1000 resultados para Narrativa do século XX
O presente trabalho procura identificar as idéias principais na construção histórica do pensamento neo-empirista a partir da visão mecânica do mundo e do método hipotético-dedutivo de Descartes. O método indutivo moderno é apresentado por Bacon e os empiristas ingleses colaboram na questão do pensamento “a posteriori”. No século XIX surge o positivismo que exclui a metafísica e considera a explicação dos fatos apenas como relações de sucessão e similidade. É nesse âmbito que se constroem as bases do método experimental moderno. No início do século XX, se desenvolve a ciência neoempirista cujas principais proposições são (1) a idéia da verificabilidade como forma de conferir a veracidade das teorias a partir da indução e das probabilidades e (2) o crescimento contínuo e acumulativo do conhecimento científico. Popper apresenta a impossibilidade de se obter grandes teorias oriundas da indução e sugere a substituição da indução pela dedução e da verificabilidade pela falseabilidade. Kuhn afirma que o conhecimento científico depende de paradigmas convencionais e Lakatos explica que a ciência não é uma sucessão temporal de períodos normais e revoluções, e sim sua justaposição.
The thesis intends to discuss the ethics by the way of love. So, it uses as a mention the musical work and the set of attitudes of the group that changed the way of thinking across the 20th Century mass-comm, entering a new way of thinking about the World: The Beatles. Analyzing the lyrics and the writing of the songs was searched the comprehension of he intrinsic love message at the Ethics it expresses. At the musical art of The Beatles political messages had been announced in a time that the World sought a Ethic way beyond the several declared war and the Cold War. Taking the Edgar Morin works as a base, O método 6, Ética (2005), it sought to understand the idea who permeates the human relations: the good, the possible, the necessary. Another works used as a cognitive base were Meus demônios (2003), Cultura de massas no Século XX: neurose (2005), Cultura de massas no Século XX (2006), The Beatles Anthology (2000) and Many years from now (2000). Holding the Ethics idea showed by Morin were established imaginary lines that perpass the behavior of the group known in the entire World understood till nowadays as tolerance, comprehension, peace, love and endurance messengers. The Beatles operate during the sixties a musical reborn, which allowed to the people the discussion and the reflexion about the World and the human being new behavior,endurance but acting with tolerance. Permeating the basic study, we find the Beatles way, the group origin, the fast walk till success, the spiritual choice, who guide their behavior and the end of the band. The music used as a masscomp instrument passes by the condition of a simple way of communicating. It deeply action feeds feelings, allows transcendence and is showed as target of human being transformation. The Ethics in music passes by the ideological barriers and becomes to comprehension with a clear synthony for the man, cause the polyphony and the new musical order establish the messages worldwide
This dissertation establishes a viewpoint in the Social Cience Field of the Nymphs image in the romanesque construction of the twentieth century based in modern archaeology. Our literary corpus is constitututed by the book of the russian author callled Wladimir Nabokov entlited Lolita and the book Presença de Anita, from a brazilian author called Mario Donato. Both works had a singular repercussion involving an erotic conception wich was faced as pornographic and baffling. We appeal to Georges Bataille‟s and Foucault‟s discussion in order to observe it through an erotic viewpoint from an inner experience not submitted to normalizations. Such experiences provoke a feeling of something unknown and it reflects wild singularities proposed by Foucault and related with many misunderstanding things presented in institutions and cultures. Furthemore Bataille‟s conception about erotism will give us conditions to analyze nymphs‟ bodies in order to see themselves from their main characteristics, such as seduction and tempting and maligning forces. We still aim to focus the paradigm of mankind and nature in the direction presented by Edgar Morin. He analyzes some feelings that nymphs provoke and their relation between men and death. In adittion, we present in this issue some questions between culture and biology, focusing on the initial period of larva (wich means the beggining), bringing up what is ready to be born, a mythical and significant body shown in the media. Lolita in the cinema and A Presença de Anita in the TV was disturbing in society and it projected the possibility of a syntaxes of desire. It can has a symbolic purpose or it can be a kind of social and cultural phenomenon, wich is an object of representation. Our purpose is to immersion/emerge in the Nimphs‟s body with adventure and its risks at the same time in wich we are crossing frontiers
Le Poète Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), l un des artistes les plus controversés du XXème siècle, se déclarait comme un chrétien gnostique. Malgré cela, il ne s est aligné sur aucune institution et/ou doctrine établie. Mais, il a eu dans la dimension religieuse sa thématique préférée. La proposition de ce travail est de comprendre la religiosité chez Pessoa par le moyen de la lecture d images suscitées à partir de la lecture de son oeuvre, et ainsi, mettre en évidence dans sa vaste production, des significations poétiques qui peuvent être associées à des signes de religiosité, soit dans son contenu manifeste, soit dans le contenu latent de son oeuvre. Ceci, en comprenant que Pessoa, dans tous ses personnages créés par l intermédiaire de l hétéronymie, a fait usage dans son écriture du langage symbolique des univers religieux les plus distincts pour composer sa propre forme de religiosité. Il apparaît que celle-ci est pluriforme et a peut-être com objectif de contrarier les limites sociales établies pour l exercice de la foi
This work analises the social relationship between Television and the Family though the resignification of individuals about Television messages and the speeches that they make about Family. Firstly, the objective is to understand if the principles, values and beliefs constructed and communicated (repassed) inside the Family filter the messages from the Mass Media. Secondly, if there still exists a family culture able to forge identity against so many cultural exchanges. Thirdly, what the function of this identity in the production of senses is. In session 1 and 2, a general approach about the dissemination of Mass Media in Society and the pertinence of the work is presented. Session 3 is about the method used: a qualitative research, with thirteen families from Natal-RN, situated in the Middle Class. The theorical base is considered in the fourth session where the reference to the evolution of the Family is made, with enphasis on the Middle Class and some theories that analyze the pheomenom of the Mass Media , specially in the second half of twentieth century. In session 5 and 6, the research data is presented and analyzed. Finally, in the last session, as a conclusion it can be said that the value of the Family as emotional support is reforced by the speeches and practices that interfere in the signification procces, singular aspects, as well as the social repertoire constructed per si and by institutions (including the family) moreover, mediative message is assimilated by the receiver and becomes understood inside the learned speeches during the receiver‟s history of life, although these messsages are also components in the construction of these repertoire.
Inspirés par la « méthode » artisanat intellectuel propose par le sociologue Wright Mills, notre étude porte sur la formation du champ de pratiques discursives et non discursives (Michel Foucault) de la nutrition sociale dans le contexte de la société brésilienne dans lequel s insère le champ de la santé. Le travail empirique s épuise sur une source de documents normatifs de ce champ et s oriente à vérifier et à comprendre comment le praticien de la nutrition émerge dans le scènario des pratiques de la santé au Brésil à partir du milieux du 20ème siècle, tout en construisant son « regime de vérité » fondé dans des processus biopolitiques du champ de la médecine sociale. Nous avons relié deux phénomènes: a) l émergeance du champ biomédical de la nutrition comme une instance biopolitique, en approchant cette formation à l'histoire de la médecine sociale, depuis ses débuts européens jusqu'au contexte brésilien ; b) les pratiques discursives et non discursives du champ de la nutrition lequel est compris dans le Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS - Système Unique de Santé) brésilien. La démarche de recherche comprend l'élaboration et analyse d'une archive composée de publications qui contiennent l'Histoire du praticien de la nutrition au Brésil et des publications officielles disponibles dans le site web « Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição » (Politique Nationale d'Alimentation et de Nutrition) lesquelles sont considérées comme des guides d actions des praticiens de la nutrition sociale dans le Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Le concept de biopouvoir, décrit par Michel Foucault entre 1974 et 1979, et la notion de biopolitique, dans son sens réinterprété et mis à jour par Giorgio Agamben, Antônio Negri et Michael Hardt, ont fourni le support théorique de cette recherche
Analysis of the northeastern sugar economy insertion on the modernization process of these economy based on the José Lins do Rego literary Discourse. In order to do so, there were used the literary works Fogo Morto, Menino de Engenho, Bangüê and Usina as study objects. Throughout the prosecution of a exploratory and documental bibliographic research it was identified that, in the cited literary works, there are three specialties corresponding to the main scenarios of the plots, the Santa Fé and Santa Rosa mills and the Bom Jesus mill factory. We have conceived the mills as main charachters, since all stories deployment corresponds to the other charachters reactions to the many forms that the specialties are, or not, affected by the modernization. Therefore, the narratives in Fogo Morto, Menino de Engenho, Bangüê and Usina reaffirm the viability of the literary discourse application as a source for the construction of the sociological interpretation of the northeastern sugar economy process of modernization in the end of 19th century and beginning of the 20th century
This work aims at analyzing how Adam Smith, one of the founders of the liberal regime was seen by Roberto Campos, one of the patriarchs of Brazilian liberalism. In this sense, it will be shown how and why the legacy of Scotland was used to legitimize the new pattern of accumulation necessary to capitalism from the second half of the twentieth century on. So, it is the intention to make explicit that the changes in Campos discursive form are consistent with the requirements of capitalism in crisis and were fundamental in the creation of another common sense. To achieve these goals it will be assessed in what way the liberal rhetoric of the Brazilian, harmonized with foreign authors with the same vision, has become an important weapon to transform Smith into a myth in contrast to the political and economic criteria advocated by the same, but valuable to what Roberto Campos intended
This text aims to undertake an analysis of the process of building the "problem of poverty" in Brazil. From a sociological approach on discourses and interpretations of poverty present in literary intellectuals representatives of some of the classics of Brazilian social thought, as well as in scientific works produced from mid-twentieth century and in the reports of various international organizations and national, such as the IMF, World Bank, MDS, IPEA, among others
Homosexuality has been gaining strength in Cinema from the late twentieth century, when there is a dissemination of freedoms around the peripheral or marginal sexualities. Based on this assumption, it was formulated in the dissertation work, an analysis of the relationship between Cinema and Sexuality in order to understand, describe, reflect and analyze possible changes around the performative behaviors of male homosexual from the introduction of them in film production, arising from the mass culture industry. These productions are located in three different decades. In this case, the Cinema has not only the reproductive character of realities, but also a producing agent and consolidating them. The methodology applied was discourse analysis of three film works, namely La Cage aux Folles (1978), In & Out (1997) and Boat Trip (2002). The image, research object of this work, is developed by a mass culture that will produce mass identities which is characterized by crystallization of clichés around the gay world