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Malacoctenus carrowi is described on the basis of three specimens from the Cape Verde Islands. The species is most similar to the only other eastern Atlantic species of the same genus, Malacoctenus africanus Cadenat, 1951. M. carrowi differs in colouration, a more elongated body, longer snout length, lower lateral line scale count and the absence of scales on the breast and is probably endemic to the Cape Verde Islands. A key to the Atlantic species of Malacoctenus is provided.


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Ocaña and den Hartog (2002) recorded 18 species of sea anemones from Madeira archipelago. During SCUBA dives along the coasts of Madeira and Porto Santo, the present author encountered a further three sea anemone species and several other marine invertebrates not yet recorded for the marine fauna of Madeira Island. Similar to previous publications (e.g. Wirtz 1998, Wirtz 2007, Ocaña & Wirtz 2009), these findings are reported here.


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The hoverfly fauna of the Azores currently comprises 23 species (Smit 2010), but the current state of knowledge concerning these species differs for each island. In the year 1938, R. Frey and R. Storå recorded the first seven hoverfly species on Pico Island (Frey 1945), and these very same ones were still mentioned by Rojo et al. (1997). Smit (2010) added one more species to this list (Table 1). In the summer of 2014, the author of this article sampled hoverflies on Pico Island in several habitats. In this paper, the results will be presented.


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Maciel & Costa (2010) reported the presence of 17 species of costal sea urchins (Echinoidea) in the Azores, while Porteiro et al. (2010) reported six species of pipefishes (Syngnathidae) for the area. During SCUBA diving at Santa Maria Island, the first author detected a sea urchin and a pipe fish which are new to the marine fauna of the Azores.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the Brazilian version of WHOQOL-OLD Module and to test potential changes to the instrument to increase its psychometric adequacy. METHODS: A total of 424 older adults living in a city in Southern Brazil completed the WHOQOL-OLD instrument, in 2005. Rasch analysis was used to explore the psychometric performance of the scale, as implemented by the RUMM2020 software. Item-trait interaction, threshold disorders, presence of differential item functioning and item fit, were analyzed. RESULTS: Two ("death and dying" and "sensory abilities") out of six domains showed inadequate item-trait interactions. Rescoring the response scale and deleting the most misperforming items led to scale improvement. The evaluation of domains and items individually showed that the "intimacy" domain does perform well in contrast to the findings using the classical approach. In addition, the "sensory abilities" domain does not derive an interval measure in its current format. CONCLUSIONS: Unidimensionality and local independence were seen in all domains. Changes in the response scale and deletion of problematic items improved the scale's performance.


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Patellid limpets are ecologically important keystone grazers having a long history of overexploitation in the Macaronesian Archipelagos (NE Atlantic islands), where some species, such as Patella aspera, are under serious risk.[1, 2] Patella aspera is a protandric sequential hermaphrodite species with external fertilization, in which individuals start off as males but may undergo a sex reversal with age.[3] Hence, exploitation tends to focus on the larger females in the population as larger limpets (predominantly females) are selectively removed. Despite conservation legislation in Canaries, Madeira and Azores, limpets are under severe pressure and few individuals survive long enough to become females, a phenomenon that severely restricts the effective population size.[4] New conservation actions for the protection and sustainable use of limpets in Macaronesian Archipelagos are urgently needed and should be based on a multidisciplinary framework based on knowledge of the population dynamics and connectivity of this species.


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IBD is a gastro-intestinal disorder marked with chronic inflammation of intestinal epithelium, damaging mucosal tissue and manifests into several intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms. Currently used medical therapy is able to induce and maintain the patient in remission, however no modifies or reverses the underlying pathogenic mechanism. The research of other medical approaches is crucial to the treatment of IBD and, for this, it´s important to use animal models to mimic the characteristics of disease in real life. The aim of the study is to develop an animal model of TNBS-induced colitis to test new pharmacological approaches. TNBS was instilled intracolonic single dose as described by Morris et al. It was administered 2,5% TNBS in 50% ethanol through a catheter carefully inserted into the colon. Mice were kept in a Tredelenburg position to avoid reflux. On day 4 and 7, the animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. The induction was confirmed based on clinical symptoms/signs, ALP determination and histopathological analysis. At day 4, TNBS group presented a decreased body weight and an alteration of intestinal motility characterized by diarrhea, severe edema of the anus and moderate morbidity, while in the two control groups weren’t identified any alteration on the clinical symptoms/signs with an increase of the body weight. TNBS group presented the highest concentrations of ALP comparing with control groups. The histopathology analysis revealed severe necrosis of the mucosa with widespread necrosis of the intestinal glands. Severe hemorrhagic and purulent exsudates were observed in the submucosa, muscular and serosa. TNBS group presented clinical symptoms/signs and histopathological features compatible with a correct induction of UC. The peak of manifestations became maximal at day 4 after induction. This study allows concluding that it’s possible to develop a TNBS induced colitis 4 days after instillation.


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One of the most difficult issues of e-Learning is the students’ assessment. Being this an outstanding task regarding theoretical topics, it becomes even more challenging when the topics under evaluation are practical. ISCAP’s Information Systems Department is composed of about twenty teachers who have been for several years using an e-learning environment (at the moment Moodle 2.3) combined with traditional assessment. They are now planning and implementing a new e-learning assessment strategy. This effort was undertaken in order to evaluate a practical topic (the use of spreadsheets to solve management problems) common to shared courses of several undergraduate degree programs. The same team group is already experienced in the assessment of theoretical information systems topics using the b-learning platform. Therefore, this project works as an extension to previous experiences being the team aware of the additional difficulties due to the practical nature of the topics. This paper describes this project and presents two cycles of the action research methodology, used to conduct the research. The first cycle goal was to produce a database of questions. When it was implemented in order to be used with a pilot group of students, several problems were identified. Subsequently, the second cycle consisted in solving the identified problems preparing the database and all the players to a broader scope implementation. For each cycle, all the phases, its drawbacks and achievements are described. This paper suits all those who are or are planning to be in the process of shifting their assessment strategy from a traditional to one supported by an e-learning platform.


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Flavour effects due to lepton interactions in the early Universe may have played an important role in the generation of the cosmological baryon asymmetry through leptogenesis. If the only source of high-energy CP violation comes from the left-handed leptonic sector, then it is possible to establish a bridge between flavoured leptogenesis and low-energy leptonic CP violation. We explore this connection taking into account our present knowledge about low-energy neutrino parameters and the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in the Universe. In this framework, we find that leptogenesis favours a hierarchical light neutrino mass spectrum, while for quasi-degenerate and inverted hierarchical neutrino masses there is a very narrow allowed window. The absolute neutrino mass scale turns out to be m less than or similar to 0.1 eV. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In basaltic dykes the magnetic lineation K1 (maximum magnetic susceptibility axis) is generally taken to indicate the flow direction during solidification of the magma. This assumption was tested in Tertiary basaltic dykes from Greenland displaying independent evidence of subhorizontal flow. The digital processing of microphotographs from thin sections cut in (K1, K2) planes yields the preferred linear orientation of plagioclase, which apparently marks the magma flow lineation. In up to 60% of cases, the angular separation between K1 and the assumed flow direction is greater than 45degrees. This suggests that the uncorroborated use of magnetic lineations in dykes is risky. A simple geometrical method is proposed to infer the flow vector from AMS in dykes based solely on magnetic foliations.