41,748 daltons was observed. The 5' end of the mRNA, as defined by nuclease S1 analysis, maps within only a few nucleotides of the translation initiation codon. Examination of the DNA sequence around the putative initiation site of transcription revealed a characteristic sequence, TAAATG, which includes the ATG translation initiation codon and which is conserved in all but one late gene so far analyzed. It is therefore likely that this sequence is an important regulatory signal for late gene expression in vaccinia virus.